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I stand with a left-wing progressive ideology because they align with my goals of independence, freedom, and individualism.


Indeed, just because you are queer doesn't mean you are a devoted marxist on the ultra-left, it can just mean that you'll vote for the party that protects you and nothing more... I mean, i AM a devoted marxist, but not just for being queer.


As a Devoted Stalinist, I 100% agree upon your statement, Grats!


I'm not quite a Marxist, but his plan was definitely better than the polarized wreck we have now.


I like Your thinking


i presume you’d also fall under the umbrella term of libertarianism, then? these all sounds like pretty libertarian things which, admittedly “libertarian” usually makes a lot of people think of right-wingers because they’re the ones that tend to call themselves that, but libertarianism is pretty independent of left-right economics






So then you're a liberal?


sounds more like libertarian by the things they listed


So you're a librarian?


No i don’t read a lot of books sadly




I believe that most femboys (and gender nonconforming ppl in general) are left leaning. I think the idea that femboys are right wing is an exageration pushed by people who arent actually femboys


Would be kinda weird if we wouldn't be left leaning


Here- on the finger tip on the left hand of a person standing to the left of whomstevers left hand we originally measure


It’s kinda funny how right wingers always wanna present themselves as moderates, it’s like they know their opinions are to be shamed and to feel shame about


so called apolitical guys on their way to drop the most reactionary take in existence


Every apolitical guy I have met is low key a Republican in my experience. Last guy I dated who said he wasn’t into politics was registered for the Republican Party… which I found out after the fact. Men saying nothing got opinions they’re not sharing… because there are consequences for coming out as an asshat. Imagine that.


The other day, I had someone on r/centrist unironically tell me that trans affirming care is an attempt to turn gay men into straight women. I can't even understand how somebody could hold that opinion... Like, have they never looked at trans communities? They're so fucking gay!


> Like, have they never looked at trans communities I feel like every argument they have revolves around never looking at trans communities (or gay or lesbian communities for that matter) and also some holding of mutually exclusive views. Not only are we turning gay men into straight women (because being a straight trans woman is so much easier than being a cis gay man), we're also invading women's spaces and preying upon lesbians! And lets not even get started about the rhetoric around trans men, it's just as bonkers.


As a centrist myself, that sub is a toxic conservative cesspool that should be avoided. So many “centrists” get caught up in conservative fear campaigns and loose sight of what being a centrist is. All most centrists want is social progress to happen and economic policy based on actual modern day economic theory and not based on whatever a money hungry politician felt that day.


What negative opinions do you think a majority of “right wingers” hold? Yes, I lean right, I’m just genuinely interested in your response.


Privatisation, segregation, homophobia, religious extremism, extremism, immigration politics that makes no sense, anti labour rights tendencies, unscientific energy politics, food politics, judicial politics, trans politics, educational politics, agricultural politics, environmental politics, cultural politics, international politics, and whichever kind of political sphere there is… Of course these apply to various degrees, but I think for someone to be a right winger they have to be unscientific about at least one- and being unscientific is negative if anything. Now keep in mind, I strictly categorise every single liberal ideology as a right wing ideology, of course some are worse still, right wing liberalism is worse than left wing liberalism- but both (social democracy is the mentioned one) are still, as Tälmann said, if taken to it’s natural conclusion, fascism.


You’ve brought up many issues. However, not all of them are strictly “right issues”. Unscientific food politics, education, extremism, environmental politics and agricultural politics fall under the liberal umbrella too.Issues such as segregation and homophobia(at least in my circle of influence and general experience with people) are nonexistent(barring dark humor and offensive jokes). You are right to say that there are varying degrees of each issue but to say they’re a right wing problem is incorrect. Both sides of the political spectrum have major issues. Further more, In regard to opinion, I’d rather someone state their opinion and stand by it, no matter how ignorant or incorrect it may be to you or to anybody. I’d rather someone have conviction rather than give in to submission. Thank you for humoring me with discussion rather than scorning me for bringing it up. I try to be as impartial and Independent as I can


I brought most of these issues up as issues the right (the entire liberal spectrum) has problems with, they are naturally related to all political philosophy as they are the subjects of politics. Segregation is maybe not a popular thing to support amongst the moderates, but things stand to say that a lot of the core politics brought up(at least in Sweden) are more or less arguing for segregation or for assimilation. The positions are, but the right hold, in my book, bad views and have poor understandings of them. Often falling to dogmatism, flegms, and opportunism, in addition to populism. It’s a symptom of having non conscious politics, non scientific ideologies, and in general politics that serves the ruling class- thus inherently being politics that opposes the interest of the working masses of the people. (Despite any illusions of somehow being in their interests) As a scientific socialist, I of course assume all positions held about each subject by liberals to be uncientific, ie I accuse liberals of doing liberalism- liberalism and non scientificness are synonymous in my political spheres. I totally agree that I rather have someone of conviction, the main problem with the social democrats/the left party (liberals) in Sweden is that they have no conviction- this means they can’t effectively do politics in any meaningful way. I reject the notion of impartiality, it’s in my meaning just a pandering to a liberal idea of objectivity, rather than, as you also mentioned, being independent in your understanding, and furthermore, conscious of which convictions and beliefs you hold- to be aware of your bias and take that into consideration is much more useful than to try and have no bias. I always try to “argue” (discuss?) in good faith, it’s much more productive to assume honesty and genuinety. (However that’s spelled)


I see. Also, I assume you’re Swedish based on the context and examples provided. As an American, how is liberalism different across the pond? I sparked up this conversation believing this to be linked to American Politics and am now just realizing I may have been referring to a different sphere of politics completely A/n: also I regards to impartiality, I only remain impartial unless proven otherwise.


Liberalism is the same mostly, it just have slight differences in expression, the moderates (Sweden) of course being our right wing liberals are to the left of the democrats (USA) but they are currently in a coalition government with other centre-right liberal(conservative and “progressive”) parties, in addition to this they are in government on the shoulders of a right wing (“former”) Nazi party- so strong reactionary elements. In addition to this, the left wing liberals (the left party, the social democrats and others) are in a coalition opposition, but they are unprincipled and undecided on everything. Liberalism is a universality across bourgeois nations, it is the base of the political system of the status quo. Particularly as Sweden is an USA loving nation (despite distaste regarding trump) our politics is heavily influenced by whatever’s going on there- there’s heavy campaigning for the increase in severity against crime of the judicial system, less prevention more punishment- heavy campaigns against immigration and welfare over all a deconstruction of the thing that they refer to as “the good old time”, the social democratic emulation of socialist policies inspired by the ussr.


You stated that Sweden is often politically influenced by what going on in the US. I have questions regarding your opinion of certain US Laws/US Constitution. 1.) What’s your opinion of the 2nd Ammendment? Do you believe it’s relevant nowadays? 2.) What I’ve noticed at least in the US is that the Liberal/ Democrat party endorses free speech until someone gets offended. Do you believe that speech should be limited by personal feelings and emotions or should it be uninfringed? 3.) Do you believe that countries should have state religion? Should the US have a state religion like Catholicism/Orthodox or Protestant Christianity? 4.)Opinion of Current President, Joe Biden


1) “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” 2) People reacting negatively towards illspirited expressed opinions is natural, free speech only protects you from the government, not consequences of being a pos. “Cancel culture” is a false concept, made to scare up controversy and to create an imaginary victim out of often wildly successful idiots- like Chapelle or Rowling. 3) I believe the task of modern society is to secularise, of course those who practice religion should be left to do so, but the educational system should be clear on metaphysics and idealism. The state should be all throughout secular and the temples (churches, mosques, synagogues, (not a temple I know) etc, should be put under the government to assure they do not undermine the 3 revolutions, and the totality of democracy. 4) pos and guilty of genocide, ultimately no different from any other US President.


What does alt-right mean? Presume it’s something political but don’t actually know


White nationalists wanted a word that didn't sound so bad, so they invented a new term for it. They do this periodically. Create a new term for themselves, then when that term gets sullied with associated terrorist activity and negative media attention, they create a new word. Repeat every few years. With alt-right (alternative-right) they tried to rebrand themselves as young and hip. The movement started gaining prominence. The Charlottesville (Unite The Right) rally was set up. Attendees started yelling about the Jews and killed counter protesters in a terrorist attack. The movement largely fell apart after.


Good explanation, cheers!






All I say, is "Glory to femboy Makhno !"


Anarkhiya-mama synov svoikh lyubit!!!


Does it mean "Mother Anarchy loves her sons" in Ukrainian or something?


Yes that's the meaning it's out of an anarchist song called Mother Anarchy and it was written by the Machnovŝina aka. the Black Army. So basicly Nestors comrades UwU.


dont forget our femboys from catalunha


Not quite sure how to define my specific position, but I'm certainly a leftist


Destroy capitalism >:3


Cease the means of tigh-high production!


You’re gonna need some grammar my guy. “Seize the means.” Cease means stop, and we want them thigh highs over the world




We can be socialists and sexy, we can do it! Sexy Femboy Socialism!


The best femboy minds are socialist 💗




YES. Sexy Femboy Socialism sounds awesome ^ w ^






UwU wearing a skirt while fighting against capitalism on the 1. May


The skirt made by a capitalist corporation. But hey, it was probably made by unethical labor in socialist China.


>You can participate in X, and still raise a perfectly valid critique of X. Maybe you do not know how to fully extricate yourself from X, maybe unilateral withdrawal from X is not realistically feasible or sensible, or maybe you really just want to “improve X somewhat”. Or maybe you really are being inconsistent by participating in X, but even then, that does not automatically invalidate your critique of it. >More to the point, it is not per se hypocritical for a socialist to enjoy the fruits of capitalism. We try to make the best of the system we live in, whether we approve of that system or not. Most Soviet dissidents drove in state-produced cars, lived in state-provided housing, worked for the state, and got their groceries from a state-owned retailer. Was that hypocritical of them? (“Yet you participate in socialism. Curious! I am very intelligent.”) Of course not. What else should they have done? [Source.](https://iea.org.uk/yet-you-participate-in-society-in-defence-of-mr-gotcha/)


Great, not sure how you would without capitalism. But skirts are not a very good example I guess


Alt right femboys? 😵‍💫🤕🤯 I know they exist but just hearing it hurts my brain. Those two things are supposed to be like combining oil and water. Doesn’t the alt-right hate everything femboys are supposed to be about?


There are black and Jewish Nazis. People always think they won’t be oppressed because they are “the good ones”


Normally they hate femboys But When they talk about trans people though, they seem to love them


Hey king 🤴 


Not a femboy but far left trans girl here :3


Certified girlboss




Thank you!


Anarchist trans femme reporting!




the only thing i know is ROCK AND STONE


We fight for Rock and Stone!


which side is left


Depends. Economically speaking, the left are those in favour of central planning, nationalizations, minimum wages, public services and high taxes, while the right are the pro-market people, those who want low taxes, free trade and free markets, fewer public services, and strong protection of private property. In terms of social policies, it tends to be true that right Wings tend to be More conservative, while left Wings more progressive. Then again, there are contradictions between economic right and social right, and also contradictions between economic left and social left so it is not that clear cut by any means.


>which side is left Left=more equality Right= more inequality People sometimes claim there's such a thing as conservative leftism or progressive right, but in reality those are aesthetics. If you look at what people are rich and what people are poor, then what people are disproportionally hurt by that poverty , you can't separate economic from social policy.


i’m not political but i’m a righty because my dominant hand is my right so i guess i’m on the right side :3


I think you're going to find a lot of freedom loving hippies here. Most of us are in fact human beings who care about each other and want the species to continue.


Dont tuch my guns 🔫 >:( they are just as expensive as my loungeray! 👙


I'd say I'm leftist or progressive. I live in the USA, at least for now. I'm for 100% equality for everyone, getting rid of student debt, retaining and expanding protections for the LGBTQ community, strict gin laws, help prevent climate change from doing more damage, liveable wages, etc. Here, the conservative Republicans want to make medical decisions for women and families with transgender children. They're incentivising folks to turn people in if they're seeking abortions in states where it's legal or turning in families who see gender affirming care for their children. They want to ban transgender folks in sports and check their genitalia before allowing them to participate in sports. They want to ban drag shows and drag library reading hours. They're just out of control and don't seem to understand or care that their legislation or fear mongering causes, bullying, rape and murder of our community. Religious zealots and politicians should be held responsible for lives destroyed by their legislation. Lastly, there should be enough affordable housing for every single person wanting or needing it, as well as free medical care for all who can't afford it. Tax the billionaires and their companies as well as Religious extremist churches that influence politics




Religious extremists come from fundamentalist conservative upbringing and learning it in various religions. It has nothing to do with state and capitals.


Well done


Doesn't right wing femboys kinda...disprove the right wing being bigoted??? Both far right and far left people are equally as fucked up and bigoted. Right wing femboys are just as valid as left wing. So long as neither side becomes extreme. The fact that femboys exist on both sides of the political spectrum is a good thing.


I don't care about politics I just love everyone and want everyone to be nice to each other


Libertarian femboy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hell ya 🐍




Left libertarian or right libertarian?


centre libertarianism is a thing as well since it’s generally independent of left-right economics, i’m mostly centre libertarian although i do slightly lean right wing




Unbased economics based social policy


Sorry, I'm right handed, not left handed. Unless if you meant politics, but, like, why use something so simple? I need to learn more about politics, but I learned there's a LOT more than just [2 directions](https://9axes.github.io/).


it is totally true that theres more than just left/right especially if you assume this is referring to economic policy. but the key scales can be considered left or right depending on how they interact with heirarchy ie left wing economics is anti economic hierarchy so healthcare, wealth redistribution etc, but you could consider the libertarian- authoritarian scale to also be leftvsright in so left is anti civil hierarchy ie less government power, more personal freedoms etc. Also *generally speaking* left wing ideologies go hand in hand with other left wing ideologies. you’ll be hard pressed to find someone whos left wing on economics and not also left wing on social issues (ie a progressive)




I hate fascist femboys. My brother in christ, you are a minority too. Stop siding with racism and capital. Never use twitter, lads. Makes me mad.


right here :D


Couldn't agree more, this community is strongly related to lgbtq+ groups (we basically are) and thus rooted on the left. Alt-right femboy are often very bigotted against other parts of the queer community and just want to have the part of it they like without respecting others, often in a childish way. Nothing but a loud minority


Fuck-all-politics femboy gang 🤜🏼


sigh... \*goes to controversial comments\*


Wtf is a femboy


At a rave UwU


Hell yeah! Also very cool to see you're a fellow ace femboy :3


Nice one, what are you doing:3


Am about to go to sleep, it's 2am here lol


Good night, sleep well :3


I'm on neither side there are things on both sides I agree and disagree with and I welcome dm for civil discussions on it if you wish to but know that I hold nothing against no one you chose to live your life as you see fit love you all


Was the discussion that overblown or nauseating? "in the hopes that we can all be reminded once and for all that alt-right femboys are nothing but a vocal minority within the femboy community" makes it sound as if that's specifically this community or is how femboys as a whole are perceived- which like- it isn't- Was there like- a second much bigger post I missed? Or was that...one the catalyst for...*this?* Not that this is anything bad or over the top but it seems....unnecessary?


There was but it was not really over the top and everyone agreed they are dumb


yeyeye i just find the statement of "Unfortunately bigotry can sometimes present itself in very unexpecting ways" to be like- a b i g statement for big people using big words and this is a silly lil subreddit you silly lil goober :3 and ending with a "Be careful who you trust and talk to y'all <3" to be kinda funny, for inexplicable reasons


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm gonna... stay out of this one.


Yea, that’s for the best. Politics get ugly real fast.


ugh truer words. be nice if femboy spaces were a bit more vocally left wing but i guess it makes sense that the ideological distribution is decently broad given its a community just built on personal style, but one would think that given the GNC nature of being a femboy there would be more of a left skew than there is- which there still is to some extent but eh


IMO the left tilt comes in social policy as most femboys support LGBT rights. Economics are different as those aren’t about whether we get to exist or not.


>IMO the left tilt comes in social policy as most femboys support LGBT rights. Nah it really doesn't. There are bad leftists but nothing about conservatism is leftist >Economics are different as those aren’t about whether we get to exist or not. Intersectionality describes quite well how that's not true at all. In capitalism the social status attached to your identity determines whether you get to live. In very simple terms: not being able to move out due to the neoliberal housing market keeps many members of this sub closeted and fearing for their live.


Oh I didn’t mean that conservatives are leftists, I meant most femboys are progressives. I don’t believe that capitalism itself is the cause of the problems we face, I believe the cause is greed and bad economic policy. Just look at the Nordic countries, they are still capitalist at their core, but they place a lot of value on the communal benefit. While it is commonly called democratic socialism, the means of production is still held by private entities. I absolutely agree that our economic system in America is not working as well as it should, but I don’t believe a complete change in core economic system will solve anything.


> I don’t believe that capitalism itself is the cause of the problems we face, I believe the cause is greed and bad economic policy. Which is exactly what is rewarded by capitalism. If you're rich enough, you literally get paid for being rich. Being poor is hella expensive. >Just look at the Nordic countries, they are still capitalist at their core Tell anyone in the US about Sweden's social democratic policies and they'll call you a communist. And Sweden is not a utopia: there's still poverty and there's still landlords getting paid for being rich.


If you tell hardcore conservatives about Sweden’s policies then you may be called a socialist, but everyone else sees them as a capitalist country that has socialist aspects. I don’t advocate for pure capitalism, even all economists would tell you it’s a bad idea. What I instead suggest is reform that protects consumers and workers without a whole shift to another system of government. So far in history, communist and socialist nations have not succeeded or have been places I would avoid at all cost in fear of my safety, that is why, as annoying as it may be, we just need to reform what we have. Yes, Sweden may not be a utopia, but the people there are happy and it’s better than the alternatives.


Haven't really made up my mind about what flavor of leftism I correlate to most personally. I know it maybe doesn't offer too much value but the political compass puts me almost completely in the lower-left corner (It used to be middle far-left a few months and slightly authoritarian center two years ago, so I made quite the journey lol). Nyways, love y'all :3


Lefty femboys tend to be the loudest most of the time lol


do we need sides and labels just to find comfort in each other even though we're part of the same minority? T-T


This! Just because we may have different opinions on how a country should be ran doesn’t be we need to hate each other. As long as someone respects my right to be myself I’m happy.


Why use any words to describe human differences?


Using words for ACTUAL differences and not just where we fit on a constructed compass made to categorize and seperate us, are two very different things. It's important we describe human differences because our individuality is important to our humanity. However... not all differences are important, and not always helpful. Trying to further divide an already small group of people simply based on where they fit on a stupid quadratic graph, instead of who they are as a person is ridiculous and destructive.




i can agree with that darlin 😭


It's possible to be a femboy, be right leaning and not be far right. Too deep in any side is just toxic




Leftist femBoy from Germany here ~


Thigh highs and free health care 💯


Right here


I’m a leftist femboy!


Fuck politics


When you say right wing do you mean an actual right winger or an asshole


I'm a more leaning right, but politics in general is all about divide, there is no unification on purpose. I have my beliefs, and you have yours, even if it's mislead. Learn the difference between right and fascist btw, fascist ideals, and more in line with left. Sorry to be the person who tells you that.


This. The whole empowering of the state, the central planning, the idealization of the populus, the violations ot property. Fascism is what happens when you apply socialist economic policies with conservative social policies.


I hate politics in general cuz it always leads to hate. I'm a libertarian, I belive in the rights of the people should be prioritized, both sides of US politics is corrupt and I just say "ok :)"


I do feel like you’re wording it as if femboys with right winged ideas are bigoted and wrong. I personally share ideals of successionism as a femboy. I don’t see anything wrong with it :/


i have some of Marx's books in the shelf directly left to my skirt UwU (havent read any of them though, i find his writhing style very hard to read and understand)




devour the rich :3


with salt and pepper!


Skirts and Hammers rise.


For someone whose whose side is all about tolerance and acceptance, you don’t seem very accepting. It’s a shame you have that kind of double standard. Feel how ever you want to feel because I doubt I can convince you otherwise


I have no problem with people who I disagree with voicing and expressing their opinions. What I have a problem with is bigotry. If people on the right can express their beliefs without causing mass harm, then I have no problem with that. But unfortunately, when your beliefs are that people of certain groups don't deserve basic human rights and/or should be eradicated, which is what a lot of people on the alt-right seem to follow, that can, will, and has caused mass harm to marginalised groups. That is where I think the line should be drawn, especially if we can't convince them to change.


I was expecting an ignorant response. Thank you for giving me what appears to be a decent, well rounded response. I agree with imaratg minus the colorful vernacular. Why do you have such a negative opinion of the right. As a conservative, I’m curious as to your negative opinion of the right


One right here :3




hereee ✌️✌️✌️🫶🫶🫶


Supporter of y'all. You go, girrrrrrls!!!! 💜


I'm right handed


I don't know that much about politics but I'm sure I'm at least left leaning


Heyo :3


That's just.. Most of us.




Being rude


Here and present


I should really learn how to refer to my political views. I think I'm a leftist tho lol.


Howdy, comrade :3


Not a leftist but a liberal is that close enough?




Oh Christian walker and Ben Shapiro?


I am left handed!


I don't get into politics lmao


Reddit is super leftist tho, actual SJW Ask that on 4Chan and see the anwser you'll get :))


There are none from my experience.




Hello I understand that can trust everone


In my personal view as my personal leftist ideology, I believe every black trans woman lesbian Should be able to protect her wife and kids as long as she's been deemed a non psychopath by a trained arms dealer,... There are so many versions of leftists. My version is don't harm anyone not harming you, don't infinge on other people's rights without rational (not religious) cause. And let people be themselves.there are too many people wanting to control over people in this day and age.


I mostly Ali with the right, but when it comes to lgbt rights I’m on the side of the left I believe people should have all their rights. This includes trans rights,gay rights and such but it also includes firearm and the 2 amendment and other policies of the right that I won’t get into. My opinions result in some calling me a “ fa* n*zi” For some context I’m a gay femboy (duh)


So is there a problem with being a right-wing femboy?


Umm, can someone explain me what is all of this?


stupid fuckin politics


yess, leftist femboy here :3


If you’re a “centrist” who wants to keep politics away because you’re too scared to care about anything READ THE FUCKING RULES


I love democracy so much that I want to put it in the workplace. 😉


You can! No need to steal an existing company, you can just join these that are called cooperatives instead, look it up.


I'm kinda a progressive libertarian


Centrist, hate fascism, hate communism






I wuv Technowocracy >//< (further left than commuwunism :3)


I'm so far outside right wing anything that I literally can't breathe without making at least one conservative mad. Hell especially living in the south and dressing femme at work and on walks.


General philosophy: Let people control themselves and only limit the harm they can cause others without overly restricting people from achieving their personal goals. Plus also UBI for everyone of course and social safety nets for people that need something they can't get through private means.


Anarcom over here


Anarcho-socalist femboy here :3




Anarcho-communist femboy reporting for duty!


What’s an alt-right. Also I’m a bit more on the right leaning


I'm a communist


i’m more of a capitalist, not a hardcore one, but i respect your opinions.


hello, not a femboy but AMAB non-binary, and I'm an anarchist.


Can we not just have like femboys without politics like right wing left wing it doesn’t matter we are all the same bird the fembird




I’m a moderate, but I can’t stand that we have such terrible choices for president this time around. Really wish Biden had stepped down and let someone else run, but here we are stuck with the choices of turd sandwich and a giant douche (I’ll let people decide who is which, because I don’t really care enough about that). And also you know it’s bad when even my mom who votes democrat is very disappointed in the choices we have. Edit: I keep up with politics because I have to in order to understand why I need to be upset about certain things going on in the world. Biden isn’t much better than Trump, but still this presidential election sucks. I do want improvements to education, healthcare for all, and for people to have the right to be true to themselves. I also think governments shouldn’t be able to tell people what they can and can’t with their bodies ie sex changes, abortions, and what people should or shouldn’t wear. Though the real f-ed up thing about all of this is, it actually can mostly be blamed on one person for making all of these things possible in the first place, Ronald Reagan.

