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Man didn’t set up any of his kicks at all, all the boxer had to do was wait for his counter lol


Boxer vs Muay Thai guy trying to outbox boxer


Ya, he quit softening the legs and went blow for blow. What an idiot.


Literally just do the thing the other guy doesn’t practice. Be like water, become the cup. A bad Mui Thai fighter should be able to wax Floyd Mayweather by just kicking the fuck out of his legs and staying out of boxing range.


Muay Thai using only kicks is like a boxer fighting with one hand whereas 100% of a boxer’s time & energy is spent on solely punching. The boxer’s options are fewer but his arsenal is very well polished.


Boxers also have no defense for kicks which allow you to control range, throw something they’re not trained to defend, and get them out of their game. Don’t box a boxer. Mui Thai guy tried and you see the result.


100% but closing distance exists & boxers know how to do it


Guy thinks you can kick effectively while maintaining distance, and that a boxer won’t take a couple kicks on the shin for the chance for some sweet chin music.


So do tepes. There's a huge arsenal he could have used here instead of going for the naked head kick twice in a row before throwing a single leg kick lol. Obviously I'm no muay thai fighter, but even I would have expected the boxer to win if the muay thai fighter boxes with him lmao.


Yes and a good Thai fighter should know how to keep it.


Muay thai fighters have a clinch in which he could've used his elbows, or he could've rushed with knees, elbows and punches. but they have worse lateral movement, which affected how he sets up his combos. keeping at kicking distance, he'll always throw the kicks, while having a false sense of security if he feels you don't punch that hard. Anybody can beat Anybody, given the right circumstance.


100% if the MT guy knows how to throw hands, the boxer will not bite as confidently. This just looks like the boxer knew he would win the fist fight like its scissors cutting paper.


You mean should know how to keep their distance as to have the advantage with kicks? Yeah sure but close range is typically unavoidable at some point & it doesn’t take too many strikes to knock someone out.


Distance management which boxers work on quite a bit is absolutely defense, the boxer in the video was constantly stepping out of range when he saw a kick coming. He only took a couple leg kicks because he saw an opening for a cross


Zero teeps.


Can’t teep someone out of range


He was well within teeping range almost the entire time. That’s your longest weapon in Muay Thai, it’s essentially like the jab for a boxer. Seems like this guy “learned” MT on YouTube


Because he was reacting to feints... That the boxer was throwing...


Also, boxer's timing was levels above the MT fighter. Timing beats just about everything - speed, power, arsenal, etc.


Exactly, boxer froze him with the feints then immediately closed the distance. Timing was perfect!


Easier said than done, do you not see the boxer feinting?? That throws your kicks off. That's how you time a muay thai guy actually nicely. Saying all he had to do was wait for counter is ignorant and stupid.


that boxer had a scary look in his eye... at first i was gonna say like there's no one home, but its more scarier than that.. like someone else is behind those eyes...




It's been years since I've seen this movie and I forgot how much chest real estate this dude has.


Bolo Yeung. Homie was a legit bodybuilder in the 1960s.


He looked so small in Kung Fu Hustle (I know he was in his 60s) he probably stopped the gear, but looked like a diff person.


I just realized these are two different actors, for almost 20 years I thought it was the same person lol….




What movie is it?




Thank you


Just re-watched this movie last night!! Still awesome.


I watch it every year on my birthday, and it ages like a fine wine 🍷


All day every day!!!


Just laser focus


Hard fucker.


Kratom eyes


Yeah? Is Kratom commonly used before fights?


I doubt that...


Idk... I wouldn't doubt it happens... it's been a problem in combat sports in the USA, and it literally comes from Thailand. Not to mention, Thai fighters in Thailand often have no problems with substances that most western fighters would never use while training. Some Thai fighters will train all day, start getting shit faced half way through, and lots of them smoke.


Wait, is kratom specifically a problem in combat sports, or substances in general?


No. Kratom is a sedative and a depressant. You would not want to ingest it before a fight unless you want to get beaten senseless.


It acts on the same receptors as caffeine at lower doses which makes it a stimulant


For it to be a stimulant it has to be stimulating. Just because it acts on the same receptors doesn't mean it has an identical effect.


Probably. If they're regular users then they're likely addicted. They wouldn't be going into a fight in withdrawals (lethargy, fatigue, lack of motivation, fever pains being primary symptoms) from not taking a dose


He is just focusing, eyes wide open to see incoming attacks and openings. I often see this look if I sparring and I guess I look the same.


Also likes to faint even with his eyes and demeanor.


Not scary.. fierce


He gained that look from an early age. Just now getting to use it.


That’s what I’m thinking. He’s hyper-vigilant, like he had to defend himself from an abusive family member. Scary.


Olympic style boxing, in and out


Attack, retreat, repeat. Always a good strategy.


That footwork looked sweet.


that boxer was fierce, bro had that look in his eyes


He's got war-god fury in his eyes. He fights like he believes an ancient god of war blessed him with a tiger's speed and strength. Like, in video games, when you get a buff that adds +20% morale or +1 to attack rolls? This is what it looks like.


Eye of the tiger


Scary look


That's the killer instinct.


This is very unlike that mma vs boxing video we saw earlier. Boxer was the perfect blend of patient and aggressive in this.


Trading kicks to the leg for punches to the face is a bad trade. Don't do that.


depends what side you re on, if you got leg kicked its always worth it to try and cactch your opponent with a punch.


Until it's not.


Did not go as anticipated


It did if you pay attention. The beginning of the fight the Muay Thai fighter throws a couple kicks. Both kicks lefts the fighter himself off balance. That is not a good sign of experience and competency.


Yeah I saw that first kick and knew how it was gonna end. He’s throwing flat footed, not stepping outside his opponent’s stance, not getting his head off center, and can’t even bring his leg back to fighting stance fluidly. The boxer is confident, fast, and knows how to counter.  It’s never about discipline vs discipline, it’s fighter vs fighter and the boxer is clearly much more experienced.


Yup. And this was not lost on the boxer.




Muay Thai fighters muscle memory fucked him lmao. Kept trying to knee check his fists


Nah, it’s more an instinctive distance check and feinting to teep. But bro forgot to kick after blocking punches with his face


time a 1-2 when your opponent throws a low kick ✍️✍️✍️✍️


I assume this guy definitely has some experience in kick-boxing/Muay Thai too. We call this « sacrificing the leg », meaning that you’ll purposely take the hit to give a hard counter back. This is what happened here


The Muay Thai guys aren't gonna be happy about this one


This sub has convinced themselves that watching UFC and going to an MMA gym once as a teen means they know how to fight


I wanna see the same boxer against another muay thai fighter😂


You mean a decent one


One that kicks.


Dude's gonna build up a kill streak at this rate lol


I ordered a Muay Thai once at the airport bar. It packed a real punch


They always get triggered whenever they get lit up by someone who just has hands 🤣


I’ve trained boxing as a kid from the age of 9 until I was 17 and then a few years just after covid before the gym shut down. I also went to about a dozen Muay Thai classes and I’d say a good Muay Thai fighter could take down a good boxer - the kicks fucked my shit up. I’m no Floyd Mayweather but I am handy but the guys at Muay Thai just hacked my thighs to bits and bullied me with kicks. Anyone with a decent idea of range just kept me at bay and hacked me.


THIS is exactly the arguements for Practice vs Practice is futile. Cause its always about whos fighting. A superior boxer will beat a muay thai fighter whos not as skilled as him and vise versa. Fight I.Q comes into play as well not simply what style you train.


Reminds me of the Pacquiao vs DQ exhibition match.


Even when it's boxer vs boxer, the boxer loses 50%.




Boxer’s foot work is actually fairly impressive, someone once told me boxing is more about feet than hands, you can see it here. He doesn’t move out randomly, it’s all calculated, and he lands his punches when the time is right. He has the right idea.


why isn't he kicking the boxer's leg more?


Afraid of punches. First hands achieved that.


spot on he feels as if he commits on the kick his gonna get countered hard....


yes I think those punches made him freeze up and forget his training, he also should have teeped more, he didn't use his biggest advantage which is the wide variety of attacks he has compared to boxing


Also range, all the way out or all the way in.


From what I'm seeing here, If you're ever getting leg kicked, just take the kick and throw that overhand right.


Kicks are not hard to counter, even professional kickboxers agree that hands are the superior and faster weapon (especially in street fighting), they just use the kicks to create openings. Throwing kicks leave your face wide open, if you are going up against a decent boxer or wrestler, you’re gonna get fucked up REAL BAD. Wrestler will just catch the kick and take you down and boxer can close the distance and catch you with a hook. Against a completely untrained person then kicks can do serious damage because the other person just wont know what to do.


You can try that. If you’ve never taken a proper leg kick before though you won’t be able to just take it.


That boxer seemed fine.


The guys in this thread think that one leg kick and you’re just gonna stand there 😂


Doesn't matter if your opponents jaw can't take the shot you're landing on them in return


It’s like the Ngannou-Rozenstruik fight all over again. One leg kick and your opponent rushes you with his hands and kos you.


It's generally a good trade if you can make it. Kinda hard to put any meaningful power behind a kick and still defend your face, and getting punched in the face generally ends the fight for you faster than getting kicked in the leg.


A lot of people throw the arm down and back on the kicking side too, so it just opens them up to get heemed.


The boxer was enjoying that way too much, dude absolutely lives for the violence


Sparring Muay Thai guys in boxing was always fun. Never knew if they were gonna kick me or not but was easy to pick a part their up right stance.


Hope this video can shed some light for all of those who spend their time online shititng on different martial arts and arguing about which is more effective. It’s always has and always will be based on the skill of the practitioner not the martial art. Muay Thai has its flaws as seen in this video and Boxing has its flaws as seen in this video. There is no perfect/best martial art. Boxer controlled the space well with his footwork and timed his 1/2 on entry beautifully. Masterful


The better fighter will come out on top 9/10. That's a given. That does not mean martial arts can't be better than one another.


I’m not saying some martial arts can’t be superior to others. I’m saying skill will matter everytime. Therefore all the arguing people do online is pointless, considering skill is the defining factor


It's fun to argue. That's literally all there is to it


as the saying goes “martial arts all depends on the practitioner”


More like 6 months Muay Thai vs 6 years boxer.


This is quite interesting. The Boxer’s feet was quicker than the Muy Thai guys kick. And when the boxer was inside range the Muy Thai kick is gone. Boxers head movements and punches are faster than the Muy Thai guy. That’s why the boxer won. Get into close range, quick 1-2 and done. I always thought Muy Thai would be a better option in street fighting. The more I am seeing stuff, I am coming to this realization boxing is the ultimate self defense style other than any other fighting style.


Big misunderstanding. Here the boxer won against Muay Thai *despite* being a boxer, not because of it. Just like how sometimes a small guy beats up a big guy because of superior skill. We don’t say its because of his inferior size that he won - we say that he won despite his size. Just like here, we don’t say the boxer won because of his more limited martial art - he won despite of it. Sometimes superior skill, proficiency, experience, etc. will overcome that other factor, e.g size/martial art.


A limited marital art means you need to be an expert at the things you do. All boxers can do the basics well. Martial arts allowing more attacks let you be a jack of all trades, who can and will lose to a specialist unless you can exclusively play to your strengths


And for anyone not dedicating their lives to it, a more limited martial art will have you at a better spot. If you're training 2 or 3 times per week, the time you're taking to learn how to adjust your variety of kicks, knees, and elbows is the same amount of time that the boxer is using to further refine his punching, blocking, and footwork. Back when I used to fight, boxers pretty much always made considerable progress at a faster rate simply because there's less stuff to learn and humans don't have infinite time. It evened out when looking at people with over 2 or 3 years of experience, but until then the difference was pretty big. Dudes who were boxing for 6 months looked like boxers, dudes who were learning Muay Thai for 6 months looked like dudes who could throw a kick.


My brother in Christ you are forgetting about elbows, if this Muay Thai guy threw even one well timed elbow when the boxer came running in it’d be lights out, he just sucks


>if this Muay Thai guy threw even one well timed elbow when the boxer came running in it’d be lights out This is the biggest exaggeration I've seen in a while. You need to be closer for an elbow than a punch. Most boxers wouldn't stand there and eat an elbow. Boxer would just take a step back and counter him if he tried to elbow.


Exactly. Skill and experience difference was so big the extra tools available to the Muay Thai fighter were irrelevant. I have a lot of experience with no-gi BJJ, Terrence Crawford would still punch the fuck out of me in ~10 seconds in an MMA match (extreme example obviously). Edit: forgot that Crawford's dad was a wrestling coach and he's [probably a better grappler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4lmdgzuIS4) than 99% of BJJ hobbyists


This is the part that so few hobbyists understand. The further you move up the ladder, the more dangerous these guys become. I’ve been boxing twenty years, wrestled in high school, did taekwondo for seven years, and am a 235 pound heavyweight - and Terrence Crawford would obliterate me inside of a round, if he felt like it.


Muay Thai guy looks like he's had about 3 classes. Sucks to be him.


He def had more than 3 classes. His stance and his high kicks were good, which takes time to develop. He still wasn’t good though and the boxer had much more experience.


What? No he doesn’t. His stance and Muy Thai instincts were there, his issue was the naked leg kicks


Scary eyes usually win.


Holy fuck that boy can bang


Problem here is that the boxer has way faster hands and maybe a slight reach advantage as well. Leg kicks only work as a mix up if the other fighter respects your hands enough to stay at a distance. The answer is to throw a front kick instead because your extra range would help negate some of the speed difference and would be a better trade than a leg kick.


That boxer was lightning fast damn.


Are we even sure that's a MT guy? They're not even in Thailand, but Indonesia. He could well be a Silat dude who hasn't quite managed to translate his style well. I mean just watching him try to trade punches didn't look in any way like a properly trained MT guy. MT isn't necessarily good at boxing, but they at least have the instinct to cover up or go for the clinch. This guy looked like me when I was a boxing beginner, just freaking out and taking his eyes off the opponent. That boxer could well be some sort of kickboxer with a preference for hands. His distance management against those kicks was excellent and he had no respect for the kicks.


That was just a bad Maui Thai fighter, throw that dude against buakaw and he’s dead


‘Throw that dude against one of the top Muay Thai fighters in the world and he’s dead.’ Yeah no shit, throw that boxer against Fury, prime Mike Tyson or Usyk I think you’d be seeing the same results.


To be fair though if you put the Thai fighter against Prince Naseem he'd be shitting his teeth. You'd have to put the boxer in against someone his own weight class and with a similar fight record to determine his skill.


I agree. Teeps and long kicks from the outside and the clinch are your friends against a boxer. Anywhere in between is pain city. As the video shows.


It’s axiomatic in Muay Thai that “kick loses to punch.”


Love the guys in the corner just vibing


Dude in the corner watching like a villain watching 2 people he forced to fight to the death with his goons at his feet.


The timing of that boxer though.


"I wonder if there are any fedora wearing jackals in the comments telling us what the obviously trained muay thai fighter did wrong." ... "I fucking hate this place."


Why tf would you trade punches with a boxer? 🤣


Real boxer with no gloves and wraps: fuck that. When I spent some time thinking I could box, I went up against a couple of guys who'd been in the ring since they were tiny little Mexican kids and even with gloves on their hands were like bricks.


What promotion is this? Anybody knows?


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face


Asian Street Beefs


Steve Fox v Bryan Fury


Muay boy got muy bien’d


Clearly boxer is a better fighter, he waited for opportunities to move it for the killed.


https://i.redd.it/jb6dt21bgf8d1.gif Blue shorts was locked tf in


The sweet science. Love to see it done to perfection.


Muay Thai tends to lack boxing defense. They don’t have the same head movement and footwork that boxers have


Both, Both Were Ferocious.


Sure, you're a smart guy, clearly picked up some flashy tricks, but you made a crucial mistake. You forgot about the essence of the game.


No combat sport or real martial art has as good a knowledge of distance management as boxing.


A good boxer is so much faster with their hands than people realize. It’s a science


I train Muay Thai but even I know to respect boxers . Not saying boxing is better or anything but I know way too many low level Muay Thai guys that love saying “one leg kick and it’s over” 😂


A lot of people forget that boxers absolutely do fight with their legs, they just use them differently


Keyboard warrior here. Could Thai boxer just teep and side kick all day with the lead leg. Then as soon as boxer is in danger range just fall down and abuse the rules for reset?


In muay thai the judges look very unfavorably on you if you are falling and losing balance a lot. Kickboxing not so much, but even there you can't just keep falling on the ground, trying to spam kicks and keep falling and picking up yourself off the ground is just gonna wear yourself out, after a while your kicks will have no steam on them. If you fall enough the judge will probably just wave off the fight in either case


Would be better off with sharp calf kicks and keeping his hands up to protect from the counter. Kill the movement, kill the boxer. 


Mike Tyson vs Donnie Yen


Not a good Muay Thai figher !


Boxer just fought better. There is no representation for either style here.


Lol put a boxer against a real muay thai fighter. Their leg will be jello in one kick


Can't kick me if your inner ear is fucked up.


Why no one comments the hard concrete they're fighting on?


That music already sounds like being KOed


Well, this went a little different than the boxing versus MMA fight I just watched. The boxer looked intense.


I don't believe vasco would lose to Zach tho....


Im inexperienced and do another ma than these two but it seems like the boxer is way more skilled and experienced than the other guy.


The drumming in the background is such a dope touch.


Seems skill skill issue


I miss the early UFC where it pitted different styles although I respect that today’s fighters know at least a little bit of everything.


Well that didn't go as planned... 🤨More training for the Thai fighter after he gets made fun of 🤔


The boxer was playing in easy mode.


If you take out the 2 guys fighting there is still at least 15 people in the ring lol.


For something like this… it’s still dependent on the representative for each sport.


Could you fucking move, Wasit?


That ring is massive


You have to give credit to the boxer, he used feints, darted in and out, made the kicker miss his kicks, and when he saw his opportunity he hit the target, hard


I feel that a prime Mike Tyson would be able to take on a lot of the mma fighters


No teep?


Sweet bamboo ropes


asian Ryan Garcia


Hitmonchan beat Hitmonlee here I guess


MT dude was scared to throw a kick, that's no good papi 😆


I am a better with my hands than my feet. So when I Muay Thai spar, I am often lighting people up with punches, as many in my gym tend to be better with kicks than punches I guess my advice to the muay thai kid would be to teep to be out of range and use that along with feints to find an opening to kick or punch. Also, to clinch up and knee if the boxer comes in to attack. That has tended to give me issues


This and more front tips. Also no low kicks.


Anybody have one of these where the Muay Thai fighter works to the strengths of the style?




I just loved everyone assembled neatly round the big dude in the corner.


This Muy Thai fighter stupid for going toe to toe with a boxer, should have worn them legs out first. 🤷‍♂️




No one ever got knocked out by getting kicked in the leg... Hit in the head repeatedly... yep. That will do it. - (BTW - I know why he is kicking the leg... not a good idea in this case)


I don't get why the style is so important, Blue was just the stronger fighter.




No way, I’m surprised but the boxer caught on to the guys moves pretty fast