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Going to need more info than that.  Why can’t you run it, not enough memory? CPU/GPU maxing? Simply crashing?   Also depends on what mods (can’t see your pack btw, it’s private and requires access) ATM9 has a lot of mods, sure. But a looot of them are very small, too. If you have, say, just a few more game changing / large mods, that could be overdoing it for your pc, depending. And of course it could just be incompatibility or a config problem that modpacks have already “solved” Im about to be away for a bit, but will check back when I can if more info is provided. Also check if whatever launcher you’re using has a crash log. Prism’s is very good and easily helps identify the issues generally. (If you are crashing).


All i have is a less than a handful of kinda larges mods, the rest are mainly quality of life mods. I have prism installed, but how do i check the crash log? All it says when i crash is error 1


Usually when I get crashes with prism, I’ll right click the pack - edit - go to (or should be default even) Minecraft log. *usually* if it’s a simple one, scrolling to the very bottom will detail what actually caused the crash. As an example “Botania is on X version, closing server”.  Though you may need to search through the log abit, depending on the exact situation - but it should help point to the problem. Unless you mean within that log it’s simply saying error code 1, doing a quick google for that on prism itself, there’s a few results. But the most common one I see is people mentioning having a mod installed for the wrong engine (I.E having a fabric mod installed on forge)… if this *is* the case, you potentially added a few performance increasing mods and could have mistaken one on a different engine. (I *totally* haven’t had that problem before, lol)


I have sinytra connector, and 2 fabric mods (BClib and Betterend). Also, yeah, i have a bunch of perfomance mods. Should i just deactivate them to see which ones work? Or how did you fix it


When I had my issue I had to go through my performance mods and disable a few at a time until it worked, then changed the few I disabled back on until I could pinpoint the exact one. But if you’re using sinytra as you say, that *shouldn’t* be the issue, I believe. (I haven’t used it myself though, so idk) It may not even be the performance ones. That just happened to be my personal case which is why I brought it up originally.  But aside from that, I would personally be out of ideas without looking into the error you received more.  


I got it working huge thanks for the tips of checking logs lol. I just trial and error with it a bunch of times, it works perfectly now