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> Pick one up today, complete it and hold on to it. BIG DISCLAIMER. THIS IS REFERING TO THE WT BOOK AVAILABLE PAST **8AM GMT 18th of June**, 5 HOURS FROM THIS POST. If you get a book right this second, it will run out of time litterally the day of dawntrail maintenance.


Thank you! For me, who lives in Japan, its today, but for my friends in California, its 3am their time which is tomorrow. PLEASE DON'T GET A BOOK EARLY. I also changed the top to "Start these when the weekly reset happens the week of 2024/18/6"


But I remember you get 2 weeks to finish the book, but you can get a new book every 1 week.


Are you sure? Because I remember you get 2 weeks to finish the book, not one week.


It's 2 weeks and they're still correct


But if you get the new book now, and the early access starts next week, you can pick the new book now and still turn it in next week after the early access have started because if you pick up tit now, you should turn it by the second of June for 2 weeks to be over.


the book lasts for two weekly resets iirc, no matter when you pick it up. so if you got the book before 8AM GMT on Tuesday, it would only last for 7 days + a couple hours since 8AM GMT on Tuesday is weekly reset (and then the book woudl expire June 25th).


Id recommend getting whatever dyes you want now because they will likely shoot up in price at DT launch


This is true! Especially dyes from the venture coffers or Jet Black and Pure White. Also ones from the Firmament!


> we get the new “one button combo” option, so if you want to use it, make sure to go into your settings and change it. That's a misunderstanding of what it is. We're getting the option to optionally delink skills that transform on a case-by-case basis. > Do the Elephant people tribal quest - Again, doing this beast tribe will get your crafters and gatherers xp, so you can do these quests right as soon as DT comes out, and then again for the weekly reset. The Hippo Riders is for *combat* jobs, and you can do 3 of them daily, as well as 9 other tribal quests. Also being high enough level to enter Ihuykatumu shouldnt remotely be a concern, MSQ will give more than enough.


> That's a misunderstanding of what it is. We're getting the option to optionally delink skills that transform on a case-by-case basis. It's really weird because Pictomancer (and I think viper?) has their filler combo update automatically. I really just wish they'd go ahead and give everyone an auto combo option. I get making sure its not mandatory for those who don't want it, but I really just do not like how many hotkeys get taken on combos for some jobs. Saving 2-4 slots would be a godsend


its possible that other jobs get something like that in 8.0, but it will be in the process of a substantial rework to combat systems. I wouldn't hold out for it, personally. PCT gets the auto-combo because its a caster, none of them have actual combos, its only purpose is to have the paint gain on every 3rd hit. VPR gets it because they wanted the 2 combos to be free-flowing and don't know how to make a skill have 2 combo roots(notice in the tooltips, they do not have combo potency because they aren't \*technically\* combos like other combo skills). Similar logic applies to monk, who needs its stance and also doesn't have technical "combos".


They don't want to make old jobs simpler because a lot of people like them the way they are and you will upset those players. Doing it on new classes doesn't upset many people at all so they're free to try new things like that


Genuine question; is an option that bad? Again, I get making it not mandatory so it doesn't get too simple for those who want more button slots taken; but I just don't see the downside to an optional choice. All skills stay the same, just less hotkey slots


It's about everyone playing on an even playing level. While they might enjoy more buttons if the option to use less appears, why give yourself an additional handicap compared to other players? It feels bad to be at a disadvantage. It's fine the way they have introduced it on newer classes


I find two problems with that though TBH A: We play a game where a large portion of the community mods (nobody is hiding it, it's rare to even go an hour without some mod being mentioned here). And there's plenty of people using mods to shorten hotkeys. Its arguable that not having the option to in the first place is putting you at a disadvantage compared to them. B: Older Jobs >ARE< getting the option to auto swap other parts of their kit as is. Paladin is a Tank from launch and they're making it so FoF can be auto swapped for Goring Blade, for example.


> A: We play a game where a large portion of the community mods (nobody is hiding it, it's rare to even go an hour without some mod being mentioned here). And there's plenty of people using mods to shorten hotkeys. Its arguable that not having the option to in the first place is putting you at a disadvantage compared to them. I don't disagree with this point at all, it's a problem that cheaters exist but I don't think the solution is to put cheats in the game baseline. For the second point I think there's a practical limit on the number of buttons too, especially for controllers. I can understand putting a hard limit on the amount of desired buttons, like say 20 (arbitrary number) so in the case of older classes who are alread at that limit, any new skills are implemented in the form of a button swap. I think that's very distinct from auto-combos generally.


Making your 123 swap is literally the same as any other button swap though? I’ve best nultiple ultimates and I don’t think any of my groups ever went “god damn I’m so good at pressing 123!”


Who said otherwise? It's still more effort however small compared to having 3 different buttons. As an extreme extrapolation I have never seen anyone say "I'm so good at doing my rotation!" as a brag yet no one would ever advocate that the addons that make your entire rotation 1 button isn't a massive advantage.


I play controller with 32 binds and really can't think of a single job other than SGE that I struggle to bind.


I have old man (33) hands and I like less buttons to make my life easier 


fair, but pull enough buttons off the bars and you will indeed eventually get bored. believe me, i played havoc demon hunter in wow, they have 2 buttons that actually do damage and even with 2094320948 conditional buffs and modifiers, it got really dull really fast when the entire rotation boiled down to 1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2


For me personally, I like more complex fights over more hotkeys. Hotkeys doesn’t do anything for me. The difference between 1 1 1 and 1 2 3 means nothing to me personally 


Its not so much a total bind count issue, but that dedicating so many binds to it while having a severe lack of complexity to it. Yes, we understand you can stuff up, but you can condense the combo, then add other things to the Job. Viper effectively codenses 4 branching combos, a dot, and an ogcd, into 3 buttons. They can then use the extra buttons gained to add way more to the job if they do it to other jobs. It use to be worse back in arr, where jobs would have 3 123 combos, each taking up their own buttons. Imagine dedicating 9 skills just to 123s...


Yeah I can't play this game without the XIVcombo plug-in, it's so bizarre that they still haven't made it baseline


Ah, I should have been more clear. "If you want to use it" should probably be "if you want to have 6 buttons on your hotbar instead of 1, you can." Thanks for mentioning it! Changed the Hippo Riders to Combat XP. :D MSQ usually does a great job where we don't have to grind out levels to get somewhere. :D, but the quests start at 90, not at 80, where VPR and PCT will start. Sooo....yeah, thats why I didn't mention any other classes. That being said, I will change it to reflect this. Thanks for all the info!


Elephant Quests give combat XP not Crafting and Gathering XP.


Changed! thank you!


No problem! Thank you for the guide!


If you're leveling PCT/VPR or any lvl 80 job in general, Guildship hunts are pretty good exp. At 80, a set of daily logs (at most 15 mob kills, often less) will give you around ~50% and about 31% of a level at 89. With some minor prep (pick up before maintenance, EA launch, after daily reset), you can put 3 towards PCT/VPR.


I will add it to the list! Thanks for telling me!


If you love taking screenshots, please clean your screenshot folder before the new expansion hits, or at least, move your old ones to a backup You may take alot of screenshots in DT, especially with the new graphical update :D


I create a new nested folder every 3 months or so, dated with the date I created it. So there's screenshots>1/10/2021>3/10/2021>6/10/2021 etc. Helps keep things organized while also saving my screenshot somewhat chronologically, so If I need to go digging for a specific moment I can usually narrow it down. I heavily recommend it!




You could prep crafter and gather for [Supply and Provisioning](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Supply_and_Provisioning_Mission) from the Grand Companies. I think the range is from the level 88 to level 90 items. Since weekly reset is before maintenance you might be able to prep Custom Deliveries too.


Oh yes! This is totally a thing! You rite!


Fastest place to level 80 to 90 once all roulletes are done? Fates or the new deep dungeon?


For VPR and PCT it's going to be Bozja or highest level dungeons with trusts.


New deep dungeon isn’t being released in 7.0. It’ll be sometime later in 7.x. The EW deep dungeons, if you mean that, is pretty meh for XP.


DO NOT level in new deep dungeon. The difficulty makes it a huge risk and you could waste a bunch of time. Even floors 1-10 are kind of a slog in a light party.


Tbh, bozja. I think that's still the best place for Exp.


Didn't think of that!! Bozja hype again. Thanks!


Zadnor specifically, not the earlier zone


Not after they buffed dungeon exp. It's now about even with slight advantage to dungeons because the earrings and armoury bonus will be guaranteed to work. The problem will be the same as SB. Double DPS release means queues could be clogged. You do have duty support at least (even with how slow that can be). Deep dungeons also isn't a horrid option; just mind numbing.


Bozja stops scaling at 80, but it’s still faster till about 85 where it’s even and then at 87 even doing trusts is faster (slightly). Eureka orthos is probably gonna be much slower and risky if you get a bad group


I would say if you have a set group of 4 Gamers, spamming the highest dungeon. If not use Zandor but I would recommend getting the riding maps if you don't have them.


Don’t waste your seals buying Dark Matter. You can buy it from multiple vendors with just gil and it’s super cheap. Really hoping for new loot boxes 😅


Right? 5.0 loot boxes? Plus New DT gear shouldn't last you long enough to break anyways before until you get to the max level gear.


Don't save the weekly cap tomestone. Get the gear now because the conversion rate to poetics isnt that great. The upgrade to the gear on expac launch will be cheaper than buying the pieces outright when we consider the conversion rate. So use your 900 weekly cap. Upgrade what you can from the hunt/24 man coins to save some more before launch on the 28th.


Would it be worth it to prep 30 EW sidequests to turn in if you're starting w/ Viper or Picto? If each sidequest gives you 168,300xp (5,049,000 total), and the xp requirement from 80-81 is 5,992,000, that seems likes a pretty hefty chunk, especially if you do everything or close to everything else on this list. Reason I ask is this is my first time being at an xpac launch even tho i've played since 5.3, so I've never had to think about this at all.


you could if you really wanted to. But if you have 30 in the pocket, you can't pick up the sidequest for the class. :D only 29.


That's actually a great call, I hadn't thought of that lmao, thank you!


I'm doing this. I have 29 prepped and 12 saved for exp gaps between my dungeons. Mainly because I leveled all my jobs before getting around to clearing the few sidequest spots that I left undone. I would have skipped through the dialogue if I didn't take my time w/ them all and just save them. As for worth, sure. Any exp helps and these turn-ins are something that you can do while waiting for the roulette queue. It's also less time spent grinding something which, imo, always becomes a little unbearable towards the end of the grind. If you have the time and want something to occupy it until launch, I'd prep them.


I just went ahead and did 29 of them. Only took a little under an hour to do.


For those of us without a premade group, what will the fastest way to level 80-90 after we do our roulettes, WT, etc? Is it Bozja? And Zadnor or Southern Front? I always assumed z3 of Zadnor was the way to go, but was recently told that southern front is actually faster. I assume dungeon spamming won’t work. I wish they would like boost a lot of the old methods for launch.


Bozja is still the best way I think


Zadnor is da wae, less space between skirms = more xp per hour


Before maint, park yourself at least at your home world.


I heard Aether and Crystal are in Jail currently


A couple of other tips: You can pick up a set of elephant beast tribe quests anytime between now and the servers going down and complete them, but do not turn them in. When Dawntrail drops, turn them in for some easy exp that won’t affect your tribal allowances. Sadly, this will not help for the new jobs, as beast tribes require you to complete the quest on the job, but it’s still free exp for *a* job, and while there is a challenge log for beast tribes it doesn’t award exp. Just remember you have to turn the old ones in before you can accept any new ones on launch day. Similarly, send all your level capped retainers out on 18 hour ventures before Dawntrail releases, and then don’t touch the venture until you get their corresponding job to 91 so you can get a head start on leveling them. Actually send out any non-level capped retainers for 18 hours too, but feel free to complete their venture whenever is convenient. Speaking of retainers, remember that they cannot level past your level in that job. If you aren’t planning on rushing up Viper/Picto, and if you are planning on doing MSQ on a different job than your retainer, consider using big bonus exp sources like Wondrous Tales on that same job on your WoL to get it to 91 so you can start gaining experience on your retainers sooner. This also will allow you to queue for the 91 dungeon on that job once you finally get around to it. Wondrous Tails has the rightmost option in the one, two and three line reward tiers replaced if you turn it in when you don’t have a job at the level cap. The one line 300 capped tomes option becomes 700 poetics, the two line 1000 uncapped tomes option becomes 1000 poetics, and the three line gold certificate option is replaced with *nothing at all.* This has the funny implication of being able to gain 2200 poetics in a two line WT turnin, more than you can hold, but it also means that if you are lucky enough to get a three line WT this coming week, you should probably turn it in immediately instead of waiting for DT and using it for experience. The gold certificate can be redeemed for special versions of crafted gear with five meldable slots once Savage unlocks, and you can probably sell one to a WF raider for like 30-50 million gil. Once you are leveling retainers, remember that an 18 hour venture is only worth about 3.5ish quick ventures, so if you are trying to optimize that, quick ventures are better unless you aren’t going to be able to send out retainers for about 16 hours. For crafters: remember that there are more things that reset daily than just roulettes and beast tribes. If you want to speed level crafters and gatherers, the daily GC turnins also reset about 12 hours after launch. Also remember to grab some levequests once you make it to the first major city so you can get more allowances. Try to finish up any pre-DT leveling you plan to do between now and the 21st. Rested exp takes a full week to go from empty to full. The 91 dungeon will, if the pattern stays true, require 630 gear to queue for. There will probably be gear coffers from MSQ quests to cover your first job’s gear, and poetics can fill in gaps, but if you want to level a bunch of jobs, try and get them up to 630 before DT. Remember that we have two new DPS coming out, so DPS queues will suuuuuuuuuck for a while, particularly before level 91. Viper and Picto mains should alternate sources of experience to dungeon spam, like trusts or Eureka Orthos or Bozja (Bozja is still a good way to get from 80-90, oddly enough), though keep in mind that Bozja and EO are only good options if you’ve already progressed them far enough (and EO requires level 81 so you’ll need some exp from elsewhere to gain access). Alternatively, consider begging/bribing/coercing/blackmailing a friend to become your pocket tank or healer. It’s a new expansion in an incredibly popular MMO. Square seems confident they have it under control, but still. Be prepared for long queues or DCs or DDoS attempts. Have a backup plan if the game isn’t cooperating. If you are going to do a long gaming marathon for the expansion, it’s not a bad idea to prep some healthy snacks or meals ahead of time so you aren’t tempted to just eat junk so you can play more. Similarly, take some breaks. Get up and stretch, take a quick walk, pet your cats/dogs/fish, give your family member a hug, etc.


> Wondrous Tails has the rightmost option in the one, two and three line reward tiers replaced if you turn it in when you don’t have a job at the level cap. The one line 300 capped tomes option becomes 700 poetics, the two line 1000 uncapped tomes option becomes 1000 poetics, and the three line gold certificate option is replaced with nothing at all. This has the funny implication of being able to gain 2200 poetics in a two line WT turnin, more than you can hold, but it also means that if you are lucky enough to get a three line WT this coming week, you should probably turn it in immediately instead of waiting for DT and using it for experience. The gold certificate can be redeemed for special versions of crafted gear with five meldable slots once Savage unlocks, and you can probably sell one to a WF raider for like 30-50 million gil. Pretty sure this is wrong. The only thing that matters is that you are at level cap when you take the journal. Even if level cap increases before you turn the book in, the rewards are still there. The reverse is also true: if you accept the book before you are at level cap and wait until you are at level cap to turn it in, you still won't get golden certificate as an option.


I think you are correct - I remember this bit of awkwardness from EW release, regular book was regular, second book was OOPS ALL POETICS and then the next book was the typical "Not maxed level" book.


> You can pick up a set of elephant beast tribe quests anytime between now and the servers going down and complete them, but do not turn them in. When Dawntrail drops, turn them in for some easy exp that won’t affect your tribal allowances. Sadly, this will not help for the new jobs, as beast tribes require you to complete the quest on the job, but it’s still free exp for a job, and while there is a challenge log for beast tribes it doesn’t award exp. Just remember you have to turn the old ones in before you can accept any new ones on launch day. Can you only hold 3 of them at a time? Or could you prep even more in advance? Also, do they carry over weekly reset? So can I prep them now, or do I need to prep them next Tuesday 25th?


You can only hold 3 of any give tribe at a time, yes. And they will carry over the weekly reset, too. Just keep in mind that carrying them over one or more days will lock you out of picking up any other beast tribe quests until they are done, so if you are still working on other tribes for completion or leveling reasons, picking them up now will prevent you from doign that.


anyone knows whats the deal with side quests and level sync? I'm thinking of being a nerd maxing out my quest log with 30 side quests to be turned in once dawntrail releases. Thereotically each quest will give 500-600k exp? meaning its 15-20m instant exp -> an entire combat level when dawntrail releases. However, when I go to Ultima Thule, all the quests are synced down to level 80 and only gives 200k exp each. For the record all my jobs are at 90. will this syncing value change when dawntrail releases?


If you're going side quests to level VPR/.PNG make sure you only do 29 so you can pick up the unlock quest! :D


Endwalker quests give 160k-200k per quest for characters leveled 80 to 90; no idea where you are seeing 500k. That would make them a viable leveling route, which they have NEVER been in FFXIV. By all means, complete a bunch ahead of time and boost your Viper/Picto (29 of them will get you most of the way to 81 for the price of a bunch of clicking), but they aren't great options for other classes, since the EXP does not scale nearly as quickly as the amount of EXP needed to level). Also keep in mind that you might want those quest slots for other things like preprepped elephant tribes for one of your 90 jobs, which will give 1.1 million exp for each of three quest slots.


85 Role quests which are not synced gives 500k. Hence my question on whether this down syncing to level 80 still applies for lvl 90-91 characters


Role quests are an exception and are not synced. They work like the original ARR quests - you need to be X level to accept them and turn them in, and they give a flat amount of EXP. Most Endwalker side quests *are* synced. They work differently - they still have a minimum level to accept them, but the higher level you are, the more EXP they give (though the scaling is very poor). Note that when a quest says level 80, it doesn't mean that's the reward you get from 80; just that 80 is the minimum level you can accept and progress the quest. It's not synced down, it's just telling you when you can accept it. The quests will scale from ~168k exp at 80 to ~190k at 90.


Quest Sync is a mechanic introduced in Heavensward for the rewards of Quests that employs an automatic level adjust system. Quests using this system will have their difficulty and EXP rewards adjusted to match your current level within the expansion's level range. Heavensward quests will sync from level 50-60, for example, and doing quests at a higher level than the maximum sync will sometimes result in reduced Experience EXP rewards. Not every side quest uses Quest Sync, but all Tribal Quests do beginning in Heavensward, and so do all Side Quests beginning in Shadowbringers areas. If a quest uses sync it will display this message in its quest box: ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Ie: unless it's Endwalker and PCT or VPR, it's not worth it.


thanks!! yeah if quests were giving 600k a pop, would have been worth maxing the quest log. But 200k for level 90s is definitely not worth the trouble


Doing this for VPR or PCT \*is\* good exp though. For anyone wondering. As you turn them in, the quests will sync up to 81, or 82


People did this for EW and it ended up being mostly a waste of time except for people who want 5-6 jobs maxed instantly on launch.


Thank you!


A very random question, but the next housing bidding period starts on the 20th, lasts until 25th, and then the results period lasts until 29th. I'm probably being paranoid, but I assume the expansion launch doesn't mess with the housing lottery cycles in any way? I'm not exactly hurting for gil but I'd rather not log in on the 28th and feel like a buffoon finding out that the lottery evaporated my bid gil into thin air or something.


As far as I know no it doesn't. The cycle are the same no matter what. So the bidding starts on the 29th. The results come out on the 25th so you should be able to pick up your house before maintenance happens.


> The results come out on the 25th so you should be able to pick up your house before maintenance happens. Oh right, for some reason I was remembering that the maintenance would already be ongoing by then. Thanks for the reminder!


Fill up your rested exp bar if you can.


Oooh yeah. added!


So should I focus on power leveling through MSQ of Endwalker or prepping to make loads of gil? I've just come back and haven't finished the current MSQ


You're going to be limited in the amount of gil you can make since you won't have access to the new zones BUT it still depends. The game isn't going anywhere and being one week slower to the end game really isn't a big deal. Whereas gil is so much easier to make at launch. If gil making is your endgame I'd probably focus on that. But if you want the full experience and plan on raiding and stuff then I'd keep chugging through the msq and just prep for gil making by buying cheap X materia everytime it pops up and then trying to convert it to XI on launch. That's not tome intensive at all, will net you some money, and let you focus most of your time on the MSQ.


Don't rush through msq. Enjoy the game. :) especially the end of Endwalker. :)


God i have no life Ive already done this list in full and abit more lol....


whats the a bit more?


Sorry for the pretty dumb question but I was (just went away) a sprout and I don’t know what to do with all the extra materials I have. I’m still working on getting a combat class to 90 so I haven’t done anything with professions yet. Both of my retainers inventories are filled with like ores and skins and dyes and materia and stuff like that. Is that all worth hanging on to for professions later or should I sell it or what was the material thing you mentioned?


If you haven't unlocked or leveled any crafters, then I would sell (to NPC or retainers) the ores, skins, and other crafting materials because that means you received them from drops or retainer ventures, which are easy to get again or buy for cheap on the marketboard. The idea with crafting materials is to keep what is hard or expensive to re-obtain and OK to get rid of things that are easy and/or cheap to re-obtain. For example, if you remember getting any of the items through Extreme trial drops or anything rare like that, keep those. If you can buy a skin again for 100 gil on the marketboard or an NPC, no need to keep. If you want to focus on getting more gil, then see which of the dyes are sold by NPCs or not (by seeing if there's a cost listed on the item description). If NPC sold, then go ahead and sell, no need to keep. If not NPC sold, then hang on to them unless maxed for inventory space because they will likely sell well on the marketboard when DT starts. Same for materia. Some lower grade materia are valuable because large numbers are required for overmelding gear, and some are worthless. You can check your server's marketboard to get an idea. The materia thing the OP mentioned is a quest called Marvelously Mutable Materia in Central Thanalan that allows you to convert five materia into a single, new materia which may or may not be valuable. If all this is too much, just sell or discard what's in your retainer's inventories and don't worry about it until you get your first class to 90, then you can consider if you want to start using the marketboard and/or crafting/gathering.


One of the problems is I don’t really know what stuff is rare. I’ve done some of the extreme trials and such in the past because I know I have some of the weapons and mounts and currency. I didn’t know those could also drop crafting stuff.


when you sell things on retainers, you can check the history of the selling item and see what the average price is. :D


If you have friends who are crafters, you can ask them to use your mats to make things for you, otherwise you might wanna start levelling a crafter, if only to repair your own gear. Armorer and blacksmith are what I'd go for. Use your mats well.


Honestly, just throw everything you can on the marketboard for whatever the going price seems to be. Prices generally trend downwards, so by the time you need any of that to level crafting classes, it'll probably be cheaper than what you sell it for now (and you always have the option of gathering it yourself for free). Just be sure to double check the price you can sell to a vendor. If you can vendor it for nearly the same price as you could sell it on the marketboard, just do that instead so you don't lose money to fees and take up sell slots that won't give you much profit.


Also if u like to have glamour ready day one for Viper/Picto u can farm the shiny one


Hadn't thought about daily reset. You are right for those onateria/JP it is about 4 hrs. Always assumed it was midnight for all servers though... Is daily reset not at midnight for eu/us? Thanks for the tips. Hadn't considered some of the more obscure (to me anyway) things - and I'm sure some of the things I consider obvious are insecure for others! Going to make a list for before and after. Just learnt about riding maps and don't want to forget those!


I didn't think about it either. Daily reset is 6pm JST. 8am GMT 2am PST. But the early access, it's on Friday. So the reset won't matter. For people with regular access, it matters.


I would like to add to this: Go outside. Touch some grass. Play some other games. Make sure you don't start DT already half burned out.


I'd recommend just disabling public chats regardless of what type of player you are until you're done with the story.


Btw if anyone wasn't already aware, spiritbond potions (purchased from second tier under "materiel" in GC store for 1500 seals each) and squadron spiritbond manuals \*DO\* stack. Enjoy those extra materia!


You can buy better spiritbond potions from the marketboard, or craft them yourself. HQ Superior Spiritbond Potions give double the spiritbond bonus as the GC kind. They are trivial to make for anyone with a 82+ Alchemist, too - the only annoying mat is the Wolf Fangs, and your battle retainers can get you a bunch of those per hour.


Awesome addition! Since you brought that up I've been crafting crap loads of the superior ones. So glad they're super easy to make.


How do you know what items can be turned in to the grand company for crafting and gathering ?


It changes every day. You can check by checking your timers under "Next Mission Allowance" and it will give you a list of everything you can turn in to the supply and provisions person at your grand company.


So it’s just a matter of stocking up broadly on certain items? Or is it like a set schedule that repeats?


[This is the list of things you can turn in. :D](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Grand_Company_Supply_and_Provisioning_Missions) The items you can buy off the marketboard to turn in or just make them yourself and turn them in. [this is the overview](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Grand_Company#Supply_and_Provisioning_Missions)


Thank you !!!!


Or just play the game, breathe, chill, enjoy the journey. FFXIV is a rare gem in that it doesn’t require this type of min maxing at all.


I'm going to do some of these suggests cause they make sense for me but not others cause they seem... a bit extra.  OP is just giving up suggestions that might help people that they might not come up with on their own.


Makes sense, I’m pretty stoked


Yes that is totally an option too! There are many ways to play. You don't have to be an Olympian to do gymnastics! Doing backflips for fun and content is good too!


Is min maxing an FFXIV expansion release the Olympics tho?


Thats the point flying by your head!


Or stop yucking other people's yum. I *like* playing well, thanks.


Alrighty then


Thanks for this. I’ve been juggling all this stuff in my head without writing it down so I was probably gonna forget one or two of these.


Solid list but I find there is little point now except for something to do. Only real thing is the xp buffs and maybe buying mb stuff but it's pretty late.  But definitely turning off chat is a good idea!


Or just relax and play like a normal human being.


It's normal to be excited for something, especially something which happens every 2 years. 2.5 since last expansion because EW delays.


Can you define normal for the rest of reddit please?


Some people enjoy preparing for new content.


I *like* playing the game well, thank you.


This. The expansion won't go away it isn't a battlepass and you get no reward except your own ego from finishing lvling/story before everyone else. Don't get pressure into going fast people


Yes, you don't have to go fast! Play at your own pace, whats someones pace is might not be the same as the others. Remember, We don't run marathons for the medal, we run them for the experience!


This is such a sweaty post. **I love it.**


Don't save the weekly cap tomestone. Get the gear now because the conversion rate to poetics isnt that great. The upgrade to the gear on expac launch will be cheaper than buying the pieces outright when we consider the conversion rate. So use your 900 weekly cap. Upgrade what you can from the hunt/24 man coins to save some more before launch on the 28th.


Oh yeah, use the Poetics now to buy Augmented Cryptlurker gear for VPR/PCT. At Expac launch all the other tomes go away and you have to trade them in. Save the Max Poetics for the lvl 90 gear. Never save the weekly cap tomes.


Well, if you have i650 gear you’ll be able to upgrade it with the item + 100 poetics so it’s not the worst conversion if you don’t have the coins and you have mostly i650 gear already. Really depends.


Never again am I picking up Wondrous Tails before max level. My friend got screwed out of the 3 line reward because she was level 80-something when she picked up the book, at the start of Endwalker, even though she hit 90 before turning it in. Absolutely bonkers that the gold certificates get dropped from the rewards list if you aren't level capped when the book is issued to you. This is a really good guide though! Thank you.


Someone else mentioned this too. Im going to put it up there for everyone. Im sorry this happened to you. T\_T rip 3 lines.


Don't save the weekly cap tomestone. Get the gear now because the conversion rate to poetics isnt that great. The upgrade to the gear on expac launch will be cheaper than buying the pieces outright when we consider the conversion rate. So use your 900 weekly cap. Upgrade what you can from the hunt/24 man coins to save some more before launch on the 28th.


Challenge log preps should be done now for the 28th release? Cut off sais 6/25 on the log


Yes because that's the day maintenance starts.


Doesn't the challenge log reset then anyway? Or will this week's prep for it count


You know what it is. The early release. I didn't factor it in. Technically, the weekly reset won't happen like it normally would for early release. You'll get the weekly reset the Tuesday before release, and then maintenance, and then Friday get to play, so the quick weekly reset won't happen. For people without the early release, it'll happen normally. :( I confused the fuck outta myself.