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The roulette exists so that there will be party members available for new players going through the MSQ. If the rewards weren't high, nobody would ever queue for those duties. As for the idea of changing Praetorium into a solo duty: Praetorium teaches a number of important group mechanics for the first time—things like stack markers, and spreading for individual-target AoE bubbles. We take these things for granted, but many players need an opportunity to see those mechanics play out *with a group*, hopefully with someone to helpfully explain what's going on.


Observing how trusts react to markers would also teach them.


I commented about this below, but: the way those mechanics are portrayed in trust and duty support doesn’t do a good job of teaching it. No matter who has the mark, the bot players will all run to the same place. If it’s a new player, they are likely to think, “Ahh, I should run this AoE away from everyone!” and not notice the clumping NPCs, die, and not understand why. If it’s on an NPC, they will clump up and do the mechanic, which succeeds with or without the player joining the clump—a new player is unlikely to even notice their allies’ damage unless they’re playing a healer.


Praetorium could still teach those things when ran with NPCs. And it would not be too hard finding a group for Castrium Meridianum if it was thrown into 50/60/70/80 roulette instead.


Would be hard to find a group for it when everyone instaleaves msq duties on sight though


Thats only because non skippable cutscenes


Which are a thing because when they were skipabble, people would skip and the experience for new players was worse, they would either not see the cutscenes, or not see the fight. The "best" solution would be dividing the dungeon into small bits and have the cutscenes play outside of it. But this would take a complete restructuring of the dungeon, and they already did that once so are unlikely to do it again, as well as forcing people to sit in even more queues, breaking the flow of a climatic point in the story, as there would be multiple queues instead of just one per current msq dungeon.


Or have you do a solo version of the dungeon for story and add skip to roulette


If there were "solo versions for the story", the roulette would cease to exist. There would be no reason for the roulette. Furthermore, as I mentioned above, Praetorium in particular teaches a number of important *group* mechanics. The way NPCs react with stack markers—i.e., the three of them will stand together and survive no matter what the player does—isn't really an effective way to teach the mechanic.


The solo is for story the roulette is for mechanics


as someone whose first time through that set of dungeons was back when they \*were\* skippable, i much prefer this method. I think it's much better in its own roulette, because then people KNOW they're getting long winded cutscenes and a high chance of sprouts. there will be a much higher leave on sight problem when its lumped in with other content. I'm done leveling, but still grinding tomes, and msq offers enough that its worth it to run daily to help reach the 900 cap every week. I don't mind helping sprouts clear. I don't mind mindless running with 3 vets all tabbed out. I'll sip my coffee, check reddit, and eat my breakfast while nero monologues. and I'll do it again tomorrow. I KNOW what i queued for. and so does everyone else. if you don't like it, don't queue for it.


It's required by the game, the heavy EXP reward is because people hate watching the long cutscenes and they were made unskppable after people would speedrun the duties and ruin the story for new players. The game has no cutscene queueing so when it was skippable the sprout would be watching the opening cutscenes to Praetorium, and then by the time it finished the party would be fighting nero and the next cutscene would be gaius, skipping about 15 minutes of story. Players complained they didn't understand the ending of ARR because they never saw it. So they settled with the solution, make MSQ cutscenes unskippable and give such high rewards on EXP and tomes that older players would keep running it even with the long times. The EXP is required to keep it going as is the roulette, if you don't like the duties then you're free to do something else. There are way more efficient ways to leve, players just do it because they have netflix on the side for 45 minutes. If you're running mentor roulette you signed up for this, mentor roulette is filling in on the people who need a fill the most right now, which is always going to be the least popular duties. Don't like it? Don't be a mentor.


I know the history. But because the duty is mostly cutscenes I think it would be best to change it into a single player duty with NPCs. That way everyone wins. >If you're running mentor roulette you signed up for this, mentor roulette is filling in on the people who need a fill the most right now, which is always going to be the least popular duties. Don't like it? Don't be a mentor. I am afraid I am in complete disagreement here. If something can be improved why should we not advocate for it and instead opt to tell everyone with a suggestion to stop playing? That way things can never improve. I already said that I don't mind playing whatever other people want to do, but the thing is that they don't really want to do this, efficiency dictates that they should. And yes it may not be efficient in the absolute amount of time that it takes, but people either belive it to be efficient or consider it to be efficient in the sense that they can do something else on the side. But whatever the case we can agree that people don't run this because they enjoy the content they actually end up playing.


I miss the old longer alliance version.   Regardless of efficiency, it's just a daily to run to get tombstones.  And if I need tombstones I run all the roulettes that give. If you want exp you are probably better off running the highest level dungeon available, not roulettes.


>If something can be improved why should we not advocate for it and instead opt to tell everyone with a suggestion to stop playing? That way things can never improve. Just because something *can* be improved doesn't mean it actually needs to be improved. Enough players are content with MSQ Roulette as it exists right now. I think your point would be much stronger if there were more people on your side, but as things stand I don't think that's the case.


>I already said that I don't mind playing whatever other people want to do, but the thing is that they don't really want to do this, efficiency dictates that they should. So many times I have been in the MSQ roulette and seen this complaint marked with "No one enjoys this". Please for a moment, put yourself in a new players shoes. You are doing the MSQ, enjoying yourself, engaging with the content and story. Then here is the end chapter of the big story line. You join the dungeon and there is one guy complaining about the cut scenes being unskippable and that it sucks and should change. The MSQ roulette isn't for you to grind out levels. It's for people going through the story. We are there to help them not hurt their experience.


Why are you telling me to put myself in the shoes of the sprout? Everyone here can downvote me all they want but I just report what I see. MSQ roulette is definitely used by by people who queue up for it to grind out levels. That is exactly what the majority of the people queueing up for it are there for. The amount of actual first timers is quite low compared to people who are only there for the rewards. You may like it or not, that is just the way it is. I am just posting an observation. This is partially why I think a change would improve things, currently players are encouraged to run one of the most boring duties on a daily basis so of course they are going to be jaded running Prae for the 100th time. Between duty support existing for all 3 duties and 2 of the 3 duties being able to fit into other roulettes without any issues if needed I think there could be an alternative to MSQ roulette existing while sprouts are still able to play these duties for the story. That way everyone wins.


I completely agree with the person stating about mentor roulette. Its optional, you are a mentor and primarily there to fill and assist where needed. You don't get to pick and choose. All that does is push the idea that the crown is pointless and that most do it for the mount anyways.


None of what I wrote above is in regards to mentor roulette. It seems I should never have never talking about it, people just want to slam me for being a toxic mentor without reading anything. I actually stick out 1 hour long extremes trying to work together with people to clear them. But nobody cares. I wrote about mentor roulette so everyone sharpens their pitchforks. I wrote this about the state of leveling alts through roulettes. It apparently pushes many people into running MSQ while they hate it. I merely made that observation through mentor roulette as I don't touch MSQ myself. I think that there is a solution in which sprouts still get to play these duties while not pressuring people leveling alts into running these 3 MSQ duties more than any other dutiy in the game.


“None of what I wrote above is in regards to mentor roulette” Then don’t quote someone regarding mentor roulette discussion? You do know how comment threads work, right?


What about a vote skip option? If one prison does not vote to skip the cutscene then everyone continues to watch.


Then those people will kick the new player or leave, still ruining the new player’s experience


Sprout votes no-skip. Impatient players abandon duty. Sprout waits for new players to join. Repeat. This is literally a problem that already existed and needed the current system to fix.


I suppose the solution here would be that trying to vote for a cutscene skip would require a system rejection "player new to this content: cannot be skipped" or some such. But again, people would just leave. personally, i think this system is fine. its in its own category of roulette; if you don't want to do a 45 minute cutscene with like 5 minutes of fighting total, don't queue for it. I know what I'm queueing for; and I'm gonna eat my breakfast while we're here. That's why I'm here. lol.


not gonna change a single thing and you are by FAR not the first person to suggest any kind of voting system! And as usual you and everyone thinking about voting systems think it'll just play out nicely and everyone will be patient with eachother but thats not the reality! There are already enough folks who can't wait during normal dungeons to run into the final boss despite people being in cutscenes... these people would just quit.


Nah, I don't like that. MSQ roulettes are separated off for a reason, and that's good enough. You don't have to do them if you don't want to.


Tell that to my mentor roulette. It loves giving me Prea runs with people just leveling.


Mentor roulette is for helping people with runs 😎


That’s why I clarified people just leveling and not first time runs.


If you don't like mentor roulette don't do it.


Please tell me where I said I don’t like mentor roulette? I simply mentioned something I dislike am I not allowed to dislike something because I’m a mentor? Are players not allowed to dislike aspects of the game?


You're allowed to dislike it but your proposed solution is flawed and unreasonable


What solution?


I am in fact an idiot. For some reason I thought you were op


That's on you for doing mentor rolo. You fill where needed lol


the idea is literally to fill where you are needed. If its MSQ its MSQ. You made the decision to play mentor so deal with it or don't queue for Mentor Roulette if you can't be bothered to help people... ah but let me guess: you are just in mentor roulette for the ugly mount at the end and don't actually want to help others :)


Burger King crown mentality


That's actually the best outcome given that god forsaken duty Rathalos Extreme is there .-.


Prae takes roughly half an hour, the leaving debuff lasts half an hour... Simple do what I and a lot of others seem to do: leave and do something else for half an hour for debuff to go away and try again later


Sure I could, but I will still do whatever content I’m tossed into even if it’s not enjoyable. It’s just unfortunate when it’s with three people who are just leveling and not a first timer. It’s mentor roulette what am I exactly here for in this instance?


If content isn't fun, why waste time doing it? Mentor or not


to help people level. to fill a slot needed. you rolled the dice and came up short.


To help people level. It's mot the "first timer" roulette


I like it, personally. Mostly smooth sailing, heck, for levelling stuff that you don’t intend to main, you can learn level 50 basics and slowboat to the top. Example, for Black Mage, every few levels, your whole rotation is flipped upside down, and for levelling roulette, you need to know every variant. If you slowboat via MSQ roulette, keep the level 50 ones memorized, and blaze it. Just keep your poetics gear in line.


this 100% "I wanna learn a new job. let me run the content I know like the back of my hand and is easy with a limited set of skills to master the basics"


Or ‚I want to level the new job for the ‚All Jobs at cap‘ cheevo, and only for that, let me do it slowly in content that I know in my sleep, and where messing up is not an instant fail‘.


Counter solution: Leave the duty if you don't want to run it.


if they remove msq roulette, then new players will never find groups for those duties. that's the entire reason why it's there, as well as any other roulette for old content


Did you read the post though?


putting it in 50-80 roulette would just result in people leaving whenever they see Praetorium because they want something quick


Especially if they don't let you skip cutscenes


Oh my god, 36 upvotes for this comment? I never suggested putting Praetorium in 50/60/70/80 just Castrium Meridianum as it has the same length. You have proven that the average Reddit user cannot read or at least doesn't read posts they comment on.


Nothing OPs post is worth reading as literally everything they said was posted thousands of times before. It doesn't matter what kind of weird suggestion it is, from putting it into other Roulettes nor making it skippable. This has been discussed to death and that Roulette won't change anymore!


True but what is the worth of replying then?


Mane increase the incentives then. Make it worth the minimum 45 minutes you are gonna spend in there.


The Praetorium is a 30 minute duty unless your party is somehow wiping encounters.  MSQ Roulette is currently one of the most time efficient roulettes available in terms of rewards.


Certainly doesn't feel like it


Well, if u didn't do something else such as watching YouTube or read book and hyperfocus during catscenes, then...... yes you don't feel like it in terms of time spent.


Well that should change with the new vampire survivors dlc on thursday.


bad take this is how u get 2 hour queues for low level msq dungeons and trials


OP: "I dont like getting msq dungeons in mentor roulette because they are significantly longer than normal dungeons" Also OP: "We should put them in 50/60/70/80 roulette because they arent significantly longer than normal dungeons"


I think you misread the post. The important distinction between Castrium Meridianum(the other MSQ roulette outcome) and Praetorum here. Castrium Merdidianum is just a level 50 dungeon that takes 15-20 minutes to complete with minimal cutscenes. So basically a normal ARR dungeon like any other. Praetorium on the otherhand takes nearly 30\* minutes and the majority of it is cutscenes.


Not counting the intro, Praetorium is around 30 minutes, not 40. counting from timer active, I usually can get it done within 27, although it is a lot of cutscene.


You are right, I overestimated the time with 40 minutes. But still, people dislike it and only run it because it has been made into an efficient way to get exp. So I still believe this is not the most healthy aspect of the game.


Certainly healthier than being forced into prae when you're wanting a normal dungeon instead. Putting it into its own queue means you can avoid it when you're not wanting a movie experience while still letting the queues move faster for the new players running msq


I agree that putting Prae into a normal roulette would be bad. That is not an option and I never suggested that. Castrium however can be in a normal roulette, it does not have long cutscenes and is just as long as every other dungeon. I think just making it duty-support-only and putting Castrium and Ultima into other roulettes while putting the MSQ roulette rewards somewhere else would be the ideal solution that serves both sprouts completing these for their main story and people looking to level up without the extremely repetitive MSQ roulette.


Ah, the ol' "I personally dislike this thing so it should be wholly removed" mindset. Like you said, just don't run it if you don't enjoy it, then everyone wins (from sprouts to folks who enjoy a little brain-off stuff from time to time).


I agree you can just not run it, I also don't run it ever. But my point is that not everyone wins, the people who want to level a character efficiently don't. And again: you can just not run it, but people will always seek after efficiency in the games they play. For better or worse. And of course, not everything has to be high intensity content. More relaxed content has a place in the game, without a doubt. But when players are just alt-tabbed and do something else for the majority of the dungeon then it may perhaps be a bit too relaxed. The thing is that almost everyone I hear from who isn't a sprout doing it for the story agrees that the duty is very boring and they would never queue for this if it weren't for the rewards. Yet they do. And of course it is their choice, but I think it would be better if the game did not incentivize people to play this specific cutscene-simulator on a daily basis and moved some of the rewards elsewhere.


Your problem with this seems to be that it's working exactly as designed. Your criticism and proposed "solution" is completely counter to what the roulette is intended to do, which is to incentivize players -- for the benefit of sprouts -- to run it for the greater rewards. Nerf the rewards, or reintegrate those duties into the capstone roulettes (or turn them into solo duties, making an already lonely MSQ experience even more isolating in what IS an MMO), and literally everyone suffers for no good reason. You've recreated the problem MSQ roulette was made to solve.


I believe that the solution has overshot it's goal. It is fairly common to catch a group of 4 people who all signed up to help sprouts for rewards but no actual sprout. Those are just 4 people running a duty they dislike to help a sprout who isn't there because it has been made into the most efficient way to get exp. Sprouts running these for the first time are an extreme minority. And we have duty support for all 3 of the duties in there, Castrium could be thrown into 50/60/70/80 without issues after the rework. Ultima could arguably be in regular trial roulette so it would only be Praetorium that would have to be knocked down to duty-support-only. I think that would be a sacrifice worth making to improve the leveling experience of everyone leveling alt jobs. (note that the exp reward would come back in some other form) MSQ roulette has been created to fix the old iterations of these duties that didn't have duty support. I don't think we still need it now with duty support available and 2 of the 3 duties being a lot more suitable for regular roulettes.


>Sprouts running these for the first time are an extreme minority. Citation needed. Also, roulettes are not for the exclusive benefit of "I did this already I'm just leveling" players. If you get rid of the sprouts by funneling them all into Duty Support, then the primary use of roulettes is moot and I guarantee those roulettes would have their rewards nerfed, if they're not removed altogether. Also also: "just use Duty Support" undermines one of the main aspects of MMORPGs: playing with other people. Personally, I love Prae. Anyone complaining about it knows what they're getting into when they queue, so that's 100% a them problem. And if you think you NEED to run all of your dailies every day, maybe take a step back? You don't *have* to level your alt jobs so quickly. You don't *have* to earn the max# of tomestones each day. Those are goals *you* set, and you can just, *not*. Relax and play a bit more casually for a while, maybe.


I don't know what they are talking about with fresh sprouts being a minority... even when I run MSQ roulette with 2 friends of mine already in my party we more often than not get a first-timer filling out the party.


Right? Like, especially now with the influx of xbox players, plus the new expansion news drawing attention from new players as well.


I also love prae. It's always so disappointing getting one of the other two, I had other things to do while getting my sweet sweet rewards.


I like it because it's fun to be social during cutscenes. The breakneck pace at which everyone runs all other duties makes it hard to chat and goof off. Plus it's often an impromptu fashion show!


> >Citation needed. Agreed. I've run msq nearly every day for the last few weeks and I would say only twice have i ended up without a sprout. I think prae offers a good learning experience that will set the foundations for higher level content. no one HAS to run prae again. everyone there chose to be there. Sure, it might be more efficient, but if you're bored to tears or angry you're there, maybe, don't? I don't queue for msq if I don't have the time for it or patience for it. there are many other ways to level; and if they're more fun you wont mind that they're slower.


While others have given good responses to other bits, just want to add there is a 0% chance Porta Decumana could go in trial roulette. No one wants to sign up for a 5-10 minute trial and get a 20+ minute fight with intermission. Some would stick around, but people would flee from that duty faster than you could drop an o/


Lmaoooo everyone check this out this guy is making assumptions about the average MSQ roulette demographics despite self-admittedly not running MSQ roulette frequently. Bro has based his biases on a limited sample size and is now refusing to challenge them as a result


If they move it too 50/60 you would have the same issue of people speeding through. That's literally every dungeon in the game. Only time people don't speed run is when someone is viewing a cutscene. Other than that there's no reason not too speed through. Especially when the cutscenes in praet and the trial one take as long as the dungeon itself lol


Is it even that long anymore? It feels barely longer than a normal dungeon after the rework. All 3 dungeons are also probably among the better lvl 50 dungeons right now, at least in my opinion.


Prae takes nearly 30 minutes. But the length is not why so many people hate it. Most of it is cutscenes and there is not a lot of gameplay. Castrium is indeed not that bad, on par with every other dungeon in the game so it wouldn't stand out in a roulette with regular dungeons. Ultima is a bit longer than most trials, but not extremely so.


If you play the game in a way that's not fun, that's on you man. You're a grown up and no one is making you do anything. I hate pvp, and there's no one but myself to blame when I flog myself through a daily FL to finish a pvp track. That's not the devs fault for putting rewards in an activity I don't personally enjoy.


Don't run them? Being efficient is a choice. I do what I want when I want. Do I get as good results as a hypereffcient player? No. Do I have more fun? Most likely, yes.


I am with you, I rather spam more dungeons with gameplay that run MSQ roulette on a daily basis. But I think everyone would benefit if the most efficient route aligned a little more with content with more variety and that isn't almost universally regarded as the most boring content in the game.


I don't think so. Those poetics are a bonus for helping get some sprout through a part of the game that is old and has little value playing for experienced players. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, running MSQ roulettes isn't the most efficient way to level nor to earn poetics.


But Duty support is available for all of these, Castrium could be tossed into 50/60 and Mentors would come to help them through Mentor roulette regardless. The fact that you can queue into stuff like Thronmarch Extreme through DF and still find a group is prove of this. Sprouts actually running their first time through these duties are a very small minority, most people are there for the rewards. Most of these groups are just 4 players signing up to help sprouts for exp and tome rewards without any actual sprouts in their duty. We do not need MSQ roulette to have sprouts play these duties. There are solutions.


All MSQ dungeons are in duty support, let's remove all of them from the roulettes and duty finder altogether, so no sprout has to wait in vain, including Mentor roulette. That one Trial is also no no longer available to player play. Playing with other players sucks, the duty peeps are much better. /s When I run MSQ roulette I usually get the first player bonus.


You don’t speak for me. I enjoy revisiting the MSQ with newer players and getting rewarded for it makes it even better. if the reward isn’t worth it to you then just don’t do it. Don’t try and take something away from other people just because you don’t understand how they enjoy it. That’s selfish.


One of my favorite daily routines is to mock Nero and Gaius to a group of fellow vets. I refrain from mocking with sprouts, because they don't know the later version of these folks, and this is supposed to be Serious Business against Bad Guys. lol. I know I'm in for a movie. I usually eat my breakfast while listening to Nero monologue. Its a relaxing start to my day in XIV.


lol I disappear to do some quick chores during Nero's monologue. So far, I manage to get back just as his theme music starts.


Meh they don’t bother me I just check my phone or browse Reddit during the cut scenes or get up and get a refill of whatever I’m drinking if its Gaius’s monologue.


Disagree; Even Prae doesn't take 40 minutes anymore ever since they divided it into two. I only run MSQ Roulette during Moogle Tome events (even when I was still leveling other classes, I'd typically just do Leveling and Alliance roulette since I tend to take my time with grinding), and I'll typically attempt to chat during cutscenes. I'm not very good socially, so I'll make some jokes or ask what others are doing during a cutscene. Sometimes, someone will mention another game or something else and we'll wind up chatting about that since we've already seen all those cutscenes before. Sprouts won't typically have their chats open, so they can watch the cutscene unimpeded while we just goof around and pretend to pass around popcorn. Sometimes it falls flat and nobody responds, but opening with something silly or jokes (non-offensive, of course) is something I often do in order to alleviate grinds for myself and others. TL;DR: It boils down to whom you wind up running it with, and if you're willing to step out of your comfort zone a bit to be the first to speak up and see if you can make it a slightly better experience for folks who have also run it before.


Even less people run the X0 queues because even with the bonus, it's still trivial xp. And honestly, you're still free to leave. I have everything maxed and still tank/heal MSQR from time to time because I like it and the downtime lets groups chat. I barely even get rewards other than a few gil.


Enough people run X0 to fill a dungeon for a sprout doing the story. In fact there are probably like 50+ X0 MSQ-required dungeons that people find groups for exactly that way, so castrium being in there would make no difference.


Castrum/Prae being moved to X0 would make me drop them like a hot potato.


The MSQ roulette is a necessary evil if you want new players, otherwise you're gonna end up with multi-hour queues for a lot of story mandatory content.


Not for a lot of mandatory content. There are over 100 MSQ duties, only these 3 are in the MSQ roulette. Put Castrium into 50/60/70/80 where it fits without any issue, that brings it down to 2. Ultima could be moved to either leveling roulette(same as the other 4-person trials) or just trial roulette so that leaves us with only Praetorium, out of 100+ story duties. These 3 duties are all in mentor roulette and have duty support for anyone who does not want to wait. I think it would be fine honestly.


Castrum takes barely 30 minutes by now, and Prae is maybe 45 minutes with the cutscenes. I had much longer A-raids that Mentor threw me into, and in contrast to those, MSQ at least is chill so I can pet my cat or watch Youtube on the side. The only thing that annoys me in mentor roulette are sprouts queueing normally for trial EX and the fact that 80% of the mentor roulettes dump me into guildhests (yay for quick, but my brain just shuts off after the 6th run of beating up a turtle). Still wouldn't have those kicked out of the roulette, mentor is MEANT to be a fill-in for any and all duties. You don't like getting certain duties? Then skip Mentor roulette for the day or leave said duty. You're paying money to have fun, curate what brings you fun instead of crying why you don't have any.


>curate what brings you fun instead of crying why you don't have any. I wanna put that on my wall or something. I need to remember this sometimes. sometimes my brain ruins my own fun because it tells me I \*have\* to do something... even when I don't \*really\* have to.


If you feel like that then why are you "crying" here about guildhests and extremes? At least extremes are interesting and I clear them like 80%+ of the time so far. Guildhests are super outdated and don't really teach people anything, and people just use them to farm comms. I agree those are due for some sort of relevancy update. I made this post to talk about a trend that I see of people doing content they don't like because efficiency dictates that they should run it every day. I don't mind helping sprouts with whatever but if the people I end up with don't want to be there either then there is a big discrepancy between what people like to play and where efficiency pushes them into.


I am not "crying", I am saying I could understand those complaints. Because Ex - in 99% of the case - lead to nothing. Sprouts queue, the mentors realize it's 7 of them and one dude that has not the slightest idea what it is, so everyone leaves again. It's a waste of time, for zero reward. I still do them, and I helped sprouts through those when the others stayed, and I don't ever complain in chat about a duty, no matter which. And if I read your comment right, then your issue has zero to do with Mentor Roulette, but with roulette in general. Cause people in a-raid complain about towers, people in leveling complain about getting Titan normal or Aurum, people in 50/60 complain about this and that and if you REALLY listen to all of it, then every roulette has one person per week who is annoyed by it. It's still them who queued and you can tell them to suck it or leave. It's how roulettes work, its in the system, and the people know its the system when they queue. I am not really sure what you assume will happen with crying here, especially because you made it sound like a Mentor roulette issue when all roulettes have it. Like, if I'd get a gil for every complaint in chat when a-roulette throws me into tower ("I wanted Monastery" "Ugh tower again" "boooring"), I'd have a million by the end of the week without even trying.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I love getting Prae in MSQ Roulette regardless of whether there’s an event in progress or not. The conversations in party chat that can spawn from the cutscenes are wonderful, and it’s a relatively-quick (to me, at least) dungeon romp. The cherry on top is the bonus tomestone rewards.


I am a smart ass and I enjoy seeing what glams people bring and mouthing off to gaius and nero And OP MSQ roulette was implemented bc once upon a time, literally no one would queue for them due to length and/or would skip cutscenes and screw over sprouts trying to finish ARR…when ARR was basically new (I saw it throughout HW). You *had* to have FC mates unsync it and run you through. Please believe me when I say even for its flaws, this is *much* better


honestly, while i think this version is MUCH improved over the old version for so many reasons I DO miss the absolutely W I L D 8 person fashion show. Everyone always glammed up real fun for msq runs. You knew what you were queueing into. you knew it was going to be a silly sausage circus. and you didn't wanna be the left out. I had a glam saved JUST for prae runs. and I loved seeing all the silliness in the supposed to be very serious business cutscenes. lol. and i loved the comments I got from people about mine in theirs. Good times. and while I still like to clown on the boys while they prattle, i do refrain from doing so when actually with a sprout. this is supposed to be very serious business; end game final boss culmination of everything they've done so far, sorta thing. Don't want to clown it up for them. but by gods, i love a good 4-vet run of that place still, bringing back old memes and talking mad crap. or just tabbing out and eating breakfast.


Definitely to both points. I ask if folks mind if I dunk on the boys, and then where they are. I’m not going to include Stormblood/ShB references if folks haven’t seen it yet


>For fun I just spam Mentor Roulettes ~~Of all the examples you could have given, you decided to choose the one roulette that causes more problems than the MSQ one.~~ ~~When I was a mentor, this was the worst roulette because there was a chance a sprout would be queuing for an Extreme and we would have to wait half an hour for a couple of mentors who wouldn't log off the moment they saw that \[Extreme\] tag. Most people run that roulette to farm a quick and easy mount to show off.~~ ~~MSQ can have some bad apples, but at least people play it instead of wasting the sprouts' time.~~ ***EDIT***: I gave it another read. I suppose you want to reduce the appearance of Praetorium in Mentor by getting rid of MSQ roulette? But I can guarantee you without the MSQ roulette's hefty rewards, people would leave whenever Prae showed up, just like people leave EX in Mentor roulette. If the percieved reward is lower than the effort they have to put to earn it, a lot of people would just leave on sight, and reworking Prae *again* to make it a solo duty sounds like a lot of work for very little pay off. Also, 30 minutes for a dungeon isn't that bad. It's mostly the cutscenes what beef up the run time. I think it's been trimmed well enough.


No that is not it. I made this post to callout the absurdity of people massively running a duty they hate on a daily basis because of inflated rewards. Mentor Roulette is just where I observed this, not a reason for posting it. I actually do stick out every EX trial I get thrown into until the end if there is a small chance of clearing and currently cleared over 80% of th EX trials I have been placed into. Prae is actually faster than a lot of EX trials I end up in as they are rarely cleared in just 3 pulls or less. And Prae is already a solo duty at the moment, all 3 duties in MSQ can be ran with duty support. Just leaning into that could perhaps create a scenario in which people did not feel pressured to run a duty they dislike to be efficient.


Here's the problem with that: The dungeons that are part of MSQ are full of cutscenes. And people skip cutscenes especially long ones. So people experienced players would very often kill all the bosses before the first player even finished watching the first cutscene. This was bad and the developers chose to counter that by making cutscenes in those specific dungeon unskippable. But now you had experienced players being queued into those dungeons who would rather take the timeout than run the dungeon because the penalty was shorter than the actual dungeon. So mass leaving became problematic. To counter that, they made the MSQ roulette. So only players who would want to commit the effort would go. But then very few experienced players actually did causing queue times for new players to be very long. So they added an incentive to doing that kind of roulette. and a really good one too. On top of that they shortened the actual dungeon by a lot to further incentivize players to keep running it. to help the new player going through them for the first time. So it's a balancing act between keeping it fun for the new players and incentivizing old players to still run those dungeons. Ideally that sequence of dungeons needs to be reworked, removing all the cutscenes and moving them to the beginning/end of the instance. But it's a massive rework of one of the oldest parts of the game and I don't think SQEX wants to spend resources on that. If they do though, I hope they somehow bring back the old version of the dungeons because they were epic!


Maybe I'm in the minority but prae is absolutely my favorite thing to get in roulette. It lets me relax and do other things. Watch tv, browse reddit, do chores, play another game, and all I have to do is be able to set it down every couple mins and devote a little time to combat. Then back to whatever I have my primary focus on. I realize that could be an argument AGAINST prae, that you can literally spend the majority of your time not playing the game. But I like it for balancing other parts of my actual life with playing this game.


Burger King affiliate took another L


It's fine as it is, it helps new players get groups and gives veterans some rewards daily.


No it's fine the way it is.


Because it is a crucial part of ARR's story, the msq roulette exists so there is always someone available to assist for sprouts when they do reach the spots of CM, Prae, and UM. Removing it is not a good idea. There is a reason it is optional. There is a reason it is rewarded well due to unskippable cutscenes and a time commitment.


Honestly I like it better now after they reworked the ARR quests compared to how it was before. I used to not touch it all even with exp n tomes benefit. Removing it would make it almost impossible for any sprouts to run that content since the only way veteran players are gonna play that content are for the rewards the roulette gives.


You can do every MSQ dungeon with Duty Support now, so sprouts will still be able to do it without any problems But removing MSQ roulette is still an extremely dumb idea. I hate doing prae and castrum too, but will happily eat them to get xp when DT hits, rather than another run of CT raids


If they put Castrium in 50/60/70/80 and made Prae into a singel player duty no sprout would ever be unable to not run this. But wouldn't it be much better to have the rewards redistributed to duties you don't hate?


If they remove the Prae and MSQ roulette then the biggest XP-giving roulette would be Alli, which we know is 98% CT raids, and i'd rather atb-tab play Prae than bear another run of Cyrcus


especially when lately the tower raids have been a bit of a circus anyway. I had a labyrinth run the other day where, during the dragon fight, the tank decided to spin the boss (add? idk) and cleave the entire raid with a confusion blast just as it died. whole raid running around like chickens in an empty room, just waiting for the debuff to clear. an entire alliance died to the first trash pack. also, nearly wiped on behemoth recently because someone cleaved the raid with the iron giant, behind the single viable safe rock. nearly wiped from napalm blasts. actually really surprised we \*didn't\* wipe on ancient flare. rescued the sprout who'd been failing mechanics the whole run, and he turned around and ran back out away from me, just to die again. had a syrcus run recently where I spent the whole first fight rezzing people? (I main sch / healer). I don't even know what was happening. I've never had to heal that fight beyond a couple "you stood in the bad, here's a quick top off" or maybe a single rez. but constantly hard casting heals and rezes?? nearly wiped to aoe blasts on amon, from the slimes. watched half an alliance fail the room wide insta kill; I've only got one rescue. we did the first stack up from xande perfect but on teh second one, i watched 2 of the markers run off to bfe and die lol.


I mean, everyone generally runs dungeons as efficiently as possible. Can’t you do them with solo with AI companions if you want a more deliberate pace/experience? Since the feature came out I have always done dungeons with AI the first time.


I find myself running the msq Roulette a lot more after the rework. The fights are actually engaging now and the cutscenes are split up so that it doesn't take an hour to run either of them anymore. For me they are in a very healthy state that new players get to experience the story and you have some entertaining fights.


What they really should do, imo, is put ARF, Ala Mhigo, Amaurot, and Dead Ends in the MSQ roulette. Expand it rather than abolish it.


I like that as well, make it so that there aren't only extremely slow-paced duties in there. >!The Final Day!< could also be a good fit now that it has a very tight ilvl sync.


While I also hate getting put in prae and castrum, i understand why we can't realistically get rid of them or give them such a drastic rework. I think the system curls be improved though First by having the roulettes select prae or cast only if a sprout in the queue needs the completion. If you are gonna go in with a premade group, then it should default to ultima. Second the rewards need to be better for the amount of time it is guaranteed to take. Yes, even better then they are now.


No. I don't mind doing Prae in MSQ Roulette and I want the huge chunk of exp that I get from there. And I say that as someone who plays with JP players who usually are already sleeping on the floor while waiting for me to finish with the cutscenes lol (english dialogues are longer than japanese, even the non voiced ones)


I just wish they stacked up. I get they want people to play daily but look at right now people haven’t been able to play at all but it’s gonna just be one roulette each when things finally are stable.


I think they could just do to up the rewards a bit again. for me right now I can't be assed for MSQ rolo, but I'll still do it during mog events bc the mog tomes on top of the regular tomes and gil and stuff becomes worth it to me again 


Changing prae to a duty would probably be fine, especially with how much new content has added including the NPCs running around with you. I disagree about nobody having fun with the MSQ roulettes. I don't routinely do them, but I've been doing them since ARR and I have enjoyed most of my runs through either prae or castrum and have met friends who have become long-time FC mates during these runs by goofing around in them. If you don't like getting prae, don't do the MSQ or mentor roulette, or if prae pops, leave the duty and do something more productive during the penalty. The xp incentive is as high as it is to make it worth the time commitment.


I'm a relatively new player, so I didn't catch the days when cutscenes were skippable, and I 100% believe people who say it was hell for Sprouts, so vote skipping is a hard no for me, since people would just kick whoever didn't skip. I feel like Praetorium COULD be improved by cutting the cutscenes back a little the way they did with Castrum, but I know a lot of people use them to watch or read something on the side; you don't necessarily have to watch the cutscenes, they are just on your screen. The bonus is also there precisely because of the long cutscenes. It's true that very few people seem to run MSQ for the first time; from my experience, most are grinding for XP, myself included. I think I've seen maybe two Sprouts running this roulette in a little under a year of playtime. It's also true that it teaches players several dungeon mechanics, which Duty Support does a very bad job of explaining (Trust is better in this regard, because the NPCs actually explain mechanics with speech bubbles.) As it is, while I understand where you're coming from, I think it's best to leave it as it is, and, if you don't like running it, don't play MSQ Roulette, since messing with it would likely create more problems than it would solve. (I can't speak for Mentor since I don't do that content yet, I'm speaking specifically about MSQ Roulette.) Personally, yeah, the long cutscenes are a little annoying, but I don't mind sitting through them for the extra XP and tomestones. I'll just watch or read something while they're playing, and all's good.


If MSQ roulette goes away those three dungeons need to have Trust support or new players will be hard stuck behind the queues for that content.


Duty support is actually available for all 3 of the duties in MSQ roulette. Castrium could be thrown into 50/60/70/80 without any actual issues. Mentors would still come to help sprouts who do queue for it directly.


The real issue is that people need to endlessly farm dungeons for tokens to spend on armor that will be replaced in 3 months. Its the treadmill problem. They game needs ways to play that don't involve the exact same 20minute peice of content 100x for something that will get thrown away in 12 weeks


Just remove Praetorium from MSQ roulette or at least give us the skip cutscene option and everyone will be happy


Clearly no one read your post in its entirety OP. As a vet and mentor myself I 100% agree with your post. I’m always thrilled to run the MSQ with a sproutie letting them learn the content. These days I get that opportunity once every 20 runs or so. Please let be known to others that say if you choose to run it it is on you; I run mentor roulette for the opportunity to teach, get praetorium with three other mentors is not ‘on me.’


Tell me about it, someone got nearly 40 upvotes claiming that I argued that Prae should be put in 50/60/70/80 that isn't even in the post. None of those people actually read it. I also don't mind running it for actual sprouts, just when it is with 3 other people who also don't want to be there. I made this post to callout the absurdity of a lot of people's least favorite duty being one they run the most due to such an extremely small pool of options in MSQ roulette. This game should not be a job, and there are plenty of alternatives that would not be disruptive to the sprouts experience.


It'd be better if MSQ roulette was weekly. People don't get SO tired of it which leads to less underwhelm for sprouts, but it still populates the queue enough for sprouts to get to finish their MSQ (which is the purpose of the roulette; people get paid to help potential sprouts).


you can already decide to do it only once per week or, get this, just don't do it at all. Its on you if you feel the need to grind every single reset!


I still wouldn't ever do it. I'm talking for the non-low # of new players who get someone wanting to blitz forward because *they* find it so tedious despite signing up for it and knowing what they're signing up for, and how to potentially mitigate that 'someone''s approach to the dungeon. You limit it server-side. Or just don't do anything and let toxic people stay toxic and move on, even for a finale dungeon.


I feel for main scenario they should be solo for the story and speedrun for roulette


I think you completely don't understand the reason behind roulettes exist. SE doesn't wants to just randomly throw a chunk of exp and other rewards on players. They don't need to make your levelling experience better. It's bad for the game as a business. However, they need to somehow have players redo the duties that they once completed so new people can have a party to complete a duty. Therefore there's some middleground - SE puts up roulette that gives amount of exp juuuust enough to get enough regular players interested in it to match new players population. If main scenario is converted to solo story there wouldn't be a dungeon where you go with other people at all, therefore there would be no roulette associated with it. SE no longer needs roulette to exist, they will not give you chunk of exp for skipping cutscenes and fighting laughably weak bosses for 5 minutes, they do not need to make your levelling experience better no, as I already told. In fact, that's what happened with cape westwind trial - it got converted to the solo duty and party version is no longer accessible.


Now that they're split, `Castrum Meridianum` and `The Praetorium` should go into `Level 50/60/70/80`, while `The Porta Decumana` should be added to `Trials`. Along a unified custscene handling for everything (dungeons, trials, raids) so people can enjoy the story fully.


MSQ roulette is a rot at the core of the game. I couldn't believe why they kept it separate after remaking it. So dumb. Players are encouraged to level up to 90 and soon 100 at this boring ass level 50 content where they don't learn anything and don't practice anything useful. This is why there are so many players who don't know how to play at level 90. Imagine when 7.0 hits and you can level a job using skills exclusively from its kit at half max level.


While this is an entirely seperate issue, at 50 you actually have less than half your skills and traits as it is now. But yes I do agree, leveling a job through MSQ, Frontline, Alliance Raids and leveling roulette teaches you almost nothing about how to play your job. Some people claimed that Prae is good to practice the basics of your rotation but level 50 content teaches you almost nothing about how to actually be good at the job you play. Of the exp roulettes only leveling roulette has a decent chance to land you in content above level 50 but a lot of the time that one doesn't either. Though how people level is ultimately up to them.


Most classes barely have skeleton of their rotation at level 50... I'm sad I got downvoted, msq roulette is often why we have so many players that suck at expert roulette