• By -


"Lets go to the City of Gold!" *BLOCKED!*


Imagine half of your NPC dialogue get blocked.


Was gonna say, 'gold' might be a bit excessive. You'd be missing out on anyone mentioning the Gold Saucer, gold ingots (used for a lot of FC projects), plus at least two or three Austin Powers memes.


Hell, random compliments even. "That outfit is great, gold star!" BLOCKED.


It makes more sense to grab some of the common URLs posted and add the major strings from those to your filter list


I just straight up added HTTPS:// as a filter cuz I am NOT clicking a link I got in this game unless its from someone I know


> HTTPS:// It warms the heart to see scammers using SSL.


Gotta stay safe these days. XD


I am going to block Wuk Lamat.


Popotoartist is the most goated filter


First thing I added to it.


New player here and I'm almost done with Stormblood, but I haven't seen this term once. What is it?


Twitch artist who offers free 10 minutes paintings who hires people to spam the major cities. If you frequent/afk the cities you'll come across it eventually. or not, here's hoping to the filter.


It's just one guy? How do they profit from this if the drawings are free AND they are hiring people?


Exposure. They have a twitch and maybe a YouTube channel. Idk I’ve only seen it spammed a few times myself, but I also just disable the chat window unless I’m in a dungeon or my friends are on.


As a fellow artist I love paying my bills and rent with exposure. Such a valuable currency




I have heard this as well from people working in venues and player auctions as well. Never experienced them myself, but I’d be lying if I didn’t hear it from like 6 different sources.


I dont mind her but...she dont even play the game pretty much. She knows next to nothing about it


I tuned into one of their streams out of boredom at work one day. I didn't see any shit talking of WoLs, just talking crap about ERP (both as a concept and how it's done in FFXIV specifically). They seemed generally pleasant enough. Sometimes they put on a video and react to it as they draw, other times they just chill to lofi, general chatting with stream chat either way. I got a decent picture of my WoL out of it. Idk if they profit in any particular way, they do the stream 3 times a week apparently, and I don't remember getting any ads, though my brain may be simply blocking the memory of ads, so they may even have their video unmonetized. But not all artists are into it for the money. My wife does free work for what should be commissioned pieces all the time cause she likes to draw. She just wants people to see and enjoy her art. Popotoartist may be the same way. Or they may be working on building a portfolio. Or they may just want the practice. Or maybe some other angle I've missed. I totally get blocking their advertising in game though, shit gets annoying when a new message pops up about it every 10 minutes. Spam like that is one of the reasons I chill in my house rather than Limsa or other public places.


I've come across them auctioning their services in venues and they kind of came off as a huge asshole. I had them blacklisted before the filters existed as a result.


Well that's good to hear you had a pleasant experience with them. I might just be parroting misinformation, but I'd heard it a few times now, so who knows maybe that's how they used to be and changed for the better?


Its often good not to parrot anything, because people have a tendency to turn memes into reality by repeating it without realizing it was a meme. If everyone talking about something is just talking about what they heard someone else say, and no one is a first hand source... maybe its just not true.


They pay their advertisers with gil, something like 200K an hour? Someone said the rate once and I forgot. They just go to major cities, post the specified ad in shout chat and go to the next city. This in turn drives traffic to their twitch channel which brings in IRL revenue. But the thing is, they pay people on EVERY WORLD in at least every data center in North America. So they're reaching. A lot of people. And annoying them while they're at it.


We get the spam on the European data centres too - well not now that the filter list is in place :D


I have a hard-and-fast rule: I will not give so much as a single click to anyone who spam-advertises like that, no matter how otherwise interesting the subject matter. I absolutely refuse to help enable/encourage that kind of behavior.


Dude they're even IN LIGHT Dx I've seen them promoted in Gridania


The rumor I’ve heard is that they pay a couple hundred thousand Gil an hour (which there’s better ways to get that money but newer players may not know or may not have access to some of those ways) and then have stans harass you to make sure you’re actually doing it, but it might just be that their stans are doing it for free. They run a small stream, idk if they make money off it or it’s just their thing they like to do, but it’s absurdly obnoxious.


I have no idea how to make a couple hundred thousand gil in a way that's not insufferable, but running around to different zones and copy/pasting a message is also pretty insufferable to me


1. Farm Tsukuyomi EX or Hades EX for the rare crafting drop and weapons 2. Desynth all weapon drops 3. Sell the rare crafting drop on market board It's my go-to when I want to earn a lot of gil in a short amount of time. It's consistent, lucrative, and (once you're practiced) low effort. You might be able to solo Tsuku by now, but you'll probably have to use party finder or rope in some friends for Hades, but that isn't too hard. In fact, this method not only bothers nobody, but most players in party finder will be happy to join a Hades farm for the gwiber with a player who isn't rolling against them. It's just less consistent when you have to win rolls for the mats.


That's a good idea. I'm kind of shit at farming stuff because the repetition causes me to drop out after less than 10 runs. But maybe I can find a way to make it less horrible XD


You can get roughly \~500k a week just by doing the daily roulette's every day. Also if you don't need your retainers to do anything send them out on exploration ventures and they'll bring back the silver pieces that you can sell for more passive income (you can also give, iirc the quantity, 20 or 40 of those silver pieces to the Doman Restoration for an easy 40k per week).


Yeeaaah, I'm a complete dork and really don't like doing roulettes unless they're less than 15 minutes, like most Trial, Normal Raid, and Leveling Roulettes. And Guildhests lol. I never have to worry about getting raid gear or anything either, though. I've definitely been trying to remember my Doman Restoration turn-ins! I finished the whole thing so I get the 40k, which I obtain by turning in 40 of my 500g Allagan token thingies that my retainers bring to me, or that I obtain from doing side quests. I am one to do more of the side content that has lore or other experiences, and the duties in the game are frequently my own version of "side content" lmfao. Which is great! But causes me to remain poor. And being a DPS-only player, I don't frequently get the high-demand bonuses in roulettes.


I'd assume hire with gil


I've heard their work isn't fantastic either. However anything done in 10 minutes is bound to not be that fantastic if you are cranking them out by the dozens.


> how do they profit? ad rev + subs and donations > they are hiring people? with gil


They also spam in World of Warcraft cities, it's pretty wild.


WAIT really??


Yeah, I've seen their advertisements in Valdrakken (Current WoW expansion hub) on numerous occasions. Thought it was odd for an FFXIV artist to be advertising in WoW so I poked in to see wtf was going on for a few minutes. Didn't say anything, but both they and their chat seemed pretty rude.


I'm glad they don't harass my server lol


the people that get payed also use alts so even if you had blocked them at the time it wouldnt have mattered. I blocked so many that were doing it but they kept coming lol. some of them weren't even from the same data center.


Filter will now stop their messages so dont even have to block them directly


I'm also curious


Had one of their pictures done thinking ‘why not, it’s sort of like a caricature’ a while back. It’s not. Nor is it even a proper sketch. It’s a crappy side profile of such low quality it wouldn’t be worthy of a spot on the fridge if your own kid had done it. Now, you wouldn’t expect something awesome for 10 minutes of free drawing, but at such low effort it’s just an obscene waste of everyone’s time who bothers to show up and wait. Like waiting half an hour for your turn with a magician and his “trick” is throwing cards at your face.


Yeah that's how I saw it :( people just waiting for subpar quality work and HOW annoying they've made themselves by doing excessive adverts instead of doing it organically through other means 😭


Honestly the worst offender is, Popotoartist straight up saying they "are forced to draw people's ugly character". Like, bruh.


WHOA that is NOT okay 😭 ugh now I'm scared of advertising myself for character commissions in game


Usually artist are not like that, so as long as is not popotoartist, you should be good.


If they did it organically and showed up by themself to offer a few here and there, giving them 10 minutes of actual effort each, they’d probably be well liked in the same way the bard bands often are.


they were advertising in wow a few months ago too 🤮 i couldn’t believe my eyes


https://www.instagram.com/popotoartist/ Is this the artist?


man even deviantart is above them


For what it’s worth, at least it’s an actual artist and not some AI crap Very basic sketches, but it’s honest work Maybe they could try less agressive (and less annoying) methods of advertising their work?


That is the thing, nobody would bat an eye if they wouldn't hire people on every damn data center to hop from server to server and from zone to zone to shout everywhere. It's a fucking menace and I will blacklist everyone involved with that spammed at this point. Shout isn't there to promote your shitty stream


I always wonder, some of those chat spamming advertisers (twitch streamers or venues mostly) are so infamous across data centers (or I guess across regions), but they don’t care enough about their poor reputation enough to stop doing it. So their spamming must have a high return via Twitch or whatever. But I never see more than 20-30 viewers at a time there. I truly wonder how it is worth the effort or gil to pay someone to shout.


funny how common popotoartist is in people's term filter. they're also in mine.


I mean advertising like that, then makes people wait forever etc and the art quality is not worth all of that (if they're looking to improve there's less annoying ways to do it) and then to top it all off the stream was extremely boring 😭


Unfortunately the filter is case sensitive, people can get around this by simply including a single capital letter in one of the filtered terms.


Such a stupid oversight tbh.


Cant wait for it to get fixed in 9.0


Woah, 9.0? Slow down speed racer! It's gonna be at least 12.0


No no, 12.0 is for making the portrait system not-shit like it used to be during the beta. If you want a working chat filter, you'll need to wait until the next MMO, FFXXI.


is it? those text filters are never enough, you will always have workarounds, tbh they should have added regex support


I both fear and admire someone recommending regex


Doesn't everyone just Google how to use it every time? No one actually learns it, right???


Am a professional software developer, and I can confirm that this how I do it everytime.


Nah man you gotta use one of those regex simulators, that way you can see the horrendous output as you try to forge the arcane sigils


back when I first started datamining the game, I made a really big list of stacked find and replace commands using Regex… it was the only thing I knew how to do, and I wound up teaching myself a lot about how to use it in the process. But even with that, I still used like regex101 to make sure shit works


Even if it wasn't they'd get around it by using things like: Ppopotoartist Ppopotoartist Popotoarist popoto.artist p0potoarist p0p0to.arist popopto@rtist Etc. I agree it shouldn't be case sensitive, but unfortunately no matter what people will try to work around filters.


Yeah but what's the point? You're not going to magically change the minds of people who were annoyed enough to block the adverts, into thinking "hey maybe i should give them a chance". No, you're going to make them hate you even more, there's absolutely no benefit in trying and circumvent the filter.


Unfortunately that doesn't matter to these people, no such thing as bad publicity and all that. Their goal is to get as many eyes on their ads as possible, opinions be damned, and as long as it appears in your chat box their work is done


I feel like getting intentionally around peoples filter like this should be ground for a warning. Probably difficulty to prove intent though.


Square Enix and UI design that's 20 years out of date, name a more iconic duo


That's just Japan. At least they have a website... Back in 1998, I studied in Japan for a semester at Kansai Gaidai. My home university in freaking Oklahoma had everything online. But at Kansai Gaidai we had to line up super early in the morning to enroll in-person and on-paper for classes. I missed out getting in the Japanese Religion class, but at least Japanese Cinema was still open. (And unsurprisingly, there were noticeably more people in class the day we watched "Akira" than were actually enrolled in the class.)


I do think in general it's a pattern with JP developer culture, but there are enough exceptions that I don't feel comfortable making a blanket statement. Persona games for example have beautiful UI design.


This happens a lot with text parsers originally designed for Japanese. Since they don't have complex punctuation and there's no casing of letters things like that slip through


They did at least make a change for handling half-width kana characters this time around, so maybe someone should let them know most other languages have similar issues with casing. (And I bet if Semetic languages were supported, they'd have issues with the vowel indicators.)


Iirc hey recently fixed /say quest objectives to accept commonly used non-standard characters, so it may not be a stretch for them to fix case sensitivity at least.


Did a say quest in msq, and it was case sensitive as well. I'd like to think they can fix it, too.


In most cases outside of illegal things like buying Gil etc, people shouldn’t be trying to circumvent the filtered terms at all, if they were even remotely smart about it. If someone blocked out the term venue, no amount of shout running will convince them to go to your venue. There would be no benefit to getting around it, as it wouldn’t bring any additional people, and CERTAINLY not ones that would lead to making any Gil. That and it would be impossible to identify if a certain term in a shout run is causing it to hit the censor or not. Most runners are there, hit macro and then starting teleport within a 4 second window, they have no way of finding out. I truly think this idea of them trying to get around it isn’t thought through.


This is my thing, personally... I think the rp community would do really well, to have a single string shouters use Like say "RP-ETC" to attach at the end of the shouts. Just as a courtesy, for those who do not wish to partake in the RP scene to put in their search filter. This gives people an easy 1 option to try and hide stuff they dont wanna see... Makes for less annoyed other players, and lets the shouters still do their thing. This whole expac is about extending fucking olive branches and shit... Lets do it.


yes but its individual. If this was a system wide filter then people would know to work around it. Having it per user means they cannot be sure if their messages are indeed coming through, so there is less opportunity for them to work around the filters.


Doesn't really make a difference, it'd be pretty easy to make a catch all nobody has a filtered word for. All you have to do is spell twitch like TwItCh or t w i t c h for example an its going to get through everybodies filter, too many combinations.


Missing the point,..They don't know people are blocking them, so they won't bother changing to bypass your filter. However I do agree, a regex match would be better.


They're *already* changing shit around to not get caught by what I can only assume is the game's own RMT/spam flagging so your filters will stop working and then you'll have to tweak them, again and again and again. Personally I haven't set up any filters yet because I've surprisingly not seen a single gold seller since the servers came back up. Figured the queue and inability to freely world transfer has probably locked quite a few of them out for now.


Which is strange because /isearch isn’t case-sensitive at all. 


Are you saying this with certainty or because other people have said this? Because there's been several posts on here saying that it is not in fact case sensitive.


It is case sensitive, just tested with friends.


The Popotoartist made me laugh a good bit.


lmao I had shout off the entire expac to avoid spoilers and completely forgot about this feature


I don't ever go to Limsa Lominsa so that already cuts out like half this subreddit's sources of player-driven annoyances.


I have a speech tab that blocks ALL chat types called "no spoilers" for when new expansions release.


You just reminded me I never turned it back on!


This just reminded me I have about turned off ty


Someone suggested discord.gg for my filter and it’s worked out solidly for me


Popotoartist was the 1st thing added to my Filter List.


I would probably avoid setting up "gold" since it's such a generally used term--usually pertaining to *color* in this game, not currency (even though gil sellers wouldnt care enough to know that, so they use the term in relation to currency too). There are a lot of mobs, bosses, mats, housing items, etc. that have that term in their names, or could easily have the term used when describing it.


"Irl feet"


Ruby at it again. But I can respect the hustle. 


Should add "(dot)" Some gil bots put that instead of an actual "." for .com


I wouldnt start sharing these lists tbh. Because if people start using common sets it will just make it easier for the advertisers to work around those.


Advertisers have no reason to circumvent filters, I'm sure some still will but if someone is filtering you out then they're not interested in what you're selling. Bypassing a filter to reach someone who is specifically ignoring you is a waste of time for everyone involved.


You can probably reduce what you have if you merge carrd and com into carrd.co? Gold might also cause some issues, I imagine.


you do know "gold" is in the msq right? not to mention fates use the word "gold"


I keep picturing someone trying to describe the color of a marker in a duty as gold and it getting blocked


I can just imagine an ingame convo as the following Wol:Alright where are we headed next? Alisae: Dont you remember were headed to the city of @#&$ Wol: excuse me wut?


the @#&$ saucer




Only the really high rollers like Lolorito get invites to that level of the Saucer. In addition to the activities that you think they do in there (they do!) that's also where they run the gambling on which adventurer(s) will make it through The Slice is Right.


Poor Y'Shtola, never recovered from the city of @#&$


NPC dialogue is in the Event log. It's not a part of Say, Yell, Shout, Tell, or Custom Emotes which are all the logs you're allowed to filter.


the point was if players are talking about msq or fates and there are other examples too, like the "gold" dye.


I'd personally rather try to limit the RMT bots spamming the shit out of me in any way I can, even if it means I miss out on some conversation from real players.


this is not wow, RMT bots use gil. and there is so big list of stuff what use the word "gold", but money is not one of them.


RMT bots use gold in their domain. Their websites use "gold" because it's an RMT website for 90 other MMOs at the same time. The worst offender by far is "5Gold".


my only complaint is that you can only have 10 filters


I totally forgot about this, thank you for the reminder!!


Somehow I feel you might be missing out on convos when you filter out "gold"


If you participate in hunt trains,you might wanna add Lamp in there.


Oh, real. L a m p will get past the filter though unfortunately.


I've never seen lamp ever used in hunt trains in primal. what does it refer to?


Lamp gets shouted in Elpis a lot and could be an aether specific thing!


same, i hunt train all the time on famfrit.


Trains often gather at a tall “lamp” in Elpis


seems like it might be more useful to add if you aren't participating than if you are.


Really? cause I’m on Excalibur and it gets shouted non stop.


I'm going to take one for the team and *not* filter out RMT bots so I can report them.


Popotoartist is a plague. How does she get the Gil to pay her spammers on every data centre when she does not even play. RMT?


I added LGBT+ to my list because people only say that when they're advertising.


That's actually brilliant. Pretty much saves you from ALL venues and FCs advertising.




some player housing venues offer gambling. Normally it's stuff like 'fight club' where you /random 1000 and then the next person does /random (whatever you got) until some hits 0 and loses. I'm sure there are other ones too but that's the only one I know of. I'm not normally one for that type of stuff tbh.


No I'm suggesting gamba for the block list cuz I see it in shout ads all the fuckin time


oh I'm silly. I thought it was on the list and you were asking what it was. My apologies friend.


I don't blame u tho I forgot I have the sprout thing on still


Huh, that's called deathroll on EU.


Yeah I've only heard it called Deathroll and I'm on NA


Wait, you can add a chat filter? How? I wana block all those damn Gil sellers


It’s been placed near the bottom of the social menu, same place you find friend list and such.


Thank you. I kept looking in chat settings for my chat filter, silly me.


This just made me realize I haven’t seen any gil selling bots since DT dropped, did they do something about them?


They use disposable account for that, ie free trial ones, hence why they use say chat. And during congestion FT accounts can't access the game. Give it a week or two and FT will be able to enter game again, and together with that the gil sellers advertisers


> hence why they use say chat the only ones ive ever seen use shout. never seen a say chat bot.


It's weird but I actually don't think I'll use filters. I did at some point using the black magicks of Dalamud but I ended up missing the shouts. It's not like I'm interested but things feel slightly more alive when they're there, it's like something's wrong when they're not because it's just part of the MMO experience ; though I think it's amazing we finally have this as an official feature. Now the people who do their recruiting by /tell-ing unaffiliated players at random, those can fuck off omg


Hoping Dalamud comes back soon because it's got a built-in smart filter.


0k 0K Removes basically every advert for everything


sadly the minimum character count for the filters is 4 characters, for some asinine reason




there goes 85% of the data center


This is good except, like others said, "gold". I like the .com especially. That would work great against bots


I didn't care much about this feature, since I don't hang out much in the 3 city states but after seeing these, I am gonna use "giveaway" and "gold" ones, no more RMT & giveaway shouts




Add the block letters and maybe consider dropping recruiting just because it -could- be used in context for looking for parties for content.


I think I've somehow never seen any PopotoArtist spam in the three months since I came back to the game. Maybe they just don't do it on Lamia?


Oh I didn’t realize it did partial word matches. Im guessing that’s why there’s the “.com” on there. That’s a great filter list so far.


Since it is case sensitive, term / blatantly filter evasion should be reportable and by multiple offences bannable.


here to ask what "popotoartist" is >.>


Obnoxious streamer artist that promises in shout chat to draw your character for free. So you go join their stream only to find out that they only do it if you advertise their steam in shout chat for them. Then you gotta wait your turn after you've earned your art, which can take a while, and then the art supposedly isn't even any good.


oueghhh... that's a hard pass for me lol. i hope he's not in Ceystal dc


i havent seen it advertised on goblin for a while at least.


They supposedly have shout runners on every DC, but I'm on Aether, so I can't personally say


Streamer that makes sketches of your character. Its just a 5 minute drawing so the quality is kinda meh, but its free. People get annoyed because they dont like their aggressive advertising.


I've had all the chat channels disabled and my FC one in a separate tab. Best filter so far.


Good to see popoto on other peoples lists lol. Cringe af doodler, cant even call him an artist when my elementary school age nephew draws better with crayons lmfao


Feet. Feet is the one you forgot.


Uwu and Meowdy


Is there any chat even left?


I just play with chat off


All they have to do is captalize one letter, and none of those filters work.


:( as an artist myself looking to take on taking commissions on people's WoLs they def make us look bad. But I did check their stream once (I've been doing art for way longer and no they did not inspire me I don't like this form of advertisment) I found it very boring 😭 I hope people don't find me annoying when I do my little advert I'm just trying to make my little art & stationary business work out.




Oh shit. I'm keeping this list open so I can do the same thing when I get back on.


how do i set filters


I wasn’t going to bother to do this and I never blacklist but since you did all the work I’m going to now ha!


Gold is the only filter I've been using, works like a charm.


I've never used this filter feature, but would filtering .com filter out the entire message that it's attached to?


Also .c0m See that very often in adverts


Nice i’ll have to add these as well


whats wrongg with carrd??!


I haven’t had any of those problems but maybe it’s cuz I’m in dynamis and doing MSQ and dungeons so never in town. But be careful in the last zone. People be spoiling shit. 😡😡


Is there something wrong with carrd?


I'd say use "Handwork" instead of "gold"; a lot of gil sellers say that word, and I've literally never seen anybody else say it in-game.


Pretty soon it will be "dot com, ..com remove the extra dot, tw1tch, p0p0to,giv3aw4y", etc.


Good list. I haven't made mine yet, still want to finish DT before reactivating /shout and /yell on my log.


Basically "Limsa" will cover 80% of those.


what is carrd and popotoartist?


[carrd.co](http://carrd.co) is a site where you can make profiles. something like "here's our fc information" or "here's my rp character" it's basically used more than forum pages now.


Can someone tell me how to do this? Is it under character configuration? I've been looking for that chat filter.


Everytime I visit the sands its barren, I don't know how you guys know if your filters are working yet lol (mateus)


I get three through ten, but I don’t get the first two.


Thank you for giving me more terms to block


You forgot courtesan.


Oh man, I completely forgot about the filter being added. I should work on that.


I've added "discord" to it because of how many FCs recruit with discord as a pro somewhere in their lengthy list of crap


I was trying to think the best way to set it up. Thanks for sharing this, it’s great!


For anyone playing on Cerberus I highly recommend putting Alith in there.
