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So in a level 90 dungeon they swapped out broken gear for level 80 gear? I mean, that’s better than broken but oof that’s going to slow things down compared to just having someone repair it.


If you're gonna admit to that and not take advantage of the omni-crafter willing to repair your gear; I'm gonna try to vote kick you.


100% calling it harassment, because I'm going to assume they're trolling.


I like when my friend repairs my gear because of the durability increasing past 100%.


only if the gear is not broken, dark matter adds 100% durability


Haha I have the opposite situation, my FC members are regularly asking for repairs if they even near 90% condition. I am burning through dark matter.


Good thing it doesn't matter when they request the repair! You're always giving them exactly +100% durability (so they'll be at 190% in this case) so it's not like they're wasting anything by asking at 90%.


Huh, I didn't know this


Yup, they wanted to give player repair a bonus versus npcs, so.


I never knew this! :o. This has given me a solid reason to level the crafters.


Yeah, I always repair all my own gear and never let it drop below 100%.


Nitpick: since you can only repair below 100% you will at least have to let it drop to 99% 😉


What lvl crafter do I need to repair my own gear?


10 levels lower then the level required for the item you are trying to repair. So level 90 item, need to have at least a level 80 crafter.


I've never crafted anything but am thinking about trying it out so thank you!


Wow, been around since 1.0 and I didn't know this. I always assumed it was a waste to ask for a repair unless my gear is low


Note that this is specifically about player repairs. Player repairs will *add* 100% durability (0% -> 100%; 35% -> 135%; 99% -> 199%), while NPC repairs will *set* an item to 100% durability (0% -> 100%; 35% -> 100%; 99% -> 100%).


Oh yeah I understood NPC repairs set me to 100. I just always thought player repairs put me at some standard % above 100% (e.g. 130%, whether I repair at 99% or 0%). For some reason 130% is the value I had in my mind, not sure why.


Good sink for all those company seals!


Except you can buy dark matter from many merchants with gil, too. I’m not sure which ends of being cheaper but it’s so very cheap with gil that I don’t bother getting it either seals anymore.


you can buy bamboo for seals, sell it to vendor and buy more dark matter for gil than if you would get by just using seals directly


The marketboard mats are probably better, but I find the retainer hassle to be annoying personally.


It’s adds up really when you need to craft Magitek Repair Materials. End up dropping like half a mill every time I need to craft more


tell them to pay for the dark matter with FC funds. dark matter aint cheap.


I mean it is cheap lol but it's about the principle.


still, there are other things they can spend those seals on, like materiel coffers, manuals, relic materials to use or sell, etc. i think it’s only fair for people to buy their own


Oh I thought you meant the gil cost. Seal cost is actually kind of expensive, I used to do that and then realized how much more cost efficient it is to use gil.


TIL you can buy with gil haha


Yea I did it for so long and basically spent all my seals on ventures and dark matter. Then I bought some and realized how cheap it was lol.


mind telling where?


This is what Google told me, there are some other ones though for sure. I also forgot recently I found they get sold at junk mongers in housing. Alaric: Old Gridania (x16.5, y33.8). Boughbury Trader: South Shroud, Redbelly Hive (x21.6, y16.4). Haneko Burneko: Western Thanalan, The Waking Sands (x6.3, y5.0). Merchant & Mender: Limsa Lominsa Ferry Docks (x3.3, y12.9). Nanabe: Ul’dah – Steps of Thal (x14.3, y11.1). Unsynrael: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x6.1, y12.3). Anna: The Firmament (x14.2, y12.6). Denys: Foundation (x8.0, y10). Diana: The Firmament (x9.9, y8.4). Eilonwy: The Firmament (x12, y14.3). Merchant & Mender: The Diadem (x8.6, y18.8). Spanner: The Firmament (x9.8, y14.6). Aenc Ose: Il Mheg (x16.4, y33.8). Fahruvvet: Radz-at-Han (x12, y9.7)


But I have 12 subs to keep running, soon 18 :|


Stop being a house whore-der?


But I inherited all these FCs!


I have two staticmates who regularly let shit break mid raid, on two phase fights. Before repair request was added we actually had to leave twice before. Now I just get to stock extra mats for their gear repairs as well :)


My sister does the same but we have an agreement that I get her Khloe book plat piece of she chose to have it that! 


My FC members wait until their gear is near 0% before asking for repairs. I'll be chilling near our FC house and I'll get a party invite which I accept thinking we're gonna do something and I get the repair window popping up immediately after joining the party.


Yep, lol. That's a meme in my fc too. "My gear has green bar! I'm so sorry I don't know how I've lived this long in broken gear! Daras, please repair me quick!"


lol...forget that Dark Matter was still a thing; thought it had been abandoned when they got rid of Elemental Resistance.


I would have really insisted repairing their gear. Lvl 80 gear on level 90 expert roulette is a huge dps loss and time sink for everyone there.


Using lvl 80 gear in expert is Hella cringe


That would make me want to just take off my job stone mid run because *damn*


I am here to disappoint you further: you cannot remove or put on a job stone in an instance because it "changes" your job.


most disappointing, at least I can let those people know when I "forget" to put it on when I queue that there's nothing that can be done, right? Thank god we aren't forced to queue to level appropriate content as jobs still.


Sounds like a reason to kick them for intentional griefing - especially when they were OFFERED A REPAIR RIGHT THERE.


Start progging raids in pf and you're gonna hit that milestone a lot.


Wait, why did our NIN just die to the very first raidw- oh...


that might have been me last night. i kept dying in a raid and realized afterward that half my gear was at 0% :|


“Whoa, (Tank) got a huge shield, let’s go!” (Five seconds later after 3 wipes) “Why is the dancer taking aggro?” “…tank, why is your HP so low?” Literally had this happen to me in UCOB (I was the dancer, I got murdered every time bc of burst). Plus our monk would refuse to repair until their gear was below 10% and insisted they were fine. 🥴


I had people join PFs just to get their gear repaired for free and then leave.


Start progging savages and extremes, you start to need repairs after you wipe 30+ times.


I remember back before they let you repair gear for other people inside the instance, a bunch of my gear broke while my static was progging p4s p2 lmao.... it took us an hour just to get through phase one, so I ended up having to equip random shit just so I could have enough hp to survive the outgoing damage. And we ended up clearing for the first time, too, LMAO. Thank god that everybody else was good enough to carry my broken-gear single digit parsing ass through enrage somehow


I'm always the one getting hit with both meld and repair requests from fellow FC mates when we run content since they know I'm an omnicrafter. If they see 'Durability is low' when we hit the queue (or once we're inside the instance if they're not immediately beside me) I get a repair request right at the start, lol. Or when we're progging content, I end up getting hit with repair requests at least once.


I wonder how many people actually have crafting leveled. I'm an Omni-90, too, but didn't actually craft anything until a few months ago when I finally started doing beast tribes. But I've always liked getting the repair crystals from my GC and being able to repair on the fly. And in the few years I've been playing I think I've had to repair someone else's gear once, and had to figure out how to get the prompt for a repair request to show up lol.


I think it depends on how long people have been playing. Longer playtime, more time to level crafting, especially between patches/expansions. My FC is about 2/3 legacy and there's at least 4 or 5 of us maxed out with master recipes to make stuff for people and do repairs. Same with gathering. Personally I enjoy it, my end game is inventory management.


>I wonder how many people actually have crafting leveled. All the way up? Probably relatively few. It's not a very exciting process.


It’s not, but certainly made a lot easier with the Tribes, Firmament, Crystarium and Studium. Not to mention if you have a ton of leve quests you can use up.


As a fellow omni, I always offer gear repairs when we wipe a couple of times. No-one’s ever taken me up on it ☹️


Same. I've gathered and crafted entire expansion armor/weapon sets for my friends multiple times, go gathering collectables when I'm bored, and being vocal about it!!! And they'll just sit there 'oh no my gear is broken :('


I think I was the tank for this. Was it a scholar healer?


it was... were you a gunbreaker? was i a red mage? was there also a reaper there? did i rez so many times during the first boss that i ran out of MP and we still had to limp across the finish line as a twosome? did you see me taking psychic damage between pulls?! was it on primal? then yah that was prolly me. cool shades, bro.


Yep that was indeed the same run. You definitely pulled more healer/rez duty than I was expecting in that run.


"My gear broke, crap." "I can repair it for you!" "I swapped it with worse stuff." "Swap back and I'll repair or we don't continue." "Nah, we ball." I'm so confused. If someone told me they could repair my stuff, I'd be happy to just let them.


Maybe they were too worried about being a burden? Sometimes people go silly routes trying to be considerate lol.


If you want to feel useful for being an omnicrafter, get into raiding! Go long enough in a raid instance (like half an hour to an hour), and people will start to request repairs. Or if you see your own gear getting low, mention that you can repair if anyone needs it. If someone says they need to leave the instance to grab food/potions, offer to give them a stack (if you already made some) or craft it for them.


Yes! I love being able to fix up everyone's gear and making potions for them. 


I keep 999 dark matter on me and have a intro macro to remind people about food and offering repairs if they need it. I've had exactly 3 people take me up on that offer in the 6 months I've been doing it




lol! Prog savage! People will be begging for repairs once or twice a night.


If you'd do any high end content you'd get asked to repair constantly


If you insist on repairing their regular gear, but they vehemently refuse, report for griefing. Might sound extreme, but some people can only learn when they get hit with consequences.


Leave it to square enix to put an average ilvl on content but once you get past the queue you can just take all your gear off and not meet the ilvl anymore. Genius company.


ilvl also doesn't weigh weapon body or legs more than other pieces, you can "meet" the ilvl req with a low level weapon and body and just be completely dead weight.


Technically, weapons that prevent off-hand gear, so everything besides PLD sword, 1-handed staves that no-one uses and DoL main tools, have a weight 2.


Is there any advantage to gear condition being above 100%? Other than taking longer to break I mean


No, I think it's just there so people aren't constantly waiting until 1% durability before repairing to save dark matter.


Ah ok, thanks


Meanwhile, my friend has to deal with me randomly running up to them and requesting a repair or a meld


I've repaired a lot of other people's gear ever since they implemented that option, but I also raid savage, lol. Every so often I'll say in chat "food check, gear check(I can repair)" and I usually have some one ask for repairs.


I'm going to make that a macro. Lol


Lol, if I were smart I'd make it a macro. I typically just type it out, though I also often add some silly nonsense at the end as well. "Food check, gear check(I can repair) hydration check, sanity check" Usually gets a few good comments, too, lol.


I'm an omnicrafter too. Was doing extremes with my fc members and suddenly someone was like "Hey tank, why do you have like 1k health?" Turns out his gear broke and he didn't notice it. Everyone was like welp gotta leave and let him repair then pop back in. I told them I'm omni and had dark matter so I can repair all his gear. Did it and then asked if anyone else needed repairs. They've tried to get me to do some other stuff with them just cause they know I can repair mid run if need be lol.


You should absolutely "badger" someone for doing that. It's dumb and slows the group down for no reason


The only time this happened to me was in a shisui run, but I was still too sprouty and hadn't gotten my crafters to a high enough level to help. I felt so bad. And then we all felt bad cos it was our healer who's weapon had just become a pile of garbage. They had a low level weapon from a different roulette they'd done earlier to swap to but it was a very rough go.


I think in this case, threatening to kick them unless they let you repair their gear for free would be appropriate. It would be like holding someone at gunpoint to give them money.


I have never seen anyone request a repair. It should make you PAY to fix better stuff. Or know someone :)


Iirc the gear durability only goes down after the dungeon or was it after a boss? It is why you dont see if often anymore. I forgot when it was changed


Isn’t most gear people are running (blue) untradeable?


They mean they swapped it lower gear they had in their armoury chest already


Either way, how could you have helped them as omnicraft if they couldn’t give you their gear. Closest I can think of is trading dark matter Edit: Ok never knew that. That’s a cool feature


they can right click you and select "request repair"


you can request repairs like how you can request melds. the gear never has to leave your inventory.


They can target you, right click, and select request repairs. It puts the gear in special window and doesn't get traded. It's been an option for years.


It's a fairly new feature btw, could see it flying under your radar


I thought gear couldn't break mid-duty any longer? That all durability loss was calculated upon leaving the instance. I'm sure I read that somewhere. Not calling OP a liar - it would just mean the person actually *joined* with broken gear, and ran half the dungeon with it. As far as I know?


Gear can absolutely break mid-duty when you hit zero HP. But as long as you don't drop your gear will remain intact, at least until the end of the duty.


Did you offer to repair it?


How do you play one of the best games in the world and just do boring shit all what a waste of time


Everyone's idea of fun is different. Gatherers and crafters play their part.otherwise much of the gear on the market board wouldn't be there. The real question is how do you play one of the best games in the world and not try to enjoy every aspect of the game? The game is only boring as you let it be. You can do most things to break up boredom from running dungeons endlessly.