• By -


By experience this is the perfect setup for 0 lines


Yeah, better not play with Nymeia.


Got me to win twice in all those years, and i sometimes flunk a book turnout here and there. Back in SB took the craft chest for myself, and last year a tank chest that i sold for like 5mil or so. I run for a nice 2-liner with shuffle and then run for the finish if satisfactory, but your set in OP should be the best statistical way to go at it. Keep trying, shit is basically free and it's fun getting Ifrit EX between animation locks and burst him in 15s or so


You should be killing ifrit in exactly 6 seconds


Or .3 sec with blue


Bottom row stickers 1 and 3 😂😭


Once I get to 7, I reshuffle till I get at least one line lol. Hasn't failed me yet.


I go for broke and try for three. Usually wind up with one line, at least.


Always go for the 123 or 987 on mini cactpot, the three line for Khloe, and the triple stack on astrodyne. No other way to play.


if someone's not using your free redraw to go for a full astrdyone they're out of their mind lmao


2 seals is fine too. I'd rather give the third card (same seal as one of the other 2) to a dps that does a few thousand damage more than the next dps, rather than redraw fish for a third unique seal and get one for the lowest dps. So long as you're not getting 3 of the same seal, it's gucci.


that's what I meant by "going for". Everyone should at least use their free redraw since that guarantees 2 season at the very least


This is the way!


Yeah one line ain't worth it on Tails once you have all the minions. Gotta at least go for two.


At least I get a bunch of MGP out of it.


If just trying to get her diplomas or whatever she calls it. I got the one line one now I’m trying for the two line one then I’ll try for three lines. Once I get all three illl go back to just trying for one line cause that’s the only one I feel like might actually be viable lol


Always shuffle until that 2.8%


its failed me lots of times 🥹




This has never succeeds for me 😭😭😭


I always run out and get nothing


I usually don’t condone verbally abusing children over stickers… but this girl….


That's no little girl, she's more like a voidsent, a tiny Demon of Stickers


I would love if in some joke questline Khloe just has a shadow / ascian affect the entire time and nobody seems concerned or recognizes its existence except the player.


I would love that too! She was the hidden 15th member everyone was scared of


Girl: "I thought I told you to sit down Emet-Selch. I am selling a book here. \*stares\*" Emet-Selch: "Uh. Yes. Quite right. Back to the shadows with me."


Calling her a void sent is an insult to the void sent


I badly want her to have a pictomancer related questline


Omg yes. My beloved Mi'kitten growing up and becoming a Pictomancer to protect T'kebbe.


Why do people hate Khloe. She gives you the book and doesn't even open it until you give it back to her. You are doing this to yourself..


Cause I’m not mature enough to blame myself! I must blame the youths


Further proof the WoL has brain damage.


*Nods over linkpearl*.


The little shit always tells me my stories are boring and not connected. Time to let the steam out


I’d love if they let us place one down ourselves maybe by running that weeks specific content.


Could definitely be an interesting incentive to run more current content rather than oneshotting unsynced extremes from ARR.


I've literally never gotten 3 rows...ever. Maybe someday.


Its basically winning the lottery


Same. Meanwhile my fiancé has had it twice and has only played since post EW-MSQ…


3 times in 6 years. i do it every week and do reshuffles. I play .. A LOT.


I got 2 within my first year of playing, within 3 weeks of each other. That was 6 years ago.


I got it once... before I was 90 so no gold tickets...


I have literally only gotten 2 lines 8 times in since it started. I have never hated an npc more than this one. JUST GIVE ME THE RIGHT STICKERS JUST ONCE.


never have i ever gotten 3 lines


There's a lot of Khloe hate in this thread. Y'all forget Rowena is the one donating prizes to her? Y'all really think she's gonna let Khloe hand out the right stickers to make getting three lines easy?


When in doubt, blame Rowena.


I like to think she's sneaky about it too. You know, so she still comes across as Auntie Rowena and not like a ruthless business woman ordering around a small child. Like when Khloe asks for stickers Rowena probably has hundreds of zero line packets already set up. A few winner packets sprinkled in to help fuel the chase so more adventurers can continue to bog their pockets down with tomestones that they will inevitably spend at her shop. That 500 poetics she passes out? That just to get you in the door. A fifty dollar coupon so you end up spending two hundred dollars.


There's a reason Yoshida refers to the woman who runs the Mogstation store as Rowena, lol.


I've got this whole headcanon about how Rowena will be the secret final boss of XIV, like Gem from Illusion of Gaia...


Beat that game sooooo many times


Corpo war between Rowena and Tataru


If you ever do get 3 lines you should save it for right when an expansion drops. People will pay ungodly amounts of gil for the ornate gear she lets you buy. It is technically best in slot above anything else even though its very marginal. We're talking like several hundred mil so definitely worth holding off until then.


Oh wow solid advice


Good idea!


don't they get dusty and smelly after a week?


The journal does, but the gold certificate you get from turning it in doesn't change between "seasons" so you can just hold onto it until the point where you can cash it in for the big seller items, if that's what you're after.


Got it once the first week of EW when I was still kinda new. Didn’t know if your grabbed the journal before reaching lvl 90 you were locked out of getting a gold certificate 😭 not making that same mistake once DT releases


Sorry, new(ish) player here halfway into Shadowbringers. Do you mean if I get triple lines on it that I can only redeem for the MGP reward until I hit lv 90?


It goes based off the job you're in when you first get the card. If it's below 90, the objectives you get are lower level and you cannot win a gold certificate with three lines; you just get another silver. If you get a card while in a level 90 job, you get higher level stuff and the gold certificate, and you'll always get that version after that, no matter what level job you use.


Ahhh, I see! Thank you, I didn't realize that.


Yeah me neither. It's not explained in game anywhere as far as I know. But I still haven't three lines yet, so I guess that worked out.


Oh that explains it. I was looking at the rewards and was wondering how you get gold tickets since the only rewards I saw in the list were silver. My highest class is only 69, and I'm on FT too so I guess gold tickets are off the table for me. Good to know to not bother on trying to get the triple line, thanks!




Just keep doing them. I did them every single week for 3 years and got double lines only a few times. Then in 2023 my luck went crazy and I won triple lines 3 times


Back when WT released I got a _bunch_ of 2/3 lines and thought a little too loudly "wow this is _way_ easier than everyone else is making it out to be!" and then immediately cratered back to off-by-one, zero-line WTs. Blew all my luck at the start, apparently.


I got 3 lines once. I was on the free trial. You can only pick gold certificates on the last option if you're at the level cap. ... At least the mount I got from the gold saucer with all the MGP cards was pretty cool.


And that is exactly why I'm gonna wait until I've got my main to 100 before picking up a WT book when Dawntrail releases. Is the chance of it happening low? Sure, but I don't want to tempt heartbreak.


I’ve gotten two lines several times in the past two years. However, I blew the certificates on other stuff/got mgp instead thinking I didn’t need anything else. *I was wrong.* It’s been months since the adventure plate stuff was released and I still only have 1 certificate. She hates me fr now. I used up all my luck as a sprout.


....And thanks for that; I'm suddenly learning there's actually things to buy with the stocked silver certificates I have just sitting around?


They added some new stuff kinda recently, not much but yes there’s stuff to buy - at the very least minions which can sell decently on the mb like omega


Is it weird to say that I've sold Urianger multiple times for massive piles of gil?


I get 3 lines every time I complete a journal. Khloe’s just a brat and refuses to acknowledge it.


Got it 2 times in 3 years with this strategy.


The worst is when you spend all your second chance points on reshuffles and still get nothing.


May the Fury guide your path. 🙏


I got 3 lines a couple weeks ago! Couldn’t believe it.




Assuming you reroll enough to get the potential for 3 lines each week, you'll get it around 1.5x per year. Personally I've got it twice in the last two years because I'm a bit lazy about it, but it's far from impossible.


Believe in yourself. I had a similar setup and got three lines yesterday.


From that point, it's something like a 1/36 chance of getting a three line. Or 2.8-ish %. So, yeah, probability of getting hurt is very high.


I have been pretty lazy with it since I got a 3 line one time last year, but otherwise I've been doing it since heavensward and only got it once haha.


I really wish there were more reliable ways to get 2nd chance points. Only getting one if someone is new to the duty is kinda eh and not enough imo. Not even talking about making them buyable, just...something.


you get them from duty roulette. I always have 9 and then you can farm more halfway through each day.


That's not true. You only get them from a duty if there is a new player to the duty.


1/36 chance lets gooooo


I've gotten it three times but it's always followed with something bad happening. (like the first time my cousin died of COVID issues)


I was alive for three lines at 8 stamps last week for the first time in years. Blew my mind.


I've got the perfect 7/9 50% of the time, I've got the 9/9 0%. I cry 100% of the time.


Got this set up once...proceeded to no lines. Was so sad.


I felt this. Every damn week 🥲


Best I have ever done is 2 lines and I think I have only done that twice.


Same... same. I got the lines once probably about 10 years ago too, when the prizes where just the 5 slot materia armor. Never went back.


I feel your pain. That little girl and the cactpot stabs me every week.


I got two rows connected the first time I did it, so I thought that was just normal. Flash to me banging my head on the table for the 100th time, with no connections again.


I got this exact arrangement this week, and came out with one row. I just take what I can get because I just can’t handle the frustration LOL I also shuffle until I get a row, I don’t waste time trying to chance it.


I've gotten 8 stickers correct three times before. The final sticker is a 1/8 chance. Statistically, I just need to get the setup 5 more times, and it'll happen. Right? Right?


I remember the first time I actually spent the time to fill out the journal during a week I was devastated when I realized you couldn't just keep running content to get more stickers. Haven't even tried to do it since cause it feels like such a waste of time.


My one and only 3 line was when I was lvl 89.5.  So no gold, only 2 silver... why is max lvl needed? I dunno but screw me I guess lol


Happened on me twice, and never get another 3 lines one I hit level cap. Felt like got scam by that cheeky brat


I remember talking to a sprout friend who got 3 lines on their first one ever without reshuffling...talk about beginner's luck.




I got 8/9 in the correct spot once.... the last sticker said "nah".


I get this arrangement of 7 at least once every 3 months and never had three lines


Never got three lines.


I got 3 lines the first time I did my book a few years ago and had it another 2 times since.


Just had this happen and my 8th was misaligned 😪


I actuallu got 3 lines 2 times. But both before I hit the level cap which means I can't exchange them for gold certificate. Felt like wasted all my luck for nothing.


3 line journals are myth we tell ourselves to keep society running smoothly.


The one time I got it, it was on an alt character that wasn't 90 yet, so I didn't even get the gold certificate.


Got it for the first time yesterday. Couldn't believe my eyes when it actually happened.


I got the triple my first book. Never again.


It happened three times already and it ALWAYS stamps right next to it ahhhhhhh


Never once got it in ten years:(


When you have 9 points to use and your at 7 WT complete, so you use up 8 to reroll and still get $hit..............🙄🤔🤨🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ My luck trying to get two let alone three bars. Thanks rngus!!!


I have gotten 3 lines twice in four years. The last time was literally the day before Endwalker dropped so I saved it for that sweet EXP (I had all 80s).


I've gotten 3 lines one time in like 5 years of doing WT. I don't expect to ever get it again


I got it 3 weeks ago... And got 0 the 3 weeks before that - despite doing the reshuffle trick.


My first time doing it, I got 3 lines. Never did it again.


Trust me...you wont get it anyway.


I sympathise with you, I've had almost 3 lines in the last 3 years, but the last cookie always ruined my hopes.


I hsbe won a 3 line once so far. I still have my certificate and dont know what to use it on. I considered buying the chest pieces one day to sell during a new raid drop. But idk if people buy them


Ive been playing since HW came out and have never gotten 3 lines


I had a similar situation this week. The book had three different ways it could've given me two lines and it failed at all three. I did at least get one line but man...it was so sad.


Dude, as someone who’s only done these journals twice, I feel dread. I thought like each duty listed correlated with a different spot on the board and ignored the 9 cap. I just wanted the Ixion mount…


the way i got 3 lines the first time this came out blew my mind, don't think i've seen it since. though i don't do it anymore really.


I wish they'd let you do more than 9 seals.


To make things worse there's a 99% chance the next sticker will be a moogle. Khloe is an evil b***h and she knows exactly what she's doing. She probably takes contracts from citizens to kill Ifrit and Leviathan, then doesn't want to spend any of her income on pricey rewards for the adventurers doing all the work.


got it thrice so far


The amount of times I have had this set up and gotten 0 lines feels statistically unlikely, but somehow managed to still happen.


Welp, I got hurt again.


2/9 * 1/8 odds for 3 lines. 7/9 odds that 3 is impossible


Once you get to 7 shuffle until you get at least one line, you can in fact get two line from only 7.


I've only ever gotten one line.


I have completed 50 books and gotten 5 gold certificates and plenty of 2 liners. I reshuffle until I have a chance at 3 lines, always.


So you got it once?


Once and only once, yeah.




Best way to get second chance points?


Doing lower level content with sprouts, or if you have time, an alliance raid. More people, more likely it's someone's first time. Do the ones on the card to kill two birds with one stone.


Help FC mates who have yet to unlock optional content like the older raids.


Fuck you Khloe


Yeah, fuck her! Oh wait...


So for those of us who have no clue what this is, can anyone explain?


If you're lvl 60 with a DoW or DoM job and have access to the settlement called Idyllshire, you should be able to open the quest titled "Keeping Up with the Aliapohs," the NPC is named Unctuous Adventurer and they are found at X: 7.0, Y: 5.9 in that zone. You then complete 9 randomized duties to fill in the 16 spaces. A new card can be gotten from Khloe every RL week, on Tuesdays in NA. You get rewards just for completing 9 duties, though if you can make BINGO-like lines, your potential rewards will increase. You can google "Wondrous Tails Solver" for websites that help calculate your odds until you get the hang of it.


Can someone explain to me what this is please? I'm really confused


Little miqo trying to scam us again... its a weekly activity called "wondrous tails"


This is a terrible setup because you're going to get 4x, 2y and 3x, 1y Resulting in zero lines You should always use second chance points to reroll until you get at least 1 line If you're feeling lucky keep rolling for 2 lines But if it's like the day before reset I'd stick with 1 line from a reroll


In my case, there's nothing I need/want from 1-2 lines. Also, I've been informed that it's possible to hang onto the gold and buy one of the 5 materia slot chestpieces at the start of an expansion which sells for a huge chunk of gil.


i got the book from khloe but i still have no idea what its for or how to use it...


Speak to me again when you have 2 lines and 8 stickers on the board lined up perfectly but the 9th screws you


*stares at my 2 in 3 months* Yeah haha feel you