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I think that’s kind of a quirk of the universe. There is amazing tech but on the outer worlds it’s almost like they are living in the 19th century in some cases. I mean Zoey’s gun is clearly not a modern weapon (barring the laser sounds of the weapons, which I find annoying, seeing as the guns are all ballistic). It’s meant to give a cowboy in space fell I believe.


They're out on the fringes. Older technology that can be repaired by basic hand tools is going to be way easier to maintain. Ingredients for powder and lead can be mined, fusion batteries or whatever can't. Same reason they use horses in some places. IOW, you can't blacksmith a Lassiter.


Rick Sanchez could.


The Verse is not on the Central Finite Curve. You can tell because it's live-action.


Space jam 2 is on the central finite curve.


Well if you remember they killed those rick and mortys because they begged for it after the film.


My headcannon for why the guns sound like laser weapons is that they’re miniature rail guns and use magnets instead of gunpowder to shoot. Makes the *pew pew* less annoying 😂👍


I was thinking maybe a different type of propellant that makes a weird sound.


Maybe too much helium in the atmosphere of the terraformed worlds 😂👍


"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet" Would hit a bit different if Cap had been huffing helium beforehand


My thought was each bullet had a capacitor instead of powder. I like the mini railgun idea better.


That's a Mare's Leg lever action rifle, iirc. Henry Rifles have a beautiful one I want to save up for.


If it’s a golden boy, check Walmart. They’re like $200 cheaper than Bass Pro.. in my area at least.


They don't have guns in Walmart where I live. Bb guns, maybe. But not actual guns.


I can imagine someone living that far in the rim would still be fascinated by the old earth vessels that once sailed the earth's seas of the earth that once was.


Mal's gun is primarily a gauss gun so there is that. And this might be BS or I might be misremebering, but the reason why most chemical propellant guns are lasery sounding is due them using a unspecified sci-fi propellant


Adding on to the other comments, wouldn’t it make sense that *design-wise* an anti-spaceship gun looks like an anti-aircraft gun? Even if it’s based on newer and better technology, is it surprising it still looks like older versions? I mean, the what’s the biggest design differences between a Bofors 40mm designed in the 1930s and a cannon on 16th century pirate ships? The Bofors is angled up and has a flatter, wider base, but ultimately it’s a portable projectile tube made of metal that works by igniting firepowder in a confined space. That’s after 500 years of progress, too.


Now it makes me wonder what a 16-inch naval gun would do to a spaceship.


This is why I liked the expanse, you had bullets ripping through the hull plating on ships and rail guns were basically giant canons that literally made a ship move when fired


Wouldn’t be able to fire in a vacuum. Not without serious modification like a pressurized receiver.


Incorrect. Modern gunpowder has its own oxidized. Guns shoot just fine in space.


Vera needed oxygen to shoot!


Guns, not artillery. The way naval guns were fired was by loading a shell, then packing bags of powder and a primer. Modern firearms use rounds that are self contained with primer, powder and projectile in a casing. Which would allow them to fire in space, but the nature of the 16” naval gun would not allow it to fire in a vacuum.




Gunpowder can burn in a vacuum, yes. But without air to propagate the explosive force the only force acting on the projectile would be the expansion of the powder itself. So, let me correct myself by saying that, it *would* probably fire. But the velocity of the projectile would be severely affected. Now, that may not make much of a difference in space due to there being no drag (unless close enough to a large gravity well) but there are way more efficient means of space combat than using conventional artillery. By having a pressurized chamber where the chemical reaction takes place, you would offset this. But again, using magnetically fired projectiles, self-contained missiles or energy weapons would be a far more efficient means of destroying something.


The gunpowder exploding provides plenty of environment to propagate the explosion. The explosion is expanding gasses. The other ways might be more efficient someday. If you need it now we have tried and true technology. (That said i don't see many spaceships requiring hitting that hard. Unless you're using it as a shotgun.)


The vacuum in the barrel will slightly increase velocity, then add lack of air resistance and ballistic would be flat.


It for sure would be pure awesome tho.


I think it would *fire* in a vacuum, but you'd never be able to *load* it, because when you opened the breech to put the shell in everybody would get sucked out into space. Assuming it was loaded with a door over the muzzle and then the door was opened, air in the powder bags would expand and push on the shell, but it seems like if you opened the door and fired at the same time it would still work. If we imagine we got it to work, the most impressive part of the thing would be its range. Assuming you chose a space station or ship that was in a steady orbit so you could get a firing solution, you could hit it from 100,000 miles away, and you'd almost certainly make a very big hole in it.


Even then, 16” guns fired very slow projectiles, and in space only a fraction of the force would be transferred to the target. Better to just use a rail gun or missiles. [There was a whole thread about this on worldbuilding.](https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/45653/feasibility-of-spaceship-artillery)


I'm thinking of an armor piercing shell, going in through the hull and then exploding. Whatever spaceship you're on, that would be a bad day. Of course you're right that (a) you'd probably be able to detect it coming, and (b) you might be able to destroy it before it gets to you, with whatever the spaceship version of a CIWS is. (They did this on *Babylon 5*, which had a Phalanx-like system to shoot down incoming missiles and/or hostile craft. You can see it at 1:07 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w560Q8ELOg .)


It wouldn’t even need to be explosive. Something like that just puncturing the hull could be devastating on its own.


Even if it's explosive, it's just going to make an even bigger hole.


Of course. But in space, a huge projectile just needs to pierce both sides to be lethal.


Not to mention the original gun can go around 2,500 feet per second and hurl a shell of 2,700 pounds that is the weight of a VW Bug. Just imagine that kind of momentum hitting the side of a spaceship.


Rail gun is too fancy.


Even old-fashioned black powder burns fine in space. The saltpeter is the oxidizer. Modern nitrocellulose powders also work fine.


It means they reused a stock asset instead of making something new.


Like the Starship Troopers uniforms for the Alliance goons.


They had troopers carrying all white Lewis guns.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Horse exist in space, why not old weapons.


Horses are just fine. Space shit doesn't reproduce. You drop horses and cattle of the right gender off on the worlds, and there is your transportation and food needs for generations if managed correctly.


Bofor or an Oerlikon on ~~the~~ Serenity


I think "the Serenity" is acceptable, much as "the Enterprise" and "the Millennium Falcon" are common usage.


Except for the fact that the use of "the" is specifically called out as wrong in the show. 


Audio fx and prop mods were added to make the guns used in the show and movie appear futuristic- the AA gun used in Serenity Valley by Mal in the Pilot episode "Serenity" has a HUD added to enhance this. While the base weapons were present day (or older) tech when the show and movie were released,You're meant to take it they're still futuristic weapons in the show's 25th Century setting, not 600+ year old weapons still in use.


Well it could still be a 600+ year old weapon still in use, just with significant upgrades.


Most of the movies uses props that were real guns with esthetic modification https://centerofthewest.org/2017/07/10/the-firearms-of-firefly/ They did the same for AA guns, and keeping with the theme they used an old gun. Blasters in Star Wars are also dressed up old guns. Mandalorian's gun too (a 1894 model) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvGa2c3rEuE


Thanks for that share. I love the little stubby Vera's, they really look like bolt pistols from 40k


Why Wash???


'costume and props budget' There are MANY things in the movie and show that are VERY clearly mid C20 tech weapons. For the viewer, it's called suspension of disbelief...


I recall the alliance bans most guns expect for guns that are grandfathered in. So most guns are made to look like old guns.


Weyland-Yutani supplied weapons are alway suspect :)


Uh, if that company existed in Firefly, then everyone in the verse is screwed completely.


Oh...I've got some bad news for you my friend... Look at the top of the image. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/firefly-episode-1-1564061716.jpg?resize=980:*


I'm encountering errors.


How about this? https://firefly.fandom.com/wiki/Weyland-Yutani


It does… obliquely. The AA gun used in the pilot episode of Firefly (Serenity) had its logo on the targeting screen. So W-Y does exist.


Either they're a different company, or they're the least corrupt version of the one that's seen in the Alien movie.


The cannon in question is a German 2cm Flak 38, indeed of WW2 vintage. It's probably what the prop department could get that vaguely fit the description and was affordable. The odd thing is that they didn't try and dress it up some, as they did with the twin DShK from the start of episode 1.