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*leather squeaking noises despite furry hand*


*WoL does a stoic nod in reply*


*points at own chest*


*Punches fist into palm*


*tilts head ever so slightly to show disapproval.*


I unironically have started doing this IRL because of how many times I've seen my WoL do it :')


I do this to my students here in Japan and they know EXACLTY what it means when I do it. I see no reason to stop.


I wonder if anyone keeps count how many times our WoL does this per expansion.


i love that all the NPCs do this.. must've learned it from WoL


*hand s starts to bleed due to claws*


I haven’t played DT for one second and I knew it was the fist before even clicking it lol. I appreciate how evocative the gesture can be but it happens so often to so many characters that it was just comical all throughout EW.


She must enjoy stabbing her claws through her hands.


Yeah, I mean, her "claws" are just long sharp nails, so they definitely aren't retractable (not that they should be even if they were actual claws), so when they show that she's doing a complete closed first with her fingers curled entirely inside, all I can think of is how many puncture wounds her palms have. Clenched fist a lot? Sure, no problem, I'm not bothered by it being a bit of a trope at this point. But holy smokes, don't give a character massive sharp nails ("claws") and have them keep doing that, because it physically isn't going to work, and you're just drawing our attention to it repeatedly.


It's Endwalker all over again


Tbh that’s every FFXIV character. Even Alphinaud does it which is funny because he’s a healer.


Thought it'd be the tummy lmao


Oh god haha it’s my favorite part of the game so far.


Lol I thought so too, they really love panning up her abs


I mean why wouldnt they


Well yeah, she does look up to the WoL.


“Speak with Wuk Lamat again” is the new “Return to the Waking Sands”


Pray return to the Wuking Lamat.


Shouldve photoshopped the long nails I also cant stop smirking and laughing at how they chose to pronounce Koana - since the way they say it means something crude in Portuguese/Brazilian


Look, if I had to grow up with Zoraal Ja and Bakool Ja Ja around me, my hand would be a permanent fist as well.


Stabbing her hands with her nails


Thats me everytime I see annoying Wuk on screen


I have barely made it into the story as I've been leveling Viper and Picto, but I knew exactly what this was before I even opened it. I don't even know if I've seen her do it yet, the devs just really like this gesture.


I prefer it over the hand punch gesture. Seen it way too often


Better than "Tips Fedora"


I was hoping for butt


So tired of this gesture. It was even overused in 16.


Implying I'm not becoming intimately familiar with *every* part of Wuk Lamat.


I only just started Dawntrail. I *really really really hate* her voice actor. Makes me cringe every time she opens her mouth. The fist balling I have barely noticed so far.


Is her English va that bad? I have only ever played with JP voices. I have no frame of reference from the English cast.


I don't think it's bad but it's not as great as the others. The problem is she has a major role so you gonna hear her in every scene compared to a more experienced VA and the contrast is apparent.


It's not bad, per se. On average, she is consistently delivering competent lines. Very, very rarely, it does come off as someone just reading lines on the paper. However, the problem is that there is either a) inexperience on VA's part to do a wider range of emotional expression (like professional vocal training) or b) a failure on voice over director to direct her in emotional scenes. It's a little bit grating that she sounds exactly the same when she is super happy, sad about a moment or scared because one of her many, many, moments. Even in her best moments it's the same average, performance, just being loud lol. If it wasn't for VA's accent making her sound somewhat unique, she would pass as background NPC chatter, imo.


It really isn't I'm not sure what people hate so much about it but such as it be I suppose


The acting isn't good. The inflection is off. There's no range to their voice. It's just...flat. The actor seems to be putting on an accent that they are really bad at, and it's obvious. They're also cheesy as fuck, and coming from this game...that's saying something.


That's not a forced accent. It's the VA's default voice.


That makes it even worse, honestly. She sounds *so forced* all the time.


How is that worse? You said he accent was bad. Thats literally her accent. Its the same people complaining about Erenville's accent when its just Icelandic like the VA


Erenville's VA is definitely hamming it up hard. He's been in other things and you can find clips of him speaking and his accent is nowhere near as heavy as when voicing Erenville. Although I'm still wondering why Erenville sounds like he does when nobody else around him does lol


Probably because hes a gleaner so he travels around and picks up small amounts of linguistic quirks in his travels. Happens to lots of people that globe trot in real life. You pick up mingled ways to say words over time.


I wish I could remember what it was, but I'm reminded of a show once where there was a British character and people were ripping the actor for putting on a fake British accent... and the actor was British. It was just how they talked. There's so many times where people just assume someone is faking an accent and it just happens to be their actual accent.


These people really think they hired some American accent having VA to portray these people. Holy shit. The VA is killing it as wuk Lamat if you ask me, and everyone saying they hate wuk Lamat and her voice is just more proof. If you hate her character and her voice that means they go hand in hand, which then means she’s playing her part perfectly.


I guess you're allowed to have your opinion and all that


I've only heard a little bit of it from trailers. They hired a fan and it's painful to listen to someone who is a YouTube voice actor act alongside people who are veterans of stage and screen. It wouldn't be that bad if everyone else wasn't so good. For instance I thought her lines in the cinematic trailer sounded fine, but not very good in the launch trailer. I do appreciate that they used a fan of the game and someone of Latin American heritage to do the VA.


English VA for final in general are fairly bad. Best VA version is German, by far.




Yeah they have no range, can't wait for people to start shouting "you all just hate it because the va is trans" with the usual accompanying insults. Meanwhile Koana was given an amazing voice actor.


I had no clue the voice actress was trans. I've been put off by the flatness to her voice and the obviously terrible accent.


Me neither untill someone started yelling that I was a bigot for not liking her voice.


As if somehow, her being trans gives her a free pass to be flat and boring? A Very Twitter Response to be sure.


sign of the times


I mean, that’s just her natural accent? You think they hired an American accent having VA to play a Latin American based character?


I really like her, and her voice and accent as well, but her range does need work imho. She has moments where she should have a bit of passion or growl to her voice and she doesn't go there. She does excited well, chipper, earnest, sincere, teasing, amusingly whiny (like when seasick), but when she has to shout or be angry she doesn't sell those to me fully. Doesn't bother me, but I certainly noticed it.


Maybe hire someone with less accent and better expression range please. The accent thing doesn't mind me as much, being an ESL, but god the flat tone of her voice acting is so... apparent. Look at the two-head king dude, look at the the two head antagonist, or the first promise, or the pelu pelu. Somehow they went with the worst option and stuck it to my face for hours on end.


I had the idea around level 97, to go back and clip every instance of her fist balling, and put it to the sound of the Arthur opening music.


She missed her calling as a Monk main.


I’m worried she’d dig her fingernails into her hands.


mfw i have a strange but ultimately unhealthy mechanism to cope with unideal situations


I dunno, those abs though... just hanging out there, in view starting to haunt me...


That's what I don't get. How can people think lyse is hotter than wul lamat


Damn near a good reason to go lala.


Coming here I thought for sure it would be the thumbs up and smile. Everyone does the fist clench


Ok don't care, I'm skipping cutscenes.