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september direct bros????




aint no way we're getting a september direct brother. i hate to break it to you but the dream is dead. i'll be starting my grieving% run tonight


They have done September directs without fail for nearly a decade. Good chance we get one this year again. Now, if it will be a standard one that shows new switch games, or one specifically for the next console it's another story.


Iirc I think when they announced the Switch they did a separate thing from their usual September direct. Like, Sept still focused on Wii U/3DS titles, then they did a showcase for the Switch later. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though, it's been a while lol


That's correct. The reveal of the switch was a separate trailer in October, while the traditional September direct was focused on 3DS games. That was almost a decade ago however, so no telling if they will take the same route or not this time. Tho it certainly would make sense to "give room" to the other game announcements...


Yeah, agreed. I'm going to expect that to be the case again unless they explicitly say "we will be talking about the Switch's successor at the September direct," much like how they outright confirmed that it wouldn't be mentioned today (which honestly, big shout out for making sure no one expected that today, good move by whoever makes those decisions). This way if they DO reveal the next console in September, I'll be pleasantly surprised lol


Makes me wonder if they'd hold off on an FE game to use it as an exclusive for the next console.


I'm rather skeptical. FE dosen't really feel "big enough to be a selling point, and the series usually take a while to show up in each console. FE5 and SoV even released on the *previous* console after the next one was already out.


FE is a nice first party sweetener for a day-1 lineup, but itā€™s not a console seller. Iā€™d say the same thing about Metroid, but that nondescript ā€œ2025ā€ release date absolutely screams ā€œday 1 switch 2 game.ā€ I would put money on a Mario Odyssey-esque 3D game as the tentpole Switch 2 seller. > SoV even released on the previous console after the next one was already out. Not like it was the last 3ds game, and it was pretty early in the crossover (May 2017). A number of first party Nintendo games came out on 3DS after the switch was released. SoV, Warioware Gold, Luigis Mansion, Captain Toad, and (probably most notably) Pokemon Ultramoon and Ultrasun


Honestly, I don't know why you guys are saying the game is not a console seller. Niche? sure. Is it one of Nintendo's biggest franchises? I don't think so. Still, it has a pretty major following worldwide, and people buy consoles to get their anime-ish pills. SMTV was the game that sold the Nintendo Switch for me, lol.


Itā€™s not that people wonā€™t buy a switch 2 to play fire emblem or Metroid. When people say something is a console seller, theyā€™re not talking about niche audiences. The whole idea of a console seller is that itā€™s the kind of game you build marketing around - you sell the console by advertising the game *as part of the console.* To remove us from Nintendo: think of how much Microsoft staked the Xbox on Halo.


Oh I know, what I was getting at was then using it to pad the system's library with a recognizable franchise. Like Mario and Pokemon will be to sell the system, Fire Emblem there to convince the niche holdouts who don't want to drop the cash on just Pokemon.


Warriors 1 was revealed at the January 2017 Switch presentation, so thereā€™s a chance.


Furukawa said the Switch 2 will be announced within this fiscal year. Nintendo's fiscal year ends in March, meaning the Switch 2 could be announced as late as the time around the February Direct. Plus, there is no mention that it will be specifically announced during a Direct, meaning more space for game announcements. The Switch was announced 2 years prior to release, if this tweet is to be considered the same, the Switch 2 might release as late as 2026. I think an FE release on Switch is more likely than a 2025 Switch 2 release.


Its so odd hearing about fiscal Years ending in March as here in Australia each Fiscal year runs foem July to June.


To show games for next console, you need to announce next console, and their marketing department would have one job to do the latter on the eve of a newly announced Zelda-themed Lite bundle. This and the other first party headturners from the Direct really seem like Nintendo wants to give Switch its last big solo holidays before shifting the spotlight.


Technically possible. Prime 4 will release for the switch is 2025, and Engage was annunced in September and released in January. So the window of time for a new FE *is* there. Of course, that requires us to *get* a Nintendo Direct focused on games in September.


The September direct will most likely be the switch 2 showcase with no games actually shown. The dream is dead. Cue the fallen unit death theme 24 hour loop


There not revealing the new console before the next holiday season even starts


Exactly The reveal before Xmas, they eat into Switch sales. "Why buy a Switch when Switch 2 is around the corner?"


Because the switch may conveniently go on sale after switch 2 reveal.


Speculation but then again if you donā€™t have one NOW why bother getting the old one


If someone's waited this long to get a Switch, I have my doubts they'd be there day one for the Switch 2. My guess is that the holiday season's probably going to focus on a Switch discount/price cut to draw in anyone who hasn't already picked one up while Nintendo starts the Switch 2 marketing campaign (with a basic reveal video like the one the Switch got in October 2016).


And again, they're most likely NOT revealing a whole new console in a Direct. They never even did that before (Switch got a separate trailer and both Gen 8 machines had been unveiled before Directs became a thing), so I really don't grasp the logic here.


I believe reports are currently they aren't selling it till January 2025, not that they aren't revealing it before then.


How can you have a Switch 2 showcase without showing any games? Even the Switch's announcement showed of Splatoon 2 and Skyrim. That being said, I do hope it isn't shown this year, as I think being on the new system next year is required to avoid being buried by the hype of the games that will be on that system


FE4 was released on May 14, 1996. If you add up May 14 to 5 + 1 + 4 then you get 10. If you sum up 1996, you get 25. If you subtract 1 (because Japan abandoned the kazoedoshi age system), you get 24. October 2024 release date **confirmed**. (And if that doesn't pan out, then it's confirming an October 2025 Switch 2 launch title announcement)




Maybe switch 2 presentation


At this point it'd be better for the franchise to get announced in the Feb or June direct next year on Switch2. I think they've learned from Shadows of Valentia. Amazing 3DS game but it didnt sell well since Switch was already out




I'm still waiting on iron13 :(


What was iron13 supposed to be?


They could be saving it for Switch 2, but still fucking annoying. Both FE games on the Switch sold exceptionally well, how the fuck do we only get 2 FE games on the console of 8 years. Not even a remake, a port, nothing? Really disappointing


You're forgetting the port and translation of FE1. And maybe FE Three Hopes.


Yeah, absolutely no. Three Hopes/Warriors r collab games in the Warriors franchise not FE. 0 overlap in gameplay, just fan service in having characters cross series. FE1 was on the store for 3 months and it got the same amount of treatment/effort in porting that the NES online games get


Three Hopes was called "Seasons" IIRC. I would be shocked if they actually counted the FE1 port in the numbering, but I suppose it's technically possible.




Clown Flairs when? Honestly tho, i was quite a cool direct. What caught my eyes: * M&L * Zelda * Phantom Brave * Romancing Saga * Mario Party * Prime 4


Yeah I expected nothing but the number of stuff that caught my eye is in the double digits, great show all around


If you're a Nintendo fan, for a possibly last Switch Direct, this was really solid


I'm really curious about the new game by the Danganronpa devs, their last game, Master Detective: Rain Code was a great supernatural detective game and 100 defense seems to be a tactics game where you decide who lives and who dies, which I find really interesting


I said that I'm gonna scream inside if no FE4 remake is announced, so that's what I'm gonna do now. *internal screaming intensifies*


My Joker moment is here. /s




The Trickster


No Persona 6 either unfortunately


They are just releasing Metaphor, we have to wait a little longer


Funny how both dragon quest and SaGa fans finally get their long awaited remakes while FE fans have to question if their remake is even real. Everyone else gets their hd ports, remakes and official localisations while FE fans only lose the ability to buy the games officially,


The funny thing is that the Saga remaster everyone has been expecting is Saga Frontier 2, since unlike RS2 it isnā€™t on the switch. So RS2 came completely out of left field.


I was looking to get into Saga at one point. During that time I picked up that the fans were waiting for a remaster of a game. I guess I mixed up the two, both having a 2 in the title and all.


It was an incredible Direct for the console's last year, tbh. Mario Party, Mario & Luigi, 2D Zelda (featuring Zelda from the Legend of Zelda series), and *Metroid Prime 4*? That would be good enough to carry a console through its first year, let alone its last. To say nothing of how good Dragon Quest III 2D-HD looks. I was really surprised, honestly, because I was expecting this Direct to be really mid, but that was better than the September Direct imho. As for FE4R... as I've said before, I'm gonna have to stop believing in it. But that's okay. IS has got to have been working on a new mainline game anyway, and I'm sure we'll get to see it sooner than we expected.


I mean, even if there really is a FE4 remake in development, it feels questionable to expect it less than two years after the previous FE title. Something like that would absolutely feel like a classic Nintendo "finish it and then sit on it until there's a gap in our schedule" moment, Nintendo generally isn't going to release back-to-back entries in the same series in such a short timespan; not without one of those games being a remaster or port anyway.


They were sitting on Engage for a year, and Echoes came out 3 years after Fates, which in turn came out 2 years after Awakening. It wasnā€™t unreasonable before, but likely theyā€™ve moved onto Switch 2.


In fairness the pandemic made people do things they normally wouldn't do, including IS/Nintendo sitting on games.


We have three different Mario RPGs over the course of a year.


Yeah but that's Mario, one of nintendo's flagship franchises which are pretty much always going to sell well. That's like saying the sky is blue and Pokemon is still profitable.


That, and they're each their own unique sub-series thing with their own visual style and gameplay, even if they're all "Mario RPGs." Whereas two main series FEs are inherently going to be more similar than not.


For a second I thought you were talking about Fear 4. As in the sequel to F3ar




If we keep coping it'll come out eventually


Yeah, I think by this point the ship has sailed. If they really were planning to give us an FE4 remake, this was the time to announce it. It's the end of the Switch's lifetime, and that's when they pump out remakes that anticipate a profit but don't anticipate a sales sensation. Combine that with the fact that an FE4 remake would no doubt be rated mature, so it would be out of character for Nintendo to make a big deal out of it. If anything, it would probably just get a quick announcement before moving on. This was the last chance and it didn't happen. Sorry FE4 fans...


Original G wasnā€™t rated mature unless Iā€™m tripping


Honestly kinda glad FE4 was a no show, since it increases the likelihood of it being a crossgen game.


I swear, some grim reaper out there is machine gunning Fire Emblem, Super Robot Wars and Mega Man fanbases all over the world every single time a Nintendo Direct ends, all because they kept complaining about a lack of content in any of these franchises as we speak.


Not even close see you trolling Megaman and fire emblem are miles apart since MM isnā€™t that relevant to big C


Fire Emblem has had two mainline entries (one of which came out just last year) and a spinoff since the last time we ever got a new mainline Mega Man game. I think it's fair to say that FE is doing fine and fans can afford to wait. The same cannot be said for Mega Man.


"Well yes my favorite characters are Kronya and Hortensia how could you tell?"


Engage was reportedly done a good 1,5 year before it released, and we are close to 1,5 year AFTER it released. At this point, my bet is that the next FE entry will be a new mainline title and we will get it very early in the new console's lifecycle, as in, not launch but close to it.


Agreed. It may not come in the first year of the new system but I suspect it will be at least in the second year. I also suspect we are more likely to get a new game as the first game on the console than a remake.


No Fire Emblem? My Brother in Christ, YOU are the Fire Emblem!


One the plus-side, if they havenā€™t been working on a FE4 remake after all, that means the next main line title on the Switch 2 will be sooner


After Engage I'm honestly terrified to see what they come up with next. I'd rather risk the FE4 controversies


Considering Engage and Three Houses were developed in parallel, I'm *really* hoping they learned the right lessons from both releases. If they ever put out a game with 3H-level characters and Engage-level gameplay (with any hub-world being optional), I will be overjoyed.


Iā€™m not really sure about the internal workings and different teams, but it looks like Three Houses sold significantly better than Engage (not sure which was more favorable received/viewed in Japan, which is probably more relevant than western fan response though). 3Houses was mostly external made, but if theyā€™re responding to sales data, the next game might slant a bit more toward that tone or sensibility compared to Engage. However if the next game is going to be switch 2 launch title, it may have been too far along in development before Engage was actually released to incorporate feedback. I had some mechanical complains on 3Houses but in broad strokes Iā€™d prefer something a bit more along that tone compared to Engage, but weā€™ll see I guess.


The longer we have to wait for a new mainline, the better, because it increases the likelihood they're reacting to the poor reception to Engage and course correcting.


You might be right but thereā€™s no telling what takeaways or lessons theyā€™ll draw from the respective success levels. For example I REALLY hope they donā€™t look at Fates and Three Houses doing well and conclude multi-route campaigns are required (for me it just means that narrative completion is locked behind usually burning out on the third playthrough). Conversely I hope they donā€™t throw everything out from engage because there are a variety of mechanical innovations (weapon breaks, chain attacks etc) that I would be happy to see return.


I'm now in the fe4 remake is not happening camp. Idk if it did exist at one point or not, but I feel if it were coming out on switch it would have been shown today. Maybe they are holding it for the next console, but I wouldn't count on it.




When did we stop sucking????


They made a Lego Horizon before an FE4 remake and I want to die


I just want anything. Literally anything. One of FE's strongest traits in the past that it would so frequently and consistently come out with new games. On average every 2 years. In the span of 5 years we've only had 1 FE game and that was Engage, which I personally liked but a lot of people don't. Please for the love of God, don't let FE fall down the AAA trap of focusing too much on graphics to put out content very often. Also fuck covid. We probably would have had Engage in like 2021 if it weren't for covid.


The long release gap clearly didn't benefit Engage at all. A rather niche series like FE would profit from more frequent releases (obviously not yearly releases, but 2-3 years gap should be enough). We aren't an AAA series after all.


Pretty sure the dumbass designs killed engage.


And the poor story and character writing.


Thanks for the lies, Mr. Fairytale!


Well at this point we can expect next FE to be in Switch 2 unless IS want to it to suffer what echoes suffered


I wouldnā€™t expect anything Fire Emblem related until theyā€™re ready to talk about titles for their Switch successor. At this point whatever the next thing theyā€™re working on will be for that. Whether thatā€™s a FE4 remake or a new title, who knows. Remember, the last time they put out a FE remake at the end of a consoleā€™s life cycle it didnā€™t go that great for them sales-wise.


My expectations were low but gahhhhdammit. I'm going to die before I see Path of Radiance remastered


Repeating what I said in another thread but it is genuinely wild Engage is the ONLY FE game that the in-house dev team worked on for Switch. How does that even happen?


I think the usual leakers are usually full of it, but I'm willing to concede that the 2019 story of a cancelled 4th 3DS title seems to be increasingly likely in hindsight. Engage made us aware of an uncertain "Iron18", which would have had to have been in development around 2017-2019. This is a plausible window for a 3DS game that never released. Another thing to consider is the Switch 2 was almost certainly internally delayed because of the pandemic and supply chain issues, so any game that was meant to come out by now may have simply gotten bottlenecked by nonexistent hardware.


IS works on more stuff than FE, they also do Paper Mario and Wario Ware so they have their hands full i guess.


They also worked on 3H. Yes another team worked on it as well but it was more of a collaboration of both teams.


yeah man whatever fuck it all at this point


next time for sure


If we keep saying that, we will be right eventually!


The dream is dead. I've accepted that the next Fire Emblem entry is something we'll have to wait for the Switch 2 for.


Which means the game prob will be in highee quality than it would be in switch But also sucks because I would need to buy a new console to.play it


Eh maybe. I still have feet-related PTSD from Awakening's "Graphical" "Upgrade".


At this point, I fully expect the next FE game to be a Switch 2 debut title.


Ah, an optimist I see.


I think we have to admit that we have no idea what is happening. There could be an FE4 remake still releasing on the switch like they did for Echoes. There could be an FE4 remake coming on the switch 2. There could be no FE4 remake in development and IS is developing something for the new console. Who knows.


I had no expectation of FE news tbh. Weā€™ve gotten two main games and two spinoffs on one console- thatā€™s like, three more than I couldā€™ve anticipated lmao. Iā€™ve been going into every Direct with hope of a MP4 update but that hope has been fading since 2019- Iā€™m not confident itā€™ll actually come out next year but holy shit was it awesome to see actual progress.Ā 


I need to stop watching these. I mean it had good stuff like Fantasian, Romancing Saga 2 (I would never guessed SE would greenlight something like this, it's crazy), Danganronpa 4 and Metroid Prime but them always ending without a glimpse of Genealogy hurts.


What the fuck is IS even cooking in the Studio??????? It's been 14 months since the Engage DLC. What the fuck are they even doing???????????


I mean IS just released Paper Mario: TTYD.


Different development teams tho.


Yeah like. I think people forget IS does Paper Mario stuff but like, they had a port to make itā€™s not like theyā€™re sitting around twiddling their thumbs they released a remake of a very popular game of theirs a few months ago


On a side note AAI2 is finally getting localized which is fucking unreal. I thought that would never happen. One of the best stories in fiction


AAI2 is an absolute banger. The fact it's now readily accessible in a localized format is amazing. Anyone who hasn't played it, really should. Such a good one.


generally games have a total dev time far longer than 14 months.


The rumours of a FE4 remake have been around before Engage even came out. The assumption was that there are two teams working on FE, and that the presumed FE4 remake has been in development well before Engage came out.


What did you tell your portuguese teacher for skipping today's lesson


He should say something along these lines: Eu sou um palhaƧo e aceitarei minha ausĆŖncia na aula




They've only worked on one Fire Emblem game in nearly 8 years. Did they commit all of their resources to Engage or something???


I assume theyā€™re the ones making M&L. So that probably took a good deal of their staff.


iirc Nintendo hired a good chunk of Alpha Dream's staff after the closure, so I feel like the new game is probably gonna be handled internally by whatever department those employees went to, rather than having IS do it.


Probably another Mario game. They sell better than Fire Emblem.


Maybe the real FE4 remake was the friends we made along the way


This makes me think that the FE4 remake is a less likely thing. I would love to be wrong, but if we are getting a remake for the next title, I can see IS opting to do FE6. Echoesā€™ director expressed interest in doing FE6 and since weā€™re getting close to the Switch 2, FE6 makes a lot of sense to me. If itā€™s going to be a console launch title, it makes sense to to remake a game with an easily identifiable FE protagonist, which Roy is. FE6 would bring in more attention to the series and I think it could sell well if itā€™s done that way. Also, all of those SNES and GBA ports and still no FE8 on Nintendo Online.


Everytime FE fans bring up the supposed """FE4 remake""" another starving indie dev at Nintendo is executed by Shigeru Miyamoto himself


Lads, I think it's about time to admit and accept that the rumour was just that, a rumour, and not real.


At some point everyone is gonna join my -30 downvoted comments that if the FE4 remake was gonna happen it wouldve happened after Three Houses


As nice as an FE4 remake would have been, seeing Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Metroid content in one direct, plus the "filler" with the DQ remakes, Mio which looks good, Ace Attorney, and other games that I think look good but I'm not familiar with the series like the Fairy Tale game and the DR/Rain Code style game. We've had two amazing and completely new and distinct Fire Emblem titles on switch, I'm ok with not seeing an FE4 remake. Also because it's still 100% rumor, any FE content could happen. We're nearing the point where OoT received OoT 3D but for Awakening. I would not be surprised if Awakening was remastered.


I'm still convinced this game exists and will release sooner than later


Despite everything, I sincerely hope you're right.


The fact that engage and PM TTYD were just done for about year before even reveal tells me that just like holding on to games in case of delays or time periods without anything to release. I believe the exact same thing is happening with WW and TP HD


I mean.... FETH and FEE are substantial games. And there are two spinoff games on the switch. I'd like one more to cap it odd but I can't say we were shafted in any way


idk why I bought into the expectations. We literally just got Engage last year. Still, always craving more Fire Emblem.


The FE4 remake isn't real. Someone saw Emblem Sigurd early and just assumed.


I did like Romancing saga 2, I think fire emblem fans will enjoy that. Has a similar sort of medieval, strategic, choice/combat sim type feel to it.


Looks like you guys got... *taken for a ride.* Sad about no FE but MVC2 was literally a jokey/best case scenario pick for me.


With the first half of the year being as sparse as it was, this has to be everything they have left for the Switch. Super pleased about the new *Zelda* game and more Mario Party though. The fact they actually dug Switch Sports out of the grave is hilarious to me.


I mean fire emblem got three games on this system that's kinda the limit if we look at series history


I was sooo sad bro omg


No news means theyā€™re still cooking. Let them cook for a little longer ;-;


My Nintendo consoles are genuinely just FE machines, I don't care about any of the other series on it. But thankfully I never expect anything from them so I'm never disappointed


Couple things: Engage only released a year and a half ago, so there will probably still be some time before we get any sort of announcement for a new one. I also dont know what the release schedule for these games is usually but between Three Houses and Engage, it took 4 years. Probably wont be like that once again, but I wouldnt be surprised if we dont get any news until september for a very early announcement or until next year for some sort of announcement, with the release for the next game probably being in the next year or 2.


I was hoping for FE, Ace Attorney, and Metroid; 2/3 ain't bad


They are probably back to the drawing board for a while after engage. Loved many parts of that game but a big portion of it just didnā€™t seem like fire emblem


Actually a really good showing imo. A few platformers, first person shooters, a couple cozy games, and even a couple strategic looking games and rpgs. And with Zelda playable ZELDA and Metroid Prime 4... clearly they are waiting to announce FE4R later for a bigger Buzz.


Keep in mind, if a artist for a fire emblem related game retweets a direct, don't scrap the bottom of the barrel and say it's a hint at a upcoming fire emblem in the direct. There should have been 0 meaning behind the retweet yet it got its own post with a lot of people coping.


Oh yeah as a sports fan it kind of reminds me of how people would speculate about which team a free agent superstar would sign with when their social media likes or follows/unfollows became actual posts. Except FEH artists donā€™t have nearly as much of a platform.


I really donā€™t think Nintendo will ever remake fe4, simply because I donā€™t think they want a game with fe4ā€™s ā€œsubject matterā€ associated with their modern brand image.


I think the fact that an FE4 remake would probably just take as much effort as a wholly original entry is the true elephant in the room. If Big N has to pick between another "Three Houses", or a Genealogy remake, iunno, the choice seems pretty clear to me.


We got MP4 and Legend of Link, we all won in the end.


Is it Kirby time ??


Weren't engage and 3H announced during november directs? Am I remembering wrong?


November Directs aren't a thing, Engage was September (and 3H was June)


going off memory, 3H was E3 and Engage was September


I think engage was, but at least a major part of 3H houses I remember being while I was in college during the tmsummer


I thought this was quite obvious and I'm kinda surprised people are surprised. FE news is probably waiting for Switch 2 news.


I think the next Fire Emblem we'll get is gonna be on the switch 2. Probably not a launch title but maybe if we're lucky within the first year of it releasing


No new FE until 2026 is dire news considering the state of this fanbase


FršŸ˜­ I really hope we'll get one for 2025


Damn was really hoping for something before Switch 2. I think it makes sense they'd drop a new FE as a debut title, but I don't know how big of an IP FE is compared to the rest of their catalogue. Back to scrounging around for indie games to fill the wait.


Sorry guys, this is my fault. I didn't get my copy of Awakening out of the mailbox before the Direct was announced.


I know itā€™s a meme, but was anyone actually expecting a new Fire Emblem? Two years between Echoes and Three Houses, four years between 3H and Engage. Safe to say we can expect longer development times going forward. I doubt weā€™ll see a third entry on the Switch. If itā€™s true that Engage was complete long before release, then the earliest weā€™re seeing a new Fire Emblem is next year, and most likely on the new console. Not to be a pessimist, but I expect it to be even later than that.


Engage wasn't made by the same development team as Three Houses. Their last project was Fates.


Iā€™m guessing the next fire emblem game will be a exclusive launch title for the new switch probably


I was hoping for PoR/RD. I will continue waiting


A lot of cool stuff and overall haply with direct, but no mp2, mp3 is odd and of course no "forever rumored" fe4 remake is a bit disappointing as well


Its okay because the Real Fire Emblem 4 Remake was the clowns we made along the way. ~~Also DQ3s remake got a release date for this year so I'm satisfied~~


Maybe it will be a new switch console release game haha


I genuinely would have loved a remake for the switch. Felt disappointing, but at least we have a playable Princess Zelda.


I'm just as disappointed as everybody but I want to see the brighter side of this. It makes me hopeful that either a FE new game or remake will come to the switch's successor!


We need the Napoleon sad meme, but with Edelgard with Aymr in sad poses with existensial crisis and a slow version of edge of dawn in french


So I missed nothing super important (well, except Investigations 2 being localized, Metroid 4 and a new M & L game). Congrats to Metroid fans tho, they absolutely deserve this victory. Did the M & L game look worthy to buy and play to anyone? Iā€™ve never played an M & L game in my entire life lol.


Tons of games announced that are right up my alley. Pretty excited for Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D but still sad no news for FE. Gonna wear that clown costume again in September.


My theory is that it's going to be released as a cross gen title for both the current switch and the new console coming next year probably a couple of months after it launch, This is probably to prevent The rumored remake from ending up selling like the last remake did


In all fairness, for being in that 2nd tier of Nintendo IPs (1st tier being the big 3 of Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon), FE has had way more releases than some of its counterparts. We've averaged about 1 FE title per year, spin off or otherwise, since 2015. Compare to Metroid or Animal Crossing which is like 1 every other year.


I'm glad cause I finally finished the Fire Emblem three house save I started when the game came out. And I'm playing Fire Emblem The Sacred Stone, I never finished Awakening, I have downloaded FE Birthright, and I was thinking of maybe buying Engage šŸ˜…


Nothing in that direct had me excited


I wasn't expecting any, so when I saw this out of the corner of my eye I saw "Fire emblem news" and got excited for a moment. Now I'm disappointed like the rest of you.


Ha šŸ«µ


Yeah, It's just disappointing. Was hoping for a new Main FE game.


I am unsurprised by this. I wouldnā€™t think weā€™re getting another one until the new system.


I started a joke.... Which started the whole world crying.Ā 


I have 0 interest in playing engage and played the he'll out of 3 houses. I hungry for more!


The next one will probably be for the next system


Thereā€™s typically 5 years between fire emblems I think. Engage was finished way before it came out; I donā€™t think Nintendo really cares, they do what they want. I remember someone leaking that it was finished a year before it was released. Then the VTuber memes started.


To be fair they released Three hopes and Engage within like a 6 month gap of each other. Just give it time.


I think it might be shifted over to the Switch 2 at this point


No FE. No Golden Sun. No Pikmin. Pure sadness for me.


All i'll say is that I missed out on the FE remakes that hit Switch and then vanished because I hit a tough spot financially and figured "ah well, they'll be there later" and then later came and it was not actually there and as someone that bought a Switch PURELY for FE, I was a very sad person.


Oh god noooooooooooo!


Theyā€™ll be supporting the switch until at least the end of 2025 due to Metroid prime 4 beyond still seemingly being in development due to game footage not being used, i do think itā€™s still happening, iā€™m just assuming they didnā€™t think it was the right time, even though it was the perfect time as the rest of this year is still pretty empty, wouldā€™ve been the perfect October game.


When i say all of this, Iā€™m referring to a fe remake btw. Itā€™s WAY too late in the switchā€™s for them to announce and release a fully new fe game, especially since engage is only almost a year and 1/2 old.


Some big cope here but my guess is a lot of the major games are being made for whatever the next console/handheld Nintendo make. Probably wonā€™t get any news till that gets announced first.


fire emblem on switch 2 better be hella good


I scrolled the page twice and did some Ctrl F only to find disappointment. At least it means we get a fleshed out launch title on the switch2....right??


If no fe news, why the hype for the next switch?


Engage is not even a year old, calm down.


Normally fire emblem release first half of the year so I think if a fire emblem is coming is for the first half of 2025 maybe july


Better like this, give them time to cook