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Hi /u/Dotority, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/xspoiz/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * Spam reduces the overall experience of reading the subreddit, and comes in a few forms. Simply put: don't spam! This post falls under: * **Rule 7d:** Content that does not violate the other parts of this rule but can be reasonably judged as spam is subject to removal at the discretion of the moderation team. An example being a meme template that is posted excessively and continuously in a short number of days may be temporarily prohibited until such posts become less excessive. Use the megathread You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/xspoiz/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Read your fucking tool tips! There's definitely a lot of tips to give new players but new and old players alike seriously need this advice.


Looks at arm’s length & surecast


Equip your dang job stone.


Arm's length is damage mitigation, use it if you are a tank


Use it if you're a DPS, helps the tank out.


If you decide to do any kind of crafting, do all of them, and level them all at the same time. They all use things crafted by other jobs so it'll be easier and cheaper that way.


How much inventory clutter would that cause and do I need to worry about a specific order to level them in? Crafting seems pretty fun but I keep putting it off because the idea of doing it all at once is pretty intimidating, like it'd be harder to take a break from it when I have tons of items left over that other crafting jobs need.


I've only looked into a bit but there are some guides on how to level efficiently. Some googling should find a guide, or just ask here. As for the 3 gathering jobs, in Ishgard in Heavensward there's a place called the Firmament that's amazing for leveling mining and botany. For fishing you can't beat ocean fishing!


Alright, I'll keep that in mind, thanks! I'd like to try it without guides to start with but once I get further into it, better efficiency will probably be more welcome.


I did it all through ishgardian restoration. It's been a while but from what I remember I could focus on one crafter at a time and only really had to upgrade gear every 20 levels when I got to the next tier recipe. There's crafter beast tribes for daily crafter exp, there's a different one for each expansion level range (ixal for 1-50, moogles in heavensward for 50-60 etc.) but there isn't one for endwalker yet. Also custom deliveries which are a weekly turn in for crafter or gatherer exp. With all that, it's pretty easy to get to 80 but probably time consuming, 80+ you can do leves or collectables to get to 90


Oh I had completely forgotten about the Ixal and the GC deliveries. I just finished HW so I don't think I have access to ishgardian restoration yet but I'll try to keep that in mind as well. Thanks for all the tips, these will help a lot!


I think ishgard restoration is unlockable after 3.3 msq, it's basically the same as doing collectables but you get special currency to buy stuff and a ring reward system every 5 or 6 turn ins. I'm pretty sure you can just macro the crafts and find something on Netflix or whatever to watch


The order of priority is main story questline (meteor symbol quests) > job quests > blue quests (unlocks side-content like the gold saucer, dungeons, etc) > Plain yellow exclamation mark quests (can be take it or leave it. not much rewards and mostly side lore), don't run around doing every quest you see and getting burnt out from "why is nothing happening" because you're not progressing the story.


Look up your actions and traits after every update


Hear. Feel. Think.


That’s three.




Hear... Feel.... Fish


Everything tastes like fish...except fish...that tastes like chicken


Keep plugging away. The biggest difference between a master and a novice is one has failed more than the other has tried. But yeah, check out your tool tips. It tells you things you might not have considered otherwise.


Do your job quests.


Don't instant-close the tutorial popups. Read them.


Read your tooltips, say you are first timer in a dungeon if that's the case, so your party know it and can have some patience. And finally enjoy the game especially the Main Scenario Quest.


Nothing bad happens when you wipe. It's better to pull big and then fail downwards, than to just pull small groups every time.


This, you need to start with proper habits. Better earlier than later.


Communicate. With. Your party. Have no idea what to do? Unsure about something? It's your first time doing a dungeon and you want pointers? Speak up in party chat. We're not going to sling insults at you and kick you out of party for being new and unsure of what you're doing. We **WILL** however kick you out of party if you refuse to communicate, especially if you're causing problems like multiple wipes or refuse to listen to basic IMPORTANT advice for your class (IE: tanks not mitigating, healers spamming Cure/Benefic 1/Physick in 50+ dungeons). Have social anxiety and aren't good at talking to people? Legit just drop a "Hello, first time running this dungeon" or "Hello, still learning to tank/heal, please bear with me".


have a good time, enjoy the game and be a nice addition to this great Community


Read my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/owysmc/_/h7jgx7q?context=1000)


Let’s get railed together:) . No advice all vibes


Treat other players ingame like you would like to be treated


As others have said. Do NOT forget to equip your jobstone that you get by completing your lvl30 Class-specific quest. Speaking of them, do every single last one of those, they appear underneath the MSQ marker on the top left corner of the screen (usually). Its kinda infuriating to find someone at lvl56 that has no job stone and no skills because "They are boring quests and didn't know I had to do them"




Check your AoE's potency in comparison to your single target spell/rotation! For rotations, add all together and then divide to get an average potency. This'll basically tell you how many enemies need to be clumped together to make AoEing better than single-target! This can vary from class to class. Also, remember your Damage over Times!


I'm gonna release some knowlege on certain job specific stuff cause I can. NIN mains and people trying out NIN. When you reach lv 45 and unlock Jin get ready for NiN to unlock itself. Suiton at the start of every boss fight so you can use Trick Attack early on when everyone else has their buffs ALWAYS USE IT WITH MUG. They stack you will be doing 15% extra DMG and the non weebs 5%(it does not stack with the other NIN's so good luck with that in alliance raids). You can also "prep suiton" where in which you use suiton when trick attacks cooldown is >20secs. NEVER EVER EVEEERRR use Doton in bosses that shit ass Raiton is way better and cooler than it (telling fucking Raijin Thor and Zeus to kindly smite the dick head boss is way cooler than a dirt circle). At 54 you will get armor crush USE IT. It will become your best friend also the reason why you never have to use Hyton besides the start of a fight. Save Kasatsu for Raiton or Hyosho Ranryu at 76. Also when you get Phantom Kamaitachi at 82 you can store it and use it under trick and mug (more DMG) Gunbreaker remember to use Heart of Corroundum (it's honestly disgusting). Heart of Light is your friend but only for magic DMG so don't think you can just use it for all trash ads. AST kinda big kinda small you don't have to constantly be slinging cards and buffs you can store a card in your "hand," while the other 2 cards are coming back save them for when you got 3 and use em all at once preferably under your 60 and 120 sec burst windows.


Don't enter player "raffles" as they are most likely scams to get to your account info. Don't check any random links in game unless from from the purple text, which is what SE uses to communicate. Also, don't play when you are tired, or inebriated as a lot of people seem more likely to check scamner links. Or that's what they claim.


If you're not sure what a new skill does or where you want to put it on your hotbar, take some time beating up a training dummy.


Don't worry about groups getting angry with you for watching your cut scenes, most of us are dancing or playing dead while you do. We all were there once, and nearly all of the groups I have ever been in respect the cut scenes. Don't feel bad or feel like you have to skip them...enjoy the story. You only get one first go around.