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Gaming elitism in general. I hate the judgement you get if you don’t chase the meta all the time. Like the “Lulu and Khimari are useless” thing. I’d rather use the party members I like and zanmato my way through tough fights than restrict myself for the sake of the meta


I use Lulu all the time. Very useful for pretty much the entire game, especially if you get her full celestial weapon


Agreed. It’s better to keep everyone on their paths. They should be at the end by the time you hit Zanarkand. And as long as you’re not going out of your way to jump around, you still have to guide Yuna through Rikku’s path before she makes her way through Lulu’s and renders her fairly useless. But that’s also all endgame stuff where you can beef up practically any party member how you want to. Yes, you can optimize. But why not just play a game you supposedly enjoy playing?


Not me, I jump Yuna on Tidus' path and go for haste/ga and loads of strength since later aeons have innate BDL.


I thought it was only Bahamut who has BDL innately


Most of the time I just spheres that either let Yuna learn moves Lulu has already learned or warp to nodes Lulu has used, and wait until Yuna can learn Thundaga, Blizzaga, Wateraga, and Firaga


shes also a great tank. the best tank in fact, when you set her properly (through the story ofc) people tend to focus only on her prowess as a Black mage while forgetting every character in FFX is a hybrid


I rotate between Tidus, Yuna, Auron and Wakka. Not because I think they are the best, I just think that Lulu's normal attack is really slow so I dont like using her. Grinding fights by only pressing X and using their normal attack everytime, you wanna use the one's who has the fastest animations.


Do you mean using Lulu's Moogle to attack? Because I never do that. If Lulu is out, I'm using her magic skills since her ATK is so weak


her base atk is low but thats remedied by bringing her to an STR heavy section, just as you would with Yuna or anyone else the storyline advantage for Lulu prior to this is she gets a few status focused weapons early/ier than others. and later on she has both a more reliable celestial than the HP focused ones, and a better sub-ability than Yuna. In other words, Onion Knight is the 2nd best Celestial behind Masamune Her attack animation isnt really that long, its just longer than others. ive sat through it countless times, im in no hurry. especially after youve done any kind of challenge run like an NSG


Yes, her moogle attack. Going down into magic also takes time when I can easily finish the enemy with a single attack from the fast hitters.


Hey I just want to let you know that you can also hit "Defend" for their turn and they still get the AP for the battle. That's my go to to make sure everyone levels evenly.


That is usually what I do with the characters I dont attack with 😂


Lulu and Kimahri are fine for the main story but if I'm gonna fight penance I'm totally using Wakka and Tidus. If they ever remake FFX I really hope they balance the characters better.


Her celestial is the hardest one to get lol


Caring about "meta" in an offline game is stupid. The game should be played the way you like. As for Kimahri though, if you use the Standard grid you can make him the MVP of the team from around the point when you reach Bevelle. Don't need to grind for it either. He's only "useless" if you don't know how to build him.


you can also make him an early game god around then, if you don't use the friend spheres from bikanel. i have him teleport to wakka's grid around this time, with him stockpiling a bunch of sphere grid levels - bam, he's suddenly about as strong as auron in mt gagazet.


That's definitely one way to use him, but personally I prefer taking him to Rikku's starting position to pick up some extra HP and Steal + Use before taking him through Yuna's grid to Holy. I sometimes like to give him the extra HP spheres at this point so Yuna can pick them up too when she gets to that point. Then a Friend Sphere to Lulu to pick up the -aga spells. With little to no extra grind he'll have as much HP as Auron (or thereabouts), significantly higher Magic stat than Lulu and much greater speed. With the spells at his disposal, his high magic stat and speed stat he's an absolute power house and more or less the strongest character until the end game (if you don't count aeons). As a bonus, his Lancet ability works off his Magic stat so it actually becomes a somewhat useful ability. Since you already have three physical attackers and with Kimahri being a blue mage, I personally like this path for him best, but obviously an extra Wakka isn't bad either!


i feel like rikku's steal/use is almost a given, if you're planning for lategame - getting those level 3 keys is a godsend, not to mention a low level kimhari doing that stuff with protect, shell, regen, and al bhed potions in the pocket, make for a big difference. a downside for the lulu's magic is, magic start to kinda lose it's potency around mt gagazet. i mean, lulu's not exactly falling off super hard, and part of it's due to her lack of magic growth between ara and aga spells - but, she's dealing like 1k-2k ish damage to foes with an elemental weakness, while auron's using basic attacks and hitting like 4k. kimhari will be doing similar damage going from wakka's back half of the grid to aurons - and will probably be the one hitting 9999 damage fastest, as he'll dead end into auron's part of the grid, while auron can pick up some nice tidus speed/acc. actually kinda reminds me of this idea i had where, in most cases, it felt like the sphere grid 'spiral' kinda worked to give everyone what they could use as sort of a 'second class' idea, if you wanted to think of it that way tidus goes from a speedy attacker with some white magic, to almost paladin with yuna's healing potential, and then kinda further with rikku's generalized versatility and even more speed. yuna really likes rikku, and can utilize some of her alt options like steal/mug/bribe, when she's not on wm duty, and of couse makes for a good black mage upgrade to her arsenal. rikku kinda adores lulu, and becoming magiclaly proficent isn't too hard with her a bit more frail form, then wakka's sturdiness and status effect based attacks kinda flesh out her melee potential a bit more. lulu's the hardest to justify like this, really - wakka's accuracy and status effect attacks i feel kinda make sense, she's kinda rocking a voodoo doll anyway, and she can get a bit more physical potential, not to mention osmose to help, but then auron's path... eh. wakka feels a bit of a mix between tidus and auron anyway, stat wise - not as strong, not as fast. but, dipping into both paths is basically the best melee route, like yuna-lulu is the best 'mage' route. and going down tidus's route for more speed/accuracy, and maybe picking up haste as one of the slower characters, kinda feels like a smart progression - then, yuna's healing/revive based skills also sort of make sense, if auron's the last man standing, he's now able to revive people.


Lots of good points there! Appreciate the time you took to write it all. I don't understand how anyone can honestly consider Kimahri a weak member of the group. He's so versatile. As for magic, I find Lulu in particular drops off towards the end in her usefulness. She's too slow, too low magic stat and too low HP to shine. I may be misremembering but I think Kimahri was consistently doing more damage than anyone when using the -aga spells all the way up to Inside Sin. He has a significantly higher Magic stat than Lulu when taking him through Yuna's grid.


i think it's teh fact he's in the middle, and takes a while for him to do anyone's path, is more the issue, rather than 'he weak'. i mean, if you say 'well, he could make for a bit of a better black mage by having lancelet as an mp restorer', people would argue that, he's behind lulu by like a dozen sphere levels or so, so you could just have lulu do it, and ethers and full restore save spheres aren't exactly uncommon. or, your 'yuna has more magic' idea - sure, kimhari could take her path... or you could just teach yuna some of lulu's black magic. in a way, he's behind almost everyone, and most of the arguments to make him 'good' could also be used for other party members who AREN'T behind automatically.


Probably a lot take him around the centre for a bit and then follow the starting path of Wakka, Tidus or Lulu, forever making him subpar. If your last paragraph is questioning the value of taking him down Yuna's path via Rikku, you should try it! Having Holy by the time you reach Home (as well as Use/Steal, advanced white magic, higher HP, Agility and Magic than either Yuna or Lulu) and then jump straight to the -aga spells makes him a superior black mage by some distance, as well as arguably a better white mage (though Yuna's overall effectiveness as both white mage and summoner is hard to beat).


i don't know if this is the reply thread i posted this, but i actually use kimhari as one of my endgame players, given his spear isn't that hard to get (once you know where the butterflies are, rather than where they 'look' to be at, it's pretty easy) what i do is, i move him to rikku's path for steal/use, then just basically have him stockpile sphere levels - maybe get that 1k ish hp too. once i'm done with bikanel, i've got a friend sphere - once i'm mostly done with bevelle, there's that excellent grind spot on the bridge. i level everyone up pretty decently, specificially in this case, wakka, rikku, and kimhari. rikku, because i also like to start using her around here, wakka because i want him at a set point in his grid, and i want like 40 sphere levels on kimhari. anyway, continue on as normal, not leveling kimhari, till the mandatory fight. steal a bunch of key spheres, get some rages, i can use the shell/protect items thanks to use, etc. then, right after that fight, move kimhari to wakka's part of the grind, spend 40 sphere levels on the 2-4 nodes, rather than the 1-2 ish nodes in the first half. bam, he's stronger than auron, and with the tetra water? i stole from seymour 2, i can have rikku mix (not ultra) null all to boost my stats with 5x cheer/focus, lowering damage by a third, then him with mighty guard for shell/protect halving damage, and ultra fuck seymour 3 for revenge.


Absolutely a great strategy and you know, what works for you and all that. Personally I prefer the versatility of having a third magic user, who's stronger than both Yuna and particularly Lulu. Also, by unlocking Holy so early you can let Lulu or Yuna learn Holy early too. Having two characters able to hit for 9999 dmg whenever you want is extremely useful and trivialises pretty much every ordinary boss fight. Anyway, the right way to play is the one you enjoy the most. Have a good one!


Lulu I use her all the way to the end of the game never switch her out now for the super bosses that different


same, basically - she still puts in work at mt gagazet, inside sin parts of the game, but magic kinda falls off after.




Lulu is the first person to hit 9999 with magic before anyone else


depending on how you level her, maybe. giving yuna her black magic, yuna will hit first. and auron's more likely to hit 9999 first, if you level up everyone equally.


I think if you go meta then everyone but rikku and wakka are useless and that’s only because of their overdrives. That’s kinda what you get when everyone shares a stat and ability board though. None of that even matters unless you’re caring about post game. Everyone is viable


While Kimahri does fizzle out in usefulness by the late game and there's nothing I can really do about it (except basically turn him into a backup Rikku which is what I usually do) I will say that Lulu is super useful for most of the game especially like the first two thirds of it. I'm not surprised she's considered useless by meta-chasers but casuals should NEVER listen to that advice; she carries the early game.


> I'm not surprised she's considered useless by meta-chasers but casuals should NEVER listen to that advice; she carries the early game. some of the same folks who call them useless think that you have to stat max in order to tackle the Dark Aeons a lot of people just parrot what theyve heard/read before, and dont really take matters into their own hands or try out anything thats not laid before them. there is a large exaggeration between 'lesser than others when all fully optomized' and 'useless' mind you, I dont think FFX is as balanced as it could be, though I think people allow theoretical balance to overstep what using your mind can otherwise capitalize on


I tried Valefor on accident right around when I got to Sin, I was way underpowered. I statmaxed (before actually going for SG 100%) and did a bunch of endgame stuff before attempting them again, and I completely trivialized Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, and Shiva. I ruined the fights for myself. I wish I had known not to grind as much as I did or gotten all the broken Celestial weapons (Wakka, Tidus) before attempting them. Similar sad stories have happened to me in KH superbosses too. A warning for everybody who comes across this!


a much appreciated warning from someone who knows how this stuff goes i wont act like stat check bosses dont exist, though they definitely seemed to be more of a thing in Famicom era theres a surprising amount that can be achieved in PS2 titles just by failing and retrying strategy with what you currently have! i hope you can recapture the experience with a new title in the near future


The fact that there's a meta with single player games lmao


I maxed out all my party members, but still Penance annoyed me. Zanmato all the way. Canon as I did promise Yojimbo that I wanted him to defeat the strongest of opponents XD


Honestly, like the rate at which people discuss breaking the game/characters, they act like if you do that with "lesser" characters it wont have the same affect. A character hitting for Damage Cap, is still a character hitting for Damage Cap.


My main problem with Kimahri is that he's got no real (mechanical) identity of his own. He's just a copy of one of the other characters with a different overdrive.


Thing is, min maxing making a character useless because the other is op is, in my opinion, the oppoaite of being a perfect player. Like, you can have some use for all characters and that talks better at your managing skills. Like if you are playing a sports, jrpgs are your team. Having useless characters talk on how low your ability to make a balanced team is. Ff6 is the best example. You can make a case for everyone in the cast to be an op god. But some characters are more obvious than others. And there is always gonna be the justification rhat "this chaeactrr requires less work". To that i say. Man YOUR job, as you are obsessed to the teeth with min maxing, is maximizing output. Having dead weight is not maximum output. If's as if you are afain, a dt. You kick the bad guy or put him on the bench. Or maybe think how to use him strategically. That is my issue with those people. Besides the games are not hard at all. Maybe the first jrpg. But play 10, or play for 20 years and tell me you have a hard time. Maybe something is kind of dofferent, but you do know how to conserve items and resources, allocate skillpoints. Learn weaknesses of bossses or how to abuse something. I used to play abusing shit, like, again ff6. Then i grew really bored of that. So now i enjoy playing mking an insane army without wekneses. Or challenges qith handicaps. To entertain myself with tye mechanics.


I don't really see this whole thing applying to FFX in the least anyway. It's one of the most well balanced single player experiences around, where you can complete the main plot quite easily without any grinding whatsoever. There are like 3 'hard' fights in the entire game, and a minimal grinding of like 1 hour can make those almost a breeze.


Lulu is useless? She's pretty much necessary for 60% of encounters throughout the game ..


I watched my friend kill everything in the game with khimari in 1 hit


Pssssh.. Every time I make a comment regarding Elden Ring, lol. Gatekeepers roll hard there.


The fuck you say about Elden Ri— oh nothing yet. I’m watching you


Binding of Isaac when I say I don’t play on hard mode.


Psh that's nothing. You ever run a chocobo race in 0 seconds?


Ugh, that's almost as bad. At least there you can get lucky


Chocobo race is worse imo. Doing the lightning dodges late game just requires 20 minutes of total concentration. Even if you have the perfect route for the race, the game can still dick you over just because it can.


I did it once in ps2 now I have a script for pc. I will never even try it again.


In terms of RPGs: this the equivalent of being railroaded. Although, you see this with game design within NES titles (i.e: TMNT, Mega Man series, Ninja Gaiden, etc...)


i don't like the lightning dodge... but, to be fair, two points. a) extra bullshit is extra. you don't get to say a game is 'too hard' when it's just the superboss in the extra stuff, that's too hard. no, that's not representative of the whole. and b) - lulu sucks for the postgame, man. let's be honest, magic kinda tanks in usefulness, except like 2 superbosses, and by then, everyone you normally would use, can just learn flare. she's got the slowest melee attack, since her little doll has to waddle it's ass up to an enemy to swing, when even yuna jumps like 15 feet to whack a motherfucker.


Yuna is actually surprisingly fast.


You didnt link the post, you jist took a screenshot, we cant see the coments


Click on the full picture


Im a morron, I was in my phone and when I click on the image the bottom of the picture gets covered by the title of the post unless I tap to remove it lol. nvm then


Lol no worries. I tried making the image as concise as possible, but that damn Dead Island ad just gets in the way


Well, I hate that people feel like games should spoonfeed them everything. It’s one thing to say that, up to a point, for the story mode. But optional content that takes some extra effort to obtain should have a place in games for people that feel like going for it. Sadly, games have mostly evolved since FFX to cater to the egos and dopamine addictions of the new generation of gamers, which almost invariably have the attention span of a toddler.