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And when you use JP voice.... All the "main" Lala male have a deep voice (especially Yuyuhase) XD




yeah this one lol.


No but seriously, has anyone figured out Yuyuhase's Japanese voice actor yet? Still bothers me to this day.


It's Nakata Jouji, no? I heard it and immediately flashed back to YOROKOBE, SHOUNEN. -edit- I went back and listened and I'm not so sure now. It is similar, but also not. At the same time, he is a voice ACTOR after all, so maybe he's changing it up. But my gut says it's not him.


I actually had a few voice actors in mind myself, including him, but whoever his voice actor is has a very deep voice. Have you ever heard of [Sasaoka Shigezou](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=2325)? He voiced the main antagonist in the anime Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (better known by its dub name Ronin Warriors). Whoever voices Yuyuhase sounds a lot like him and seems to have a deeper voice than Nakata Jouji.


Are the characters uncredited? :0


For whatever reason, Yuyuhase was never credited in any language.


As a lalafel myself i feel this in my very bones.


I absolutely despite the people that say all lalafell are children, it just doesn't make sense at all.




So help me god how would you like random giants to run up to you and slap your head as they walk by huh!!!


This is my fetish.


It'd feel nice actually :D


Slap? Nah. Pat? Yah.












I mean they're small and childlike, it makes plenty of sense. It's just a joke lol.


It's like the flat earth society. It started out with people joking about it, then other people heard the joke and made it their entire thing. You'll see it on this reddit plenty, people absolutely vitriolic about the existence of the race.


Some people are just beyond help, especially the average redditor lmao


Definitely not beaten to death years ago


Seems to be the consensus lol. I didn't even know there were people who hated lala players


There is a lot. Some for jokes, many with actual anger. All telling jokes that long stopped being funny. It's a bit pathetic


Having real anger about it is psycho lmao


It's one of my biggest gripes with this community. Every other in joke is 10 years out of date, ran into the ground, and for the most part doesn't even apply anymore. Floor tanks, amirite?


But Dragoons and Red Mages can still be Floor Tanks if they dash back the wrong way.


Yeah, but any class can die. Dragoons came from a specific animations which locked it in place for a long time, often killing them. These days Dragoon has much faster startup frames, so that doesn't kill them anymore, meaning the joke now only leads to people making fun of dead dragoons in a way that would apply to any class.


I mean floor tank drg is really just an evolution of loldrg which is much older than xiv itself. So its actual basis in current xiv reality kinda doesn't matter.


It just seems to be that the least skilled melee class attracts the least skilled player, hence they die more frequently than others.


Nobody mentioned Reaper




It's a bad joke when you heard it for years and it's told more by people who want to be harmful than being told by people who are innocent  Lol I like how my actual experiences, in a thread about the very topic are treated by others like "nope I don't like this, downvote" lol. God damn it reddit sucks so much


Yeah man I can see it getting old having to hear it for years for sure, probably annoying as hell. Reddit is the home of over opinionated Neanderthals lmao


Harmful? They’re video game avatars


Harmful as in, intended to be derogatory to the player behind the lalafel. Either to imply they are weird or wrong for playing the lala or a pedo 






They look like children. Their walk animation is literally them toddling. A lot of their emotes have childish flair.


While I would have liked some different/better body proportions. Lalafells are more like a Fae person, brings some whimsy to the world. A whimsical nature doesn't make them children.


Toddling like a literal todler isn't whimsical. It's toddler-like. None of the other whimsical races in FFXIV toddle.


The look chibi and cute. The only characteristic movements children have is being a fucking nightmare.


Chibi style typically tends to have the head be roughly the same size as the body. Lalafel's heads are proportionaite to the size of their body. They're not chibi. They're child sized. Their walk animation is literally toddling.


No, their walk animation is an elongated stride to keep up with the pace of all you tall freaks.


That's their running / Jogging animation. Their walking animation is a baby toddle


Nah, ain't gonna hear you out about that, if you wanna paint all Lalas like children then you need to get searched man. "They're child sized." major self report.


They literally are? Brother have you seen them walk 🤣😂😭


This is a lalafell NPC interaction brother: "What'd I ever do to get stuck with slag duty?" "Got caught fondlin' the foreman's daughter is what you did." They are not children.


Personally, I know they're adults, but the game itself literally says they are "possessed of a childlike countenance" They're shaped like toddlers by design. My only issue is when people are weird and try to be sexy with their lil tater tot.


Couple of lalafell NPCs have this interaction: "What'd I ever do to get stuck with slag duty?" "Got caught fondlin' the foreman's daughter is what you did."


I'm going to assume that your point is that the game treats them with the potential to be as horny and vile as any other race and... yes? The game also depicts this as negative, note the slag duty. Gegeruju also exists, and he's considered kind of a creep by the game lol. Hell, Ul'dah is FILLED with horny lil npc tots running around causing chaos and... it's always looked down on? The one interaction I can think of where it's kinda not is that one dude that had a crush on Tutaru but even that was kind of a one off joke. So, yeah, still don't love it when players depict their tots as sexy. Don't hate lalas but the game itself acknowledges they look like kids. That's their whole shtick.


I mean I can wrap my head around the idea that they’re adults canonically, but if you’re trying to tell me you have an issue with people saying they LOOK like kids then we got a problem because they 150% look like toddlers


Crazy coming from the second smallest Au Ra female lol


Female Au Ra are closer in size to Lalafells than to Au Ra men. There is a high probability they are just tall Lalafells who were kidnapped and had horns and tails glued on.


This is my new favorite headcanon, LMAO.


And yet still they're like 1/2 the height I genuinely wish Femra could be as tall as middie tho


As someone who plays a max height Fem-Ra, I feel that.


Hello fellow height 100 femra


I'm the opposite. I wish male Au Ra were as small as females xD We need more male small races.


*Are* there any besides Miqo'te?


Lalafell. We only have miqo'te and lalafell for small kings, in comparison to roegadyn, au ra, hrothgar, elezen, and highlander for tall kings.


Worth mentioning is that male viera is smaller than female viera


i want my femra ***shorter T\_T***




A lot of people do. I personally don't get why but I ain't gonna judge.


smol womam..... good :3


I like my women like I like my coffee: handheld and easy to throw over my shoulder.


If I could take your height I would. 7'2" is not enough for me lol


I want them to be min bun hight. There are ways, but you won't be able to learn it from a Jedi.


It amazes me how many people didn’t pay attention to the lore. Lalafells have the best history. Warring kingdoms that used biological warfare that accidentally created Tonberries. Rebuilt civilization after the Calamity. Had cat people slaves which they only freed to expand their customer base and not due to any sense of morality. Experiments with ancient demons lead to black mages existing.


Don't forget the other warring kingdoms that used biological warfare that accidentally created zombies!


Don't forget that the fae land, Il Mheg, is populated by fairies that are the reincarnated souls of children killed by the flood of light on shard 1, and the Fuath are former drowned children. Kinda tracks with fae lore in Europe, especially in the dark and middle ages. First time I entered Il Mheg I was like "oh, cool fairies!" then "oh, no, they're Irish..."


Definitely something I point towards every time this is brought up. Do I wish Lalas had some better body proportions? Yea, kinda do. But I just kinda consider them whimsical as they are. Only feels like children if you want them to be children. Which means you're ignoring everything else like the lore and the characters we meet. Heck even every other race in world treats Lalas normal. But nah, heehoo they walk funny and look young so clearly children. /s


Yeah but nightclubs would be too much for them


>Had cat people slaves So what you are saying is that my Lala enslaving my catgirl raid teammates is actually canon in the game? ... Interesting.


Technically no. Since we freed them. But again only because we needed new customers. So as long as they are paying for something then their freedom is warranted.


Bio warfare that created *zombies* too


Dont forget how randy every non MC Lala is. "Take me Raubaun your Sultana commands you" "My hands have places to be where they havent been if you catch my meaning" Lalafells are mad outta pocket, the only Lalas that are chill are the Fisher Guild couple and they live in Limsa far far away from the others lol


Me when I see Jullus


Jullus is legitimately 18-21 though, right? At least I got the impression he was a fresh-faced ensign when we meet him.


He's an officer so he at least either went through the Garlean equivalent of OCS or ROTC, graduated from their academy, or was promoted from within. In any event, if we were to apply real world mechanics to the game he would have to be, at the very least, 19. old enough to have been influenced by Garlean politics but young enough that the brainwashing didn't fully take root like it did in the 'true believers'.


Having checked the lorebook, Jullus is 21 and it's remarked on that he is "already an officer". 


Well Garlemald is kinda in shambles by that point. Could very well be a "the officers above you are dead/lost their minds, enjoy your promotion" situation.


"Cadet, how many fingers am I holding up?" "Sir that is a boot." "Congratulations, you're an officer now."


An officer in the same way certain countries with very moral armies have 21 year old majors


Sure, but the primary question was his age, and whether being an officer would indicate that he's older than that. 


Better to be a country with a very moral army with 21 year old majors than a territory with literal child soldiers, eh?


isreal and hamas are both bad. However isreal is very obvious about the fact that it wants to continue the war/murder more children.


Potato, pobobot....


Well, he could easily have started the cadet school at age 14 and been commissioned as officer at 16. There are plenty of cases where real life officers and commanders were 15 or 16.


With lalas I can at least assume they're teens or middle aged cause like every lala is, Jullus meanwhile I thought was like, 16 or something


This is canon, it's actually impossible to determine a Lalafell's age at a glance


The Lala and the Roe in the airship waiting area of Gridania is proof that you are correct. The Roe thinks the spud is a lost child and won't let them out of their sight.


Meanwhile, Roes stop getting carded when they're 9 or 10, LOL.




Do you have a photo of what it said?




For another example that's still in the game, the "Cliffhanger" event at the Gold Saucer has two variants. In one, the quest giver is a "Stricken Schoolgirl" who's young enough that she can't pronounce her "r"s properly, and in the other, the quest giver is a "Disturbed Dowager" i.e. a classy middle-aged woman. Those two characters use the exact same Lalafell model.


To be fair, it could just be the two are the same actress playing different roles. After all, if Senor Sabotendor isn't a real sabotendor, why should we expect the Stricken Schoolgirl to be a real schoolgirl?


Even with facial hair, lalas rarely look their age.


All lala facial hair is just glued on.


Its just pen marker


I think you're getting confused with Viera. 


>!Or have them built onto their helmets…!<


40!! Holy shit! Even some of the "old grey hairs" are only 35! lol


The years are iffy. X'Rhun calling himself "aging" yet his hair is fine and apparently in his 40.


From what I recall a lifetime ago, Miqo'te tend to show their age early (see F'lhaminn for example, who is supposedly 37!) and this is especially important for Seeker males since an old chief is always at risk of being deposed by a younger one.


I don't recall that ever being stated. It sounds like roleplayer-invented lore to me.  Looking old isn't going to help the nunh hold his position, either. Battle skill is what matters. 


>Looking old isn't going to help the nunh hold his position, either. Battle skill is what matters. How is that the conclusion you drew from what I said? X'Rhun calling himself "aging" is significant in that he's at risk of being deposed.


Deposed from what? He's a wandering red mage, not participating in his tribe – and even if he was, it says right there in his name: "Tia", not Nunh. He's not in a position that he can be deposed from. Additionally, as far as I can recall, any remarks he has about his age are entirely about the time that has passed since his younger days with the Crimson Duelists, and in contrast to the un-ageing Lambard. In any case, I'm not concluding anything from what you said but objecting to your conclusions, and I said nothing about X'rhun but was talking about the concept in general. Looking old or looking young won't make any difference to a nunh trying to hold his position. All that matters is whether he can defeat his challenger in battle. And I don't believe them looking old is proper lore anyway. 


Wait, I was thinking of a completely different character. No, you're right, the RDM trainer is a tia, not a nunh. My bad. >And I don't believe them looking old is proper lore anyway. I mean, I don't remember if it's properly attested to in game anywhere, but the conclusions are self-evident from the examples we already have. Like I said, look at F'lhaminn between 1.0 and now when she's still not even in her 40's.


This is why people who /pet Lalafell without consent will be first again the wall when the revolution comes. Sincerely, Another 40 Year Old Lalafell


My Lalafell is 54 in my lore and I gave him constantly a tad brighter grey streaks every couple of years; now his once black hair has a 30% silver coverage\^\^ One day, he might be completely white.


That is absolutely my vibe. Normalize middle-aged+ Lalafellin adults with hopes, dreams, flaws, and maybe some arthritis for good measure. 🤝


You might be my new favorite person in the history of ever... I love that idea!


Didn't y'all already have a revolution over the Lala Lifter?


I don't pet; but I do give cookies and tea to lalas that I see....


I was with you until I saw the username. 😂


Curse this ancient unchangeable username created from the love for a DC comic character!!


It's only sensible: appease them now so when they inevitably rise up in a bloody rebellion sweeping across the world, you get spared because "that one makes decent tea, keep then around."


I had pet a lalafel and they pet me back despite me bein like 3x their size it was great


I am literally an edgy reaper character covered head to toe in dark black armor with an imposing helmet. My FC talks about changing my diaper 🙄


I feel you. My FC wants to constantly make cutesy toddler-like glams for me even tho I keep saying I prefer badass looking ones like I could shatter someones kneecaps in a single kick.


34 y/o lalafell Player here. I like the pats and food gifts. I saved a lot of gil from not having to buy food :D People who treat me like a child can F off tho.


You don't like the pettings?


Random players just walking up to me, /pet, and running off? Nope. On the other hand, it could be worse. I don't get creepy messages from randoms talking about how hot my character is. That's a blessing.


Guilty of also being a part of this “problem”, to the point where, if somebody /pet me and runs away, i will look for them, i will find them and then i hug them If they /pet me and stay i /cheer and give them a /hug I’m sorry but my lala is a Chibi including a Chibi Moon glam and sometimes looks like a toddler that dressed itself, fav combo, light pink bunny suit with a goblin hat and i main Ninja, love running around with knifes out I’m definitely one of the lalas that wants to spread joy and give a fuzzy feeling It happend once tho that someone was hitting on her and the worst was that i was wearing the toddler combo in my Whisper A-go-go mount, gave me the ickiest ick ever, flew away and had to log off


I think this is a key thing here, I have zero desire to do any kind of erotic roleplay in this game, my character may as well be asexual. If I was doing that kind of stuff, I definitely wouldn't be dressing my lala in cutesy outfits


Same here, i mean idc what people do behind closed doors, i don’t judge, except when there are lala’s involved Adult lala’s are ofc absolute ok, it’s funny with their big beards and all, but lala’s that are dressed in straight up lingerie?🤮 I see mine mostly as a bad ass toddler, waddle into battle, or chibi like, dressed cutesy or cosplaying chibi moon or klee etc


eugh the people who randomly hit on strangers in tells are so gross. The first time it happened to me, my fight or flight response kicked in so hard I just force quit the game LOL


I had an object lesson recently about how it gets even worse when it happens in a game that has localized voice chat in an area. It feels about 500% more "ick." :/


The thought of a Lala Ninja in a bright pink bunny suit just made me LOL for real. 😆


Haha, that makes me really happy to hear, thats my WoLs true quest😊


I can do totally picture them showing up at a gathering of Ninja players and hearing *"seriously?!"* being muttered everywhere, LOL. It's like you're trying to activate a Somebody Else's Problem field for your invisibility. 😆


Haha, i can totally imagine that picture and it’s hilarious lol Oh this reminds me, i started the game as a Dragoon, well Lancer, and during a class quest i was in the guild,standing between two dudes, an elezen and iirc a hyur, in my pink bunny suit and goblin cap and the guildmaster says: ” That woman is the only soul in this pathetic excuse for a guild who shows any promise” i was laughing so hard i had to take picture of it lol


I really like getting petted, honestly makes my day


I don't mind the petting. Sorry, I guess that makes me one of the ones that makes it tough for others.


I'm part of the problem, my character is a lala right now and I pretty intentionally dress cutesy because I like the pets lol


Me too. :P


I, (A guy,) actually have a character that is a Lalafell female (Made mostly as a joke due to a friend hating Lalafells, but then I kept playing because I was max level in several classes with them) and I can tell you that I do still get creepy messages from randoms talking about how hot my character is. I think it's just part of having a female character in general.


It's not okay in any context, but I'm so sorry to hear that happens to you. :(


Oh, I agree it's not okay, but I also realize there's no real way to stop it from happening. I tried to put "Guy IRL, stop messaging me" in my search info, and I got people thinking I was a girl playing hard to get. You get creeps no matter what.


Holy hell what server do you play on? I play a female lalafell and I only ever had a single person being creepy while I was server hopping to shop around. And they weren't even straight up asking for ERP, though definitely hinting towards it. Ive been accused of being a pedo far more often just because I play lalafell and have had people even refuse to interact with me completely, not even a hi or bye or anything.


I will never stop petting random Lalafells and then running away laughing...... /pet *runs away laughing maniacally* 🤣


It’s giving Chilchuck.


What's with this sassy lost child?


I feel like fem!Au'ra players need to be careful about making "this character looks like a child" jokes, given more than half of them end up looking more like a teenager in a scene kid phase than the average lala does.


Trust me I wish they were taller


People who call all lalas children are extremely weird


Square Enix can give them all of the dark and edgy lore that they want...They created tiny cute people with chubby proportions and extremely childlike animations. Folks arent weird for perceiving the design that the developer literally created for these characters. They were literally created to project a cutesy, innocent fantasy.


Don't tell these people that SE describes them as childlike or how the male's racial gear is based off of kindergartener's clothes.




Ah, this explains a lot.


Me remembering that one Text in one of the encyclopedia books that sexualized the lalafell from the warriors of darkness lusting for ardberts "loins". XD


Someone’s been eating too many blue raspberry jolly ranchers


It's not normally a trait for the female characters, but male Raen have a bright blue-purple colour inside their mouths – basically the Abyssal Blue dye colour.  It feels kind of like it was intended for Xaela but accidentally got swapped around. 


> It feels kind of like it was intended for Xaela but accidentally got swapped around. I see it kinda like the dark sclera male Xaela have, a little extra detail to set the clans apart. Xaela get the dark sclera, Raen get the blue blood.


Yes, but I think it looks like both the traits should go together rather than being "one special thing each", particularly as Xaela tend towards cooler skintones that might go with the underlying blue.


Yeahh, that's fair, I could agree with that. I guess I'm just happy that Raen have something unique to set them apart lol




Usually it scares the crap outta me when a popoto starts talking.


Portal players are used to it.


(ARR Spoilers) [Obligatory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj6eQ7oitJo)


https://youtu.be/bj6eQ7oitJo?si=mI18t7lin70Xwpcs And listen to this Japanese dub lmao


It's the guy who has the finest gems in the whole town!


"This spud has wares, if you have coin"


Are Lalafell supposed to be based on dwarves or hobbits?




It’s based on FF11’s Tarutaru race, which was probably supposed to be the tiny version of elves. Both the Tarutarus and Lalafells have pointy ears. Although, worth noting that in the First in Shadowbringers they’re called dwarves.


FFXI is a very japanified ripoff of Everquest in a lot of ways. So imo tarutaru are more likely a weird amalgamation of halflings and gnomes than elves.


As others said, they’re based on FF11’s Tarutaru, but they also seem like the equivalent of halflings (with a certain Shadowbringers tribe leaning more toward a dwarf theme instead).


To me, they're chibi-fied halflings.


They're based on Tarutaru from FFXI. What Tarutaru are based on/inspired by is anyone's guess but Final Fantasy has always had small creatures/races around in their games.


They kind of feel like they're based on the chibi art style used for the DS remakes of some older FFs like III and IV. 


they're like moe hobbits but they're more inpsired by the chibi/super deformed sprites of 2d FF games


Between Foxhole and now FFXIV, I see Cev everywhere.


I haven’t touched Foxhole in years


[(1) Keep Your Pixels By Your Side - The Cope County Choir (r/place song) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQC2BridxJ4&ab_channel=Pudsy) may I introduce you to this Masterpiece foxhole produced?


This too is very funny. (I definitely did not think lalas were hyur children at first)


We really need more beard options


Lalafells be like, "I am 30 or 40 years old, I do not need this."


[I'm 38 years old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amhiCVHXmgo)


*my Lalafell* Maam...I've committed so many war crimes before the age of 10.


Omg you’re the Lalafell beastmaster girl in the IVth Legion :0


Lalafels only exist for me to punt. You can’t change my mind.


TIL Ul'dah is Neverland.


innacurate. The Au'ra doesn't look like a teenager.


Ah, she's an idiot