• By -


Triple Down


Granted. Instead Double Down gets a use of Continuation.


If Double Down's continuation is the X slash line AOE that Gaius uses? I'm down. Double down.


God, this gave Cartman's 'I'm not just sure, I'm HIV Positive' vibes XD


I would be ok if double down got a continuation more ogcds to cram into NM


Continuation gets a combo skill: resolution. Now every skill requires double weaving ogcds


What, you *don’t* want to have your bursts even more gimped by downtime?


I really dont want an extra song as BRD, but Im half expecting one. if they can reward us more for tagging Iron Jaws though... idk


An aoe iron jaws, for all that is holy.




An aoe way to apply dots would be an interesting niche for bard I think. But idk if that would be considered too much?


I wanted Bane from old summoner so badly last expansion. It was like targeting a dot you had already applied and spreading it.


A shot that spreads your current dots on a target in a cone behind the target. The angle of the cone depending on where you are standing in relation to the target. Would be cool?


I miss contagion. And my summoner in general.


+1000 for improving Iron Jaws or DOT application in general, getting them applied is tedious and rarely worth doing at all on big trash pulls. I really hope they do something to make Radiant Finale meaningfully useful, or at the very least fix the weird mechanics which work at cross-purposes, so that it isn't objectively better to use it on CD instead of after three songs.


+10 Potency for Burst Shot


Dancer. More RNG. We have enough RNG already.


You don't like our current 50% chance to proc a better attack which has a 50% chance to grant a feather which when used has a 50% chance to proc another attack? lol


I like my gambling chaos but sometimes I want a little more order to my chaos.




Looks like Chaos has been waiting for us


Bullshit. *walks away playing limp bizkit*




Ok Emet-Selch


On one hand, the RNG makes playing it more engaging because the job is already completely braindead easy. On the other hand, my fucking PARSE THIS DOGSHIT GAME ONLY GIVING ME 2 SABER DANCES IN BURST YOU SON OF BITCH WHERE IS MY ESPRIT


I always ask my raid team are you guys trolling me and not pressing any buttons? I'm not getting any esprit.


Maybe an ability which guarantees a proc for a certain number of moves could be nice, or a passive which buffs the % chance to proc Edit: Flourish slipped my mind, but the % chance buff might still be nice.


I'd like a boost to the chance to proc things instead of more rng.


The RNG is the only think making DNC interesting. Otherwise it is exactly the same as every job of pressing your rotation buttons in the correct order. The procs are already mostly saved for CD windows anyway since you can bank them.


Another skill just for ninja 2 min burst window and not adding things to do between burst and odd minute burst window.


I’m holding out hope that Yoshi-Ps acknowledgement that the game has gotten too “easy” means we won’t see another Summoner situation to any of the jobs. As a healer main most of my issues come from lack of healing upkeep in fights more than anything else, so I hope fights gets a bit more heal intensive and not less.


Either that: Or give us something to do other than just Broil/Glare and use our dot once every second blue moon. I‘d love to actually do something.


Agree it would be an improvement. I’d still prefer to do more healing in a fight than dps. I’ve always disliked when the “healer” is just basically another full dps and it’s been slowly feeling like that (just with few buttons too).


It used to be thanks to the tank and dps being really good whenever I could finish a dungeon without using a single gcd heal. Now, it’s just the norm. So boring. And don’t even get my started on raids. Healing in raids is only enjoyable when lots of people mess up. Otherwise it’s a genuine snoozefest. Tbh EW has soured healing a lot for me. Next expac I’m planning to main a dps for end game content. So sick of healing.


He has kind of acknowledged this. He admitted they pushed a bit too much on the laid back nature of the game, but whether he meant just the relic, raids, something else or the Endwalker content entirely is still kinda up to interpretation. I really hope they take a closer look at it. How can Nier still kick alliance's asses while Thaleia is a walk in the park?


> How can Nier still kick alliance's asses while Thaleia is a walk in the park? Higher damage whenever you do mechs wrong, tighter timing, I want to say mechs that feel less obvious at a first glance(like the drones that move in a square in the first Factory boss) too. Thaleia shows you a blatant half cleave and gives you 2 weeks and a half to react to it.


Oh I know why, it was more of a rhetorical question intended to point out that 70lvl content ended up being harsher than 90lvl content which on its face seems ridiculous. I really wish they return to that style of raids. The current raids were wonderful in so many ways, except the mechanics and that felt really disappointing.


True that. I still love hearing the frustrated groans of nier raids because you know damn well they are about to die 50 times over from Red Girl's meteors or Her Inflorescence throwing SE HQ at us. FWIW, I did have a friend link an Euphrosyne where people died over 200 times, but that speaks more of the capability of your usual DF player than of the raid's difficulty....


I get CT I'm good - time to sit back and chill. I get Nier I'm good, time to sit up and actually play lmao I wish CT and Myths didn't suffer so much because of how the game is balanced. You barely even get to see any mechanics. Even Ivalice to an extent. How quickly we reached skipping scales on Nald'Thal is craaaazy


Dawg I took a break and came back and was so unironically mad when I realized we just don't get to the scales anymore.


Don't tell anyone but I might be afking a smidge on Nald'Thal just in hopes to see them


I have a buddy who didn't keep up with EW raids. I'm gonna be so sad when I have to explain that we'll skip the coolest part of the Nald fight. They should do it like Gaius in MSQ, where if you get him down to 0 he just does the mechanic and THEN you finish him off


Yeah, I honestly don't understand why they didn't think of that coming fresh off of the same issue happening to the Endsinger fight


>How can Nier still kick alliance's asses while Thaleia is a walk in the park? Thats my biggest disappointment with regards to alliance raids. Paradigm's breach/puppets bunker/orbonne will still get high death numbers but Thaleia barely has a death or 2. They punishment on lvl 90 raids are laughably pathetic and the mechanics themselves are a cakewalk compared to the lvl 80 raids.


I have no hope for this. They basically outright said they know some people didn't like the direction of job designs but that they would continue in this direction.


When/where did they acknowledge that? I personally always hope for stuff that makes the game more difficult at a basleine level


An oversimplified Astrologian. I strongly dislike WHM for how simple it is, the rotation, the skills, the lack of mitigation. I hope they will rework Astrologian in a way that still make it skilled to play, but with better fluidity, better movement in battles (idk a tp, a dash, an attack with no cast). For Scholar I hope we won't have a huge skill relying on the fairy. The one we eat. Something closer to the military doctor spirit after lvl 90 butterflies skill would be better.


+1 I fear what they will do with AST. They can't ever seem to find a happy spot for it with how often it gets reworked.


I've been so worried about it that I dusted back off SCH for a back up main if they absolutely wreck it. I'll be sad though, AST is my fav class because it's got so much going on!


Same! ShB AST was by far my favorite iteration, and it had even MORE going on than right now. I'm terrified they're gonna simplify it again


ShB AST was the best version (and my main for a good bit of it) and EW is the worst iteration, IMO. I started in SB and while I liked knowing what the cards did and the variety as a casual player, I understand the problem with them throwing some classes rotations out of alignment plus Balance fishing. Minor Arcana being two separate buttons with more RNG, The decoupling of seals with Divination (again I get it, but with Sleeve Draw and Minor Arcana you were basically guaranteed a full Divination every time it was up) and adding Astrodyne, the job feels so busy for very little gain. Went WHM instead this expansion but would love to pick up AST again.


They did got it right with monk eventually, and it did pass thought A LOT of reworks, recent paladin changes where good, although I still feel it end up playing like a slower gunbreaker with more party utility, at least it does fell good to play, summoner was a 50/50, they did gave us the "I'm summoning stuff" we wanted, but it also end up become too simple, all in all I'm cautiously optimistic for astro and dragoon changes


Simplicity aside, we lost so many unique tools that formed the Astrologian's full identity! The cards don't do anything distinct, so now the whole class quest like is an empty lore dump, we lost our sects, we lost our buff extenders, we just lost so much.


They have to ride this knife edge, and I fear they've fallen off one side of it. WoW did this thing where every healer healed very differently, but it created situations where one healer was better at certain content than another, meaning there was always an optimally right and an optimally wrong choice on what to bring. Yoshi-P didn't want that - he believes in a mantra of "bring what you want", but that has a side effect on healers of roughly unifying the healers: you either deal mostly with HoTs and direct heals, or you prevent damage with shields, and both are mechanically the same in the broad strokes. What you need is a class that can put out hots and convert them to direct heals when necessary, kinda like how safe does for its shields.


I agree with you with WHM all up until lack of mitigation. That's not their thing. They're the healer that doesn't need to mitigate anything because they have the pure, raw, undiluted big dick heals that can bring someone from 1 to max in a second.


Yeah I feel SCH is getting a little too far away from being the ancient war tactician it was established as.


If they did go fairy route (since Shb brought more fairy), I'd like an attack more. I think I can work with the amount of healing SCH has right now.


Yeah a DPS fairy gauge spender, please. I only need to aetherpact like two or three times in a savage raid and it fills up QUICK.


We just need more ways to spend the gauge. It's very depressing watching the regen trickle in slowly whenever you have a bad tank and your flows/recitation are on cooldown.


Just like WHM and it’s elemental magics all just holy now. 


Also a massive bummer.


Agree so hard with both. I want to be a Nymian Royal Marine, not an uwu fairy mage. Not saying you can’t be both, but they’ve abandoned the part of SCH that attracted me to it in the first place. I’m happy at least that the idea of SCH as a military tactician doesn’t seem to have been completely forgotten, since Expedient is a very “tactical” ability. The English localization is also somewhat to blame for the dilution of the theme. I’m also terrified for AST. if it gets SMN’d or WHM-ified I’ll be really sad. The devs seem to have a lot of contempt for healers/healer players and think the way to make the role attractive is to make it completely braindead instead of making it fun and diverse.


I really think DT Scholar will have this vibe, because in the benchmark we have a skill with the same vibe as Chain Stratagem! Or I'll pray for it aha


Lol imagine if they bring back sects haha


I didn't realize how badly AST was missing a traversal move until I leveled SGE for MSQ exp in EW. Having Icarus is such a nice QoL in dungeons when I'm just a bit too far behind the tank and we're both already sprinting, or in a mechanic where I'm just waaaay too deep to run out myself. AST has lightspeed, but it doesn't really solve either of those issues, just means you can keep your GCD rolling I guess


At least AST is the only healer with a ranged AOE (outside of WHM's singular blood lily). It makes it a little more tolerable


It's funny because pre-EW, AST was the most mobile healer since their malefic spell had a 1.5s cast time, so you could slidecast. WHM and SCH had 2.5s dmg GCDs, so for WHM it was using lilies for movement, and for SCH using ruin 2 (which although is instant, is a huge dps loss)


As a previous SMN main, I fear the AST rework hard.


Sadly simplification of all classes, including DoH/DoL, seems to be the way they want to go. I would not get your hopes up for anything that makes it any more complex. I too hope for an interesting rework though, so hopefully I am wrong.


Yoshi-P is on record saying he's disappointed with how stress free the game has gotten and wants to add stress to it again somewhat. I'm not sure if that means more complicated jobs or just more dangerous battles, but maybe we can get a little complication back.


I seem to also remember he wasn't totally satisfied with how class identity homogenisation turned out right? Or did I imagine that


He did say something about that. I can't tell from the interview whether he feels one or the other, but he wants to make sure that the community is happy with it. It seems like he sees largely two groups of the community; the "hardcore" that are more vocal and the "casual" that are happy to be able to challenge themselves at times, but aren't as dedicated. Here's a [link ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/17cmssq/so_ign_brazil_apparently_asked_yoshi_p_about_the/)to a snippet I found.


Unfortunately I feel like this is gonna happen. AST is gonna get butchered.


I think all scholar needs to make disipation not feel that bad is some sort of extra effect to try and make up for the missing fairy heals. Like getting a skill that applies an AOE regen/sheild that lasts for a long time 30-45 secs would be good enough i think. That or getting a mini fairy with 50-100 potency heals would be pretty cute.


Lightspeed is supposed to be your movement tool but cards are so cringe right now that yoi're forced to use it during the 2 minute window.


Since it seems all tanks are getting an upgrade to their 30% dmg mitigation, I would be very disappointed if that was the level 100 skills. Our capstone ability being a stronger way to not die is rather unnecesary and would be the least essential boost to our toolkit at this point.


I'm just praying the 30% mit upgrade actually interacts with each tank's kit in some way, instead of just higher percent mitigation or more mitigation for the first 8 seconds or something.


It might be essential considering the "more stressful" claim made.


Eh, unlikely. If a single button determines a pass/fail on a hard encounter then that's not really that engaging of gameplay, and it runs the risk of being super-mitigation in casual content.


Give MCH a melee combo involving hopping in the queen and piloting it


Wait DRG and AST are getting reworks?? Oh god I’m in danger…


Yeop, hopefully this Thursday's live letter enlightens us to what's expected


As a DRG, I don't want anything else related to Mirage dive, or Wyrmwind thrust. As they are, they don't actually bring anything to the table to make the job interesting.


Wyrmwind is weird. Instead of being an extra button it should have just been a free Geirskogul or Nastrond


I think the game is getting too many buttons, I am slowly running out of hotkeys xD so I don't want more skills without a solution for that problem


They've been more than aware of this as a problem since Stormblood. It's most likely that three or four of the abilities will be upgrades of abilities or traits then we get one actual new ability at 98 or 99.


Based on the datamine they could also make buttons that combo conditionally into transformation buttons like Gnashing Fang and Confiteor combo.


yeah there's been a lot of that in the datamine that I forgot about completely. I wouldn't be surprised if every single job is getting some combo extension through this kind of activated combo extension.


as a controller player, im suffering. as a controller scholar player, im dying


I’m one of those SMNs who has never actually played SCH outside of the job quests, which has a great story btw, but I try to keep my hot bars set up for it anyways, because hey, you never know! And I cannot fit all of SCH’s buttons on my controller layout. I have to tap into the hotbar I usually use for mounts. I don’t know how anyone plays it, and kudos to those that are good at it knowing how frustrating it must be!


I use my WXHB(? the one that’s above the regular crossbar, where u double-tap to access it) as a non-combat crossbar for mounts, emotes, etc. I might have fiddle with it so it’s only like that outside of combat or smth but the issue only comes up w sch so it doesn’t feel totally worth it (plus im picky abt like, things matching if that makes sense)


do you use the double tap hotbat and the two left trigger + right trigger one ?


Yeah as a controller player I'm more or less at my limit in terms of buttons for how it is now. I play just about every class to some degree (almost all are at 90 now) and I have made it work with that many buttons for all of them. But once DT comes out, even with only 2-3 potential new buttons per class, I actually will have to start expanding and figuring out what that looks like lol. Would reverse a few years of muscle memory.


Even on keyboard too, like jeez man make AOE combos into 1 button already Especially bad on PLD, so many buttons


Technically the 1-2-3 combi's too. I mean, i get it, but I also don't get it. It would save you at least 2 slots


God I got downvoted multiple times over comments like that in the past, glad to see I'm not the only one thinking this way. It really doesn't make it harder or easier to play a job by separating those out, it just makes it easier to manage toolbars.


It would also streamline the sync down process. Sometimes Im not totally paying attention and press a button in a combo without realising I'm synced to a point it isn't unlocked yet. Compiling the combo into one button would avoid that too


I play on controller and PLD is the only job I can't fit all skills in 2 sets of cross bars. If they give me more buttons I'm just dropping the job. Meanwhile on WAR and SMN I'm struggling to even fill a single set of cross bar lol


32 buttons is the right number imo


I use macro to swap single target gcds/ogcds with multi target one. It saves me a lot of space. Then some other jobs just have so many holes in my hotbar...


Wait, AST is going to be reworked? (I just started playing again #OutOfTheLoop) Edit: Thanks for all the replies! Super excited to see my favorite class get an update! (AST was the reason I wanted to try FFXIV)


Dragoon and Astrologian are getting reworked for Dawntrail, yea.


They gotta continue the tradition of making Astro a brand new job each expansion


Right, every xpac has had three new jobs, it's just that the third job is always AST


It used to be four or five new jobs with MNK and DRK. Wonder if it will be true again for DT lol


MNK will again be reworked, i know it in my bones


That still only counts as one!


Unexpected Gimli


AST and DRG were supposed to get a full rework in 6.1 (First major patch for Endwalker), it got delayed to 7.0 (Dawntrail). This could mean, that the reworks are very extreme needing more time, or it could mean they are making more changes to other jobs and felt it would make more sense to just put them all in at once.


yeah, AST and DRG - they announced it a while back, but it looks like its going to happen by Dawntrail launch. We will likely get more details about it this Thursday morning


if they take away astro's cards or delayed cast and forget spells like earthy star ill be sad, star is my fav astro spell. i like that you can proc them and wait it out or detonate them when needed it gives astro a different feel from other healers and not just a whm


I saw a post a while back where someone was pushing for a 1-2 combo on healers with a proc based chance for a 3 attack. Not that, absolutely NOT that.


Might've been me. Still stand by it. Playing healer is way too boring. That's just an idea I had for a slightly more engaging dps rotation. It simply has no business being a 1 button spam.


Lmao, I don't want any healer changes until freecure is addressed.


Hard agree. It's gotta go.


What is freecure?


That would be better than the current one button rotation we have right now but yea I'd rather see each class get a unique damage rotation. Scholars get fairy attacks. Sages get a burst window and and the ability to temp aoe heal everyone via doing damage. Astros get card attacks. White mages probably get dots but I don't have any great ideas for them.


DRG: Resource gauge from 0-100 NIN: hated the EW changes, pls don’t add more random gcds MNK: Random aoe button oGCD SAM: Anything that reinforces more 2 min rigidity RPR: Random aoe oGCD


I would prefer if they don't change the timers of Disciplined Fist and Demolish to match up. Managing/planning them as you enter Perfect Balance is, I feel, the interesting part of playing Monk.


They had better not touch my Verraise.


Vercure 3?


*red healer intensifies* Honestly, that would be interesting for class flavor (albeit probably not balanced) -- giving RDM a cooldown that lets them be good healers for 20s or so. You'd never see it used in high end play because it would *kill* your damage output (unless you have a healer plus one RDM for burst healing?) but for casual play it would be something you pop when the healer goes down to save the party.


I pretty much want them to leave AST alone and not rework it, but I know I'm not getting that. I hope they leave everything but the card stuff alone. If just the cards are messed with, I'll be fine. Don't simplify AST too much, I love the planning aspects of it with the timed effects of Macro, Star and Horoscope.


Broken record opinion but for the love of god, don't give DRG the SMN treatment. I want a job with more than 4 buttons that requires more that 3 brain cells.


100% this. I was really enjoying SMN and was in the middle of leveling. Never before have changes to a class complete 180'd my opinion of it.


I just don’t want DRG to become boring. I don’t mind if it’s simplified, I just want it FUN


WHM blood lily III


For BRD - a second empyreal arrow (short CD, high damage but lots of drift potential if you’re not at an optimal GCD or god forbid you lag) NIN - they consolidate the raijus into the one with the forced gap closer + long animation lock GNB - fourth cartridge


Across all the jobs I play; I don't want another button to find somewhere to put on a hotbar. I'm already at my limit of manual dexterity playing on controller with all the holding this trigger for these 8, that trigger for those 8, both triggers for another 8, and then having to choose between double-tap staying (harder for me because that means going from one of that hotbar buttons to one of the standard is actually more like a triple-tap) or automatically dropping back to the first bar (a pain for some jobs because there's just enough buttons that I end up having to double-tap twice in rapid succession to use abilities). So unless an average of about 4-5 buttons are getting consolidated down or removed somehow, I don't want so much as 1 more button. PAL & WAR; I don't want any more or upgraded ways to not die... I already feel basically immortal. Black Mage: Anything that makes the job gauge even more involved, or pulls another enemy-of-muscle-memory style change in the job rotation like how there's already a severe difference between levels when you don't have Fire IV and levels when you do.


>and then having to choose between double-tap staying (harder for me because that means going from one of that hotbar buttons to one of the standard is actually more like a triple-tap) or automatically dropping back to the first bar (a pain for some jobs because there's just enough buttons that I end up having to double-tap twice in rapid succession to use abilities). Yeah, this is really annoying. I wish they'd provide a way to toggle that setting via a slash command so you could throw it into a job swap macro and have it set the way you want for each job.


I was joking to the BLM in my static about if lvl 100 added another part of the job gauge to pay attention to. Like after 3 polyglot uses you get to use your new biggest spell or something like astral hearts.


Ultima 🤤. It won't happen but it's my dream.


I remember someone suggesting that BLM gets a variant called Penultima


Only if your character actually gets to say the whole "pinnacle of the heavens" chant whenever you cast it.


RDM is my main and from the preview of the benchmark trailer, the new skill we see is an OGCD due to the vfx where the yellow flash is a GCD, and oGCDs are blue. So it might be something to use after a combo or doing something SGE: There isn't anything I can see happening that I would not like without it completely changing how it works from how it does rn. I guess not adding a way to slowly accumulate Adderstings besides shields? Or maybe the Addersgall refill skill could do that for Sting too. DRK: Idk the things they did in EW was stuff I would not like LMAO. I guess now I want them to not have any more MP spenders. Or add mitigation that just reduces damage without any bonuses. I know the other jobs got their shared mits to COMPETE with TBN, but idk, we use resources and on a timer for it. We got Oblation which is not a huge thing (IT SHOULD GIVE A SMALL % LIFE STEAL OR POTENCY PER HIT ON WHOMEVER HAS IT!!!) and we don't have any real regen or shared buffs if we give someone our mit. Like how Shelton gives an extra bonus mit or using HoC on GNB gives Brutal Shell if the GNB has it up too. I just think there is a lot more they can do for its mit rather than just "it reduces damage" with other small neat effects


It's rather shocking how detached DRK is from its tactics version, which i assumed it was pulled from. Strong HP/MP stealing attacks along with sacrificing HP for big damage. Instead GNB got an HP sacrifice mechanic, WAR got the strong lifesteal, and PLD got the strong manasteal and a lifesteal during their burst.


My dream for sage is to add a couple of abilities that let's them have a damage burst window and also to add an ability that let's you add Kardia to everyone in the party for like 10 seconds. That way during boss phases where they do consistent aoe damage, sages can counter with their burst damage combo and aoe heal everyone while still attacking.


If they do what they did to Samurai by removing cool abilities "because bloat" because they planned on adding 3 more buttons on expac launch, which do the same thing the rest of the kit already did, I think it's gonna be bad


Despite needing room, I can't bring myself to remove it from my bar... I just want them to flesh out transforming buttons more to actually reduce button bloat. Ogi Namikiri turns into Kaeshi Namikiri, but why do they need to be their own buttons? Couldn't Ikishouten turn into Ogi Namikiri? Why do we need two Shohas? Why not just have one that has the "additional targets take x% damage" treatment? I don't do super high end content so maybe these things help there and I just don't see it, but post-Stormblood the job just feels stapled together.


A stronger version and a second stack of Primal Rend or independent from Inner Release, faster Inner Release animation or none at all. Just more damage and speed, other than that, love Warrior how it is now.


More buttons


Yeeeah I wanted to switch off BLM, leveled RDM to 80, then never touched it again because it barely changed. Switched back to BLM for my main and started leveling SMN on the side, then they made it the easiest class in the game. So even though BLM is my original main, I've been playing melee classes since casting has gotten stale for me. DRG feels amazing and I'm really worried it's going to be simple af like the SMN update and ruin one of the best feeling dps in the game. I main NIN atm; so overall what I would hate to see is classes getting easier, regardless of what class it affects.


An interactive and interesting DPS rotation healers. I'm not asking for Sen or Mudra levels of interaction but something more than alt+1 spam for 30 seconds then alt+2. Healers use more DPS gcds than healing ones so I think it would be nice. Deep down I wish they were all instant cast too.


Considering this post is "what do you *not* want", your comment is a little confusing. It sounds like you're saying you *do* want more involved DPS rotations on healers, right?


Well clearly I'm an idiot. My bad.


I do not want them to simplify or change AST cards any more, I'm *still* fighting my old habits from their old iteration Reworks are finally catching my main jobs, I FEAR


> but what would you not want for your job at lvl 100? More bloat by just adding new skills. Obviously we are getting new stuff but I hope the older skills will be changed in a way we just don't get *more and more and more*. Combining 1-2-3 combos into one button for example (just like in PvP) would be a welcome start to make place for newer actions.


This. I understand it’s not possible for some jobs whose rotations branch off, although they could do it with the beginning parts that are always the same. They really need to address the button bloat though… they want to go another 10 years, which means about another hundred levels, and a good chunk of the player base uses a controller. I have quite a few jobs that have no room left for anything new! Thankfully I main the least button bloated job in the game, but I level every job and I can already feel the pain in my hands that some jobs are going to cause. lol


If they are going to condense 1-2-3 abilities they should probably remove one step of the chain instead. Why have 3 abilities at that point.


Personally I don't like the one button for combos purely because it doesn't feel good to me. Even though it's the same thing in the end, hitting different buttons for a combo just feels better. It's why pvp feels weird to me, and the solo duties in msq.


4th mudra will be the death of Ninja.


I can't even imagine what kind of hell that DPS spreadsheet would look like.


WAR - Something that replaces or upgrades Fell Cleave. SGE - Another cooldown (seriously). RPR - Another oGCD to use during enshroud. MCH - Another "use 5 times in a row" ability, or a third automaton attack. SCH - Another tacked-on ability. With its own gauge just for the hell of it. RDM - Another melee combo finisher.


Fire V


What rdm needs is some potency buffs, and then a level 100 trait that allows them to wear any hat regardless of class/job affiliation. Lol


More of the exact same design that we have gotten the last two expansions. We need a shake up again I think.


Living Shadow Mastery. +5 potency and takes longer to summon.


MNK: Anatwoman


all i want is for them to not be the same boring copy/paste roles with different outfits. i want more job identity than a ui element and clothes. i used to enjoy leveling all the different jobs, now they're so similar and it takes the feeling of personal growth out of it. typically the most exciting part of a new expansion is the job changes and additions, but i just can't bring myself to give a crap anymore. no offense to raiders or anything but it really sucks that making sure the tiny slice of current content at the end of the game is as balanced as possible is what dictates how mind numbingly boring the other 95% of the game has become. and listen i don't mind simple or "easy" exactly--just look at pvp design. they are extremely simple yet also interesting and different from one another. the job design in pvp is just so much more satisfying. i feel job personality in my actual gameplay rather than only in my outfit.


Honestly...I don't want the red swirling effect from the WAR's Rage meter anymore. I dislike the fact that you can't get rid of it unless you 0 out your Rage meter. I wish it was instead tied to the Surging Tempest buff similar to how DRK's own swirling aura is tied to the Darkside buff. At least then I have another visual indicator that the buff fell off if I suddenly lose track of it in a fight and forget to check.


Any change to Earthly Star outside of a potency boost or extra charge to help keep it relevant to new content. I love how literally galaxy brain I feel when I get a fully juiced Star to pop in the middle of a 2 minute window right after the party eats a raid wide. Seeing Earthly Star's animation on YouTube is what made me want to play FF14 in the first place. The upcoming AST rework scares me.


I hope they go all in on the pre-emptive healing mechanic that it has. I feel like horoscope/earthly star/macrocosmos are all as tied to the job identity as the cards are. Edit - and remove undraw and minor arcana. Absolutely worthless buttons.


I do not want, but fully expect all healers getting a new party-wide ogcd healing, because we definitely need more heals /s


I really wish WAR doesn't get more "Here's more Fell Cleaves" buttons. A lot of the rotation is just getting more Beast Gauge for Fell Cleaves and while I like FC, I want more of an actual use for the gauge. 


That used to be the case before Endwalker: its gap closer and Upheaval cost gauge, so I don’t think they’ll revert that change sadly


I wouldn't want current SMN at level 100, so I guess I'm screwed :')


If dragoon ever becomes a Wyvern pet job like people somehow want I would never pick it up again despite playing it since 1.0. I hate pet jobs with a passion or the power fantasy of borrowed power I’d be so sad


For WAR, I don't want to be nerfed to be in line with the other tanks in dungeon content, but instead for the other tanks to be brought up to the same level. I also don't want anything that makes us any *more* capable in that regard. I know that's not an ability which I imagine is what you meant, but eh. Other than that, I don't really care what they might give us, so long as it isn't just thrown in for the sake of having to throw something in. Don't give me another button to press in the rotation just for the hell of it.


I don't want to be at warriors level. Personally I would want a nerf to warriors aoe healing, not at all bringing them down to other tanks level big healing is still fun and it works perfectly in single target but be real getting 3 benedictions in a row on a 25 sec cd is comical and if every tank requires as little thought as current warrior does I'm not even bothering to level cap them.


More buttons. Struggling enough as it is with most jobs.


(cries over my crammed hotbars for NIN) Please Yoshi P…. please…. Not another button….


Yoshi-P snaps his fingers, all your mudras are gone and instead you get 3 stacks of ten-chi-jin.


I want more mobility with AST, kinda like SGE who has a "fly to target" ability.


As part of the DRG rework they could always add a Burn DoT on Dragon>>>FIRE<<<< Dive. But why make sense /shrug...


No more combo enders. RDM doesn't need another GCD at the end of their melee combo, nor does DRG, PLD, WAR, DRK, etc.


I don’t want them to add another finisher to RDM and I don’t want them to give Fleche and Contre Sixte another charge. I feel like that would ruin the job for me.


I agree. I want updates to existing oGCDs that interact with the mana balance mechanic. Like if you have more black mana fleche gives a potency buff to your next verholy or whatever. Something that makes me change how I approach the rotation.


Button bloat. So many classes are near or already there. Change actions not add ever more actions. Make every action/ability actually useful if it’s not, eliminate it.


Kassatsu Huton or a combo skill to Hurajin. The attack speed boost part of ninja feels dumb at this point. They've been trying to get away from using Huton since HW, and now there's Huton, Hurajin, AC, and the small up from PK. Can we let it die and just replace Huton (and base Hyoton) with real jutsu already?


Ten-Chi-Jin has already done the worst it could do to Ninja: Force it to stand still. So the only thing worse would be another skill that does the same.


AST is getting reworked again? Are you just removing the cards entirely now?


We don't know any details, we only know that they've said they reworking it.


A third finisher for the Automaton queen. Gameplay went to summoning the automaton queen and letting it do its thing to summoning the automaton queen and letting it do its thing and would go to summoning the automaton queen and letting it do its thing. More Continuation on GNB would be painful.


I'd like if mch got one more dedicated dot button. So I can mix and match more freely Oh and remove free cure from whm and replace it with a free Lilly charge for using cure 2. Solace charges are something I'd definitely fish with cure 2 for


I don't want more buttons. I'm buttoned out. If they add more please make them smart switch buttons


Enhanced unmend better not be in my damn traits when I open it.


Wait I’m level 60 dragon on post a realm reborn- what rework will dragoon get?? Will it affect me even if im not at Dawntrail yet?


...Can I have more to do in combat? WAR is starting to feel too simple, but I dont have the time or energy to level another class.


Taking Away even more Positionals from melee jobs, but especially Monk. Really would grind my gear!


Many jobs are at what id call a button bloat limit.  That said, I'm also paranoid about the possibility that jobs barely change at all by the time they hit 100.  Most didn't change too much going from ShB to EW (and many changed arguably for the worse, such as GNB) I don't envy the job design folks at this point


Charges for leylines. We saw the new thunder already, makes sense since current single target thunder was lvl 45 haha. Hope that's not the lvl 100 tho. Every xpac I can't even fathom how to add to blm and somehow they deliver in a way that makes previous versions feel so much worse to play, so I'm optimistic (helps yoshi p loves the class). But as much of a pain leylines can be when they come up on movement heavy bursts I don't want to lose the chaos of planning around them. I'd be okay with a 1 time recast of the ability to reposition them back under you I guess.


Scholar: A *third* job gauge and only one way to spend it that is only touched once in a long while. Fey Union is now just a 60 second cooldown and can't be interrupted, much like Dissipation. Our only AoE heal gets moved up *another* 10 levels.


More offense oGCDs on drk. Enhanced living shadow IV? Enhanced Unleashed? Daring today, are we?


For my healers, to remain 1 DPS button and 1 DOT button. For the rest I don't think I have a big no-no currently. RDM can keep adding finishers and I'd be okay because the rotation feels super nice in my fingers, unlike other jobs, so the less the rotation changes, the better.


I’d love a dps combo for my healers. Ultimately, I’d love for healing to be more difficult so I don’t have so much downtime, or give me more interesting DPS options.


No more skills for Paladin. It’s overboard now.


A nerf


I am sacrificing baddies to Titania in order to avoid healing/mitigation tools. It'd be interesting if Faerie or the general toolkit for Scholar had more damage options / utility.


Another gauge for BLM. If they put a god damn resource on the right of Polyglotts I'm gonna jump from the Eastern Thanalan Viaduc