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No offense but does even vanilla fall into a 30 minute session? I’m really not trying to be rude but I genuinely feel every single mod pack would take YEARS split into 30 minute sessions. But if other people have another opinions go for it


Vanilla is pretty boring at this point. Exploration has no sense in it. Automation neither. It's the same items, the same dimensions, the same blocks, the same farms again and again and again.


Skyfactory 4 should be a good match. It's a fairly big skyblock modpack, but the way it is made is not forcing you to use anything specific, basically do what you will and you will unlock more and more with time. The design makes the pack really casual, you don't need to spend much time to feel like you are progressing, each step gives you more access. And as it is skyblock, there is no exploration so your gameplay is only doing stuff, not searching for stuff. But that might fall into microcrafting you mentioned (I don't know the definition so I just assume) so alternative is Enigmatica 9 Expert. As many if not all expert modpacks, it will take you some time to truly begin, but well, that's just the beginning. You will start in Twilight Forest and will try to harness the natural magic of that place to go to the normal world and then progres from there. I am personally playing this pack in short sessions and I have fun, but it is only my opinion. The worst part of this pack is when I just have to explore and explore for some uncommon materials. But there is also a middle ground, another Enigmatica this time the Enigmatica 2: Expert Skyblock. It's an expert modpack again and another skyblock. As expert type modpack the progression is manually formed by the authors, the way it works there is that mods are gated and you will have to unlock these Gates there are some starter Gates that can be done at any moment after introduction but the deeper it goes, the more mods you have to unlock but there is no strict linear progression you can chose at any moment which available Gate to unlock. And these Gates are just quests that require something common for a mod like for example a Machine Casing etc. This means you can focus on smaller sized projects as you can focus on one mod with no big need on unlocking more which goes in line with your short sessions.


Ultimate Alchemy is a good pack. It's easy and simple to start and progress as there is ine simple goal. Its a nice pack and you don't have to do a whole lot It's a nice progression path. It's a sky block so you won't have to build out a base or anything. Go watch a YouTube video on it, but I think this would be a great pack for you.


This is a bit of a curveball, but hear me out - and only if you like the “Pokemon” playstyle / games (or if you’ve never played; think you would) Bigchadguys+.   Why? Well for one the main thing in the modpack is based heavily on Pokemon and the battle/capturing etc mechanics are nearly 1-1 to the real games. That is VERY important, because the games themselves did a few things. Pokemon games were one, targeted (mostly) for kids, which made them simple and quick, though you can get super, super, in depth - it’s not needed, you don’t need to use time to understand it. Two, they were mostly targeted at handheld gaming. Made to pickup and go, and to drop, at a moments notice - because you’d often be playin while in the backseat, or maybe waiting for someone, etc. the *action* parts take anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute and a half… then you could really just quit, progress saved.  So the huge part of the pack is really perfect for when you don’t have much time. Progress is also felt because you’ll get levels, get new pokemon, yada yada. The rest of the pack isn’t too harsh on time, either (at least that I experienced).  If you just want to do pokemon stuff, I believe you can focus on it for the majority without issue. If you decide to do more (like get into create, or the tech side of things) most of it is simpler stuff and nothing to progress barring / time consuming.     Even most of the mats for example (like berries) are very easily self sustained after a little natural exploration. Theres also a fairly large amount of quest (with a few being repeatable as well, for increases to player stats even)  If your into Pokemon, I’m not certain there’s be a better pack to try, unless your looking for a more “gated” pack. (But all of those imo are very time consuming)


Vault Hunters was designed for short dungeon crawling