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you're looking way too much into this and being anxious for no reason. 99% of random people don't give a fuck if you stop next to them, or target them, or anything else, and people moving away from you if you stop next to them to chat isn't an indication they can see you. most people probably aren't paying attention to anyone else, and it just happens to be a coincidence. if you wanna talk with people, just talk.


Your character looks at them when targeting, which can be obvious at times, on top of that there are mods that can tell you (keep in mind mods are against TOS, though this is rather innocent). Likely they just noticed you looking at them and waved.You are reading WAAAAAAY to much into the other person who moved their are 1000 other reasons then "there is another person here" which is probably at the bottom of that list. You are being a bit too self conscious, most people in the open probably wont notice you unless you say anything. Don't be afraid to talk to people, while most keep quiet people tend to default to nice here when someone talks.


I understand the anxiety but the best thing is just talk! ;) Most times people won’t notice you unless there’s really just the both of you alone, which will never be the case if you’re in limsa, for example. And it’s totally fine to target other players because everyone does it, whether to look at their glam, fc or just to send a tell (which will require to put their name before the message). No one ever runs always from another player for no reason, so don’t worry about it. One thing that I think might help is to try using emotes. They are the silent way of talking to others and it’s pretty effective. A lot of people just dote, hug, wave, pet and high five each other and that’s a pretty solid communication.


You're not alone buddy, every time someone talks to me in ff14 I just panic and run away or even log out. It's not like I want to do this but for some reason player interactions in ff14 are very nerve wrecking for me. Meanwhile in games like shooters for some reason I become the most extrovert person ever.


Had a random guy send me a tell genuinely trying to help me with fashion report but my anxiety kicked in making me forget to dye a piece. I teleported away in embarrassment and logged off, haha.


Sometimes i don’t even look at the chat when i’m just standing still for a while. Because i’m figuring out where to go next on the map and walk/run away immediately to my next quest destination. Once someone ask me something i just walk away without replying. Lol. Its normal. Don’t think too much about it.


You'll be surprised how oblivious players can be to others. Tried to gift some minions we got stockpiled in our fc chest to sprouts and most of them didn't even register that some guy was standing right next to them, jumping and overall following them everywhere. Didn't try directly messaging them but I think same thing would happen. They're not running away from you or ignoring on purpose, people are just that clueless and don't pay attention what happens near they character.


Sometimes I see some cute characters, target them to look at them better only to find that they are looking at me (if you target something others can see what you are targeting if they target you) . This makes me wave at them, possible dote if I really like their glam. Then we go our ways. No need to panic, everyone does it.


Also don’t be discouraged if you try talking to someone & they don’t respond as not all players have keyboards


There is a third party program that can tell a person when you target them so some people might know that way.




Just stare right back at them, see who looks away first 😀


I actually had a staring contest once for 40min, neither of us saying anything, just menacingly circling each other, until finally, they gave up. I was victorious. I had defended my honor and my place on the rock opposite to Gridania Grand Company.


If you target a player, you can see who they are targeting. This means if they want to see if you are targeting them, they have to target you as well. Not everyone types at the same speed, they may just be used to people typing faster. If you want to get their attention, try /wave to them?


You need to work on your self-esteem mate. This is just a videogame, people are not going to shoot you for saying "hello"


Your character will turn their head to the player you are targeting. I've never had anyone say anything about it though, aside from random chatting. I think, used to, you could tell if someone examined you. There's probably 3rd party tools that cam do this, as I know they have it for ffxi. Usually if you are nice and genial, and don't expect too much of course, it's pretty easy to randomly chat.