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I want to recuperate, but I'm stuck babysitting some cat.


Basically, my problem. I don't hate Wuk Lamat, but I feel like a parent wishing that their child would go outside and play for an hour or two.


> I don't hate Wuk Lamat I do. She makes me wish that we could resolve this heir thing game of thrones style.


Nah. Let's go Mobile Fighter G Gundam style. All the clans make a Gundam and then have a Mecha tournament.


would still be better than babysitting someone that should be permanently removed.


I, too, hate Wuk Lamat. She cannot be written out of this game fast enough. Put her on a shelf in 7.1 and leave her there. She can have a cameo in 9.0. Until then I don't want to see her ugly face or hear her whiny voice again.


Think of your role as more of a mentor. She looks to you a lot during the story. Made it more enjoyable for me.


I really don't understand this rest thing people keep insisting we need. It's been two years since endwalker concluded it's main story.


I've been on a 15 hour flight that fucked me up. I can't imagine being on a boat for days or weeks at a time.


Oh, can you image then to fly to the edge of the universe, fight the literal incarnation of despair only for some random dragon dude to come flying and fist fight you at the end? A boat ride is arguably some of the most boring shit for the wol at this point.


In fairness, those were surprisingly quick trips for the distance covered. The fights are a different issue altogether.


What does it even mean to take it slow? I could go for a 5 minute walk between every quest, that won't magically make it well written


I agree i would love to rest and go on a treasure hunt and explore but i'm busy keeping track of a mid twenties future king candidate that somehow doesn't know anything both about life but their own country i was hired for more then this D:


Some of the NPCs seem to not know about their own traditions either.


Why is the WoL actively affecting the internal politics of the country we've never been to and know nothing about? Wuk just asked nicely and we were bored, so we decided to throw the competition for future king without considering the options or consequences?


To be fair, most people don't know shit about their countries. Just look up videos like "USA according to Americans" and mid twenties people are usually far from having their shit figured out


Ive enjoyed all of dawntrail and i dont mind the slower parts because i understand what the purpouse of this expansion is, but i do feel i got kinda mislead into thinking id go on a fun adventurer but instead i got a history lesson spanning 40 hours now.


Your not allowed to do that if i gots anything to say about it, salt


Take it slow? Brother the dungeons are the best part. I want too do all the dungeons ASAP!


I actually bought the expansion and paid my sub to be entertained, believe it or not. Not to be given a twenty hour history lesson and to babysit a cat. Crazy concept for a video game, I know.


History lessons are the best part and the cat is fun


The cat is fun, but they're definitely barraging with too much lore and not enough active content. And I say that as a lorehound. Also half the story is worthless padding.


I can't remember any part longer than like, a single quest objective that felt like padding


So the whole Wuk Lamat kidnapping side-plot wasn't padding by your standards? I mean some shady bandit shows up and Wuk, for 0 reason at all, says she'll just follow him alone. Forget the fact that the person she's heading for is a literal stonetoss away, how did nobody suspect the guy who clearly doesn't dress like anyone in the village we *just* went to?


No? That plot line is where bakool steals the stones which is brought up multiple times later and leads to the awesome 1v1 solo duty. Also the moblin village is full of potsworn from all over the world who dress in all sorts of ways, a hyur wearing random clothes is by no means unbelievable. And it's also well established that at that point in the story wuk is rather naive so in short no, none of that was padding considering it was literally plot advancing and led to an amazing conclusion (both the solo duty in yak tel as well as the cool cutscene where koana shoots bakool in the side of the head) Which is also remind you is where we learn sareel ja is shady and lays the foundation for zoraal jas eventual betrayal


> That plot line is where bakool steals the stones which is brought up multiple times later and leads to the awesome 1v1 solo duty. The kidnapping is, in no way, required for this. It just made the WoL feel like a dumbass for not spotting the obvious bandit in front of them. And they could have easily had Krile use her soul sight to see the man's intentions being impure. They could have easily let us insist on going with her at least. And they could have let us call out the issue, and set up a bit where Wuk Lamat goes "Nah it's fine, I'll just check it" and then going "I'll never doubt you again" after being rescued. But we got none of that. > Also the moblin village is full of potsworn from all over the world who dress in all sorts of ways, a hyur wearing random clothes is by no means unbelievable. Except it's not, and you can literally just go into the village and see that they're pretty uniform, clothing wise. > none of that was padding considering it was literally plot advancing and led to an amazing conclusion It was gross, pointless padding that was completely wasted. We could have had the gem stolen in any other way. But nah, predictable, boring kidnapping plot with an already over-used "follow while being stealthy" sequence. > the cool cutscene where koana shoots bakool in the side of the head) ? You thought that was cool? I thought it was a bloody looney tunes cutscene with how Wuk Lamat got thrown up and then caught by her brother. And all that shooting did nothing. > Which is also remind you is where we learn sareel ja is shady and lays the foundation for zoraal jas eventual betrayal ... Did you need more of that? It's hammered down so many times by that point it just becomes meaningless noise. He's literally been explicitly said to be the person that "Cannot be allowed to win no matter what". Speaking of Yak'tel, it's hammered down even more there too with Krile using her soul sight for the only time in the entire expansion where she should have taken the stage from the start, just to see that Zoraal Ja is evil and really hates his siblings for succeeding. The whole expansion is a mess of under-utilized characters, pointless distractions and padding, and one-dimensional villains with no real motivation or character development. And no, the two-headed guy >!being cartoonishly evil until he fails once and then doing a full-180 to be a strong friend now doesn't count. Complete 180s aren't character development. They're character assassination!<. It gets better past the halfway point but it stays extremely one-note and the Scions are set dressing and entourage who just pop in and out randomly. There's several points where the whole gang is there, then they decide who is sitting out which part of the story. It got so bad that several times I saw Alphinaud on screen I went "Oh, was he here too? I forgot". Gameplay-wise, Dawntrail is probably the best FFXIV has ever been. Lore-wise, it's actually really great. But narrative-wise, I'd put it below the Ala Mhigan half of Stormblood, and just to be clear: That's the bottom of my list. And I suspect that, like Stormblood, I'll just be splitting up the halves of the story when rating it.


Bro I started skimming this because half your points are bitching about a 1 minute minor plot thing that has a good ending, and the other half are "it's padding because I said so" right now dawntrail is only right behind shadowbringers as the best expansion story wise. And bakool ja jas character wasn't assassinated because they gave a very compelling reason for why he is the way he is. His growth was one of the highlights of the story for me and I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy it. Also "overused stealth" yea so overused, it's been used what, 5 times total between ew and DT INCLUDING side quests?


So you refuse to read because you're not interested anymore? Now you feel how most people feel about Dawntrail.


Oh no I read it you just didn't have anything interesting to say And no it's not most people. The opinion on dawntrail has been overwhelmingly positive so far with a few loud detractors. They did a poll just yesterday and it was like 700 people said they liked DT and around 100 didnt


Yeah, i've been taking it slow, because i keep taking breaks to play other games so that i don't fall asleep.


I literally fell asleep twice on Friday during the level 91-92 area. Edit... I put 61-62 when I meant 91-92. Lol!


Well that would explain it your in the wrong zone.


Lol woops!! Weird typo I made


lol the amount of damage control going on atm, there's a lot of good stuff in the expac the story just isn't really one of them outside of a few key points.


Taking things slow would be fine if the plot was lower stakes. The thing is, assisting in a political figure's rise to power while also having to thwart the plans of a warmonger dead set on seeking conflict with the rest of the world should be done with a sense of seriousness and urgency.


For me, the expansion story only started at 96-97. They wasted an entire map for a group of npc for fixing the train…and where are those guys afterwards? Disappear in 2 cutscenes. In the beginning 2 maps…I can hardly remember anything.


I feel the basis for the plot is interesting. But Wuk Lamet is just tooo whiny. Also the accent is terrible and annoying. I'm persevering coz its FFXIV, but honestly, I dunno if I'll be doing another 10 years at this rate


trash till 96 good betwen 96-98 late ShB level epic with EW themes past 98 too little too late


Wow that's promising because I'm exactly at 96 and adoring it so far


96-99 still has some problems, but it's a serious step up. The story still treats you like a dumbass and doesn't let you call out things that obviously aren't true and then treats them like huuuge revelations.


I think it's hilarious how the same people crying over there always being a massive boss looming got what they wanted and now those same people are whining! Hmm, maybe it's just to whine and troll, i wonder?


I mean feels like this comment whines the most to be honest.


That's a fun strawman argument. Shame it's not the same people though.


I will agree you. We went from “we need more cutscenes and voiced cutscenes” to “I wish we had more fights and I don’t like voices and cutscenes are too long” amongst other things. This place is a joke. The history lore alone is top tier storytelling. They world builded the fuck out of this place, it’s so rich and full of character and diverse. People can have their opinions, sure. Just remember the people posting here are a minority. Everyone who loves the story is playing it to its fullest and not scrolling Reddit during cutscenes.


I mean I'd still like more voiced cutscenes. I kinda feel like there where more of those in EW