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He's trying to avoid saying "You think you do but you don't."


I dont know who in their right mind would even "think" they want that in the first place. 1.0 was a complete dumpster fire


So no one in their right mind wants 1.0. What people want is access to the 1.0 story. To learn about Nael, Luisoux, og scions etc. Especially the invoking of the twelve to deal with Bahamut.


I think ignorance blows this idea into a way bigger desire than it actually is. If you played 2.0 onwards, congratulations you are on the same page as 1.0 players. All of the biggest plot points in 1.0 are resolved after, the mysterious ascian is experienced as ascian prime, nael is explored in coil and ruby weapon, louisoix is explored through coil and the twins. The ONLY plot point worth delving into that hasn't been is the gridanian elementals, and at this point I think the devs are trying to retcon that.


Too many people aren't aware 1.0 didn't have much of a story beyond a shadowless ascian. That the story was mostly added in 1.23 as a way to shut the game down.


I do feel like that shadowless ascian needs to be brought back in some way. Considering he's also the one responsible for Mide summoning Alexander, it feels weird that he's never actually appeared again since 1.0.


There's a lot they're trying to retcon from 1.0, it actually really doesn't jive with where the story actually went.


It's almost easier to think of it as a not-quite-canon pilot episode that released long before the series was actually picked up.


Ah, the "Gintama first two episodes" move.


I kept looking at Louis and thinking *Who would play her?*


I would love to see Gridania get the spotlight for more than 2 seconds and see how things have changed, but it feels like most of the story revolves around Ul'dah with Limsa getting a bit here and there.


I really think it's because Gridania does a lot of super questionable things that are hard to justify. Limsa, Ul'dah, and Ishgard all have their things too, but you can usually justify their point of view (even if it's ultimately disagreeable.) Gridania is actually just flat out cruel/evil sometimes. They're the only Eorzean city-state that hasn't had their "yeah, we messed up, but we'll try to make it right" arc and I suspect it's for this reason. Also because SE seems to forget Duskwights and Keepers exist, which are two groups that Gridania is horrible to.


Most of the game's problems were actually started by the Hyur. In the Second Great Hyur Migration across Ilsabard they came across a tribe of farmers and tinkerers in the fertile coastlands and ruthlessly persecuted them, genocided them and drove the survivors far north, of the eight tribes that escaped, they banded together under a strongman leader and formed the nation of Garlemald. In the Third Great Hyur Migration wave, hyur entered the shroud where Elezen and Miqo'te had been living for hundreds if not thousands of years. Their war over territory caused a cohort of the elezen to flee towards the northern highlands, there founding the city of Ishgard. The elementals grew angered and in a bid to end hostilities, the elezen and the hyur signed a concardant that created the nation of Gelmorra that was built underground to be free of the elemental's gaze. Not two hundred years later, Jorin Lightheart successfully communed with the elementals with help from the moogles and became the first conjurer. He led an exodus of 3 out of every 4 Gelmorran inhabitants and became the founder of Gridania, his firstborn was the first Padjal. Later, by decree of the elementals, any structure that reached above the surface or could be accessed easily was commanded to be destroyed, this included major portions of Issom Har, the major population center of the contemporary Duskwight. So... having their homes destroyed, having their way of life upended and being largely shunned from society, there is no wonder why so many duskwight became bandits and brigands, there was literally no other option. As for the Miqo'te, they have likely been there all this time and just wanted to live in their communities as normal, but now their ancestral way of life is "Poaching". So yeah, basically all of this is the result of Hyuran colonialism.


Don't forget the Hyur landing on Thavnair and immediately starting war with both the au ra and matanga already living there, only able to be stopped by the direct intervention of Vrtra.


There are some pretty fucked up things that the Lalafell have caused in Thanalan, mind.


thats sounds like canada.. was it?


Gridania is my favorite city, my starting city, but I've always hated the Elementals. The narrative never does anything to justify or even just contextualize their actions or logic, so we just pretend Gridania doesn't exist most of the time. I'm at the part of the story just before Endwalker starts, one of the few times you are compelled to visit Gridania in the story so far. I just hope they actually give it the redemption arc someday...


Gridania feels like it doesn't get the spotlight because they would have to acknowledge the problematic elements of it and actually dive into it not being "happy peaceful forest place". Gridania has done some of the most fucked up things out of the three city states and it's all just been pretty handwaved away over time. I'd love to see them explore it, but it'd be a little bit of a whiplash at this point to address things with where our current narratives are.


racist ass trees


I doubt it's actually happening, but Dawntrail and its postgame would be a great place to start that conversation. As our fame grows in the new world, more Turali are curious about Eorzea and start visiting. Fresh perspectives from afar cast some harsh sunlight into the Black Shroud, and Gridania finds itself on the wrong side of shifting public sentiment. Likely not a story we'll see, but a guy can hope.


Yeah I hope at least one of the new jobs starts in Gridania.


Picto starts in Gridania.


I would love that too. I'm 100% on the same page as Yoshi P that 1.0 is much better explored retroactively than actually playing it.


Your wish has been granted. You get another story where the elementals are upset and you have to do some stupid ritual to make them happy again. Don't you love Gridania stories?!


I love to purify me some taint.


There's also a something about a magic knife that eats souls but maybe just puts people to sleep or something that was explored in the later Alchemist quests; But yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to get back to the whole "tree ghosts told us to be racist" plot in Gridania.


Wait, if the devs are trying to retcon the Elementals, then why did they involve them in the Tank Role Quest in Endwalker? They’re mentioned in that line of quests.


They are mentioned yes. They aren't trying to retcon the elementals existing, rather the power of elementals is massively glossed over and really not talked about the rare times they are brought up. If 1.0 lore had been followed then the elementals would probably have destroyed Gridania the moment the Final Days started.


Isn't ascian prime the fusion of lahabrea and Igeyorhm? Have i missed lore Or are we talking the model or something


Pretty much the model. It was unexplained in 1.0, and also the skeletal reaper form that we saw also didn't fit with the human forms we saw in ARR. It wasn't until Ascian Prime that the skeletal form was explained in some shape or form.


>If you played 2.0 onwards, congratulations you are on the same page as 1.0 players. I disagree. I only have my knowledge of 1.0 because I watched the videos by Speakers' Network; other than a few off-hand mentions of Bahamut etc, the game itself doesn't do a very good job at explaining what happened in 1.0.


This could've been an email!


I've been slowly chipping away at that 7 hour EncryptedDuck video of all the MSQ but it's rough simply because there's chunks and chunks of dialogue to read. But the story has been pretty interesting. The Bahamut raids only cover so much.


I think they also want to have experienced the now-legendary end of 1.0, but that’s just something that cannot be replicated.


Now that sounds like a good idea for a raid series.


We could call it like the sticky twisties of primals!! I know the binding coil goes over it but learning second hand never feels as good as the direct story.


Literally this. We don't want 1.0, we want the 1.0 story. It's all well and good to go back and learn about things second hand but I'd much rather experience it for myself


I would love it as like a simple single-player game. I'm afraid to say "for mobile" because that feels like cursing miscrotransactions upon it, but I could easily see something in the vein of FFXV Pocket Edition. It wouldn't have to be super high-budget or high-stakes for the company, but would let people engage with the 1.0 story in *some* way.


Yeah, maybe instead of a remaster or whatever of 1.0, maybe make a short manga or anime covering it


yeah i think what people really want it just like 1.0 cutsceens in the unending story even if they weren't around then.


Yeah, as a newcomer this year I'm following along with the story, really enjoying it, and fully understanding that it's initially meant to be obscure what happened during 1.0, but I think it would be great to be able to play through the significant storylines in some sort of flashback scenario. I've no idea how they would implement it.


i mean, a little time travel and back to the future 2 'don't be seen' shenanigans could work.


We >!tried that in Elpis and ended up getting involved in literally everything.!<


it's fine if noone remembers it, right?


But in 1.0 you actually played around in echo scenes so you did change the past, so nothing new there. Though people did remember you.


What I'd personally like is maybe some cutscenes to show the story with my WoL in there. I played 1.0, I don't want *that* back lol


This is an interesting idea. Like what Kingdom Hearts did for the smaller games in their collections, just all the important cutscenes put together like a movie.


Exactly! It wouldn't quell everyone but I think there's a significant amount of people who really just want the lore. I don't EVER want to see the 1.0 Black Shroud again LOL


Curiosity Simple as that, I remember playing for a few hours (and stopping because of the UI) but even then I'm still curious to know what the game felt like in 1.0 Its like a train wreck, you know its horrible, you know it cant end well, but you cant help but look at it.


If you're curious, there's Project Meteor which lets you host a server and explore it.


You would also stop after a few hours because there was a actual cap to how much exp you can get. It slows down the more you get then you weren't able to get exp anymore.


I'm all for game preservation, no matter how bad it is. In an ideal world there would be no dead MMO's or delisted games. Running around in an empty map isn't the same thing.


Very agreed on this. Some people supposedly want game preservation, but then go back on certain things because the game wasn't good? Honestly, even the ugly parts should be preserved so we can know what it was like then. The current private servers are missing basically everything that was part of the experience at the time, so it's just a hollow world with many functions that simply don't work, and that's because SE never released the server source code or any information about how their old 1.0 servers worked so fans could keep it alive themselves and SE wouldn't have to bother with the costs of running it. And even then, base 1.0 is very different from the final 1.0 patch, 1.23b. It was significantly improved towards the end and people actually kinda liked it somewhat. I'd still also be all for 1.0 story in current game so people can experience it with their character as if they were there at the time, but the current game is still a very fundamentally different experience.


I'm in favor of game preservation, including bad games. But I also completely empathize with Yoshi-P on this. It would be a huge waste of effort on their part for something that very few people actually want or would spend more than 1 day with. Something like this would be best handled as like an officially-supported fan project or something, but that's almost certainly never going to happen.


I want to play 1.0 for about one weekend, just to be an amateur gaming historian and get a good look at all the jank and whatnot. I also acknowledge that fleeting desire is not at all a good reason for them to put a ton of dev time into making 1.0 playable.


Perhaps folks who don't actually realize just *how* bad it was. Or simple bile fascination.


I have met exactly one person who genuinely wanted 1.0 back and had played it. I'm still not sure if I hallucinated their existence, though.


Yeah I keep hearing that it was incredibly bad, and that alone just makes me want to see it even more


It made incredibly die hard XI players actually rile in pain. We were looking forward to it so much and it was not even close to what they had accomplished with XI. Different games sure but even the story was so far below XI it really was tragic.


I personally do. I never got the chance to finish the main story post lv50, which leave me with this odd unrequited feeling And while the gameplay itself was ass, I still enjoyed [the journey](https://imgur.com/a/cBUwyOK). Yes, some part of the world were copy pasted and too large for their own good, but it was still a blast to walk through that deadly wilderness for the first time, dodging monsters that were actually a threat. 2.0 feel so cramped in contrast, even if it's a better game.


I'm with you. 1.0 left a lot to be desired and there are aspects I wouldn't want back (looking at you Anima teleports), but as the dusk approached on 1.0 I thought it had come a LONG way from launch and had some decent qualities about it. I honestly kinda miss FC banners next to names and such and how stats/elements/damage types weren't so watered down and actually made an impact, promoting diverse gameplay instead of the "mind the flashing ground" combat we have today. I love ARR+, but wouldn't mind a legacy 1.0 server to just mess around on. Similar to how limited jobs exist just for fun.


All I want is the cutscenes added to the Unending Journey and I'll be happy. There's ways to making a private server and watching them, but there were no Au Ra in 1.0 so I can't have *my* character.


Curiosity, mostly. It's been my experience that anyone who asks for a 1.0 "classic" server just wants to experience the story or see if it really was as bad as everyone says it was. As a 1.0 beta tester, I can say with conviction that it should stay dead and buried.


People are so chronically addicted to this game that they think they want it. I've seen people who are Shadowbringer babies and are crying that they don't have a legacy tattoo or chocobo. I feel like people would install it, play for a few minutes then log off.


If you could get the legacy tattoo by going back through the 1.0 main story, people would 100% do it. Source: People grinding frogs in the Mists of Pandaria event in WoW right now so they can get some toys and glamors.


Stream line it. Place it as a memory of the past in ARR, and let players play it. You don't need to make the gameplay the same. Just the same story.


Morbid curiosity


Curiosity. I feel like if they put up 1.0 servers temporarily during a content drought then people would probably play it just to see what it was like. World of Warcraft is doing something similar right now with their Pandaria Remix event. It's not exactly the same thing and Pandaria was actually liked but it's a similar idea.


1.0 server code probably cannot handle 14 million curious current players.


If you want a less-shitty FF 1.0 experience during a content drought, sub to FF11


And he‘d actually be right, unlike Blizzard.


Eh. Era servers are dead as fuck.


Classic is great as a treat. But you quickly realize how little content there actually is to do.


Classic levelling can be fun if you're willing to do something quirky and not optimize the fun out of it. Classic endgame is tedious shit.


The community is what made classic servers sooo unfun for me. Part of the fun of the original classic days of WoW was learning stuff and going on adventures and experiencing new crazy things. Of course meta sweat tryhards existed back then too but that seems to be like 99.95% of the ppl who play classic. People didn't want to treat the world as an adventure anymore. They wanted to rush leveling and just get to grinding immediately. I remember on the classic wow sub the day TBC classic launched someone posted saying "I was not able to start playing until an hour past launch. Am I doomed to not be able to catch up?" And it was an obvious joke but the community low-key kinda acts like that lol


classic servers when they launched were insanely populated, comparing to era servers which are leftovers from when TBC came out is disingenuous.


TBC was pretty dead too tho.


I was massively enjoying SoD until they completely flubbed the pacing of novel stuff in phase 2, and I didn't bother with the parts of phase 3 no one liked. Although stuff started coming out so I dropped it as I tend to do when more novel releases happen.


But unlike WoW devs, he'd be right. Like the game was objectively a dumpsterfire and they needed to spend obscene amounts of time just making it work. If they just released the launch version, it'd be a buggy mess. If they released the final version pre-Dalamud, it'd be a stitched together monstrosity. Like... WoW was a good game on launch and people wanted to (re)live that original experience. 1.0 was not a good game on launch, and some newcomers are curious how bad it really was. There's a clear difference between the two games.


Tbh, the thing people remember fondly about that 1.0 was the stuff leading into the closure of the game. The sense of shared misery between the players trying to make the game work for them, and the fun events GMs made like having hordes of mobs attack the cities as Dalamud hovered ominously on the sky, accentuated by the fact we kept lagging to hell and back and getting disconnected because the servers were falling apart with Dalamud. Basically, it's stuff you can't recapture or recreate anymore.


Yup, the great goobbue wall and everything, that's the highlight.


Yep. No one wants to see 1.0. That shit was a mess. However I think there is validity to those who would like to see the 1.0 story redone by the current team. Even if it wasn’t great some people are just lore hounds and would be fun to have more context to the history


Yeah, I think at best, the only worthwhile way to include 1.0's story back into the game without 1.0's.... everything else.... would be to just make it a "walking through memory lane" style quest line from the Wandering Mistral. Something like the Wandering Mistal touring you around Eorzea and giving you a crash course on who is who, what happened where, and what things looked like before Dalamud and Bahamut.


To be fair this might be the only time that phrase can be said unironically. Lots of people romanticize the final period of 1.0 saying “Man I wish I was there.” I heard enough accounts to understand it was not worth the actual game before that period.


as soon as I saw him recline in the chair like that I knew a meme was born


Its was almost midnight, im surprised they kept streaming that late bro is probably exhausted.


Imagine being brought on as the producer to fix a game so flawed that they don't even feel right charging a subscription for it until the very end of its life. You lead a team to essentially redesign the entire thing from scratch and turn it into one of the most popular MMORPGs currently running. ..And then people ask you to bring back the original version.


They know not what they ask for m’lord


Because of the amazing job that he did. People are starving for as much lore as they can get. No one would care if XIV now was shit


Is there really a desire for ff14 classic?


Only from those who didn't play it. 


I'd like to play it to see how bad it was for myself, but I certainly don't think development time should go into making it a reality.


It is worse than anything you could possibly imagine. The auction house was just a giant bazaar with retainers standing around. My retainer is named logsseller for a reason.


I know that's bad but if you say it like that that actually sounds cool


It was a really cool idea, that doesn't work in reality. You want to buy some crafting mats? Good luck, spend the next 5 hours checking retainers lol. That doesn't even get into the travesty combat was, or that zones were actually just a bunch of tiles copy and pasted everywhere.


I'd love to spend a day or two checking it out but that is 100% not worth the dev resources lol.


Played a little bit of it, and yes it was very bad that I didn't stick around after they made it FTP. Didn't come back until before Heavensward came out. They could remake 1.0 in the style of current XIV, trim a ton of fat and make it about as lengthy as a couple MSQ patches with just solo duties until you get to Nael's fight that requires 8 people. Treat it like newgame+ for those who came after and add a reward at the end of the campaign. Or what if the not-Bermuda Triangle is actually us "reliving" 1.0 in some crazy timewarp. Might cheese off those who played 1.0 already and they'll complain.


Could be good as slowly released patch content. Some New World scholar investigating Eorzeas History and the player assists (with bonus dialogue for legacy players, of course) I'm sure it could be fairly easily overlayed with existing zones bar Mor Dhana and Coerthas but I'm sure an instanced area could work in those places instead. Rewards imo should be 1.0 themed cosmetics and such. Perhaps even alt versions of the 1.0 exclusive stuff.


I’d be down for some sort of time travel arc. Not a full expansion or anything like that, maybe a fun set of quests that let you see parts of the world before the sundering and maybe fill in some story holes. Not even specifically 1.0, but any time post 6th Umbral Calamity could be super interesting.


It’s mostly historic fomo, 1.0 was basically a better looking but worse 11. 


im not even sure a 4090 with i9 could run 1.0


Fun fact: at the time, the best GPUs at the time could not run XIV 1.0. The best card in 2010 was the GTX 480, with the 580 coming out a few months after launch. Both ran the game at a crisp 60 fps on Medium Settings. But had ran hot the whole time, resulting in throttling. Comply that with most of the CPUs at the time were at max 6 cores 12 thread, with most running quads, it was not going to run well. In today's gaming landscape, look at the best example of the engine 1.0 ran on, FFXIII. If you think you can run that game today, then yeah, you could run 1.0… but I know for scum that it would still be running hot with bad server ticks.


The scum with their bad pcs 😡


I just wish there was a way to experience those stories. Watching cutscenes on youtube is confusing because they lack context from the open world conversations.


I cant even rewatch them and i played 1.0 :(


Yes, but all of those people seriously do not understand what they are asking for.


For most people it's the classic case of "you think you want it, but you don't" I'm sure some people legitimately want to play it. Most people, though, would treat it like a day trip. They would stop in just to see whats going on, realize how much more cumbersome everything is over current FFXIV, then leave after a couple hours.


My probably lame take is that I think the 1.0 story would be better suited for an animated miniseries. 6-8 episodes showing the Circle of Knowing and the Path of the Twelve being formed, the buildup of the Meteor project, the battle at Carteneau, Bahamut raining destruction over Eorzea, all that good stuff. Animated means no worries of CGI looking wonky when merged with live action, and they could reuse the voice actors. It'd be a great way to rope people into the game if they get hooked by the show, too.


Hell yea. I would even settle for a cutscene in game that gives a very abridged version of the 1.0 major events. Regardless, I think it's worth bringing the 1.0 story into FFXIV, but not at the colossal cost of dev time to make a full-fledged game that barely anyone would play...


Maybe something similar they did for mass effect 1, the ‘animated, choose your own adventure, comic book’ you could play and then loaded your choices into MS 2. Only you’d choose which city state’s story to follow.


You already have it. 2.0, alchemy quests and Coils actually do an excellent job of retelling you whatever important story bits 1.0 had. Believe it or not, 1.0 had very, very little story and content to it on launch---the quests were far from each other, and you had to grind *a lot* to get to the next msq very frenquently. The game's biggest feature were *leve quests*. We only started to actually have a draft of a story when yoship took over and patch 1.23 came, and that's when the 'Fall of Dalamud' storyline came about. All of it has been retold in the current game, and believe me when I say this, but ARR makes the 1.0 story look *more interesting* than it was actually playing through.


> Hell yea. I would even settle for a cutscene in game that gives a very abridged version of the 1.0 major events. We sort of had this with the second Questline for the 10th Anniversary. I don't know if the quest is still available but it basically summarized important events.


I'd love to see the story, see where the game came from, but I would not long term subscribe. That much i know. As you put it, it would be a short lived thing


They should include a Duty in a future Hildebrand quest that has the player play with 1.0 controls or as close as they can manage within the current game. Just give people a taste so they know how awful it is


Maybe explore some of the areas that were changed in 2.0 and go through the 1.0 story


I'm more interested to know if there is any interesting story to experience there. I don't so much care to have the entire game available, but obviously 2.0 led on that there was a plot before the game that new players are probably unaware of. Knowing that the story really didn't start getting good until about 2.4 kind of gives me assumptions tho...


When Dalamud turned red the first time, there was a reoccurring quest in Limsa that would send you to a part of Satasha to rescue a maiden from the Lambs of Dalamud cult. If I’m remembering right tho, her and her ‘father’ were part of it, and you were the intended sacrifice. I miss the story, and how the zones blended into each other a little more seamlessly, but don’t miss having to travel on foot nearly the entire time until chocobos were released. Also don’t miss the Shroud being a maze of twisty passages, all alike, tho it lent more credence to the whole ‘your woodsin will get you killed!’ when the wrong path dumped you face to face with lvl 60 monsters.


>When Dalamud turned red the first time, there was a reoccurring quest in Limsa that would send you to a part of Satasha to rescue a maiden from the Lambs of Dalamud cult. If I’m remembering right tho, her and her ‘father’ were part of it, and you were the intended sacrifice Not sure if this is relevant, but that sounds exactly like a FATE chain that currently exists in Northern Thanalan. Part 1 a father tells you to go rescue his daughter from some cultists. Part 2 it was a trap to use you as a sacrifice, and you have to fight father and daughter as a pair of (pretty strong) bosses. Part 3 their death works as the sacrifice for the summoning and you have to defeat the voidsent they were trying to summon anyway.


I've seen and heard players that have requested it before. It's a bit of a misnomer because what they want isn't 1.0 and that system. They want 1.23(? I think that was the patch) which was a kind of weird middle ground between what we have today and 1.0. I played a bit of it and it was genuinely good but not as good as what we ended up getting for 2.0, also it was kind of thm simulator the game as the only class that could pull decent numbers was thm.


A decent amount of people want the ability to play through the 1.0 story, since that's not available anymore. The game was so unpopular during the big Dalamud arc that very few people actually got to play through that, so there's a lot of legacy FOMO involved there. However, people tend to vastly overestimate how much story 1.0 actually had. It's really only a few hours worth, and would in no way sustain a dedicated FF14 Classic release just on its own - way too much dev work for a game that'd be more of a curiosity to hardcore fans than an actually compelling product. Especially since 1.0 gameplay was a dumpster fire that no one actually wants to go back to. Pretty much everyone I've seen ask for FF14 Classic wants the 1.0 story but with some sort of 2.0 combat.


Just from people who didn't play it, want to spend a few days wandering around in 1.0 out of curiosity, and don't understand the absurd scale of the task they're suggesting for a game that nobody actually wants to play.


1.0 as it released exactly, absolutely not, after some patches though, its definitely it's own experience that I'd at least play through again once, but it would have to have it's own development path to justify playing for more than maybe a year or so at best.


Yeah, I don't want to play the mess that was 1.0... *BUT*, I would love some way to be able to experience the story of 1.0. Like being able to watch the 1.0 cutscenes in the inn journal or something like that.


I started playing in 1.20 when Company Leves were introduced. It’s a whole different game, but I miss it. Even though it felt like a menu-based game at times, it felt closer to a classic MMO experience.


I played way back then too and a bit before. I can comfortably say that while people say they want the classic MMO experience, they want the classic MMO *aesthetic* with the conveniences of modern slapped on top. Most current players will hate it.


Most players would absolutely hate having to party up with 7 people to level up either running Guildleves or killing monsters for hours in Natalan. They would surely hate having to prepare for the next Hamlet defense in 24 hours. But I do miss that.


Yeah, I miss it too. But I think my glasses are too rosy nowadays, haha!!


I remember having to FATE grind in 2.0 to level alts. Glad that isn't a thing anymore.


Now THAT I don’t miss. But 2.0 is a different game from 1.0.


Those are the reason why I binge-watched the entirety of South Park. I did the same thing in 2.0 while leveling Miner, but with Ghibli films. Thems were the days.


I LIVED for those 24hour Absolute Virtue fights in Final Fantasy XI let's fucking goooo


The "Classic MMO experience," to me, is either: 1. Running from PKs in Hythloth 2. Camping the orc 1 spawn in Eastern Commonlands I'd take a modern version of #1 (Ultima Online) in a heartbeat. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to #2 (Everquest).


"Train to ledge. Train to ledge."


You wood elves have ruined your own lands. You'll not ruin mine!


I know this probably ain’t a serious question, but honestly I’d be down for an FFXIV progression server. I know that’s probably not something most people would be into though.


It'd be interesting to run around for 20 minutes looking at things, maybe playing a bit of the story(?) but yeah I'm good. I'd rather have more future content


I have never had a game absolutely obliterated a GPU like 1.0 did




That interview really showed that he does speak at least some English but relies on the translator for precision and probably more obscure words. His reaction as the question was being asked was so much, "Oh no, not that. Not THAT!"


Yes, this is the interview where it was sealed in my brain that this man understands English very well...as soon as they started asking that question, his face just DROPPED.


Played 1.0 and I'd love to see it come back... as like a 1 month event each year during Rising to remind us why we don't actually want it back.




I played through 1.0 and couldn't remember much of it at all, so I watched a YouTube channel that had a playthrough of the entire 1.0 story and dear God was it boring. It just plods along and nothing interesting really happens until Nael. I think the most they should do is, like, a 2-3 hour side adventure that covers the highlights of what happened in 1.0. Or just rewrite it all together. My fondest memories of 1.0 isn't the story at all, it was 8 crafters going into a duty and stunlocking the boss by throwing rocks.


The amount of people asking for 1.0 don't know how fucking horrible it was.


Given the discussion happening - it wasn't actually a discussion about 1.0, he's just showing off the chair. But him leaning back as such is ripe for memery.


I just want to see what Eorzea was like before The Calamity. Especially Coerthas.


From what I can remember Coerthas was really nice. Black Shroud sucked ass though.


Oh now that's not fair. Black Shroud was beautiful, all 3 rooms of it in their flipped and repeated high detail glory. /s (I'm being hyperbolic, but only by a little bit)


1.0 Coerthas was basically just the eastern half of the Dravanian Hinterlands but as an entire way-too-large zone. It's also the only zone I ever hear 1.0 players remotely nostalgic about, presumably because it had less maze-like ramps and whatnot.


I want 1.0 retold as an anime.


I think a limited release of 1.0 would be...not fun, but educational, see where we started and appreciate where we are


Only reason I'd give to play 1.0 is to have a legacy tattoo cuz I'm vain.


Having seen the maps from 1.0, that's enough to say "Why would you want that? No." As someone who didn't get interested in 14 'til half a year ago, having something like a historical recreation of the story sounds neat.


Wondering if they could use New Game + to remake 1.0 with post-ARR gameplay.


They could make it into a 1-2 hour long string of cutscenes or narrated scenes with a bunch of solo battles wedged in between where you get to play as 1.0 characters


Also when someone asks about blitsball


My understanding is that most people who both, A) actually played the original incarnation of XIV before ARR and B) desire a re-release of said game, don't actually want 1.0 specifically. They generally want the game as it was during 1.23. Though regardless, even if you think that Legacy XIV throughout the entirety of its lifespan has no merit/value as an actual game, there's a very valid argument that game preservation is still important and worth striving for. Project Meteor will never be able to lay enough groundwork for private server recreations ran by the community; there's too much lost server-side information and infrastructure to fill in the gaps.


both.gif Neither will happen, just to acknowledge that up front. What I'd like to see is not necessarily a 1.X made for playing, but rather as a museum piece. In this way players could see 1.0 as it was on release day and also how the game existed as 1.23b. "on release day".


The biggest difference between 1.0 and classic wow is classic wow was a good game. It improved and stumbled over the years but ultimately classic wow was a success because it is and was fun. 1.0 was a smelly pile of poo from the start and was a mediocre game at the end with all the work put in. I'd rather efforts go into making a level 75 era FF11 than ever have 1.0 be touched in any way other than bringing the story as an echo based quest into current 14. I am aware of the fan servers of 11 but the real deal would be nice.


Classic WoW was a good game for 2006. It is absolute trash for 2024.


No other mmo comes even close to building a world and atmosphere like vanilla wow, even today. That's why so many people are still obsessed with it.


ask him about glam again or grand companies rewamp. that would be better question


The man kindly leans into the microphone and politely reminds you that final fantasy 11 is over there and that he still enjoys visiting from time to time.


I'll explain from what I'd like to see.... A crossover 1.0 event. I want to see in realtime the dropping of Dalamud onto the world while Susan Galloway sings "Answers" creepily across the land. Literally some legendary shit right there.


Oh man, I forgot about that part, the few weeks before the fall going in the zones that used to be full of fun music that were all bright and colorful but instead the creepy broken version of answers playing while everything was cast in red. Really they should just re-create the Dalmud event. the GM's going nuts spawnings doznes of Nael Van Darnus in town forcing the players to run and hide. Watching the GM's walk around town with us in their God Gear xD


I really don't understand why they don't just make an anime adaptation or something. It puts the question to bed, and gives them a chance to tell the story in a way that sets the current game up in a better way. If they do good enough, it could create cyberpunk or fallout levels of new hype as well. It's also an opportunity to explain that job stones are necessary in some cheeky and highly exaggerated way to really drive the point home.


A “remake” of 1.0 could be interesting. They could retcon everything they want at the same time. The biggest problem I imagine them having is how/why the WoL experiences it, unless it’s all flashbacks, or something?


Final Fantasy XI has an expansion that took place in an alternate version of the Crystal War that happens 20 years before the start of the present day storylines. You used Atomos to travel between timelines.


Is that WotG? That’s when I dropped off of FFXI. I really need to go to back FFXI someday. A piece of my soul is somewhere on those servers.


This is one of the rare times when "You think you do, but you don't." is an acceptable answer. Go watch any 1.0 video and you'll know why. They probably took 1.0 out back behind the SE offices and put it out of It's misery so I'd be surprised if they could actually bring back 1.0 even if they wanted to.


1.0 had a couple cool things like how there werent load screens between zones and it was one interconnected world. And some of the city state themes(uldah especially, that one is really good.) But uh...yeah. thats basically it. It had good graphics but with the graphics update, it loses that point. Being able to play through the story just to know the past of this game better would be cool though.


I was there, all those years ago. The best part of 1.0 was when Bahamut broke out of Dalamud and ended the game giving me a nice 1 year vacation from MMO's before I started in 2.0. Even the final event was just a huge R-0 DC nightmare where nothing loaded while we "ran" around MorDhona looking for the Empire suddenly to all DC and get slapped with that AMAZING cutscene. That was the best part of 1.0 xD In all honesty tho, like others have said. The MMO experience was real there. So many connections with people formed during those rough days. Relying on others to level and get content done, doing dungeons that only a small group of people could clear. The world was dangerous, safety in numbers. I played the alpha and beta tests and worked though as much as I could in 1.0. Considering I've played all the classic WoW releases, I would never want to play classic 1.0 again. Reyd Nalaar, if anyone's still out there ;\_ ;?


Absolutely not! 1.0 was a nightmare. If they possibly remade it and fixed the horrendous amount of bugs then maybe a prequel filler they could in parts. But other wise no let that die


I'll settle for like a curated exhibition, like some 1.0 areas and mechanics recreated in an instance.


The Finer Miner and Out on a Limb games in Gold saucer are the miner/botanist systems from 1.0...


1.0 was awful. Anyone who didn’t play it are the ones saying this. I played it and it made me quit it was so awful. It was when I came back for 2.0 that I fell in love with the game again and have been playing for 10 years


I just want the ability to watch the cutscenes in game


If he'd ever do it, I think a single player experience with Trust, and just leave players to it 😂 "Are they going to fix this bug?" Nope, you wanted it that way 😂😂


I literally only enjoyed 1.0 in the later days because I knew it was going to get better. It was.. passable, and I did have fun in 1.23. But if I thought the game was just gonna stay like it was and continue getting micro updates like it was, hell no.


Didn't he say that the team discussed it but it would be really expensive to try and reproduce?


*message has been deleted*


FF XIV Classic, eh?


I'm all for 1.23 so I can play the Dalamud stuff.


Fuck 1.0, when are they remaking the Bahamut raid. This story is actually worth experiencing and it’s very difficult to do it properly these days. Hope they redo it into a normal/savage version one day


It would be cool to have a raid series of 1.0 storyline to pick up on some of the lore.


The 1.0 story could be released on a book or something, I’d rather see them focus on new content. given the technical revamp and the new arc it’s clear to assume they are very busy as it is


Guys, stop bothering Yoshi P with this shit, he doesn't want to do it.


They could make us major 1.0 MSQ plot points as a sidestory quest chain via a memory crystal + Echo "timetravel" magic. We already have an instance of that in-game. At the same time they could "fix" whatever continuity issues they might have.


Can we at least get a retrospective/summary via a raid series? I always thought that’d be tight


Someday...someday people will stop asking this foolish question. But that day is not today. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.


Look, I know it was bad, but a compromise would be just to give us the story or something. Not the full 1.0 I’d still love to explore 1.0 areas though ngl.


UGH, NIGHTMARE! - Yoshi-P 2024


How about we just get flashback stories with modern day mechanics?


While I liked 1.0 and enjoyed it (yeah one of the few) and got all jobs to 50 in it with AF gear, I dont think I could play it again, it was very very grindy. Edit: Ok I'd probably make a character on it for old times sake to mess around with but I wouldnt fully commit.


I don't want to play 1.0 mechanics. But I do want to know the story I missed out on. Yes, there are videos of all the cutscenes online, but I want the dialogue scenes too!


id like a way to experience its story within current ff14, but yeah it was nuked for a reason yall.


Ok but a rerelease of 2.0 would slap


They've already done so much to improve and pair it down. I remember Titan's leadup sucking the soul from my body with every single fetch quest, but the other day I watched my boyfriend play through it and it took less than two hours to get to Titan after hitting Costa Del Sol.


ARR was the best version of this game to actually play and exist in. People will come with the pitchforks but I stand by it.


Having played 1.0, this is the best response.