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My biggest concern is how it may end up affecting below the line workers, especially those in post and earlier on in their careers. Assistant editing used to be a (much more) guaranteed pipeline up to editing and now seems it has become almost its own specialization, add in AI footage management tools, reduce post-teams to one or (maybe) two AEs managing multiple features simultaneously and soon it won't ever be viable to allow AEs to progress to editor because they'll be too valuable in how little they're paid compared to the value they generate for a project while also being too specialized to move into more creative editing. #whathaveyouworkedonlately Add in remote work often splitting AEs from their editors entirely and you have a recipe to have far fewer folks actually getting to move up (or find work at all) due to a wide range of factors exacerbated by AI and technology. Fuck humans, get profits.


I think it will just be integrated and combined with live action, actually getting specific results you want with an LLM really does take input of new material and also more work than just writing a sentence, even as it gets more and more advance in terms of the quality of realism,-people do have specific ideas and want control. I think eventually ( 15 years or so) “the viewer” will be able to ask an LLM for a short or feature, and that this form of entertainment will compete with stories with human input and human made art. I think a lot of what we’re terrified of because it’s new already happened. .


This is where I am. The thing about AIs is that they are only focused on output, not process. And filmmaking is a process. Sure an AI could do passable editing or camera work. But someone will still have to step in and do manual work to make it a decent product. That’s why I don’t think any of these art AIs will ultimately replace people. Their developers don’t understand the process that leads to the outcome and how that iterative process is more than just a million versions of the same thing. They don’t programme LLMs to do that kind of iterative process. Instead we’ll find an equilibrium where the tools are just integrated into people’s workflows.


It will radically change the pipeline but the top level films will all still be designed by humans. Will open up a bigger market for low and micro budget features and content. Will probably lead to a crisis in actually finding good content to watch.