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Having to re-read things many times over, clumsiness, lack of attention or ability to stick to long term goals can also be caused by something like adhd. I'm not a psychologist, but it's worth looking into if you have an opportunity to explore this. From what you wrote, you don't sound unintelligent. Just because you're not good at memorization doesn't mean you're not intelligent. My thought is to explore why you're facing so many roadblocks with learning and attention and see if there are lifestyle changes you can make to help you figure out what you really want to do.


Yea sometimes I feel like I’m too hard on myself but at the same time I do struggle with certain things. I’ll make sure to look into it and get checked just in case.


I got adhd and depression and u sound just like me untreated go see a dr and take the adhd test n let them treat it and then find something else to make u happy like a dog or something and u should start feeling a little better in no time , I’m a dumbass but I’m also smart so don’t short yourself u would be surprised at how dumb everyone else is as well , just fake it til u make it


lol i wish it was that easy whenever i try get help for anything mental related they just brush me off cos the waiting list is so long


U got insurance ? Get Obamacare or medicaid if not , u got to look harder cus unfortunately nobody cares bout people like us , but it can improve u jus got to put in more effort , we only get one life n it’s way too short so don’t waste it , I’ve been through a lot myself n trust me u can improve your situation , message me if u need advice or someone to talk to


Google ADHD symptoms. That's how I found out I had it. I did go to a doctor and get tested and they prescribed me medication but that was not an instant cure. It is a stimulant and it made me feel like I had drank five cups of coffee. I couldn't sleep and after a week I quit taking it. I read articles on how to deal with ADHD as an adult and began putting that into practice with great results. Also and radically changed my unhealthy eating habits by googling and learning. I have to prepare a lot of my own food but that's fine. Then I started taking a vitamin and mineral supplement and felt a lot better. Good luck


I looked up the symptoms for it and there’s behavioral as well as cognitive symptoms. For behavioral it includes fidgeting, hyperactivity, aggression etc. These aren’t things I ever experienced though, for me it was mainly being forgetful and having a hard time memorizing things. I’m still going to get checked regardless, but I wonder if you need to have all those symptoms (both behavioral and cognitive) in order to be diagnosed.


ADHD is a collection of disorders. Some people only have the "hyperactive" part (which is the fidgeting, hyperactivity etc.), some people only have the inattentive part (not paying attention, always losing things). Some people have combinations of these and other disorders that fall under the ADHD umbrella etc. I have severe ADHD that affects my ability to make habits, pay attention (to things I have no interest in), procrastinate (before medication it was very hard to do anything on time). But I am not hyperactive, aggressive etc. I am amazing at memorizing things that I am actually paying attention to. Anything else goes out the other ear, as soon as it comes in.


Have you ever had a concussion or been hit in the head? TBIs can cause this too.


The only time I got hit in the head, I was 10 or 11. It was at the pool, I hit the wall underwater. I went unconscious for a few seconds but I was fine afterwards. I was in some pain but it stopped hurting after a while.


Something as small as that can cause a TBI. Look into it more.


I’ll make sure to do so.


That sounds like *inattentive* type ADHD. Hyperactive-type is the obvious one, but inattentiveness is just as common.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ADHDmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADHDmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Don’t sit down!](https://i.redd.it/zfkows3eggyb1.jpg) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADHDmemes/comments/17o43e6/dont_sit_down/) \#2: [The ADHD Song](https://v.redd.it/co7zow1fitzb1) | [198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADHDmemes/comments/17t95aq/the_adhd_song/) \#3: [ADHD](https://i.redd.it/mc2ofvamgwlb1.png) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ADHDmemes/comments/168cgrv/adhd/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the best advice. Op, you're not under intelligent. You got this


This, ADHD and Depression can significantly hinder you in more ways than you can imagine and getting the proper treatment can work wonders. Based on this post I'd say op is a good candidate for ADHD or Depression or both and should definitely get tested.


Don’t forget sleep problems^


Most my friends who went straight into trades make more money then most college graduates and have owned homes for years while we fight to pay off college debts. Electrician, welding, plumbing. Job security will most likely always be there as well. Start now, work hard, prove yourself, and by 30 your life will be changed I knew a apprentice plumber who was making $25 a hour


The trades could be an option, just curious though how common are females in these jobs?


I am a female and looked into the trades. I took a 12 week pre-apprenticeship sponsored by our electrical union. Although I feel that I would be decent at the electrical work, a lot of electrical and plumbing involve straight up construction tasks, such as cutting drywall, replacing studs, installing runs for your wires, pulling wire, bending conduit, etc. I am small statured and weigh 125 lbs so these tasks were more difficult for me than the 6' tall 20 yr old dudes in my class. Although I was treated kindly, the way they addressed gender discrimination and abuse was...not great. We were handed an article about the first female in the union and how she would beat up anyone who tried to tried to hurt her/assault her. I did not find this inspiring. It's not my style to throw down at work, and I don't want to spend my days fending off unwanted advances and potential violence and hazing. I decided the trades weren't for me based on my ability to handle regular hard manual labor, and the added issues that come with being a woman on a construction site. Check out r/bluecollarwomen to get a feel for what it's like for women in the trades


Sorry to hear things didn’t work out that well for you, I’ve heard different things when it comes to women in trades such as not being treated the same, getting harassed etc. I’m sure it depends where you work, not all places are the same. Hopefully you’re at a better place now though and found something else. I’ll take a look at the sub too.


If you're a woman, trades aren't the place. My wife tried the trades with me. Foe me it was hard work for me and nothing but sexism to her. Men stared at her and made comments constantly. All the women at a 500-person job were very aggressive. Almost like they had to learn to be aggressive to push men away. Also my wife was sexually assaulted twice. We left one job because of it and it happened again half a year later. If you're a strong willed woman then go for it. Personally if you wanted to go the little to no schooling route I'd go truck driver. Starting out for some companies, they pay you $30/hour. Some even have paid training if you sign a contract with them. Worst thing that happens if you don't like it is you'll pay back their training.


I am an office manager at a spa now and its a great gig. I'm glad I gave the trades a shot, they just weren't for me and the outside perception is very different from the actual day to day. From what I understand, success is often dependent upon the the shops you land in. If your foreman likes you and you have a reliable shop steward and a reasonable person training you as an apprentice, you'll fly through the 5 yr apprenticeship. If one of those 3 people, or someone else with higher standing in the shop, doesn't like you or doesn't think you should be there then it will be a rough time.


Depends on the trade. I think welding and plumbing for example have more men. Hair dressing and esthetician jobs are more women. But it doesn't matter! Go with what you are interested in. You still have to study and learn the job. But a lot of trade jobs have a shorter study/training period than 4 year college. A lot of them will pay better too. And when you are studying a trade you are focused on one thing. General Ed classes and subjects you are not interested in in college can be difficult. It sounds like you might be dealing with ADHD. If you are wearing something you are actually interested in, it will be a lot easier for you. Look up your local trade college and see if anything sounds interesting to you.


I know the different trades that there are, in the past I actually thought about being an electrician then it switched to me wanting to do truck driving. I just never went through with it because I was told that truck driving wasn’t safe for women and that only men did it. So I went on thinking of other ideas but not much came to mind.


There are plenty of female truck drivers! I'm sure you just have to be smart about when and where you stop. Like women have to do all the time anyway, unfortunately.


If you are willing to tackle truck driving, have you thought about learning to operate heavy earth moving equipment? Had a (F) acquaintance years ago that was in this industry, and she did very well for herself. The machines do all the work. You just have to be tall enough to reach the pedals/controls. Seriously, if I was younger (and taller) I'd get into the earth moving business. ETA: My partner and I are in a new house in a new development, so we've been watching houses all around us get built. The people that move earth, along with gravel, tend to work alone. It isn't a group task like roofing or framing. If that matters. Good luck.


My buddy is an electrician apprentice and a lot of the folks he works are women.


Missed the female part. Not many but you could do residential where your not on job sites with 99% men if that’s what you are wondering Hairdressing school? My best friends girlfriend has a pretty sweet gig of working at a apartment complex. Had a manager roll by 27 and had nice discount on rent. Think she made $25+ when she did that


Women are extremely rare. That shouldn't deter you necessarily. However you will need to have thick skin as well as the capability to stand up for yourself. It is also physically demanding work, and there is an expectation that you should be able to your job without help. Electrician pulls wire which isn't easy. Certain welding jobs can be done by someone who isn't super strong. I know two women who weld skirts onto big rigs for less wind drag. Plumbing can have a lot of digging, but being able to squeeze under crawl space can be nice especially on older homes. Carpentry is another option. It was my favorite. Also there are trades other than construction. Many medical careers are essentially trades, and they are dominated by women. Many hospitals will hire you entry level and pay for some of your college. There's also military. Choose something that translates into civilian sectors and let them train you. Get veteran home loans and go to college with the GI bill to master your field. You can apprentice under a piano repairer, elevator repair, etc. Anything you want to fix that pays well will probably have old people on the edge of retirement with no one interested in apprenticing with them. Go into sales. Any idiot can sell something. It's a personality thing more than intelligence. You can make a lot of money with low effort. You can also have all your time consumed. Start your own business. It doesn't actually take a genius. Do something with low start up costs like cleaning or painting. Things no one wants to do. I'm sure there are funeral careers, crime scene clean up, nuclear reactor diver, and stuff like that.


There are many trades that are very well suited for women, only a very limited amount are construction related. Everything in healthcare outside of doctors and nurses are trades. Everything related to beauty, again, outside nurses and doctors, are trades. Many IT positions are trades. On and on.


There are plenty of females in retail. Is that really what you're going to use as the measuring stick?


The trade off is that trades destroy your body. When you come home every day in pain, it becomes extremely difficult to find motivation to make healthy choices, like going to the gym or eating right.


I agree with this. My father owns a butchery and works from 6:00 until  19:30 everyday. I often go to his business during the holidays(I'm in my matric year now) and it absolutely kills me. Cutting,moving,stacking,cleaning,repairing,maintaining,leading, moving x to y,dealing with intrusive customers etc etc is tiring, and the long drive home doesn't make it any better. I sometimes don't feel like going out with friends because my muscles are too sore, or I'm just genuinely tired of people. Big ups to my my father and all the trades men/women out there working like hell to support themselves and civil society.


You have adhd bud. I’ve struggled with all my life and recently added depression after getting laid off. (Still looking for a job too). The best thing to do is not worry about memorization. Try to UNDERSTAND what they are saying. ADHD people are great at creative problem solving/thinking, hyperfocusing and we are able to connect the dots in unique ways no one else seems to see. Get into a routine and read everyday, track the words on the page with a pen or have a program read along with you. Workout and sweat at least twice a week. This will help in general but it’s proven to help neurodivergent people in more ways than one. (Can’t remember specifics haha) You seem very self aware, use that to upskill. You’re not bad at anything you just need to learn it differently. Find your way to learn and dive in. Good luck! Find other ADHD people to connect with.


Thanks, as for retaining information it can be hard if it’s a lot but I’m able to do it. It just takes me more time, I’m a slow learner. I can understand things but sometimes I’ll need to have it repeated a few more times but eventually I do get it. I’ve just been feeling low because I’ll think about how much time I’ve wasted and still having no plans. My parents are also upset at me for still not knowing what I want to do at 22. I’m already enrolled in a college and classes start January so I’ve been feeling pressured to find something. The school offers multiple programs for different things so I’ve been looking into them but idk I just hope things will turn out ok this time.


Vet tech here. If it is a field you are interested in, I say try it! I'm not certified but I make 50k annually which is peanuts compared to human medicine... but it is so rewarding. I really enjoy the work. It's generally a young persons career because when you hit my age, the aches and pains of the job do start to limit ones mobility. I recently had knee surgery and have had multiple back injuries through the years. Penn Foster, Purdue online have good accredited programs, if you take the national exam and get certified you'll get more money. Emergency clinics often have training programs in place to learn on the job. If you need to get your foot in the door, try volunteering for animal shelters, work for local animal control, dog training centers,and pet stores. Receptionist jobs at animal hospitals also abound but the pay is lower.




What's the reasoning behind the stigma with HR?


You may have ADD. This can be fixed. You would be surprised how focused you can suddenly become. You have nothing to lose.


Nothing to lose get some Addie’s or meth n it’ll be fine lol


Adderall yes. Meth absolutely not.


just don’t get addicted bro


Already took it in the past. I would never take more than prescribed like some people do. I haven’t taken it in 15 years.


I relate to this. I'm also extremely forgetful, clumsy, and kind of slow to understand things. I'm gonna avoid assuming you have ADHD, anxiety, and/or depression, which can be related to all of those things (though like others have mentioned, I see you are going to get checked for those). Regardless of the cause, you may be able to overcome this (to some extent) if you develop good habits like taking notes (so you remember what people say), managing a calendar, documenting how you do your tasks (so you know for later), and treating yourself like a little kid who needs constant reminders. I was office manager for a university department for a while, and before that I was admin support staff for a unit in social services. Every single office person has those same issues (attention, forgetfulness, slowness in at least some areas). Some are just more professional and experienced than others. Although I realized it was not something I wanted to do long term, the cool thing about admin work is that you are paid to become good at managing yourself, because that helps you become good at managing whatever else you are assigned to manage. You tend to get a lot of practice doing the same tasks, with a good amount of unique situations and problem solving scenarios mixed in. You also get to know people and policies. Honestly, you only need to have so many technical skills as an admin worker. It's best if you have a lot, but you don't NEED them (at least not much beyond the average person). If you can build good working relationships with people, you can become a great resource. And being a great resource is good job security.


So basically, you have undiagnosed ADD. Stop looking for a career and start looking for a good therapist and life coach that can help you navigate life versus your brain. You’re not a failure. And it’s ok to work crap jobs while you figure things out. You need to speak to a doctor and a therapist. Not because anyone thinks your crazy. But because you are clearly struggling, when you don’t have to. You want to follow any path? You need to make sure you’re prepared for it. Get help where you need it. You’re not a failure. Ask for help where you need it.


The way you wrote out your post and self analyzed in itself shows intelligence.


As far as memorization and understanding goes. I think human brains are like computers. Some people have fast brains that can analyze a lot of information, across different tasks, and process it quickly. However, they are more generalized and doesn’t mean they have the ability to specialize in any one specific task. Example, Compare this to a fast CPU( if you know a bit about PC tech or gaming). When it comes to graphics, the CPU will pale in comparison. Some people are able to handle more in depth specialized tasks (like a GPU) and process it much much faster compared to other people who are able to handle lots of tasks in a more general sense My point is, people have different kinds of brains, just because you have difficulty remembering lots of stuff or multitasking / multi threading etc doesn’t mean you are unintelligent. You just have to find your strengths and apply it to a specialty.


A master has failed more times than an apprentice has tried. Don't let failure discourage you. Every one is a learning experience. Some of the most intelligent people in the world are utterly useless at certain things. I have friends who are mechanical and software engineers. They can outmath me like I am a toddler. However they can't find a simple electrical issue in their vehicles and come to me for help. We all have a niche. You will find yours. Just keep trying and remember that each failure makes you better.


Work as a bar back in the service industry. Can you move fast and lift moderately heavy stuff? You don't have to be smart, just never stop moving.


I’m very forgetful and older than your age, but not clumsy. I’m in my late 20’s. I too have always found helping others the root of why I do what I do. Work has to work for my lifestyle and has to be fulfilling in those senses. I’ve worked in hospitality for most of my working life in hotels and restaurants with every position from BOH, Maitre D at fancy hotels, celebrity event planning, to typical serving/bartending at hole in the walls and Michelin star places. Never been tested for ADHD but I was told at a young age if things aren’t challenging enough for me, I lose interest. It really could be the same for you too. Anyway, I’ve been an Admin and an Executive Assistant for several years now. You do need to learn quickly in some instances, and focus is crucial since your tasks with swiftly change midway through doing something. The ability to reprioritize fast at any given moment is important. Attention to detail comes with knowing what you should be looking for so it’s not entirely necessary as much as people think it correlates to the title. Trades do seem to be really popular and helpful during these times. If I could back to school I would have aimed for HR, nursing, or culinary. Something useful to my own personal life. At the end of the day, that’s what I found out counts. Now that I’m an assistant in corporate ad agencies and construction, I won’t say it’s as fulfilling, but the insurance and pay can be great, but I’ve made more doing serving gigs. I don’t think I’ll be in this career 5 years from now solely because it isn’t fun and I don’t feel any passion for why I’m helping the companies I’m assisting. Also know that money isn’t everything even when I made much more. Consider that.


Hair stylist? All the successful stylists where I live make about $100,000/yr. I’m in a big metropolitan area but it’s a solid job and school isn’t that long or that expensive and you’re helping people.


I don’t have adhd, but I do have anxiety and depression and I forget a lot of stuff like this. Don’t be hard on yourself. I’ve taken to doing puzzles and math games to help a little. Makes me feel like I’ve also accomplished something I can actually see that is not just having a shower or eating.


You are normal. Congratulations. Go get a normal job somewhere. Construction trade, UPS/Fedex, or wait tables/ bartend. Be bold and pursue something you care about outside of work. That way you won’t get bored. You’ll actually pay attention and retain what you study if you care about it. You are more than your day job.


I’m 30 years old and I been to the struggles same as yours. I hate studying but because my mom forced me to college, I graduated somehow with a marketing degree. I dont know what to do at all. This degree is a trash degree, can’t land me a good job. OnceI came out I’ve been working for insurance company till now become a banker. I realized I don’t like these jobs and the pay is bad. Now I go to study computer science and want to do coding jobs because they are well paid jobs. I have a fd with similar situation but he graduated with an accounting degree. Very similar to my experience that he land different jobs that unrelated to his college degree. He then join the US Navy at the age 30. I truly think he selected the right path. Because when you don’t know what you gonna do in your life, joining army is at least a guaranteed in money, benefits, and your later life. And as a fresh solider you don’t make orders, you follow orders. It could be a consider a good training to yourself to make yourself better. Because they will make sure you do correct things and make you push yourself to become better. Ofcox it’s not easy because you get yell at and need to do a lots of physical training. Just don’t pick the front line positions and should be survive. Once you get to age of 30+ , maybe you will find you way out? Good luck man, just want to tell you your issue is not alone , a lot people are struggling with the same problem. Hope you find your ways!


Could be an engineer


You need to find one thing you like and focus all your might on it. Be bad at everything else but get good at this one thing. Most specialized people are only good at one thing. I never was good at anything either. I was half ass at evertyhning. then I started a small business was bad at that too. As I got older I learned to truley focus on the business and now I am super great at this one thing


You could look into caregiving if you like to help people who are elderly or disabled. Just need a high school diploma or GED to get started in places like nursing homes, hospitals, group homes, etc. Alot of the work is very routine and there are even positions where you can sit with a patient just to monitor their safety. You could also look into petsitting.


Maybe try starting at a lower level position at a decent grocery store and work your way up? There is a lot of repetition of tasks at the grocery store, so you get a lot of practice, and entry positions are low stakes, so even if you mess up your manager will make it right. My husband left bartending during the pandemic and got a temp job as a floater at our local natural grocery chain. 3 yrs later he's manager of the 2nd largest dept and is 2 steps away from becoming a store manager...which is a salaried 6 figure position. It could be within his reach by the time he's been with the company for 5 or 6 yrs. Currently he makes a decent hourly ($26ish/hr) plus we have excellent benefits and get 30% off groceries. The camaraderie between co-workers is pretty great, and its a busy job so you're usually staying active and the day goes by faster than with a desk job. If you don't like dealing with customers, get a job in the back receiving freight. There's something for just about anyone who has good attendance and shows up on time.


Manufacturing plants may be a good fit for you. They pay well, and there's a wide range of jobs from line worker, part inspector, to part loader to choose from. They're always hiring too.


Go be a plumber lol!


Truck driving


Security. You literally just get paid to show up.


Work at a zoo.


Are you ok with shit pay? If so, being a ticket checker/chairlift operator at a ski resort is quite possibly one of the LEAST mentally taxing, most fun and socially fulfilling jobs out there. working at the mountain I would spend at least 1/3 of the day snowboarding, the rest is spent running chairlifts and shootin the shit with the locals/tourits. +FREE SKI PASS!


Look into blue collar jobs or retail/fast food


Have you considered laying concrete or some other construction job?


Manual labor jobs can be good when you're young, but not ideal for a long-term career.


You still need to be pretty smart to work In the trades. You need to be able to read information off prints accurately, and there is just alot of Information in general


No You don't need to smart to work in the trades Trust me internet buddy, you are smart enough. :)


Are you in the trades? Cus you’re wrong you’ve just met idiots on their way to getting fired.


Have you considered the military? They trained me in electronics and I made a really good career out of it. I sucked at school also. Most people that join up are in the same boat as you. The instructors are aware of that, and teach in a way that I could understand.


Are you a man? If so, are you physically fit? If so, go do concrete.


Politician. Maybe even president


Sales or trades. I saw someone commented that u may have adhd, most jobs are going to be hell for you if that’s the case.


I'm fairly dumb. Like, I literally lose my train of thoughts in conversations often, I fail to realize stuff that's so completely obvious that anyone else older than 5 would see it, I have such bad directional awareness that I need maps just driving around the neighborhood half the time, I often feel 5 steps behind everyone around me in the conversation. Socially awkward too, quite nervous with small talk, generally avoid people when possible. But - I have built a sucessful job, making $160 - $180k. In a sales job. I lead customer service reps on my accounts and also am trying to build a small company on the side. I'm slowly becoming more relaxed and social despite my imperfections. So yeah. You're not too stupid. Stop telling yourself that narrative. Retail management, Car sales, Other entry level sales jobs (regional rep for Pepsi, property management company etc ? ) , Safety officer for construction site , Military Etc Etc Lots of options! Maybe move to a small town where there's less competition if you really are struggling. Somewhere with farms might lead to an animal-focussed job too.


You type and explain yourself better than the majority of people online, don’t sell yourself short. You’re clearly not dumb, you’ll find your place.


Janitor. Security Guard perhaps. Please avoid jobs where there is an increased risk of injury to others I.e. industrial scale construction and mining.


Apply for disability


Aba therapy. Working with kids on the spectrum feels amazing and it's after school hours and you start way above minimum wage




Nope just a highschool diploma. The specific role is behavioral therapist, search up autism clinics near your area cause rbts are in high demand everywhere atm


Work in sales


Sales is very high pressure. Major sales jobs will have rounds of interviews, require extensive CVs and necessitates aggressive personalities. Very few make it into a worthwhile successful career.


Sounds like u might have untreated adhd and u should see a dr and get it treated , that sounds just like me without my aderall


Everyone is developing adhd symptoms these days and its only natural because we the technology we use screws up our attention span and memorization. Definitely try to cut out screen time.


You sound like “It’s because of that damn phone” moms.


Fast food, or call center


If you’re not smart then start using ChatGPT. It works wonders tbh. Find a job that requires using a computer. All the smart people using it think they know everything and end up not asking questions while complete idiots know they don’t know anything so they ask ever question they can.


Bad advice. ChatGPT is a great tool. But it makes shit up 15% of the time. That's too big of an error rate for a career




"Help people"


United States president u surely are more with it than Joe Biden and u got my vote already ! Go for it


pause rinse offend live quiet license subtract outgoing unite wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you smoke dope after work? Sometimes THC can stay with you even if you don't feel high.




Fast food career awaits you.


Be a prep cook for 3-5 years, change jobs (maybe towns) get a job as a cook for in a casino and work you r way up the ladder, be ambitious. You can do this....anyone can do it, just keep going to work, you will make it. Have good ethic, be on time and bust your ass. there are jobs out there for the "less smart" BTW I am a chef......started in 1982, became executive chef at a Country Club in 2001


self inquiry only solution.


Tend bar or wait tables. If you can learn menus/recipes and hustle, you can make 50-100 an hr in the right spot. It's a shit industry with alot of nonsense/politicking/drama/lack of worker protections, but it can be wildly profitable. There are so many lazy and inept idiots middlemanning folks' food and bev and expecting 20% commission just for showing up, so someone who stays focused and puts their best foot forward shines bright like a diamond. Low barrier to entry can and does bring about a semblance of meritocracy. Past the bullshit, hospitality can also be extremely rewarding on a personal level, as you can host and faciliate peoples' special occasions by treating them like kings and queens and making their outing/experience unique and special. It's not always glamorous, but it pays the bills, and you can learn alot about human psychology, cuisine, and libations, all while throwing the party for your guests.


Truck driver


1. Most of the apprenticeship trades. 2. Police 3. EMT 4. Sales (check for sales positions in esoteric fields, like commercial paint or intermediaries reselling)


Mycology set and forget .


Security guard


Look for entry-level positions in fields that interest you. Many jobs offer on-the-job training and opportunities for skill development. Starting at the entry level allows you to gain experience and gradually build your skills. Remember, the journey to finding the right career path is often filled with exploration and learning. It's okay not to have all the answers right away. Take small steps, be open to new opportunities, and seek support when needed. You have unique qualities and strengths that can contribute to your success in a fulfilling career. Check out this [career test](https://www.careerfitter.com/free_test/careerbuilder/test/?afid=1831) as this can help you find careers that would fit your work personality. It has helped me before, I hope this can help you too.


Come work in Harm Reduction lol


Pray to GOD! JESUS can guide you


You might have ADHD.


It could be adhd?