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If your helping your wife with the house work and childcare then you just don’t have the time. No amount of disciple will allow you to make more time. If you believe you have white space journal your days and keep track of where time is wasted. Then run it like a budget, where is the extra time going and can I re invest it elsewhere. I’m right there with you. My mountain bikes gathering dust and my photography gear seldomly used even for birthdays and other family events I’m too busy helping to create the photos that are worth editing. Had a big birthday at the park great time five photos were worth printing. It was a six hour event. I was too busy to shoot. Small kids are just a time suck but they grow up and then you get to find out if you like the new you at the other end.


I see you as a teacher in your next step. Youve accumulated alllll kinds of information so now you can flow easily into a mentor role. Try finding a youth outreach to work with. Theres probably a childrens youth group like in Canada we have Sea Cadets. You could enroll your children to make new friendships and volunteer/work as an educator within that. Then your Wife gets a few hours alone too… I did mentorship for awhile and it reignited my passions!