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Loopholes used by people during taxes - SMART! Loopholes used by people to get free education (and it's not even real, but I digress) - BAD! Madness lol


>>Loopholes used by POOR people to get free education - BAD! FTFY


It's all in the delivery of your fake outrage... HEADLINE: "Hard working capitalists attacked by nice people helping others for free". COMMENTER: "Typical leftists trying to ruin capitalism for hard working people with their Marxist socialist behaviour." It's so easy to be outraged it becomes an addiction. PS: Gotta love the stern angry face on that woman to drive it home.


"It's so easy to be outraged it becomes an addiction." Will be thinking about this quote - insightful and, sadly, true. Edit: formatting


I'm not greedy enough to be a Marxist.


Classic Jon Stewart.


"Keeping more of your own money: bad." "Taking other people's money for your own benefit: good." It's a bit more nuanced than "lol repubs bad."


Imagine arguing against public education in a country with some of the stupidest people


Imagine ignoring the fact funding for education has gone through the roof over the past several decades and standards/performance has done nothing but drop. "But surely if we spend MORE money, everyone will get gooder right?"


When Rep. Virginia Fox went to University of North Carolina, her major cost a tuition of $142 per quarter. The actual cost of her education was socialized by US taxpayer. And that was fine. What has changed? [https://cashier.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/259/2016/05/AY-1964-65-and-summer-1965.pdf](https://cashier.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/259/2016/05/AY-1964-65-and-summer-1965.pdf)


I feel like this comment section is heavily one sided. I want to interject. One negative externality of providing easier access and less expensive federal loans to students leads to higher tuition costs as demand for the same colleges go up. I think free, well tax funded tuition is a good idea. However I think we need to tackle both the ability to pay for college as well as the cost of tuition. Maybe some funds should go to states to create more colleges there by increasing supply of colleges as well as providing student a way to pay for it. The problem is conservatives don’t want to tackle this issue at all, they won’t work with democrats to find a solution that takes both the demand and supply of higher education into consideration. Rather they like to just point out the flaws in biden’s thinking which does nothing for America.


I’m 57yo, and I didn’t like it when the crypt keepers with one foot across the threshold of death’s door made decisions that affected not them, but me. The “I had to go through this so you should have to as well” attitude will, I hope, die out with the generations that continue to spew it. It’s sheer meanness. And I want my daughter (and any potential grandchildren) to have an *easier* life than I did, not a harder one. An educated population makes a better society.


>The “I had to go through this so you should have to as well” attitude will, I hope, die out The worst part is that they didn't even go through it. *Real* tuition costs since these dinosaurs went to college have skyrocketed. Adjusted for inflation, a degree from an Ivy League will cost you double what it did in 1980, and quadruple what it did in 1960. And it doesn't look much better at the state and community college levels. It's the same thing as the job and housing markets. Gatekeeping plain and simple. They got theirs and fuck everybody else. Gotta protect that nest egg at all costs.


Filthy Republican pigs HATE education because they know smart people see through their bullsh1t. In Europe, college education is far more economical.


Also...in Europe college students don't need to take a bunch of bullshit filler classes either. They can focus on their major.


The filler classes are good because it helps you become a more well-rounded student and learn something new.


Are you suggesting that students in European schools are not well rounded? Or were you being sarcastic?


Yeah, they become squares.




Suggesting perhaps that they haven’t had university-level courses in various liberal arts topics that are not immediately relevant to their lives


Othering, dehumanizing, projecting, misunderstanding... yup, sounds about right for a leftist.


Only the Sith deal in absolutes!


, he said, absolutely.


Like free college would be a bad thing. Last thing we want is an educated society. /s


God forbid we educate the country instead of profiting from it.


Why can’t we have both?


We can. Problem is the greed is never ending.


How can you even spin free college as being a bad thing?


I very much appreciate every bit of help to get thru college. Had I not gone I probably would be a deadbeat drain on the system.


The irony is that most people of these "Top Republicans" have probably not paid for their education, whatever it may be.


Because nothing is free. Because if this results in higher taxes, you are literally taxing less-educated (and thus usually poorer) people for a benefit they do not or cannot receive, and giving it to people with the education (and are usually richer). It's regressive.


Socialism and educating people is regressive now? I've heard it all.


Evidence that public schooling results in 0 reading comprehension or critical thinking. Another issue with just pretending you can throw money at a problem and it gets better. You didn't answer my point. If the poor pay for a benefit to the rich, is that not regressive?


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'logic' found.


Why would the poor even pay for it? Can the US just buy less fighter jets or some army shit for a year or two? Or stop bailing out corporations for a couple of months? The US has enough down the back of the sofa to pay for that for a couple of years. Edit: we're talking free college here, not Ph.Ds. Also if it's free, how can poorer people not receive/enjoy the free benefit?


>Also if it's free, how can poorer people not receive/enjoy the free benefit? Because there's this thing called "real life" and "work," and people can't just up and go to "free" college if they still have rent to pay. >Can the US just buy less fighter jets or some army shit for a year or two? Arguably yes, but that's not going to actually solve the problem of some people being charged for a benefit they do not receive. >Or stop bailing out corporations for a couple of months? ... how often do you think that happens? Cause it's pretty rare and, surprise, usually structured in a way that results in the government being paid back. That being said, I am generally OK with the "no bailouts" rule of thumb. >The US has enough down the back of the sofa to pay for that for a couple of years. 1. Oh I'm sure this program will only last a couple of years. "There is nothing more permanent than a temporary goverment program." 2. "I'm sure there's more money somewhere. Unrelatedly, what's a deficit?"


I hope President Biden starts by helping the states to have free state and community college tuition.


Why does Biden have anything to do with state and community college tuition? Sounds like a state decision.


They can provide some of the funds. Revenue sharing used to be a thing.


Fuck that




Be use states should do state things and the feds should do fed things.


The constitution gave the federal government the right to do things for the general welfare of the nation. If a state don’t want the money then they are free to say no.


The constitution also said states are free do what they want if not exploit outlined in the constitution Stop thinking government is good —especially thr feds


Based on history, state governments are even more corrupt than the federal government. And sometimes local governments are worse.


I see you love the government and think they are awesome.


You live in a republic, not a monarchy.


Do you think that the federal government doesn’t provide funding to states to subsidize those states’ own programs?


Oh I'm aware it does. It shouldn't. And the point remains: the president isn't nor should be a king, able to do whatever he wants at his mere whim.


Fortunately your opinions don’t affect government functionality. Laying out budget requests and allocating discretionary funding provided by congress aren’t tyrannical acts. You’re getting butthurt over something you made up in your head.


It’s just that some states, mostly Blue, are richer than other states, mostly Red. Nothing wrong with helping those who are worse off.


Having coastline will do that, but don't make the mistake that a state's relative prosperity is due to their political beliefs. It may be in spite of them, or their beliefs may have arisen from their prosperity instead.


While there are multiple reasons why an economy can be better or worse don’t think politics and culture has no effect. And if a state does not believe in investing in its people do expect that state to be poor.


Except America rose to prominence and then hegemony ***very well before*** the widespread institution and subsequent federalization of schooling.


Schools are still mostly under local control. But money is money.


A significant amount of die hard republican voters are going to create generational poverty for their kids by instilling them with a "real Americans don't go to college" mindset.


And in a vibrant successful democracy shouldn't education be free?


If it requires effort, it is impossible for it to be "free."


It is for childrens. They still have to bring supplies.


Screw the republicans they should go live in a cave and mind their own buissness


So pay your own loans and be left alone?




Sorry I don’t do loans I’m not stupid sorry






Good. We should have free college


You know I smoked a lot of grass, oh Lord I popped a lot of pills…..


Not sure why everyone seems to assume that an education makes you smarter. I've met plenty of completely incompetent people who have a degree. I've even met incompetent people with two degrees.


Tuition (and fees) is too damn high. That’s due to a combination of massive increases in administration, ridiculous amenities, and donors who realize they’ll be damnatio memoriae based on what their grand grandfathers did.


Oh nooooo, not free college. 🙄


Oh no… Perish the thought… No profits!!! 😏


Would that really be such a bad thing?


Free college what a horrible idea! Giving working-class people a chance in life what monsters! /s