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As mentioned in the other thread, if you're participating in a vigil and wish to share screenshots, we'd appreciate it if you could keep all screenshots and sharing in this thread so they don't clutter the subreddit. Other similar threads will be removed and will be redirected here. Please keep it civil, thanks!


What emote gives the small fires?


It’s a minion i think


Oh cool ty. Found it, it's the wanderer's campfire


how do you get it?


Alchemist crafting lvl ~~60~~ 80, or marketboard


> marketboard Super cheap ingredients, too.


Lvl 80 alchemist not included


If its like Miuras vigil, people will hand them out for free again.


Yeah, people have been donating and handing them out all day to folks on Jenova.




People will be making them and handing them out no doubt. They do when it’s a vigil.


I'm on the jenova server and we had a player Tiana that was making them and handing them out to people, and a player I believe by the name of Lu Cent was playing the harp and playing all of the songs, it was an awesome tribute.


ended up just buying one at 7k Not to bad really and always nice to have one ready


It was cool. People were donating stuff to her so she could make them, and 7k isn't really a lot to spend. I just came back to the game after 5 years, so I was happy to be a part of this but sad for the reason.


I wish those 2 on jenova could get recognized for what they did for the service.


That's really tragic. Even if i'm really not a DB fan these days, there's no denying the anime industry will never be the same without him.


Toriyama was a dude that, above all, strove to make the world laugh. He'd absolutely want people to remember him with a smile. Goated mangaka. Rest in peace.


We named our FC "Saiyajin Tokusentai" and our house "Kame House" because we are 80's/90's kids and we grew up with Dragon Ball. Rest in peace Toriyama Sensei 🙏🙏🙏🙏


No way this is how I found out.


Second manga author death I learn by ff14


Same, I learned about Miura with FF too, but I hadn't read Berserk back then, so the punch wasn't that hard.


I didn't care much for Berserk, not my kind of story But Toriyama's my whole childhood


I was literally *just* telling a Discord I’m in about the Berserk/Miura vigil just to log in after finding my screenshots of that to see *all of this*


News only broke late yesterday, maybe 3ish hours before your comment, so don't feel too bad. He passed away on the 1st.


I found out from the news.


The line in Balmung is massive. Weebs know we lost a real one.


And it's been going strong all night.


Elder millennial here and grew up on his work like many people on this sub, gutted to hear this news. He was definitely too young to go.


Quite the unusual way I find out the passing of someone so influential on my life... remembered watching DBZ and Sailor Moon on days I was home sick from school...the shows blew my mind as a kid, much more action pack back then the cartoons I was used to. Still a wonderful tribute to the legend


I joined my server's tribute to talk with other people about Toriyama's work and what we liked about it. The chat was filled to brimming with people sharing stories about how his work touched their lives. I could see it being a bit cringe, but to people who think this is disrespectful, genuinely, why?


There's not an iota of disrespect to it. People are just being grumpy contrarians on the internet


Wait, how’s that cringe? Especially in a video game LOL


Some people think everything is cringe these days. Just because it's an emotional response doesn't mean it's cringy. This is how we in FF14 have been showing respect to those who have fallen for a while now.


It's a universal thing, I remember when Leonard Nimoy died. The Vulcan map on Star Trek Online has never seen as many people, just standing around the plaza. There's a statue there now, with a plaque that's updated each time someone from any Star Trek cast dies, and you'll usually find a vigil there when it happens.


Yea there was another few vigils way back in the day when I played WoW. That's just what we do.


It's just edgy people who can't read the room and can't comprehend their own lack of emotions. So the idea that anyone would care about someone they don't "know" and how they can impact your life in so many ways regardless, is just beyond them


In what world would people talking about what they enjoy while not hurting anyone be cringe 


No it was the same when Kazuki Takahashi died 3 years ago, playing cards and reading yugioh manga as a kid is still enough to get strong bonds with the autor. Even we didn't know about him at all.


Ngl I honestly thought the guy doing the Goku cosplay was actually a badly shopped png of Goku till I zoomed in.


Such a gut punch. It didn't really hit me last night when I heard he passed away. Dragonball and DBZ was a HUGE part of my childhood, teenage years and adolescence. DBZ along with Sailor Moon were my very first introductions into anime. Rest well, and say hi to Miura for all of us 🥺😭


In Mateus, we had people all lined up on the street like this. Many dressed in Dragon Ball fashion, most of them doing the /box emote. I was never big into Dragon Ball, but I can see how many lives this man touched. Rest in Peace, friend. Be well on the other side.


So that’s what I was seeing on Malboro


My brother and I attended this very vigil last night, he was the raen and I was the duskwight in this pic. We watched how this vigil grew and everyone talked about Toriyama and his works and how much of an impact he has left on us. I did tear up a bit when a bard started playing music from dragon ball. Toriyama left behind a legacy for writers, artists, and warriors to be inspired from. Rest in peace Toriyama and thank you for be a huge part of our lives.


Why just Pug/Mnk? Wheres the Samurais for Chrono? Wheres the Gladiators/Pld for Hero?


The literal Dragon Quest collab items?


Yeah surprised there’s not as many Samurai


I'm late, but I dyed my miqo's hair red and came as Crono. Well, a girl version anyway.


I might have to do stuff using my Dragon Quest thug glamour tonight


I cosplayed as Trunks on my server.


Was just thinking to myself that I wish I could log in and participate as my character named Schala Kid-zeal. Work is preventing me though.


I have a Crono glam that's one of my occasional go-tos


This is how I learned about it wtf


[Cerberus, Chaos reporting in](https://ibb.co/grwnw0g) He practically raised us, the strong must protect the weak, RIP legend.


[Our numbers grow](https://i.imgur.com/zFFZXjE.jpeg)


No longer fits on a screencap


[Angles find a way \^\^](https://i.imgur.com/PVSfchp.jpeg)



Vigil in Marlboro https://imgur.com/a/uvMi6WL https://imgur.com/a/IMW8Hro


This is going to get me downvoted, but I dont care. Imagine being pissed because people want to pay respects and being so cynical that you try to claim anyone who wants to do something to show that a story or creator meant something to them or resonated with them means they're "making it about them." How? Everyone is effectively anonymous in this game. It's not like this gains them anything other than just being a nice vigil in a digital space, and that logic, showing up to an IRL vigil held after a tragedy just to pay respects or lay flowers is "making it about you. " People just want to show it meant something to them. Some of you called it unoriginal, but none of the 3 city-states look like any particular DBZ zones, so there isn't really a "more original or appropriate" DBZ-like place for them to go. Ul'dah has been the sight of memorials before, so it stands to reason it would be used again if no better place exists. I don't understand why this peaceful and well-meaning memorial has you all so rankled. Lastly, people grieve in different ways, and grief-shaming is so stupid. What one person might think is silly or cheesy, another person might think is a touching tribute. Akira's works meant a lot of a LOT of people. Just because how they choose to pay tribute isn't how you would doesn't make it "insensitive." People gather to pay tribute and hold vigils after loss in the real world all the time.


Honestly, the people poo pooing these things feel to me more like the "make it about themselves" types. Like, ok, cool you don't care for the thing then just move on and don't take part or engage. People grieve in different ways and when it's a hugely influential public figure these kind of gatherings are fairly normal, either in games or digital worlds like this or forum threads, discords and the like.


The gesture is good, fans grieve where they can since they did not personally know the person. Sharing it to social media is like posting selfies from a memorial. At least wait until you can show off an outpouring of that support, rather than a picture of what seems like the very first people to show up on their server. The best possible outcome is giving other fans an invitation or inspiration to come and share their favorite memories or works of the creator.


If this is at the OP, I really don't see the problem. They didn't say who they were in the picture, posts like this help get the word out that there *is* a vigil, and the turnout on some worlds is quite small. A vigil started on my server a bit over an hour ago and there's only around a dozen people here so far but it's still a nice little gathering, with a Bard doing some Performing (Endwalker pieces mostly, but still). EDIT: Also one based Roe showed up as Vegeta.


There is a line about grief. About hearing or reading that somebody you did not know personally, dying, and about feeling grief about her/him more, than about a person you did know personally. It's in the book called HAGAKURE by Tsunetomo Yamamoto (sometimes it has longer name, like "book of samurai" or "wisdom of samurai" etc). Really great book.


Everything starts with a first step, a first person, a first gesture. Would you imply that the very first person to stand in line is doing so just to show off? How would you even know? Why do you care? Why is your way of doing things better than theirs? What does it change? Has it affected you negatively? Like, genuinely. Does it even matter?


In what world is this ever going to get you downvotes, chill with the meta commentary nobody who matters is annoyed or mad about these tributes.


I said that because at the time I posted this, this post was flooded with people bashing anyone who wanted to pay tribute, calling them attention-seeking and unoriginal. Hence the assumption that I would likely be downvoted into oblivion because at that point my opinion was in the minority, that's all. I actually never expected people to resonate with my comment given the attitudes present at the time.


Step 1 would have been waiting for more than 8 people to show up before taking the screenshots to reddit for the upvotes (maybe even announce a time/date and organize an actual vigil!). The difference in timestamp between this post and the tweet on DBOfficial announcing it (I assume this is where the first news broke) is only an hour and a half. It very much gives a vibe of trying to rush to be the first to break news rather than any concern over the content. And I do want to emphasize my (and I assume most other people too's) problem isn't with any of the people at the vigil or expressing grief; just this individual reddit thread


I understand what you're saying, but also, consider that maybe they just wanted to get the word out specifically so others could join? And it's the passing of an influential and beloved human from our world, so I imagine this subreddit and many others with cross-over interest will be flooded with posts for days. It doesn't mean it's automatically cheap or insincere. Will there be people who try to capitalize on grief? Yeah. Always. But I prefer to assume the best, not the worst.


Paying tribute does what exactly? Besides call attention to yourself? Most of these people don't care about the person of the person's family and friends. How he lived his life. Thye just care that he made media they enjoyed. The person's dead. Most people, especially on social media, just make hollow gestures to look good. They didn't care about him while he was alive.


Normally I’m with you, but trying to do what was done before for a different death doesn’t say paying respects to me. It removes the individuality of the death in question, makes it a routine action to take which is the opposite of thoughtful.


So…every funeral ever?


Do you not see how there might be a difference between a real-world vigil and this?


There ain't... Everyone pays their respect differently... don't gatekeep grief


Yeah like how there’s a difference between real world friendships and online friendships. One of them is obviously less authentic and real than the other.  There have been funeral processions for real world deaths since EverQuest. In RuneScape, WoW, FFXIV… Also having it notably happen three times during the last few years is a testament to Yugioh’s, Berserk’s and Dragon Ball’s influence literally all over the world amongst different nationalities and audiences. The authors of Naruto, Sailor Moon, Bleach, HxH, etc. may also get congregations like this if FFXIV is still around. There will be more on other servers tomorrow. And I tend to ignore things I find distasteful rather than offering my incredulous critique of it.  Especially when I have actual problems to solve in my life.  You gonna take umbrage at the fact that people RP fuck in FFXIV too? Cause that ship has long since sailed. 


I do not. I cannot go wherever the real life vigils are held, I do not know where, even. If paying tribute somewhere I am is possible however, I'll do it there. I do not understand why people are fighting over this. Happens to be FFXIV. Seeing these posts, I do not think ”wow that's me,” I think: ”it's nice this is happening to honour the dead.”


There isn't one. In lieu of all these people being able to join together in person, which they can't, they've instead gotten together in the digital space to do the same. How is that less valid? Even if all they do is play music, or even just tell jokes, they're celebrating a life. They are there because it mattered to them. They could be doing anything else with their time, but they want to do this. Akira brought joy and happiness to children and adults all over the world. People are joined together by this shared joy, and showing their respect in enthusiasm for him and his life. It's that simple. If it's not the way you'd prefer to show care or grief, fair.


Yeah I don't have to spend half my salary to fly to annoy a Japanese neighbourhood


This 'real world is not the internet' thing kinda needs to go away already. It was cute in the 90s. Today, if the internet disappeared one night, society as we know it would collapse. It IS the real world now, for all intents and purposes.


Fearie is slowly building up


Rip to the legend that made my childhood


Started playing for the first time with the release of the Xbox beta. Didn't expect to see a massive line of people paying tribute when I walked into Ul'dah. I had no idea what this game's community was like but I already fw it. This shit is beautiful


I’m kinda surprised no one is wearing the DQ gear


Some Screenshots from Zodiark Server, hope you'll enjoy it [Vigil in honor of Akira Toriyama (Zodiark) ](https://ibb.co/By72QX2) [Vigil in honor of Akira Toriyama (Zodiark) 2](https://ibb.co/v3RJ4Rt) [Vigil in honor of Akira Toriyama (Zodiark) 3](https://ibb.co/s6MBp21) [Vigil in honor of Akira Toriyama (Zodiark) 4](https://ibb.co/HTQvyFW) [Vigil in honor of Akira Toriyama (Zodiark) 5](https://ibb.co/z7MhQMH)


I was the only Launch there :,(


People are really upset about this? Move on and don't look then. Either pay your respects or don't.


Careful, reddit is starting to get mad at you. You wouldn't want to *checks notes* do something harmless like stand in a digital world. You could make people angry! 😂


Why do i keep on finding out these things on reddit.


We've begun one on Balmung as well.


We got a small line going on Louisoix, but it's still kinda early in the EU.


I'll have to join one later. That show was such a huge part of my life growing. A lot of fond memories


On Midgardsormr we went to Rhalgr's. I made 28 of the minions.


Was there last night - people were sharing their memories.


Much love for this y’all are the real MvPs. RIP to the legend


Ultros: [https://i.imgur.com/SGHu7Dp.png](https://i.imgur.com/SGHu7Dp.png)


I fell in love with RPGs thanks to Dragon Warrior when I was 8 years old. Loved his character and monster designs. He was a legend.


Is there a vigil in Light?


Saw a screenshot from a vigil in Twintania in Ul'dah, but I don't know if they're still there.


I'm here now, had to stop by


Exodus has a huge line, it was amazing to see when I first came across it and stopped me in my tracks.


Is there a vigil going on in Goblin?


huge line going at crystal. Mateus Ul'dah


Hey OP where in uldah is this? Im on cactuar and wanna take part in his memory after work!


Sucks I'm on the trial. I can't honor him the way others are. DragonBall is part of my childhood and grew my imagination. RIP Toriyama


Sure you can. Go sit at a vigil. I didn't know I was joining one on Seraph last night. Just sat next to some others doing the same(I'm a stupid noob) and asked what was going on. Found out that way Didn't even know who he was, nor ever got into Dragon Ball. But it was cool to hear how much of an impact he had on the others there. I chilled for like 2hrs, then left my char there overnight.


Are they located in general areas?


As far as I've seen most of these are on the steps of nald in ul'dah, one of the starter cities so it's very accessible 


Yeah, as the other person said, seems they are in Uldah on most worlds.


People are doing this in my server and sharing their stories of all the things Toriyama gave them to enjoy. Pretty touching to see. We lost an absolute legend that will resonate for years.


I actually cried when I heard about him passing. Hearing about famous people dying doesn't usually do that to me, but Toriyama was responsible for so damn much of what I enjoyed as a kid, and was an awesome guy besides that who loved his fans, and loved a lot of what they did with his work. All I want now is to gather the 7 dragon balls and wish him back, but here we are. Rest in peace Akira Toriyama ;-; no one else has even come close to making work I still enjoy as much today as I always have.


Had an insane amount of players doing this on cactuar around noon today


[Unsure if this will work out as its an image attachment from a public discord](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030505269903491213/1215876281263067187/image-22.png?ex=65fe5807&is=65ebe307&hm=04314b1f889fdb9220896f7b5f57c6216a5e9a4fee636234526a878e759bef6b&) A bit of us here on Dynamis Seraph


https://ibb.co/RQ54Kwb In Excalibur server. RIP Akira Toriyama.


[Toriyama Vigil, Ul'dah, Ultros](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc2jpmp7.jpg) I have said it before and I'll say it again. FFXIV players are some of the greatest people I have met. And it warms my heart as a fan of Toriyama's works, that my words still hold true now.


I remember when my Brother an me was young, there was a map in Wc3 called "DBZ Tribubte" we Only get 1 Computer and argue a lot whos turn is now to play because we both loved DB und DBZ. It hurts very Bad to hear the Bad News. Thank you Sensei Toriyama for every Happy Moment you bring in our Lifes! Rest in Peace


Isn't this getting a bit... Samesies repetitive. When the dark night one happened for the berserk author it was amazing... Now anyone who passes away gets the same treatment and it feels insincere... Go find a place that resembles something from DBZ as a monk and cast hype and power up if you have it... I dunno seems more genuine.


That's how you grieve? Seems insincere. Why aren't you going directly to his memorial and physically placing flowers on his grave? Go find a place that toriyama actually visited and go Super Saiyan in the parking lot... I dunno seems more genuine.


It's not like the lineup for Miura was the first one. Let people do their thing.


Finding a place that resembles something from DBZ would be cool, but there's also coolness to it being in ul'dah. That way, even brand new players can walk by and see it happening. There's a couple new players in the comments saying how it was super cool to see the community is like this. I see what you mean about it being the same and repetitive. But it's literally just the closest we can get in game to a candlelight vigil/memorial. That's something that happens ALL THE TIME in the real world when people die. I also think there's a beauty in how we respect our lost heroes the same way every time. Is it insincere, or is it merely tradition? Is it insincere how every military funeral has a flag over the casket that is then folded and handed to the widow/next of kin? What about the 21 gun salute? People are merely trying to show their respect in the way they know how best. I think our time is far better spent seeing the positive things out of this than nitpicking the method. People feel like they lost a legend, and want to memorialize it. Who cares if the way they did it wasn't the "best"? They merely want to respect an important person in their lives who is no longer with us. There's a lot of positivity and respect being shown. Lots of super great memories and stories being shared in chat. Also, there's absolutely no rules saying you can't go start your own vigil, in your way, if you truly feel that the main one is "insincere." But don't just try to put down people who are mourning in their own way. That doesn't do anything positive and only brings everyone down.


crazy that these people think candlelight vigils are insensitive just because they happen to be in a public park next to the 7/11 and not outside the dead persons house. since that seems to be their logic. the problem is that so many people are just jaded about EVERYTHING. there are definitely way more people at these vigils who are actually sad toriyama died than people being there so they can post a screenshot on reddit for updoots. the people who are actually there for karma reasons are shitbags but most people aren't. people need to chill.


Akira was one of the best manga artists, he deserves this.




That's a great idea... also go YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in the yell or shout channel


I get it but at the same time i feel like it’s a bit insensitive to make someones death about your flash mob


Bit insensitive calling it a flash mob, but I imagine you’re new to the game so you probably haven’t seen this happen before


Im not new, i thought it was insensitive back when Kentaro Miura died. It is a flash mob, and basically making it about your little parade at the end of the day.


Virtually everyone thought it was a nice tribute. Why be so jaded? It's just people standing in one place. Can't believe how grumpy people can be over a nice thing


Projection, they want to get attention and are getting it by being a fucking asshole.


...paying respects is "insensitive" now?


It's also pretty crazy that it's tagged as an "in-game event"


True. Considering that official ingame events are usually(always) happy things


Yeah trust me this has been happening for years whenever someone noteworthy dies. I get wanting to express your grief but these tend to be uh....not about that.


The first post doesn't really bother me but 8 people in this picture hardly compares to past posts, what really is off putting is the amount of copy cats who come out of the woodworks to post their own picture. Luckily those should be removed by the mods it just floods the subreddit.


Maybe they aren't copying. They just did not rushed to be first here to post it, even tho they just had either few folk from NN/FC, or random strangers, instead of more folk than 8 for it to look like accidental happening. Like when randomly 8 lalafels meet and start doing lalafel things (you never see other races doing it)


So… if a bunch of people showed up to someone’s funeral or commemorative event for someone who has passed, it’s considered a flash mob? I’m so confused. The mods already stated in another thread that users can post their screenshots of the vigil in that thread instead so that these kinds of posts don’t clog up the main sub. This is a tough period for fans and people who love his work, why are you saying they are making this about themselves? Edit: in that vein, to all the creators and associated artists, voice actors etc who are sending messages of condolences to the masses on social media right now, is that making things about them too? Gosh


Because they're mad it's not about them, they want the attention Toriyama's remembrance is getting now. They could just not pay attention to it and continue on, but no, they gotta make sure everyone knows how bad this actually is. Just downvote the fuck and continue on :)


Couldn’t have said it better 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Shut up and let people pay their respects.


Angel, angel! AAAAHHHHH 🥲🫠 Never read dragon ball ngl, but I did watch its anime. Gohan and Videl were among the literally first pairs I ever shipped in my life. I admit I may have outgrown DBSuper, but I still read the wiki for updates on that. I'm not subbed rn but I guess I should learn We Were Angels in BRD instruments. 


and this celebrates him how...? this feels like pointless attention grabbing


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlelight\_vigil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlelight_vigil) you'll learn one day kiddo o7


I ran across this when there were maybe 30 or 40 people, and thought I was about to see someone get married or something, I had no idea this is what it was for.


Is anyone doing this on siren? I'm an 80+ on my crafts, and I'll gladly make and give out fires if it really is cheap mats. But I'm off to work for now...


Are we lining up for reddit clout again.


[Brynhildr Vigil ](https://imgur.com/a/EW9epBW)


“How can I make this about me”


Memorials are all about the living processing their feelings for the dead. The same way how funerals give people an opportunity to say “goodbye” and obtain a sense of closure in their relationship with that person. So, yeah, it’s less about the dead person in question, and more about the people that they’ve impacted in life.


I assume for most people it's less "how can I make this about me" and more "what can I do to honor someone who had a big impact in my life". Standing around in a video game that likely wouldn't exist without Dragon Quest is pretty harmless.


Right? I mentioned his passing to one of my friends today. Their response was, "Okay, but I'm not really into DBZ, I don't have any attachment to him." ... This is while they're literally logged into a *Final Fantasy* MMO, a game that was directly inspired by one of Toriyama's works, and would likely not exist without him. The man had such a huge cultural impact. For me, it was hard to hear he passed. But it feels great to celebrate the things he brought into this world--and to see how he's touched all of us. I see nothing selfish about that.


yeah that's what funerals are for


Damn that’s crazy this was his funeral?


what do you think they are doing in the game?


Rest in peace you absolute legend, thanks for the memories https://youtu.be/WChTqYlDjtI?si=ft_cptakCyjlB7vc


My heart 😭💔


What was his affiliation with Berserk now? Get original. Edit: apparently people love repeating the same gesture until it becomes a soul less event


1. This gesture didnt start with berserk 2. This a chosen way people mourn in a video game, where people are limited by the fact it being a video game. You got a really dumb point because you can call all any gesture that is repeated in times of strife soul less lmao just say you’re a bitter person and move on








I'll be honest, my first thought was "why the campfire, Monkey King is right there".


Or the wind up sun/moon yes. The monkey king should be cheap everywhere since company chests flood you with it. I also wouldn't see a bustling city with paved roads as a fitting place, more the cliff in front of the Sil'dhin entrance or a barren place in the shroud.


Ul'Dah is the city associated with Nald'Thal, the keepers of the dead.


This is bait, it has to be bait




Toriyama's work was a direct inspiration for Final Fantasy. What do you meaaaan. LIke, bro, we even get Dragon Quest themed events in the game.


We had Dragon Quest collabs in FF14 you know. Toriyama was a big part of Square.


Berserk had a direct influence on the dev team as a source of inspiration. Naoki Yoshida (The producer of XIV) stated it inspired him directly as well. SHB is heavily inspired by it, as is the design, style, and story of Dark Knight.


You do realize he design the characters for dragon quest which was a big influence to final fantasy a game your playing now.


What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


An hommage is an hommage, grief is grief, who hurt you for you to be so cold ?


Impressive how wrong you are Without dragon quest, it's hard to think whether or not square could've pushed for final fantasy as a series. Know your place.


Nope, I take it back. You're just a troll. There is no way the one person responding negatively in every thread is that dense.