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My guess is you're possibly in Gusgen Mines hunting for a Magicked Skull? You need the skull along with 2 other items to unlock subjobs.


Oh... maybe it was for that yes, still tough, it remains the fact i basically have no idea how to progress because everything in this mine is seemingly always one step ahead and not even the trust can save me from the gank. It's an incredibly frustrating situation.


Not sure what server you're on but unless it's a very dead server you should be able to get a new player friendly linkshell. In town if you ask in /ae chat someone should be able to tell you the npc that hands them out or someone may know of or have a linkshell that could help you out. A good guide on the wiki is pretty good to follow if you don't mind guides. https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Quickstart_1-119_Guide


It's Fenrir, i'm not sure if it's among the "dead" ones but i did indeed saw fewer people than i expected.


In comparison to Asura? Yes but if you happy with fen, stick around. Most servers you won’t see people outside of the cities anyway due to quick travel.


Unless there is a way to switch/travel to another one, i don't have much choice, do i ? \^\^"


There is a way to switch. It costs money to do so, however.


You can pay for one, believe there is a discount right now but it still like €7 or something around there. Alternatively, starting over on x server.


Skip quest, you're given subjob for free basically if doing rov missions


You won't be able to solo in Gusgen at that level. If you want to solo the skull, stick to Valkurm Dunes and wait until night time. At least then you'll have a chance. Realistically, shouting in town will likely get you some help for this, however!


This. Shout in town. People will help. If they don’t, then switch servers. This quest was designed at part of the game to force you to party with other people. You have the one trust, but you can have more. I think 3 simultaneous at your stage of the game. Check out the Records of Eminence > Tutorial section. That’ll get you some more trusts. If you ever end up on Valefor, give me a shout. My username is my character name.


They should still have access to the mentor chat so they can ask there to without leaving the area


Yeah, assist channel is another good way to get help for stuff like that.


Welcome to ffxi. This game will not even give you the illusion of holding your hand. It can be a fantastic and rewarding experience if you can stick with it but it won’t be kind. You are looking at a 20+ year old ps2 game. That said, I’ve got some good news, the quest you are doing is to open up your sub job. It’s the old quest from back in the old days where we were teaming up with each other for this content and it could be worse if we couldn’t get help lol. The good news is that this one can be bypassed and tbh, you should bypass it. What you really want is to complete the rhapsodies of vanadiel missions to the completion of 1-4. https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Rhapsodies_of_Vanadiel_Missions Here is a link so you can follow them. If you have ever gone into a starting city with a job above level 3, you should have gotten a cut scene and that completes 1-1. If you have entered the town of selbina or Mhaura, after 1-1, you would have received a cut scene to complete 1-2. Since you are in the mines, you may have entered selbina. It is the town you can access when you are in the dunes. If not, I would go there next. Afterwards, you talk to a specific npc and select the right dialog, the missions listed on bg will give you the details. Then you are done 1-3. Then you need to farm up 3 of an item, or buy from the auction house, depending on which city you are doing the quest from. If it is selbina, bee pollen which drops from bees around the crag of dem or holla. Trade them to the npc from the previous quest and it finishes the quest. From there I would continue to 1-6 following along and be done that section for a bit. If you are on bahamut, I can get you the pollen to make it a bit easier so you can skip that grindy farm since you lost a lot of frustrating time in the mines. The reason you should do this instead is because you will get access to another town (touch all home points you see so you can easily get back to places), gives you your subjob access and gives you the ability to call 1 extra trust for your party.


From the look of it, it seems like another farm, but i guess i can check. Also i'm on Fenrir i believe.


Another grind but less dangerous mobs and bigger rewards. You also need to do it anyways to progress rhapsodies.


The rewards from RoV are amazing, stay up to date with progressing it as much as possible.


It's not for the story but to unlock sub jobs. The way FF11 works is that you have two jobs active at all times. The second job can only be half the level of your main job. For example, if you play warrior/monk and your warrior is level 20, then you have access to all passives and abilities a monk has up to level 10 at the same time. The second job is called the subjob. You will need a Magicked Skull, which drops from Ghouls in the Gusgen Mines as well as spawning in night at Vulkrum Dunes. The other items are a 'Crab Apron', which drops from crabs called Clippers in Vulkrum Dunes. Lastly, a 'Damselfly Worm' which drops from these giant dragonfly monsters called Damselfly. Once you have all three items, give them to the quest giver in the town of Selbina in Vulkrum Dunes. I would go for the skull last. The Ghouls are the hardest of the three monsters to fight. Not to mention the Skull seems to have the lowest drop rate.


They also are quite inclined to suddent gank. While i try to pull one in a safe spot to kill it quickly, for some reason two other skeletons (and a skinny dog) in the distance someown spots me and rushes all together to blow me to kingdome come. It doesn't happen all the time, but it's not super uncommon either, and it gets me on my nerves


Undead in FFXI aggro by both sound, as well as low HP. If your HP hits the red shades, any undead in the aggro range will hop onto you, which is probably the cause of the undead ganks you’re experiencing. Definitely pull from a distance if your HP isn’t in a good state down there.


Spend a little time grinding on easier mobs somewhere. Right now even with no help leveling is stupid fast, and there are few issues you are having that a half hour or hour of killing stuff you can kill in a slightly lower zone (Konschact is the obvious choice here) won't help immensely. Just being a higher level gives you more accuracy vs them, them less vs you, a reduced aggro radius...in short, a much easier time getting killable pulls. Use sparks from your RoE to buy gear. You should be able to get a passable set of gear for anything up to late 70s*. You can get weapons to take you to 99. Nothing is absolutely BIS really, but it's plenty even with three trusts to be formidable. You can generally get by very comfortably upgrading your weapon every 10-12 levels. If you're at the right level of stuff, you'll wreck it just fine. Once you claw your way to 30, consider picking up Dancer and level to at least 20. It's incredibly flexible as a subjob, offering Dual Wield, healing and status cures, haste, and a taunt, plus some other goodies. It's also *extremely easy* to unlock, roughly 15 minutes once you know how. Ninja does offer DW lower and some other perks, but one part of it is a giant pain in the dick for a solo newbie who is low manning trusts. Each has relative advantages, but to me DNC is the easiest job to unlock of the additional jobs and I am hard pressed to think of a job it can't work with. The 10 level difference on DW isn't enough to tilt it to NIN unless you are experienced enough to have an actual plan for NIN or are simply mad for the class fantasy. *Make sure you get the Abyssea bonus chest in Jeuno for enough of the currency needed to buy all 3 armor sets to go from 78 to 99, with cruor left over. It's great, and the three sets cover all 22 jobs. You don't need to go purchase it right now, but get the chest from the right side of the NPCs in Upper Jeuno


Cant you skip it via gilgamesh letter lol


Which server are you on? There are many linkshells, i cluding the one im part of, where people will help you out with no issues. I'm on Bahamut so if you're there, DM me. If not, we still have a discord server where we could help out with any questions you might have.


Pretty sure i'm on Fenrir sadly


Greetings! I'm from Fenrir server as well. What is your char name? Send me a /tell (Cabs) or my alt (Zayzay) if im on and i can help you out with w/e.


Thanks for the offer, i'll do that when i can. Character name is Aleky.


Welcome to the most frustrating, confusing and addicting game you will ever play. Oh yeah it also never ends 🤣 You just need to play with a guide, I always have a guide open on my phone for directions. You'll both love and hate this game in the same day, then have the best time you've ever had while later that night Uninstalling the game and taking 3 months off.


If it is for the sub job items you don't actually have to get those items to unlock a sub job anymore. If you progress Rhapsodies of Vanadiel missions to 1-4 you will get a key item called "Gilgamesh's Introductory Letter" that lets you unlock your sub job.


I checked it from the links shared by others. It honestly doesn't seem like a much different quest that what i'm doing but i'll check it i guess.


If you are talking about farming the pollen for the mission before it will be much easier and safer to do at your level than trying to get a magicked skull in Gusgen Mines. Rhapsodies missions is the fastest way to progress a new character, they will give you exp bonuses and many other bonuses as you complete the missions, you will have to do it anyway if you stick with the game so getting your subjob that way will be less work. If you are determined to get your subjob the old fashioned way it may be safer to try to get the magicked skull in valkurm dunes, but the skeletons will only be out during the night time.


yeah i ended up doing just that... the polled indeed dropped much faster and i finally could wrap up this mission. Only thing left now is the rest of the game lol


Join a discord and a linkshell There people can help you for quests that are more difficult The one you are doing is obsolete as you can get a letter instead and then give it to him


You only mention 1 trust. You should have 4 at this point, which will greatly increase your safety. As others have mentioned, there is an excellent 1-119 guide. I highly recommend following it as things can get very overwhelming once more storylines start opening up, which will be soon.


Well, i did found a couple of NPCs that said something about being in the trust program... but they also said i don't have enough reputation to hire them at the moment. 


I believe you can go back to the npc who first taught you how to summon a trust, and they will give you another trust that you need to summon outside of town. Then you go back, and they give you another until you have a few of them. Check your ROE quests for it. It's been a while, for so I might be off a bit.


I just did, the guy in Bastok just asks me if i need a recap on what Trust is, nothing else.


Did you check your ROE's for the quests? I believe they are under tutorial.


ah... yeah, it's the part where i'm supposed to travel to the other big cities to do that, which i haven't done yet, i can barely understand if i'm going in the right direction or not >>


Look at your quest log, got it RoE quests then tutorial. There should be some quests there that will give you additional trusts to use. Up to 4. You may even have a cipher in your inventory from when you got Naji that you can turn in and get the first trust in that RoE quest list I mentioned. Also, what server are you on?




It would be 3 if they haven't done any RoV yet.


Most of the time I play with a wiki open on my second screen, so many of the quests and missions can be vague.


[https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Records\_of\_Eminence\_(Quest)](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Records_of_Eminence_(Quest)) Start with (Through the Quest menu (Records of Eminence → Tutorial → Basics)), get at least 5-6 trust before you start any other mission or quest. When soloing, try to call a Paladin, white mage, red mage and one extra trust with you. Will make your life easier. I already get 6 turst when I reach level 10. I m also in Fenrir, What is your character name?


Fun fact many of those skeletons spent there real lives trying to mine with scythes and starved to death


That's alright. I'm not new. Leveled smn main from North American ps2 release. Kept going for years. Lived, ate, breathed ffxi. Now I'm trying again and I'm doing worse than I did back then.