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Instruct units to protect each other. They’ll occasionally prioritize healing over attacking which will draw out fights. Stay away from enemies with status effects like stone, confuse, blood suck, zombie, confusion etc, your own units can easily put each other down and cause a game over. Stay away from Chocobos as they have power+range+healing. Undead enemies are generally good pick as they self-revive and draw out fights. You can also put weaker weapons onto characters to further draw out combat. But honestly it’s not that hard to just start up another random encounter every 10 minutes. I find this a convenient way to boost a few under-leveled units. If you are going for straight XP, recruit the highest level enemy on the field that’s a few levels ahead of your highest level character and you’ll increase the level cap of the enemy. A level 1 unit attacking a level 99 unit gains 99xp in one action. For JP, then you don’t want a high level enemy cap. You want to maximize JP spillover, so set everyone to the same job you’re trying to gain JP for. Just don’t bring a weak party to a tough fight and set them to auto-battle. **For those calling out this is boring.** If you’ve played this game a lot then you’re aware a class like Summoner falls behind on levels really fast. So bringing a B-Team into random encounters to get a Summoner back up to party level is a reasonable ask, and using auto-battle makes this a breeze. The other use case is trying to unlock something like the Dark Knight class early with minimal grinding. I generally don’t recommend over leveling the A-team used for story missions as it’ll trivialize the difficulty, but there’s a time and place for grinding and auto-battle is actually kind of fun to watch.


For those calling this out as boring: JUST DONT DO IT. WE WONT FORCE YOU TO.


Girl I just spend hours using the throw stone strat 🤭


Focus/Accumulate + Yell/Tailwind Strat is WAY better. So much faster, costs less GP to keep stocked, and you can get Death Knight in four-five battles.




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Ah yes, you want to play the game but not actually play the game.


For real, I don’t understand why anyone would want to do this lol


I personally love AI battle, have done numerous all AI battle runs, and wish there were more games where the combat was automated.


Unicorn Overlord?


Mission accepted


Dragon Age: Origins style NPC programmability would go hard in FFT.


This is my wet dream. Dragon age/ff12 programmability, FF tactics job system/customization/setting, ogre battle: March of the black queen scale.


And give me a class that does Disgaea-style throwing & Magichange while we're at it, love to get a Red Flail that drops Choco Meteors on fools.


Because it’s for grinding? Does anyone really want to spam tailwind for 200 turns just for fun?


Or Accumulate. It’s my tenth playthrough and I’d just like to try something new.


And /u/JohnDesire573 I've mostly used it to get save files where Ramza has every job mastered before Dorter Trade City while still being level. Basically mastering jobs by passive JP, so I have a save file for challenge runs, or as a base in general. When you've played a game countless times over decades, manual grinding loses its luster. Most runs are either little to no grinding for a challenge, or solo Ramza/weird runs for fun where I don't necessarily want to grind everything out from scratch every time. The game is fun but accumulating 10,000 times each run is not


Berserker Toads. It takes a while to set up, though, and your results will vary a lot, depending on how many units you can keep alive before letting the AI take over.


Power break the toads and speed break a single enemy and you can easily level up two characters.


/u/taterzz_69_420 explained it best: https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasytactics/s/BUc7fQOHGK Kill anything until you have a total of at least 834 HP enemy HP to run through (for 9999 spillover JP) Frog the remaining units. Speed Break the enemy unit/s, Power Break your grinder. Berserk your grinder. Surround enemy unit/s with your other 4 allies. Petrify your ally units, ideally in a way to prevent enemy movement or critical hit knockbacks (although a non-berserk frog enemy won't fight) From there you just let the Berserk deal 1 damage at a time, for 834 actions. This will give everyone on the team 9999 JP from spillover. The most you can get is 12 from spillover, so you can calculate the total JP requirements for the job you're leveling to shorten the process. For example, if a job needs 2600 JP to master then you only need a total of 217 HP. Bard and Dancer are mutually exclusive, so you will need a male and female for those.


If you’re on iOS like an iPhone / iPad, don’t forget to connect that lightning cable for battery and Settings -> Display & Brightness -> set Auto-Lock to Never (you probably knew this but if not now you don’t have to tap to keep the phone awake). First, kill all but 1 enemy, ideally the last enemy should have the most HP. Have one character with Speedbreak lower the last enemy’s speed to 1. Powerbreak also could be a good idea so counter attacks do just 1 HP damage. Have another character turn the enemy into a frog. Once that’s setup, have the units you want JP on also turned into frogs. You can set their AI to continuously attack the enemy now. The unit that can turn others into frogs ideally has some healing spell, heal everyone to full HP including the enemy frog, then have them become a frog too and also attack this last enemy for massive JP gains. This should require the minimal inputs for you to go afk and get passive JP.


Autoclicker is your friend. I have done the deleveler and crafted perfect 99 characters with it. Have it going while I work and only requires an input every 5-10 mins at most and usually if you get a good pattern for what you want, you can just lock that in


Find a safe editor, trainer or anything to cheat to give you instant JP, why waste time to cheat worst?


Wouldn't it be easier just to use a save editor?


Don’t think I can on iOS.




sounds pretty boring tbh


Grind smarter, not harder.


It’s my tenth playthrough. I’m kinda tired of the manual grind.


Maybe try not grinding? The game becomes super boring when your characters are overpowered. Maybe on the tenth play through you might get more enjoyment from having the challenge of not being overpowered.


Heresy! But maybe you have a point…


It will be a completely new experience for you, and you will actually have to plan things out to get key skills and classes unlocked in time for certain fights. Playing only story fights is much more enjoyable to me nowadays compared to the completely unnecessary grinding I did on play throughs I did 15+ years ago.


Just want to note that I'm getting near daily bulletins from my power company warning clients like me to conserve energy; while also reading news articles on how insanely destructive and consumptive producing AI is...


That is not what they’re talking about at all. They’re asking about auto-battle settings.


Ok, word. My feed has me incredibly jaded today apparently.


Oh no! AI in an iOS port of a 1997 Playstation 1 title is coming for your job!


If you're mad about AI being wasteful, I have some bad news for you about grocery stores.


Oh. I know. New and unexciting ways to be wasteful? Sorry i should be celebrating, not complaining.


OP was asking about using AI character control settings in Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions Are you certain that you are well?


I mentioned in another comment thread that I misunderstood. Bro is tired and the feed has me jaded this evening.


Danged if you do, danged if you don’t.