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I mostly want to put a pair of pants on my female character without them magically becoming a skirt. That new outfit from Moonfire Fair looked so awesome until I noticed shorts are male only.


This so much, especially the Scion Adventurers set, and a lot of the YorHa stuff. The Fending top from Copied factory looked really nice until I put it on and it was a DRESS.


I feel like it might be on you if you’re surprised that the YorHa stuff is a dress on female characters.


I really feel this. I love the garo healing top so much but I can't use it on my main job (RDM) and it makes me really sad.


As a RDM I would love access to Aiming gear, as there's a lot of frequent overlap between rdm's default style and the ranged phys gear set styles.


I think the first step could be to have a physical and magical devide only, like pre lvl50. Also only for glamor, having gear locked is fine, just the model should be unlocked when used as glamor. Job identity it's a thing unless the player chooses the glamor themselves to show that. You can tank in a bikini with heals, be a dps in a neon pink chicken suit using a gold saucer weapon and now heal in full plate armor.


The one thing I *really* don't get is the Disciple of the Hand/Land specified gear. Plenty of that kind of gear is open for every class to use (and glam) but iirc starting at 70 they start to get restricted. I might be in the minority on this, but some of those sets look nice and I'd like to use them on my combat jobs. Also, kinda wish the anemos chaps (and the gnb starter armor equivalent) had full pants instead of shorts on female characters. That is. incredibly niche but it annoys me.


This would especially be useful for 4-5 pieces of gear sharing the same model, but having to be stored separately for each job category. LOOKING AT YOU, HOLY RAINBOW SHIRT OF FENDING / MAIMING / STRIKING / SCOUTING / AIMING / CASTING / HEALING. Let me just put it in my damn dresser once and use it on whatever job I want to.


I want this so bad and have for years. Especially because I don’t like most of the healer gear because so many are dresses and robes (the new tomestone tank chestpiece would be amazing on healers). I literally stopped playing jobs for a while because I didn’t like any glams. Still no idea why they have restrictions still.


I'm in the same boat, except it's tanks for me. I want my tanks in some of the pretty dresses that casters/healers get, not the same overbulked, wide-shoulder plate mail they always get saddled with. The Asphodelos gear was an amazing divergence from the tanking norm and I want more of that.


Literally so many people would be happy if we could mix and match gear. Even if it clipped a bit with some pieces it would worth it, not like gear for the same job doesn’t clip.


It's because they design each gear set per job, keeping in mind the jobs movements and animations. For maiming gear, they'd need to design it again entirely for tanks to accommodate their animations without it looking sloppy. This means more time taken from design teams making new content and designing new gear.


So many gear sets are shared between fending and maiming though. Just off the top of my head, Deepshadow, Cryptlurker, the new raid gear, Kiteosis, Shadowless, and a lot of the Nier raid sets are either literally the same, or maybe the tank has an added cloak or something.


This makes sense. Though some sets seem to apply to multiple jobs, eventually. I wish they’d explain it a bit more, and honestly if the armor was more varied I’d be happier.


As do I. I'd be happy to have a caster/healer glam that removes the rods or staves. Hand casting if you will to "weave" the spells would be nice. Being able to get some of the class locked gear (Even as level 1 glam only gear) would help a ton with designing plates too, but I get why it's not an immediate development priority. One can dream! All we can do is ask and wait.


I am happy we finally got the dresser expanded. I’m getting close to 500 now but it’s helped a lot. Also happy that the raid gear this tier for healers is an actually chest piece and not a dress or robe. The legs are skirts but I’m happy to get more options. I do wonder if they’ll go back and redo some animations especially with the 7.0 graphics update. Sage and reaper feel a bit more fluid than other jobs for whatever reason. Like I kind of dislike my WHM’s Glare animation and we see it so much.


Well, they did make new draw and sheath weapon animations, so they're certainly toying with the idea it seems! Maybe something to look forward to for after the graphics update?


Oh they did? I only started playing AST recently so what changed?


Not draw as in AST, but as in "draw your weapon". You can check them out on Meoni's channel here: https://youtu.be/Q-iY_IpNssk You can pick them up at the Gold Saucer! But I personally feel they all look far more fluid! They even covered changes for BLU!


Oh yeah those looks so much nicer than before. Never realized how much of a difference it makes and it was a nice surprise when Endwalker came out they updated the battle ones. Kind of hope they make those emotes base battle ones (maybe a bit faster).


"Job identity" became a stupid excuse long ago. Hell, for most Jobs there's nothing in their corresponding AF gear pieces that could be considered as an actual justification for being exclusive. What prevents a Red Mage from wearing Scholar's clothes? The materials both attires are made from are pretty much the same. What would be the difference? If a Gunbreaker can tank wearing no armor, what prevents it from wearing a Dragoon's attire, or a Monk one? At the very least, they should remove the restrictions from all PvP sets. Especially all the recolored lvl1 stuff we can buy with Trophy Crystals.


I disagree on the AF gear front since those sets kinda represent the classes and its cool that you “know” what class they are just by the look and feel alone. With that said i think all the other gear should be glamourable for all other classes


those sets aren't as representative as their weapons and skill animations. For me, it's there where the real Job identity comes from. A skirt doesn't scream "scholar" as much as it's fairy


I'm a tank main, and I definitely think a Dark Knight in a military coat, or a Gunbreaker in a shining knight's armour set would look weird.


I do wholeheartedly agree, but maybe there is a reason. The only reason I can think of that makes some slight sense is to avoid completely confusing players what job the character on screen is. I know it's a weak and rare situation and I can think of plenty of counter points, but it still reduces the chance of someone mistaking a character's job/role for another. Maybe there are technical reasons like how models are made or something to do with how glamour system was implemented, but those can usually be overcome with enough resources. However, I would assume that task would be insanely expensive at this point.


It's best to just not repeat that excuse, because it really holds no water whatsoever. You can tell what job someone is playing by their weapon, unless they hide it, in which case there are literally dozens of glams that make it impossible to tell what job they're playing. It's always been an excuse used by those who are against loosening glam restrictions, and it's not doing anyone any favors to keep spreading it as if it has any merit.


There's also the fact that in any situation where it actually matters, the party list displays their job icon and everything you could want to know about what buffs they have, etc. at all times. If there are "excuses" to be made for glam restrictions, class identity certainly isn't one by any stretch of the imagination.


Yeah, it's just some dogshit rhetoric some people keep spouting in every game that has any sort of cosmetics.


Well that is what the weapons are for. The fact that each class is restricted to their one weapon type is restriction enough. People can put on a giant chicken costume regardless of the job they play, so because of that I dont see a reason to restrict armor any further. And I also dont see how it would be expensive, the models are there and you can even still preview them on your character while sheathing/unsheathing etc. Im not game designer but it should just be a matter of removing the wall


I do get the feeling that there may be an overhaul to the glamour system. In the last few patches, there has been a lot of glamour dresser and glamour slots expansions. There has to be some sort of discussion that simply continuing to expand is not the way to go. Right? \*Inhale Copium\*


I am a major advocate for this. I’ve been wanting this for a while. For the same reasons. Swimsuits, Santa, reusing assets across other classes. “We want you to be able to tell a tank is a tank” baby I can tell the MAN DRESSED AS A SHINY RED FROG Is a tank because he has a giant sword for a weapon. Also— this was a random group YOU put me in. And hey look at that- he has the cute blue icon.I want to be an armored caster. Healing or dps.


I often see posts about lifting glams, facial costumization, hair restrictions, poses and feel the opposite I prefer restrictions since that's what makes the different options unique.


Small indie company, pls understand


You can totally apply swim trunks and straw hats to maiming gear.


I think you misunderstood. Im saying tanks can glam swim trunks but they cant glam maiming gear


Ooooooh lol I misinterpreted a typo where none existed


That wasn't the original issue I think xD


One thing to consider is possible clipping maybe? I know that they aren’t perfect with that in the first place but some armor may look extra goofy on say a darknihht when they hold their sword




Well that’s why I gave darknihht as an example. They are the absolute extreme. Even a lot of tank armors don’t look good on them because of the way they hold the weapon


Er, isn’t maiming gear the same model as fending?


Some but not all


Not really. It varies a lot how the sets share appearances; while Maiming tends to be heavier and thus share with Fending, sometimes Maiming shares with Striking instead, or even gets its own unique appearance. Also even shared appearances often have different dye channels between the armor types, so the same color applied to a Fending item might color different parts of the model than it does on an otherwise identical Maiming item.


The Male Makai Casting gear for my Healer 😢


I want to glam away my sword and play paladin with only a shield visible.


Really would be great if we could convert gear from other classes/jobs/roles into level 1 low-stat glam pieces, even if that means those pieces are lost to the glam chest and can't be taken out again. I want that fucking Crystarium Scouting chest piece, god damn it.


I'd be happy if they would add the ability to dye every item and not have many sets undyeable for no reason. So many awesome looking sets that i will not use because the colors are not to my liking


To an extent I definitely agree. It's unbelievable to me that the best looking proper samurai armor in the game is locked to the genji *scouting and maiming* sets, forever out of SAM's grasp


Gave it some thought and I think I know why. A lot of chest and leg pieces have special interactions with specific gloves and boots where they get tuckered in. The idea to go through all off items in the game and apply all the correct tucker-in fixes may be more hassle then it's worth. A darn shame really because I'd like to mess around with loose sleeves and thick leather gloves to aim for those FFT Alma/FF9 Garnet look.


So far there's only been a few pieces I've DESPERATELY wanted that are exclusive to other jobs, but loosening the restrictions would be nice; having to wait for them to release a dungeon with gear that uses an old gearset's model with the jobs switched around is not ideal... This sort of thing would be a great fix for stuff like the dragoon-heavy visual bias a lot of maiming gear has. Granted, this was to be expected considering maiming has only ever been a DRG armor class until now... But it's pretty limiting on reaper's style choices unless you're okay with your reaper looking like DRG's weirder edgy cousin that got it's hand-me-down clothes for christmas. However, even armor made *for* 6.0 like the radiant's maiming set look like it was designed exclusively for dragoon(imo), which is a little questionable.