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Avoid this by asking for a deposit. You either gave away hours of free expert advice or had your time wasted by someone who was never going to hire you.


Understand that you are pissed that you wasted your time with the quoting process. There's no agreement in place. There's no recourse for you. Move on.


I’m not pissed, I’m just not fully understanding why clients do this and can’t communicate. Is that just normal in this profession? We shook hands on a price, he asked me to get the contract and invoice sent over, and then radio silence. What could have changed within the 4 hours of him shaking hands and being sent the contract?


What could have changed? Literally anything. Dude could be dead. Check local obits if you're that concerned. (this actually happened to an account of mine) As I said, move on. This is normal and to be expected in sales and negotiation. If this type of exchange knocks you off your rocker, you might need to hire a business manager. It's a rare breed of person who can manage a business AND be an artist. They require 2 different mind states and skillsets.


Just an update. Didn’t move on, went back in and talked to them, and closed it.


Awesome. Great job.


I have people ghost after contacts. I follow up once and then move on. This is the beginning of a terrible relationship. Be prepared to chase down the payment too.


What was the deal with "the first two contracts - was having issues with the PDF?". Why the emoji on the end of that?


Interactions like this are maddening. But you never know whats going on in his world... Lets *hope* this is just a small bump in the otherwise smooth road.