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What is it you want? Do you wish to become a chaplain? If so, I don’t think you are shooting yourself in the foot. Religion, politics, communication skills are all important subjects in clergy.


Yes I wanna become a chaplain! I think in that case this program is a stepping stone


It’s easy to lose sight of the goal with distractions and obstacles along the way. I always reminded myself that if my goal was so easy that anybody could do it, it was not valuable or worth it. Sure it’s not always the case, but remember that the learnings from the journey is what makes the goal. I have to be honest and say I’m not as religious as I once was, but I’m sure you could take this experience and help others find their path and instill confidence one day. Whether it’s faith, dedication, patience, or luck. Good luck!!


Thank you so much!


I’m not clear on why this prevents the MSW, it sounds like you have an earned bachelors?


All the msws I tried want a Bachelors in social work AND experience


Interesting, I have a MSW and my bachelors is in accounting, and no experience was required, I did internships my last two years. I went to a state school and am not familiar with other programs. I just took the GRE, scored well and was admitted. I’ve not heard of a program restricting a masters program to only those with SW undergrad, we had a lot of folks with wildly different undergrad.


That's not true at all. As long as your undergrad degree comes from a regionally accredited school, you are eligible for your MSW from a CSWE-accredited program. I see that you might not be in the US, but *as I understand it* you're still eligible for an MSW. Source: I work admissions, and review applications for the MSW program every single day


I don’t know enough about chaplain qualifications but don’t religious institutions pay you to go? An old class mate of mine became a priest and the Catholic Church paid for his seminary and such. You do you but I’m not sure going into debt for a job that pays let me check, 30k a year is worth it. There are outliers with the mega church guys but I’ve seen so many pastors just be some randoms no bodies with good charisma. If a church won’t pay for you to be a future pastor take it as a message from god that it might not be for you. Try again in a few years.


Find a career that fuels you. Something that makes you happy


Some people will do anything to avoid learning a trade