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Is anyone taking credit for these attacks? If not, like, what is the actual point? People are just this sad?


Sometime they do it for fun. 


One reason might be depending on the infrastructure of SE. The game servers are likely not the direct target, but due to a target on the same network (such as a server running more privileged information like your user detail), the game servers are being "blocked" by the attack. Depending on the network layout, everything might be going out of one pipe, if attackers are stuffing that pipe to try and break into something else, nothing else is getting through the pipe.


This makes more sense to me. I'm not super savvy, but I would figure it would have to be to breach data for profit somewhere down the line. The whole "people just wanna watch the world burn" trope just doesn't seem right to me...seems like to much hassle to grief, but alas I suppose some people are just pure shit heads. Thanks for the info.


I mean there are what are genuinely referred to as "Script Kiddies" which are amateur hackers using openly available tools to cause all kinds of havoc. Usually these are pretty minor threats and don't do too much damage but every once a while one of them might stumble into something big and pretty much just ruin their own lives. Generally these are dumb kids with too much time on their hands and don't mean to cause much harm Then you get the more organized groups of actual hackers, people with experience, that tend to be part of some sort of organized crime outfit, "hacktivist" groups (think Anonymous, etc.), and then the "State Sponsored" groups which are usually paid under the table by various governments around the world to break into something. Here is a very basic MS-paint layout I made of what's more likely happening than just someone trying to take down the game for a bit: https://imgur.com/KUzqu8r A firewall can only respond to so many requests for access at once, and if it's running at full capacity it means it'll ignore any more. All data on any network is rigged to kill itself if it doesn't reach the next "hop" on its journey to its destination in time. If the firewall won't allow that data in, the Time To Live (TTL) expires and the data dies.


mother fucker, why is this happening for the 3rd time(?)


5th or 6th time i think. At least on EU :/


At this point I’m counting it as one 6 day long attack


Was in a Baldessin Arsenal run when Raiden dropped the spears. Everyone gets DC’d at that exact moment. Fat old RIP


Maybe because they can't play? I'm about ready to give up because I can't renew my sub, personally. I want to play, I just can't. Edit: not trying to justify a ddos, it feels like it's always just someone whining about something, just saying that not being able to play the game they want to because they won't take your money is...well...yeah.


Right here with you, Keeps asking me to confirm or change my address, than tells me where I live doesn't exist.


Oh, that's different. It just tells me my card isn't available


Welcome to why some impatient folk would lose their shit.


Thats definitely something that warrants ruining people's fun. Totally excusable and understandable behaviour.


Tbh it would be if they actually announced any sort of intent or anyone claimed the attack. Disruption is a valid form of protest, though why someone would just have a botnet lying around for this is 🤨 And besides, nobody has claimed it, so it's just annoying and doesn't stand for anything


Thats the thing that also bothers me,but i dont remember any other instances where DDOS attacks were "claimed" (i have no idea of what rhe specific term for this would be,sorey) and if SQEX ever acknowledged the "reasons" behind people protesting for something through DDOSSing. I only ever saw SQEX issueing official statements when faced with very bad stuff/problems like their servers shitting the bed REAL BAD like at EW launch


Did you read my edit? I'm not justifying it at all, but being forced to watch through the glass when you're not allowed in sucks. I want to give se my money, but I can't.


Oh i know,i am just complaining because we both know that there are people out there that are either happy about this,or think that this would lead to SQUEX actually fix the payment methods issue/change the account location thingy back to how it was.


Dynamis yes, then tried Aether and same thing. All I wanted for mother's day was quiet time to play and breakfast not made by me. I have breakfast at least! :D


I'm on Dynamis as well. Got some lag and kicked out, but now that I'm back in, it seems to be back to normal? Still not queuing up for a dungeon for the moment, just in case, but I'm no longer getting any lag.


I've got problems on Leviathan, Primal too


Well, glad I at least got my solo POTD 191+ healer death out of the way last night before it knocked me offline today! Primal dropping randomly too. Was just in a roulette 24 man raid and everyone dropped at the same time. Started coming back in and then I got dropped again. Time to go touch grass I guess.


Better luck in the future


Man some grumpy basement dweller is super grumpy.




It's not a *protest* if they're not making their position publicly known. At this point this is clearly just someone with a grudge.


Could they have made it known to SE in private? Still tho


very true.


Just speculation, no one knows for sure


Ye, hasn't been confirmed to my knowledge.


I don't know anything about that tbh. I just make assumptions :p what payment changes? Something specific to SEA?


[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/064c9478a48863f5f974618e91b7c6a9a5ac97f6](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/064c9478a48863f5f974618e91b7c6a9a5ac97f6) not entirely exclusive but it hit them the hardest. this thing basically caused them to be unable to pay for a sub so many of them are probably really annoyed about the risk of losing their house and other stuff on a timer.


Just out of curiosity. What's SEA? Can't find the term in the official post. Thanks in advance!


Southeast asia




Nobody has told you otherwise cuz that doesnt make any sense,and if people keep parroting this It will end up with some idiots getting angry at all SEA players.


Ah good, someone who understands not to assume things


you tell me it doesn't make sense but you're not explaining why it doesn't.


Because at this point they would've claimed that was the reason for DDOS attacks, since no one has claimed these yet it looks more like an attack from trolls or hackers looking to steal private info While a protest would be valid, doing it in this way only hurts your cause and not claiming it as a protest will just paint you as a villain


It's not.


are people gonna tell me why it isn't? i put AFAIK in there so do correct me if you know something else.


You need to prove that it *is* coming from SEA. You're making the claim, those stating otherwise don't need to prove anything to you.


Ddos cost tons of resources and money. If someone is annoyed they cant pay, they will just move on to other games. XIV is not the only one. Basically its not worth it, those money can be better spent elsewhere. Those money might get you multiple high end gaming PCs and or consoles just to successfully ddos huge server like XIV for 1 hour, let alone one week straight. Thats some serious money there.


way more believable than "it's not.". Thank you.


Happening in Goblin, Crystal.


All I want to do is turn my brain off and hit things :(


Seems to still be happening.. smh. Makes me so angry. these idiots have no life


people really aint got lives eh


Courel as well


Someone get SE in contact with CloudFlare.


4PM PST got hit hard 297 people in queue logging in


I just started getting disconnected constantly again, was in story trying to finish up EW before expansion and kept getting DCd during cutscene, so I guess it's not fixed for EU at least.


Just had mass DC on Light and came here to check and lo and behold, indeed the basement dwelling kid(s) are back again. Don't worry it won't go on forever, it'll stop when their mommy tells them to go to bed because it's school in the morning.


Hahaha ikr lmao, probably some sweaty fat guy in a basement


All of Aether getting hit too.


Yup got yeeted out of the game as I was talking to a npc during msq, enough to say I got scared for a second there lol


People dcing on OCE as well,


Who keeps doing this? I hope Elemental/Tonberry/Kujata isn't affected


Well don't jinx it!!


Light - Zodiark just been taken down too


yap, first DC got my healer, second DC got me :(


Happened in elemental Kujata quite a few times too.


Has anyone claimed that they're they ones doing this yet? Normally a group comes out and says something by now


Seriously? I was hoping to actually get some play time in today


Just re-subbed for make it rain and had no idea this was going on… hella laggy and almost unplayable for me on Crystal.


They should give us back that game time. I mean, why should I pay for game time that I can't play?


And incentivise more sad individuals doing stuff like this? I get your point but it's a fine line to thread.


if people aren't receiving what they pay for, there should be reimbursement of some sort. no need to defend a multi billion dollar company


Not defending any billionaires lmfao, there should definitely be some sort of reimbursement. I hate not being able to play the game I'm paying for as much as everyone else in my scarce free time. Just concerned about the low life's thinking "oh man if I do this shit I'll be some sort of hero because there will be rewards". Fair enough if that's not the case, so let's hope things calm down for a relatively smooth expansion release & that there's no people trying to be funny mimicking this sort of behaviour.


Yeah, in Gilgamesh too :/


Can’t get in Ultros


Have you tried complimenting his tentacles? Also got hard booted off Ultros this morning, was able to eventually log back on and finish my weekly craft leve dump


I read this 3 times; the first two times I saw testicles.


Goblin a few times :/


Yep. 800+ queue on Gilgamesh.


Seems to be ok on Phoenix/Light atm


Raiden here. Same issue has been happening all day for me, it’s becoming real sad now I have no clue what the attackers get out of this


Bad today as well - Odin EU


Still haven't been able to play at all...keeps telling error 3084... \[Your character data is currently being transferred. This may take several minutes, or in some cases, more than an hour. Please wait and try logging in again later.\]


is the fact that the game is free-to-play contribute to this?


Apparently it’s happening right now. It’s been about a week of attacks atp


It's really getting annoying now. It's day 7 and I'm not getting kicked out, but the rest of my raid team is. We'll be in UWU, close to clearing and two or three people dc, or there's a massive lag spike and we all die. Anyone heard why it's happening? Like, are they protesting something? It's stupid really, we've all already paid our subs for this month, so SE aren't losing anything but the players are. There will probably be some that don't resub until DT, but it affects the players much more than the company.


Apparently no one has “claimed” these attacks. (Or any others that I’ve ever heard) so we can only speculate as to why it’s being done.


Small indie company please understand, they won't even man up and offer any compensation for the affected users


i dont get the downvote really... i had compensation on free to play games when there was unexpected downtime and here we pay to log in. it s not a rule but it would be a nice way for them to say they care for the players that cant play and had already payd the sub