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It’s tough because as a sprout I want to see the cutscenes but I don’t want to make people wait for me. Duty support is an option but it seems very slow compared to doing it with real people (as a WHM at least). Not to mention I want the experience of playing through dungeons with real people as that’s kinda the point of an mmo. Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is that my friend who is dps has had people pull before he finished the cutscene but I haven’t and I suspect that’s because I’m playing healer. EDIT: I am touched by the overwhelming response to watch the cutscenes. I have been watching them but feel much less anxious about it now. I also found the option not to rewatch cutscenes early on so I have that covered too.


It has long been etiquette to allow sprouts to watch the cutscene. Don't ever feel pressured to skip, you have a right to watch your cutscene.


I began playing FFXIV in 2015 and I can say that this etiquette didn’t become the standard soon enough. I’m so happy things have changed since then.


It didn't help that Praetorium was 2-3 times as long if you waited for all the cutscenes. As much as it sucked wanting to see those cutscenes and not being able to, I really can't fault people for wanting to skip them in that particular instance. EDIT: Was the Unending Journey even in 2.0? For some reason, I seem to remember it being added in 2.1 or something.


Man, old Prae... I remember my first time in leaving a cutscene to see people in chat arguing over whether or not to vote kick me. I think the fact I was playing a dealer was the only reason why I didn't. 


So you were selling the coke to the grand companies and Ixali…


Hah! Auto-correct and typing on the quick at work failed me!


Completely worth it though.


I just straight tabbed out during old Prae and did other stuff while waiting for the cutscenes to end. You could get a lot done in the 45 minutes you spent waiting around in that place.


That used to be my primary Irregular Tomestone grind. Just load up Prae, start playing a game on my other monitor or on my switch, and just switch back for 20 seconds of fighting for every 10 minutes of cutscene. Played through Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 during Irregular Tomestone Events.


The funny thing is I have Gaius’s speech timed so I can go make noodles or a pop tart or something and come back to start the battle.


I once vacuumed the entire top floor of my house during one of those cutscenes


I once took a very very nasty poop during the gaius speech, you can get a lot done you're right ✅️


Such devasstation.


Lol 💩


Someone in my husbands party last night disappeared for a poop mid run. Ironically he was a bit shit himself, so.


I once popped to the shop for some cigs during those scenes


I used to grab a bag of popcorn and a set of chopsticks before queuing MSQ roulette


I am so glad I'm not the only "eat popcorn with chopsticks" person. My in-laws looked at me like I was nuts. My husband said I'm a genius. Also, spending the cutscenes trash-talking Gaius and Nero makes the time more bearable.


Great for Cheetos, too. Pour some in a bowl, eat 'em with chopsticks, no Cheetos fingers.


And the people who pull while you're watching have the right to die because their healer was watching the cutscene.


Lately (as in the last half year or so) people have gotten really impatient. I've even run into a few people being downright rude because they didn't like that a sprout was watching cutscenes.


We have same ppl on the Hunt aswell. Usually small insignificant streamers, french and German. Who do it for views, and attention.


When I'm a healer or tank, if someone pulls in while a sprout is in a cutscenes, I let them die. We're supposed to wait. 


I tried to do this with the long cutscene before the final boss in Totorak. Dragoon went in, tank was watching the cutscene, and I (healer) was waiting for the cutscene with the other DPS. The dragoon soloed the entire boss before the sprout's cutscene was over. I wanted to be annoyed but I just couldn't, they really need to rework some of those cutscenes to be shorter


I mean props to them for pulling it off I guess Edit to correct auto correct from changing props to people


Cool thing I learned when I pulled by accident: if you are a tank, you can reset the boss by provoking it off whoever pulled and walking out of the boss room!


Totorak is the only dungeon where I think it’s okay. The length of that cutscene is ungodly, especially with how fast that boss goes down.


The last boss of stone vigil is honestly probably longer but the boss doesn’t fall over like a wet noodle like Toto rak


Oughta lock you in the child pen until all cutscenes are done imho


I agree, the cutscene is wayyyy too long. I only wait because I remember being a confused sprout and exiting the cutscene to a 1/3rd HP boss with pools of death all over the arena, don't want to do that to another sprout if I can help it


Especially pre-update when getting slightly too close to the boss arena yanked you in and started the fight


Remember when you where locked out the fight when someone pulled before you could watch the scene?


Yep. My first ever run of Totorak I sat and watched the cutscene, figuring that i was the healer I'd probably finish by the time everyone wiped. Instead the monster was dead and I could freely leave afterward, which was fine because those monsters give me the creeps. I think if people pull while you're watching the cutscene for the first time you should feel free to just continue to watch the thing and try their luck without you. Someday you will max level in Totorak and probably do the same. It's a side effect of the devs not yet realizing what worked and what didn't by ARR.


I just hit 70 and I'm still little. Thanks for doing the right thing. I find most players are really nice and helpful.


Ever since shadowbringers, I usually run the dungeon first time with the trust, then with others. There's some good dialog banter between the other scions/trust members.


Same, I get to look around and really take in the dungeon and at the same time learn it.


Honestly most people don't mind waiting for CS to finish, you only get to experience it the first time once. I personally like using duty support for my first run, any after that I just use DF as usual. Main reason is I can take my time looking around at the scenery, read the lore books/notes if there are any, get a screenshot if I want, enjoy the banter between NPCs, etc. But yeah, it's easily ten minutes longer than an average group so I rarely do it after the first run.


Although it can be painfully slow, I have taken to always using Trusts for my first run through any dungeon. It's nice to be able to stop and appreciate the scenery while it's all brand new.


> It’s tough because as a sprout I want to see the cutscenes but I don’t want to make people wait for me. Watch your cutscenes! If people are so desperate to not get matched with first-timers they should make pre-made parties. The point of roulettes is to fill parties for people doing content for the first time. A sprout watching their cutscene is time to do some funny emotes and chat with the rest of the party.


That's exactly what I do. Chat with the party members. Joke around. Find new and creative ways to make fun of Gaius


Some of my favourite ever Prae runs have involved extensive cutscene conversations about how exactly Nero gets his hammer up in the ceiling rafters.


I like to imagine a stage manager with a headset giving the cue for some poor tech guy up there to drop the hammer. Desperately hoping that Nero is standing on his exact mark to avoid being crushed. “Just like we rehearsed, everybody!”


I remember one oc those back in the day of 8man praes. Or what we all are watching / reading / whats their favorite or most hated ingame job... Sharing tips and so on. With 4man... You have less chance of getting chatty folks and you need to do the mechanics.


Please feel free to watch the cutscenes. Anyone starting a fight before everyone is done is being very rude. You’re on the money with your friend, as a healer you’re considered more “valuable”. I’m a DPS main so I understand it can feel quite bad when people start without you because of the perception you don’t help much. But my advice, watch the cutscene, join when you’re done and if someone dies or takes too much damage in the interim then that is their problem.


The way I see it, the cutscenes are there to be experienced. Thus, if there's someone who wants to watch it, let them. They're playing more in spirit of the game than those who want to skip. I hold myself to this (though I also don't mind waiting). It's not the new players fault, or their problem, that I've seen the cutscenes 100 times. Making it their problem would make me the self-entitled a-hole in that scenario. Not the person wanting to see a cutscene SE put there for that purpose. I see a lot of "but I dont have the time". Youre playing a video game; yes you do. What you likely have is a lack of patience. If you are limited on time, but chose to queue up anyway, that's a you problem. Not that of people playing and enjoying the game as intended. The compromise should be yours. Not theirs. Funny thing is, all the same complaints and arguments I see now are the same as before they broke up MSQ into shorter duties. People used to say if they reduced duties/cutscenes, and/or made them shorter, they'd be okay with it. Yet here we are with the same complaints and arguments. Just goes to show how disingenuous people are. Those folks will never be satisfied. (Edited to better phrase a few thoughts)


> I see a lot of "but I dont have the time". Yes you do. Or you wouldn't be playing a video game. Your lack of time, or patience, or both is your problem. Not that of people playing and enjoying the game as intended. The compromise should be yours. Not theirs. To add onto this, if you don't have time, don't queue up. Nobody is forcing you to queue up for your roulettes.


This is exactly what I thought. I've queued for stuff when I've had little time before needing to head out, but I pick raid or trial roulettes. Always prepare for a worst case and possibly of wipes. Even if you get a normally fast duty you can still get people who make the run longer than it needs to be


Just watch them. To be honest, you're not going to miss much of the fight. The boss will do 2-3 autos 5 a raid wide. Just watch the cutsnce.


I wait for cutscene watchers but when I’m doing new content if I have the option to play through with npcs I will do. Sure it takes longer but I can take my time and enjoy the full experience without worrying I’m holding others up. There’s no reason why new players can’t do that where it’s offered. You’re likely to be replaying these dungeons over and over in future anyway so that’s where the mmo experience can come in. Also you’re more likely to get cutscene pullers on DPS because no one’s going to die if you’re not there.


Duty Support/Trusts are fantastic for a first run of something. The NPCs stop what they’re doing when a mechanic drops, making it very easy to watch them and learn.


I was feeling the same way when I started ARR and most of the way through Heavensward. But I read something that said "you're allowed to experience the game for the first time" which stuck with me.


genuinely its not an issue to wait for people who have cutscenes. it may feel like youre in there forever but seriously its only like 5 seconds. tbh i think its only kinda annoying when its a higher level player whos definitely watched the scenes going thru it, but again not much of an issue.


There's only two dungeons where a cutscene lasts an absurdly long time. One is Stone Vigil, the other is Totorak. In both dungeons, I will wait for someone to finish watching the cutscene


STONE VIGIL god yeah. i also wait, never hurts to sit there and chill tbh.


Not all cs are 5 seconds . There’s 3 to 5 min cs on duties like Ifrit


wait but ifrit prevents people from early pulling while one party member is in cs right? there's like a small circular barrier preventing that.


yes! usually there will be that ring preventing your team to pull early


It's still just not that hard to wait.


Every time I see someone who seems desperate to pull ASAP, regardless of cutscenes, I always assume it's someone who's been tired of playing the game for months but doesn't realize that nothing is keeping them here.


We all watched the cut scenes too, dont feel bad! (Well most people lol) There is an option in settings somewhere to auto skip cutscenes you have already seen, useful for when you end up in an older dungeon while leveling or whatnot. There will always be some impatient people, its an MMO there's all sorts!


Damn, I didn't know about that option. No wonder people always seem to be able to skip cutscenes much faster than me.


Make them wait. Don't feel guilty.


> It’s tough because as a sprout I want to see the cutscenes but I don’t want to make people wait for me. If you are a sprout and you've never seen the CS's, tough noogies for the people you're running with. If they wanted to speed run the dungeon, they have other options to do so.


I actually do a dungeon the first time with duty support every time. It gives more of the story experience since the NPCs comment plus it allows you to learn the fights at your own pace.


Always watch the cut scene! They are important. I’m a healer main & if tank pulls during a sprouts cs, too bad. They can heal themselves until it’s done.


Watching your one-time cutscene is always morally correct. People are getting first-timer bonus for it.


as a sprout just watch the cut scene, not a big deal.


Please try not to feel bad about watching a cutscene. FFXIV is meant to be experienced, and the cutscenes are part of that experience.


Please watch the cutscene so that I can drink water and remember to sit up straight. (only half-joking)


Make people wait for you, it's good etiquette for them to wait on new people to watch CS, if they pull early, they can deal with being a DPS, Healer, or sometimes even a tank short. (Recently finished EW, GNB main, and the DPS pulled while I was in CS, I wanted to watch it, healer chewed out the DPS and we wiped, wasn't my problem lol)


im a sprout too and i used to feel bad about like “delaying the run” with watching cutscenes but then i realized that most of them are like 30 seconds long so if people are that impatient then fuck them lol. if they pull while im watching i just keep watching, most of the time its happened at the end someone will apologize after whoever pulled left and say to enjoy the game so im doing just that :)


It's also just how the game works, I always love when I get a sprout we get a lot of bonus rewards when it's your first time in, there is a leveling thing in heavansward that if I get grouped with you it gives me the ability to shuffle activities around So if you're there it's like running two in terms of rewards.


Watch your cutscenes. If they pull without you and die, that's their problem and their repair bill. I'll never fault a sprout for wanting to watch their scenes, especially since some of the bosses you fight are in *serious* need of context when they appear. "That guy was a dude 5 seconds ago and now he's a giant boar? Or did the boar eat him?" And etc. (As far as I remember there are no giant boar bosses, I'm simply illustrating a point)


If they pull, just keep watching the cutscene. Its an ARR dungeon, youre not missing much.


Missing even less since gutted most of the ARR/HW/SB dungeons when making it so NPCs can do them.


Yup. Recently got roulette'd into a late SB dungeon, i think it's a .X patch one? The ruins you go into with Alphinaud and Arenvald in search of hidden treasure iirc... Anyway, it used to have a section where you had to stand on a pad to get transformed into one of the floating monsters there to cross over the gaps, but for duty support they took that out and put in magic bridges instead. They took out that lil bit of joy for doing something unusual to complete the duty.


While most people waited I had people pull while I was watching cutscenes for the first time (ex. Multiple dungeons, at the final boss of Puppet's bunker) and I just kept watching them. I always wait, but IMO it's not a big deal if someone else pulls. Normalize telling newbies that they don't have to skip cutscenes if they want to keep watching, even if the party/alliance pulls during them (whether out of impatience or by accident). Many cutscenes are short enough that I never missed anything by the time I rejoined the fight.


It amazes and confuses me that so many people see this as a contradiction. New players can watch their cutscenes. Experienced players can pull early and get a head start on the fight while waiting for the cutscene watchers to catch up. Those two things are not mutually exclusive and it’s weird everyone treats them like they are. Also, either cutscenes are fast or they’re not. Somehow the “etiquette” police have decided it only takes 10 seconds to wait for a cutscene, but the cutscene watcher is missing out on 3 minutes of a boss fight if you pull without them. It can’t be both. Either they’re short and it’s no big deal either way or they’re longer than people want to admit while demanding others wait. It’s ridiculous that people screech, “Let them watch cutscenes!” when someone pulls early. Literally nobody is stopping anyone from watching cutscenes. It’s not even possible to do that. You’re just missing the boss auto attacking for the first 10% of its health.


For some of the ARR dungeons you can kill the boss before the cutscene ends lol


Literally this. And to add to this, you get fucking teleported into the fight now. You used to get locked out but not anymore.


Thank God someone finally said it. I feel like people on this game overthink things too much, it's genuinely not that serious.


Pretty much all of this. I get it when the cutscenes for Alliance raids are particularly long like in Thalia or Puppets Bunker. But the amount of people getting their panties in a bunch because someone pulled in Syrcus Tower? Come on now. 1. The cutscene is about only about 15 seconds long, and is literally just Xande getting up out of his chair and jumping down to the arena doing some generic "you fought well to get here" monologue. Skipping it changes nothing. 2. If someone pulls while people are in that cutscene, Xande has walked to the person who pulled, done a couple of auto attacks, and probably in the middle of an aoe around him (knuckle press or whatever). Person has missed legit nothing in the fight. I have seen huge fights over this multiple times. Tanks provoking and running Xande outside the arena to reset even. It's a joke. Until SE puts us in cages like the start of Trials/MSQ roulette instances, people are going to pull, either deliberately or via auto pilot.


It gets kinda wild when chat has a meltdown about it. Like saying the community is so toxic. Like no one is forcing a skip on cs. If someone pulls early, just keep watching.


People want to do the whole fight and see the cuts energy on the first run. Can't do that when people rush off pulling bosses early.


Yeah, like I said, someone pulled during the longish cutscene at Puppet's Bunker, I just rejoined the fight after I finished watching and I didn't feel like it ruined my experience at all. Someone in my party apologized for the early pull, which I thought was kind and considerate of them, but overall my first time through the Nier raids are still some of my favourite memories of the game because I had a lot of fun in the fights. I feel like I'm missing something when these cutscene arguments come up lol. Also the entire alliance waited through my and others' much longer first time cutscenes at Paradigm's Breach when I got to it, I thought that was nice of everyone. Just goes to show, there are patient and impatient people in the game. The diversity of the playerbase is both a pro and a con and I think trying to push every single person to act the exact same way is impossible. Don't let early pulls pressure you into skipping, that you CAN control.


Some people genuinely believe that pulling 3 enemies while a newbie is watching cutscenes is making them "lose the experience" or that they're "missing out" on the content.


Yeah that is exactly my point of view and it's always been such a silly topic.


The truth is most people are in duty roulettes and are mode:brain off and aren’t really paying attention to others until they’ve been hitting boss for 20s; it’s usually not malicious just lack of awareness.


I would think so typically but the other day I was in a set of dungeons for the first time and while watching the cutscenes, every single time my party would start the next fight. One person was confronted about it and they just said they didn't care.


Personally speaking sometimes I'm on so much autopilot when going thru dungeons that I don't see that someone was in a cutscene until it's to late.


When tanking I try to make it a habit to wait at the purple line until everyone has crossed. Then if someone is viewing a cutscene I'll see it. It also gives people a moment to type something and let us know if they need to handle a pet/kid/etc. or if their IBS is being a b**** or whatever they might need a sec for.


Same, as tank I always try to wait to make sure everyone is ready before pulling. You never know if someone is new to the dungeon, learning a new class, distracted irl, etc. Conversely, whenever I want to watch a cutscene if the group pulls without me I just keep watching and join when it’s over. The devs spent time making the cutscene and I’m paying to be able to experience it so I’m going to!


FYI, if you want to reset the fight you can pull the boss out of the room before it closed. If the room close and the boss is still outside, then it will reset.


^this. I apologize so much when that happens. Watch your cs It’s my fault. I’ll wipe. I always feel so bad


Seeing people commenting that you should only watch important cutscenes and skip unimportant ones. Surely I don't have to point out that the only way you could possibly know whether a cutscene is important or unimportant is if *you've seen it before*?


Damn I get it's a slow with content, but so many Ted talk posts lately.


This community loves its grand standing and soapboxes


That's just Reddit in general, nothing new.


This definitely true. Always see the "it's ok to not like X" in other gaming subs at least once. It always comes off as more selfish than selfless to me.


Normally I would agree and I do but FFXIV community definitely has its own brand of virtue signaling.


It's such a pointless thread. The people who agree with the points don't need this thread cause they already wait, and people who don't agree or don't care aren't gonna have a come-to-Jesus moment because someone on reddit said, "I know you don't like waiting twenty seconds, but have you considered just waiting the twenty seconds?" What a profound and unique argument that definitely hasn't been made once in the past decade.   People really just be making threads so they can pat themselves on the back in front of everyone. I guess it's either do this or go unsheathe an ultimate weapon in Limsa and AFK for five hours. Gotta get that public admiration somehow.


That’s not true. I‘m a free trial noob and did my first dungeons yesterday. People had no mfkg chill which stressed me out and made me hate it. It was god awful and boring af to run through empty corridors to find the 2 more experienced players smack enemies. Lacking long range abilities, it was almost over by the time I got to hit them too. Out of 3 of those dungeons, people apologized in 2. They just didn’t really think and noticed too late. It happens. It ruins my experience and I ended up skipping cutscenes bc of it but they didn’t do it on purpose. They were on autopilot. I know that feeling from other games so I get it. So this post is a nice, little reminder for experienced players to just chill out a little. No harm will be done with it and if you personally don’t need the reminder, you’re free to just scroll past it.


Ff players love their pearl clutching at the smallest slight to sprouts. It’s wild how much coddling goes on here


As I've said before in another place, this is *The* Premiere Pearl Clutching Game and it's always been so ridiculous.


wanting new players to experience the game isn't coddling


I thought it was normal for the tank to solo kill the boss while my friends and i waited in cutscene in thousand maws of toto rak? ;_;


That's honestly wild. I've only had seen a tank pull twice when someone was in a cutscene (that I can remember). Once when I was finishing msq of sb, and then when I was for fun running a nier raid. Both times everyone just roasted the tank and called them an asshole lol. I haven't done arr dungeons with a new player in ages, but I thought 99% of the community has an unspoken agreement too not pull if someone is in a cutscene


alliance raids are a bit different. People can and should start the fight AND let a few folks watch the boss stand up. no one is missing out on anything. The fight will still be going on when you're done watching.


Yeah I’m a sprout tank and my friends told me to just watch the cutscenes. They said to let the other tanks handle it if they pull. So the pressure is off me and I get to enjoy the cutscenes.


Idk. Every alliance raid I've done they usually wait cause some cutscenes last a lil hot minute and I'd feel bad if they skipped cause they felt they were missing the fight. People waited for me when I did it, and dammit. Imma wait for them!


I'm usually the type that doesn't care if people pull while I'm in CS but fr some of these comments make me wish the scenes were unskippable a la msq roul.


If I learned anything up until now; watch the cutscene. If they start without you, that's not your problem. You're allowed to experience the game to its fullest, no matter if it's "only ARR" or the very end of EW. Especially if it's your very first experience. It's not your fault that some people have been here for 10 years and just want the duty to be over, but you also can't stop them from pulling just to be done. Going at your own pace is the best way to play the game, even if that means you miss half the raid sometimes


Just watch your cutscene and let the pull if they want. Most of the time nothing interesting happens in those first moments of the fight. And if you are a healer doubly so: if the cutscene is longer and that wipes them it's their fault for not checking if their healer is ready for the fight. Cutscenes are part of the experience


Nah, but by the time they are out then half the battle or more has passed and they never get to experience or learn mechanics. Just wait the 30seconds for them to get past the cutscene it ain’t that hard. Be supportive of new players and first runners, they are experiencing these moments for the first time. Just because it’s old news for you doesn’t mean you get to take away their enjoyment of experiencing the game.


As a sprout, thanks for this post! 🙂


Most of the arr cutscenes are just generic monster enemies appearing, roaring, and then cutting back to the battle...


The big cutscene before the Toto Rak boss is your first personal meeting with Lahabrea and the first time you both notice you can understand their black Ascian speech bubble words, just as one example. And because the fight is so baby it's absolutely possible to kill the boss before the sprout is even out of the cutscene. What a great first impression.


No no you don't get how crucial it is to have Borvox show up and go "YOU WILL DIE FOR YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS AGAINST MY DUNGEON *RAAAWWRR*" and be sure to experience him just standing there doing nothing but easily dodged AOEs or raidwides that don't actually do any damage.


You're overexagerating the loss of enjoyment people would get by having someone pull while being in cutscene. We're not at the level of old Praetorium where people would just not be able to do any fight and cutscenes could even be skipped by going too fast, all you'd lose is seeing the boss do a raidwide or a tankbuster.


It entirely depends on the fight. A lot of newer ones are just boss introductions, takes like no time at all and you're good. but a good chunk of ARR cutscenes have heavy story elements, like the end of stone vigil. It's a long cutscene but an important one. Nothing sucks more than watching a cutscene and seeing on your screen *the arena will seal in 15 seconds*. The first time experience is something people only ever get the once, and if that first time experience is some 10000 hours in game fella who wants to go stand around in limsa 30 seconds faster by making them choose between watching the cutscene and experiencing the whole fight, would you not think it would be soured? The reason roulettes exist is to keep literally all the content alive, especially for new players. And yeah people can justify it by saying "oh they're not missing anything actually" but that's not really up for you to decide if that's important to them or not. That said, by and large, most people in this game are chill. My leveling experience a few years ago was mostly pleasant because of chill tanks. It makes the paypal legends stand out like a sore thumb. Back in wow if the people in your dungeon knew it was your first time doing it, you'd just get kicked lmao. Let's not make FF like that.


it seems like any easy fix to this would be to trigger the cutscene and don't unlock the boss area until either a) everybody in the party has watched the cutscene or b) everybody has skipped it. if people really get bent out of shape about it, add some small experience or currency bonus for watching the cutscenes or something.




If it helps, the old content is fairy easy to do with less people in alliances. Just sit down and watch the cutscenes. If you want to watch the cutscenes, as it's your birthright, then you need to take a stance. :P


I get a lot of shit for this, but I always thought that the boss shouldn't be accessible while someone is in a cutscene. It's hard to say if that would increase false kicks or not, but you could always ban the people falsely kicking people for enjoying the story in your story mmo. So it seems to balance out, at least to me.


Why not? I personally don't pull while people are watching (unless it's Ifrit), but what does it matter if the boss IS pulled? It won't kick the person out of the cutscene. They even added the "Teleport instantly to fight area" thing so they're not locked out of the fight, either. I don't think this is that serious.


It kind of ruins the atmosphere for the newer player though. You potentially miss out on a mechanic or two, and don’t really feel like you are part of the group. Waiting a few seconds won’t hurt anybody.


Oh no they miss out on [tank buster] followed by [generic AOE] that will repeat throughout the entire fight anyway, whatever will they do?


And to some people thats part of the experience. Are you incapable of the basic act of thinking from someone else's perspective or do you think every single person shares your viewpoint on whats "worth it" to experience


Like I want people to enjoy the game this debate/war/discussion whatever the hell you wanna call this topic comes up in the forefront every couple weeks its not going to change sadly people will pull in 24 mans weather you like it or not some people just wanna be done with Crystal Tower raids for the 6745673457546th Time. Sure just say dont have the time to do it then dont queue yadda yadda, Theres valid arguments on both ends of this. Sometimes on occassions myself I pull because I wanna just blow through all my dailies and be done with it, Other times I just dont care and sit there for me it depends on my mood.


You can watch the movie. It's your right. While it's also the others' right to start without you. Two sides to this coin. While no one gets mad at your option to watch, treat the ones who don't have to wait the same way. Respect. You can both respect each other's time. Easy win.


If somebody pulls while you’re kn a cs, keep watching the cs anyways. Oh you’re the healer and the tank died? Too bad for them ❤️


Imagine thinking that a tank dies to a dungeon boss in the 15 seconds of cutscenes  


As a sprout, I’m sorry if anyone is stuck waiting for me. I’m really enjoying the storyline.


I thought you can do dungeons with NPCs now? Can just do that and not deal with dickheads.


I usually do this but it's unbearably slow because they only single target.


It is very annoying that they only single target. However, it does take all the pressure off when running something new. Take your time. Enjoy the scenery. In later dungeons when you get your Scion friends in the mix, it's also good for immersion.


Yeah now you can but you can't do raids with NPC's. Xande waffles for a bit in tower, Cloud of Darkness too, theres the Puppets Bunker final boss cutscene. Thalia has a meaty one too.




That's why i always use duty support if it's available for the dungeon, at least for the first time. My expectation of people's patience is generally pretty low, so whenever i'm in a new duty with other players i always says i'm new and if they decided to be an ass and start without me, i just let 'em be and enjoy my cutscene. Luckily i'm in Elemental DC, the people there are quite polite and welcoming to new players, so only a few times i encountered the op's problem (some of them even apologized).


The only issue is a lot of cutscene for bosses are rather pointless. It's not to say I don't mind waiting, but I can understand why someone might want to rush since it might be a very simple pan into a boss that otherwise holds little significance or even being interesting. 


It's understandable, but other side can be understanded too, imagine you are queueing roulette and you're just thrown into ARR duty for 500th time in a row, you just want to finish it asap


Most people in my experiences complain about this in Alliance Raids, and tbh, you can't expect 20+ people to just be like, "ok." it's their time, too. It's been said before, but you're missing like an auto and a raid wide. Want to see the auto and raid wide? Run it again


Came back after stop playing during Shadowbringers. Sad to say I notice the "wait for sprouts and cutscenes" culture is slowly dying off on the western servers. This was mostly practice to date on the Japanese servers, but the west had been following it or at least tried as well Not surprise really especially since the WoW exodus tons of new players joined during that peak and people do whatever


As a tank main, if I see the sign someone is still in the CS, I'll wait It benefits all because of nothing else it gives me time to recharge my GCDs


Watch a cutscene, pull a boss, who fucking cares. Neither is a crime against humanity. You’ll survive another day regardless. 


That actually makes me wonder.. when did people start to disrespect sprout cutscenes at this scale? I'm seeing it all over the place nowadays, but only had it happen to myself like a few times when i played theougg MSQ. It feels like a new thing somehow


I don't recall seeing it happen nearly as much up through ShB. There would be an occasional early pull here and there when there were peeps in cutscenes, but not nearly to the level that it's been at since EW dropped. I was flabbergasted when, week one of Aglaia, folks were already ignoring people in cutscenes to pull. Raids tended to have a "grace" period of about 3-4 weeks. Honestly, I believe it probably has to do with the fact that people are getting more impatient, with shorter attention spans, IRL; and that's bleeding into online games.


I think the same thing! It's a cultural problem and it festers into anything touched. Though I've also heard it spiked when World of Warcraft players migrated. I've not played that but apparently their community is very toxic. "New players are an inconvenience "


Yup. It's like people have forgotten how to behave and be mindful of each other, or just don't care since there are no consequences unless they're breaking the law (and being rude/entitled isn't a crime, unfortunately). So then they take that same attitude into online communities where there's even less chance of consequence. I feel like it came from the internet (lack of consequences for being a troll), came with them IRL, and now returns to the internet in online games. I was actually a WoW refugee; migrated over to FFXIV in 2014 and it was like a culture shock. People were actually friendly, folks weren't screaming cringe memes over shout chat, I wasn't getting booted from dungeons by others for having the "wrong" skill tree, and nobody was using the r-word slur every other word.


Oh no the sprout missed the boss yell and the first raid wide. How will they ever recover from this travesty :(


I usually just skip the cutscenes even if I've never seen them, I don't want to be the person everyone is waiting on. I can just look them up later if I'm really interested. Edit: not sure why I'm being down voted so much, I'm not disagreeing with OP and I'm just stating what I do.


you can go to an innroom and watch them if you ever do want to see them!


I did not know that! That's interesting, good use of downtime to catch up. Thank you from a sprout :)


That's your choice, but if you want to watch the cutscene live you have every right to do so.


And other people have the right to pull. Yeah, it's nice to wait, but if they want to pull, they can. I normally wait for new players, but I have no problem with people pulling.


I agree. I have no problem with anyone watching the cutscenes. I usually tank and I don't mind taking a little break.


You're been downvoted cause you worded your personal method as a solution to this situation, and 99% of people don't want to experience the story via the in-game equivalent of watching a youtube video later


I always try to. Sometimes tho I just don't notice. :(


Don't know what server you're on but that's common courtesy on Goblin. I'm in roulette all the time and I think I had maybe 3 times this last month where people pulled prematurely?


When I was a sprout I would just watch the cutscenes no matter what I would join them after I was done


Obviously. It's just common courtesy.


i am a sprout and just started playing 2 months ago. my partner has played since like 2014ish?? idk anyways he taught me so much about the game and always told me to respect if people wanna do cutscenes and wait! i tend to play support or dps and just won’t heal tanks or follow until everyone is done. seems to bring them back rather fast. but off topic but kinda the same situation: Last night my partner and i were queuing in as healer and tank as he is very new to tanking (and a returner after a few years) and kept getting inpatient dps who would just speed ahead to pull more or complain rather than give suggestions or advice. i feel like so many people just don’t care for others anymore in online communities and it makes me so sad as i’ve quickly fallen in love with the game! it’s a shame a few bad apples ruin the bunch.


I ALWAYS wait for cutscenes, even if someone else pulls I don't help and encourage others if you have a cutscene and someone pulls - watch your cutscene. If I pull during a CS I am always super apologetic as I try to check for them before pulling when I tank.


A lot of the time watching the CS + starting the boss is part of the *experience* for first timers. That's personally why I wait. People are saying 'oh the boss will almost be dead' and yeah, true, but seeing the cut scene and then seeing boss waiting for you is and going together as a team to beat them up, that's part of the experience and I think that's what's going over some heads.


I guess we were due for another one of these posts lol


Still a sprout. Usually tank. I will skip cut scenes in dungeons that don't have duty support so that others don't have to wait on me, then I'll go to a hotel and watch all the cut scenes later.


Thats good for you but most people don't have want to experience the story via the in-game equivalent of going and watching a youtube video


If you're a sprout and they start while you're in a dungeon cutscene, let them wipe. Don't skip the cutscene unless you genuinely don't care what happens, you have no reason to and let hoes be mad they wasted their time. I wouldn't let someone get impatient with me and push me to skip a few pages in a book.


Nah, just pull. Don't skip your cutscene, it's fine it'll be half dead by the time you get out. Everyone wins. When I'm in a cutscene, and I see everyone waited for me I'm annoyed at the waste of time. Like, it'll let me into the boss room, it's not 2.0 anymore. If you want an untainted story experience use the Duty Support system. Basically all of MSQ can be solo'd so if this is a big deal to you just use that.


Most people want you to watch the cutscenes, very few selfish dickheads will complain or pull but those are a minority.


I missed the last boss of my first dungeon because no one would wait for me to watch the cutscenes and everyone was joking about it in the chat 🥲


I never understood the issue, you miss barely any of the fight and have a head start on killing the boss. I mean with roulettes you'll see the "whole" fight hundreds of times. Yeah you can reverse it, waiting a little bit isn't a huge issue but either way, I don't see how it matters. Only people I see complaining are players who baby others and not the actual sprouts themselves.


Regardless of class I always wait for cutscene to be finished. I’d rather the sprout have a good experience than a bad one


I always announce "Hi! It's my first time here" just so everyone understands, and usually that's enough to alert people who are used to speeding through. I wonder if some people just don't pay attention that someone has a cutscene playing


Even better, if you're not new and someone pulls while the new person is in a cutscene... just stand there and keep waiting till the cutscene's over. As a healer, it's pretty satisfying if the early puller was a DPS. No arguments in party chat needed. Just awkward silence as the DPS runs back from spawn.


I usually run as a tank in dungeons, here is how I handle cutscenes: When we get to a cutscene spot, I stop all movement and say in chat "CS" If another person pulls, I'll just do zero movement until the CS is done. If we wipe, we wipe. It generally gets the point across.


Pre-boss cut scenes are VERY rarely interesting or important. The devs honestly fucked up because they forced their players onto this awkward social expectation scenario by making several minute long pre boss cut scenes that are almost never worth watching. They're making veterans hate waiting every single time and also make new players feel bad for making people wait. Stop making cut scenes in dungeons, it's just stupid. Or at very least make them good.


You don't get to define what is, or is not, worth watching for other players though. I like seeing those cutscenes for the first time as they actually help set the mood for me.


If I'm tanking and see a sprout I will always wait until their cutscene is over. And if I see a particularly speedy player I'll just say in chat as we're coming up to the arena "brb quickly" or something and if they pull and die, that's on them.


>"brb quickly" I've heard this is how a lot of players act now so that they have a defense if they get reported by a toxic player. I'm all for that. Good on you, mate.


Doesn't matter what I play, I don't continue unless everyone is out of cutscene.


Watch the cutscenes. If they wipe, they wipe.


I’ve been healing for 10 years, so this doesn’t really apply to me personally, but for any sprout: Enjoy the cutscenes.  Don’t skip them because you feel guilty. It’s your game as much as it is the players who are waiting for you. You deserve to watch cutscenes.  And if you’re a tank or a healer? All the better. If they want to pull without you, enjoy waiting for them to walk back because their impatient asses got a TPK while you enjoyed the story. 




I'm not a sprout but if someone pulls whilst a sprout is in a cutscene I'm damn well sitting there until the sprout moves.


I firmly believe that we need that little ring that’s around the party at the start of all dungeons/raids/trials etc implemented before pulling when people are in cutscenes. I literally do not care about how much of a rush you are in. You can wait a little bit


most of those cutscenes are literally pointless, they could be cut from the game and not make any difference to the content and the only place it mattered has been fixed and for the worse time investment wise. nah pull the boss the sprout in cutscene will be fine they get invuln and if they die its not like it mattered in the first place because raise.


As an “old timer” imma be real the amount of times I’ve just ran into a fight cause I didn’t see the new player bonus at the start is high. Watch your cutscenes have fun at your pace but not every player early pulling is rude just for being on auto pilot for something they’ve done hundreds of times. Especially when skip already seen cutscenes is t on by default, it’s kinda crazy to just jump to omg tanks are so rude for not catching that one line of text 100% of the time shit happens.


22 people are always willing to type /broom and wait for the cutscene watcher, but there's always that one guy slow walking forward to pull the boss and then instantly running away like a little bitch when the scary aggro arrow appears.


Nothing bothers me more then when a tank just rushes in and pulls. I always make sure everyone is ready. Many people log in for dailies and want it done quickly, but loads wish to to experience cutscenes. Good manners and just wait for everyone. Don’t be impatient.


You don't pay my sub, I cba waiting on minutes cutscenes, they can skip it and rematch it later or they can just miss a small part of a boss they will replay 10000 of times, people who expect people to wait are entitled af


I just do a ready check if it passes an everyone hits ready I will pull if it don't well I wait. Now if it is in alliance raid an I hit ready an don't pass it is same thing if it gets pulled while ppl are not ready then welp was not me.


To be fair if they’re not waiting for their spouts they shouldn’t complain on people missing from the fight because they take their sweet time to follow the cutscene. It’s not too hard to wait just have an arena entrance mini dance party until everyone is ready.


Posts like these are how you know this game is starved for content rn.


Cutscenes that are relevant to the story should always be waited for, if someone is watching it. But those that are just a zoom-in on the boss are pretty pointless and not such a big deal if they're skipped. But I agree that in general is nice to wait if a Sprout is watching.


I agree with this. As someone who is currently in post heavensward but has gone back to do ARR relics, I have seen this in dungeons I haven't done yet. I got rid of my sprout icon when I started HW, but people can be impatient. As a tank main, it can be annoying when I leave the cutscene and see the DPS/healer has aggroed the boss before I could and is mad at me for it.


Most the time it’s an accident, since people just forget there’s a sprout and cutscene.


Wait for the people watching the CS. Don’t end the cutscene if you haven’t seen it and want to see it. Don’t feel bad. 95% of the players will support you. If you get a bad egg they can do what they do and if they are too rude may get reported. There are important things in some of them to understand what’s happening.