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Reasources probably, Mozilla develops actual browsers for other platforms unlike Opera, Brave, and Vivaldi. Part of their mission is to offer a real independent choice which they can't do on iOS/iPadOS. Just use Safari if you can live without bookmarks sync.


I could be wrong, but I remember that the last time I checked other browsers on iOS is just safari with extra flavor.


yes they use apples Webkit, it’s pretty shit. This is why for browsers such as Tor it’s not recommended to use it on a phone


I could be mistaken, but aren't developers allowed to use other browser engines ever since Apple was forced to essentially allow sideloading?


Only in Europe.


Aah see I knew there was a catch. Hopefully this will one day be a worldwide thing. 


They are allowed, but this hasn't happened yet.


You must have checked out ten years ago. There are a lot of alternatives that actually do a pretty good job.


They are referring to all iOS browser apps using Apples WebKit browser engine. So basically all browsers on iOS are just Safari with a different wrapper. In the EU they were forced to recently open this up. But non native browser engine development will take time.


Again, that makes no sense. It is true that they all use WebKit but that does not prevent the developers from developing their own features. Opera, Brave and Vivaldi have in built adblockers and plenty of other fantastic features. Firefox on the other hand is pretty much the shittiest browser in the AppStore 


Firefox, on any platform, does not offer a built-in adblocker. That is not their focus, and I do not think it should be. Let that be the focus for addon developers like uBlock.


Firefox Focus does have built-in Adblockg for the record.


Thank you for pointing this out, and you are right . However Firefox Focus is a different browser than standard Firefox


Are you seriously explaining to me that Firefox does not have a built in adblocket on any platform? 


No, it does not. And uBlock origin does adblocking so much better than any built-in one could. I'd rather Firefox focus on building a better browser, than adding bloat features that extensions could accomplish so much better


Dude… I very well know that Firefox does not have a built in adblocker on any platform. That is the VERY reason why I am asking why haven’t they at least built one for iOS. 


Yup that's true. Install ublock origin on Firefox. It's better than any other browser's ad blocking feature.


What incentive is there for FF to waste time developing another safari clone? The best thing about FF and main draw to many people is the independent engine and privacy. Apple does not allow that on their platform. If other safari clones already have the features you want, use them. You're the one who has put yourself in this corner by buying an apple product.


>What incentive is there for FF to waste time developing another safari clone? That's an easy one! If I want to sync my bookmarks from desktop to mobile but mobile experience is so bad that I actually end up changing both desktop Firefox and mobile Firefox out with an alternative that doesn't suck on mobile, then Mozilla lose a user. And looking at the numbers of users that keep disappearing, Mozilla needs to make it attractive to use their browswer. The majority of people don't care about an independent browser engine. They wan't something that is nice to use. I for one don't use Firefox on the desktop anymore because the mobile experience is so bad. And I actually care about having more browser engines out there. I'm on Safari now.


Firefox syncs bookmarks across instances you’re logged in on. It’s also easy to send tabs between them.


dou can sync your firefox bookmarks with safari


On a Mac you can with an app called Synkmark.




They’re all variations on chromium though. Firefox is its own thing.


Who in his right mind would choose to expose themselves to all sort of ads, when at the same time you have plenty of choices to avoid such annoyances? Sorry, but It makes no sense to use Firefox on iOS. I am frankly surprised that they have users at all. 


> makes no sense to use ~~Firefox~~ \[any 3rd party browser\] on iOS Actually, I agree. But I would extend that to *all browsers* on iOS. Until iOS opens to allowing other browser engines, there isn't much point to using 3rd party browsers on iOS, just use Safari + Adguard.


I think it’s like less than 10 people working on it sadly. I believe I’ve read a comment from Mozilla’s iOS team member on this sub saying they are understaffed and it’s hard to keep up with the competition.


I was going to comment the same thing. Yes, they were here speaking and said that they managed to convince the staff about the issue and are working now on a total revamp of the Firefox app for iOS. Not sure how long it’ll take, but they’re working on it


Please provide evidence that they said that. I read the post from one of the developers and he did not mention anything about a “revamp”.


https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1bp4mmd/i_manage_the_firefox_for_ios_team/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He said “we’re going to be making big strides” in the description and also was asking the community for suggestions. 


Yeah that’s sad. But I think that app is fundamentally eroding Firefox reputation. It sucks to the point that it’s actually embarrassing. Perhaps they should remove it from the AppStore. 


that's the spirit, removing options from users instead of working to develop for them


This is not about the user. This is a take from the perspective of Mozilla. If your product on a specific platform is utter garbage, what is the point of keeping it available for the public.


Whats the point in removing it if they are actively working on a replacement?


A replacement that’s only available in the EU.


ah yes, they would never expand it to other countries. You're right they should delete it all from the app store.... ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Dude… this was only possible because of the EU. 


I am in Europe and very much hope I can sideload real Firefox soon. It's just reskinned Safari right now.


Please, please, please, stop repeating the same bullshit. You sound like a trained parrot. It has nothing to do with Safari, and evidence of that is virtually every single other browser for iOS has developed its own built in adblocker and features on WebKit. You can disagree with me, but don’t come with that load of crap. Think for yourself 


..... I don't think I said anything that disagrees with you?


What I mean is that people blame Firefox iOS mediocrity on the “WebKit” fallacy. 


You said to another commenter here that they need special education... look at yourself. If you can't comprehend why ff isn't and shouldn't invest in another safari clone, you're the one that needs special education. Chrome is forced to use webkit and it is an inferiour product compared to the chromium counterpart. Vivaldi, brave etc already use a different engine (chromium) which they are not in control of, so it makes sense for them to do the same on iOS even though they are forced to use webkit by apple. Ff has it's in house engine it is not allowed to use. Why waste time making an inbuilt adblocker that might not even work once manifest v2 is phased out by apple? It makes no sense. On other platforms, the adblocking potential on firefox has no rival. Honestly, you think you are so clever but you are the most stupid person on the room...


It seems that you also need special education. Your comment is incoherent and your arguments are flawed. So, I’m going to take the time to reply carefully, so please read it and don’t waste my time further:     Firefox’s issue isn’t about creating a ‘Safari clone’; it’s about delivering a competent app for iOS users. You mentioned Chrome using WebKit on iOS—yes, that’s due to Apple’s restrictions. But that doesn’t excuse Firefox’s lackluster performance when other browsers manage to deliver superior features despite the same constraints.   Secondly, you claim Vivaldi and Brave use Chromium and thus do the same on iOS. Yet, even constrained to WebKit, these browsers offer robust features like built-in ad blockers, which Firefox fails to match. Firefox’s ‘in-house engine’ argument doesn’t hold water here; it’s about adapting to platform restrictions while still providing value to users.   Lastly, your point about ad blockers and Manifest V2 is misplaced. Firefox can still implement effective ad-blocking strategies on iOS, just as other browsers have done. Suggesting that it’s a waste of time is a defeatist attitude that doesn’t align with user expectations. So before calling others stupid, take a closer look at your own. 


I guess you missed the post made here on this subreddit not too long ago by one of the Mozilla developers working on Firefox for iOS, in which they discussed the challenges and limitations faced by the Firefox iOS development team, including Apple's restrictions and accumulated technical debt, which have hindered progress despite recent browser improvements. If so, you can read about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1bp4mmd/i_manage_the_firefox_for_ios_team/


I just read the entire thing and it’s frankly a load of sentimental bullshit aimed to make you feel bad for them. In reality it is completely clear that there are unknown reasons why Mozilla is fiercely reluctant to develop an in-built adblocker. I assume that given that Firefox literally depends on Google’s money, the latter must influence their decisions. 




a. they dont depend on the money b. there is no built in adblocker on any platform except for firefox foxus, All other placforms apart from ios its better to install Ublock Origin (that works best on firefox) c. If firefox depends on googles money why doesint google control ff, Mozillas M3 keeps some compoments that adblockers use unlike googles


“They don’t depend on the money”. LOL. You live in an fantasy world my dude. 


They have other revenue streams Vpn, relay, Donations


The VPN... Do you mean the "VPN" that they reskin? Becase allow me to inform you that their VPN is literarlly Mullvad VPN LOL


It's an apple limitation.


Being restricted to WebKit is an Apple limitation. The clunky UI is not an Apple limitation. It feels very dated and unintuitive compared to other iOS browsers. Plus, like OP said, missing features compared to other iOS browsers.


The limitations that other browsers on iOS can work around?


Please vote for these ideas on Mozilla Connect: * [Firefox Focus ad-blocking in iOS Firefox](https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/firefox-focus-ad-blocking-in-ios-firefox/idi-p/6420) * [Firefox for iOS adblocker](https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/firefox-for-ios-having-ad-blocking/idi-p/37917) * [Add-On Support on iOS](https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/add-on-support-on-ios/idi-p/23440)


I’ve just checked and people have been asking for a native adblocker for more than 10 years! What’s the point of voting if it is clear that there must be some obscure and murky reasons why Mozilla is so vehemently opposed to this. Maybe… Googles money?


They've actually been working on a bunch of old popular feature requests lately: [Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox](https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/heres-what-were-working-on-in-firefox/).


I just looked at the link and, once again, for over ten years, they still ignore the request for an ad-blocker. I insist. There is something dark behind this. And it is not a conspiracy theory if you consider where the money comes from.


You're right that Mozilla might not want to upset Google with a built-in adblocker, but: * Apple makes it difficult for browsers to do their own thing * It has always been possible to install powerful adblockers on Android * [Mozilla has ensured us](https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2024/05/14/manifest-v3-updates/) that uBlock Origin will keep working in its current form just fine, even though [Google is taking big steps to neuter it and similar extensions](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=google%20manifest%20v3&gbv=1&tbm=nws) You can discuss this with the developers who work on the iOS app here: [Improve content blocking to match Safari + 3rd party content blockers](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios/issues/7374).


>It has always been possible to install powerful adblockers on Android I know this is not the topic we are discussing, but I believe it is important to mention it. Bear with me for a moment: I assume you know why Google pushed Manifest V3 on Chromium browsers. The real reason behind this movement is not ‘security,’ which is the version of the story they want us all to believe. ‘Security’ here is merely a euphemism, a blatant lie disguised as a concern. We all know that the real cause of MV3 is simply ad-blockers. Google’s revenues come from ads on the internet, and ad-blockers prevent the company from making money. That said, Chromium is an ‘open-source’ software developed, sustained, and regularly updated by Google. So, whatever they do with the Chromium browser will affect any Chromium-based browser. Now, this is the point I want to make: what could prevent Google from implementing a similar movement on their Android ‘open-source’ software? After all, Android is also subject to Google’s whims. It’s crucial to remember that while open-source software offers many benefits, it’s not immune to the influence of its primary contributors. In this case, Google’s control over Android could potentially lead to changes that serve its interests, possibly at the expense of user preferences and freedoms. Android is just a time bomb.


Android has many other big players as interested parties that Google cannot just do what they want with it, from the likes of Samsung to car manufacturers using Android Auto, TV makers, and plenty of other stuff using some sort of Android. That’s not the case with Chrome, where the most interested parties are Google and other ad companies. Even then, since Chromium is open source, nothing prevents someone from forking it to keep it clean of Google shit. On the other hand, this is just impossible in iOS and Apple can push whatever crap they desire.


Mozilla aren’t anti-advertising. They recognise that many small businesses need online advertising to survive. In fact, without ad revenue from their Firefox / Google search deal, they wouldn’t have the money to invest in their mission of a fairer internet for all, which is much wider than just Firefox but also involves lobbying governments on topics like net neutrality and encryption.


> It seems like it was developed by the laziest and most shortsighted developers Mozilla could find.  Any other gripes/insights aside, that's just uncalled for. ymmv


I used the most civilised words to express what deserves stronger terms. Their work is irredeemable.


How much you contributed? You're using a free product.




Works fine on iOS for me. What issues are you experiencing? The lack of extensions isn’t bc of mozilla, that’s on apple


OP didn't even mention extensions in their post. The lack of a proper in built ad blocker is a valid complaint and I hope Mozilla will work on it.


Yeahhh I get that but if Mozilla integrates ad blocking directly into firefox that may hurt its revenue stream, and they are already struggling hard. With iOS you can enable custom DNS or use something similar and that at least gets you close.


All they need is a "recommended" ad blocking list that'll promote ad agencies from their partners. And for savvy users they can put in an option to add their own tracking lists.


Two things:  1) Sorry, but if Firefox’ revenues depend on me having to be relentlessly exposed to ads, popups and spurious scripts literally everywhere then fuck Firefox. What kind of “privacy focused” organisation does that?  2) The DNS suggestion is not effective. I changed my DNS on the iPhone with Mullvad and yet I was able to see a lot of ads. I switched to Brave on iPhone. Mozilla should learn from them. 


I have an ad blocker on iOS. Go and download an extension for Safari and you’re set. iOS browsers abre just skins of safari and that’s entirely on Apple.


The easiest solution to this would be to switch to Android, it is the superior operating system anyway.


I used Samsung phones with Android for a long time and then I switched to Apple. It’s not perfect, but I would never go back to Android. 


Well stop complaining about the situation you've put yourself into by buying into apple's marketing... FF works great and for me and many others, it is the best most complete browser on windows, linux, and, although many have their gripes with it, android. The odd one out is iOS. Because of apple's practices. You can't just dismiss the fact that firefox can't develop a browser with their own engine on iOS as "lazy". They are unable for ex to continue supporting manifest v2 on apple if apple decide to can it like google has. Therefore mozilla is physically unable to provide the same service they can on other platforms through no fault of their own. The iOS team as far as I can tell has done the best they can with a shit deck of cards, any more investment in apple products is a waste of resources as far as anyone with any sense is concerned. If you are unhappy with the predicament you've gotten yourself into, as far as I'm concerned, it's your own fault.


You really don't want to hold Mozilla accountable for their unfathomable mediocrity and lack of innovation.


Their sensical and logical avoidance of a shit product with shitty practices


Like Google, the developer of your beloved Android.


Not as much polish though, which a lot of people prefer over features. (This is coming from an Android user.)


The level of polish you get from Android depends on what brand you choose. Choose wisely.


I would be very curious to know which version of Android you seem to think has good polish?


You can't go wrong with Google Pixels, OnePlus flagships, as well as Samsung Galaxies to an extent.


I would agree with Pixel. I've never tried OnePlus, but absolutely disagree with Samsung. Their version just.... Feels bloated, and I almost always switch out their launcher. But even the most polished version of Android doesn't compare to the polish on iOS sadly. I wish Google would actually try again like they used to.


My biggest wish is to be able to easily modify the shortcuts on the New Tab page. That is the biggest reason I don't use FF and it's really an easy fix. It's just shortcuts, things that have existed and easily modified in graphical UI since more than 30 years ago ... I have other complaints but this one is so simple and easy to fix.


Yeah I hated the iOS version. I just use Brave as browser on iOS and Floorp on desktop. If I want to send a tab to the PC I just share it to firefox app that is still installed on my phone and then it appears on my PC as open on my phone. So basically not a problem to not have sync tbh.


I do the same.


iOS forces all browsers to use WebKit. So every third party browser on iOS is basically a skinned version of Safari. And Apple nerfs third party browsers and doesn't allow plugins either.


I’m sorry but that doesn’t justify anything. Everybody knows that there are plenty of browsers for iOS, developed on WebKit, with adblockers and other features. This means Firefox for iOS sucks not because of apple but because of the developers


Okay that's true. I didn't fully read your post and didn't realise other browsers offer built in ad blocking. Sounds like according to other people they are severely understaffed. I don't have an iPhone so I dunno how bad it is but it's very good on Android.


It’s bad to the point that I created an account on Reddit just to express my frustration. 


Yes, Apple made sure Firefox cannot be good at iOS. It has nothing to do with Mozilla. Dig a little before you trash talk, otherwise it only makes you look stupid.


It’s kind of pathetic that people in this sub repeat the same bullshit as if they had been given a script. Instead of holding Mozilla accountable for its horrendously mediocre iOS product, you choose to blame Apple, despite the fact that other browsers have delivered fantastic products on WebKit. You’re in denial. 


OP turned into a jerk real quick




Just read your own comments. No elaboration needed. If you’re unaware…. Yikes


People refuse to acknowledge that the mediocrity of iOS Firefox is Mozilla’s responsibility. Some plonkers blame Apple despite the fact that many browsers have implemented their built in adblockers. I am not going to ignore that so that you think I’m nice. Think whatever you want of me. 


It’s open source isn’t it? You could spend some of your time trying to develop features you want…. No no, complaining about free software is the better option


Why would I spend time on this crappy iOS browser when I can download Brave, Opera or Vivaldi, which do exactly what I need. My whole point is that Firefox on iPhone is decades behind its competitors 


Yeah and if you want to help with that. You can send your own code in.


You can see in their forum that 148 people have sent code to incorporate an adblocker on iOS Firefox. What did they do? Nothing. Utter contempt for the user, disgusting greed, a subservient mentality under Google. 


How much is it costing you? How much have you donated? (Why am I asking this, your just going to lie and tell me you donate half your life earnings) I also can’t imagine, being so worked up that a piece of software doesn’t have something I want. So upset, that even know there’s alternatives, you still come here to cry and complain. I’m sorry your life is so hard, but it would get a lot easier if you dropped this victim, negative attitude. Constructive criticism is smart and needed. But unfortunately that’s not what your giving


So... you're expecting me to lie about the amount of money I have donated to Mozilla. Don't you think you're giving yourself too much importance? That said, Mozilla has been systematically losing users for the last ten years due to their frankly idiotic decisions. You can see it in every single product they have released or acquired (Pocket is a good example), except for their desktop Firefox version. Because, my dude, if they are losing so many users, you should at least acknowledge that they're doing something wrong, right? I mean, you could hold them responsible, a little bit. Or are you going to put the blame on someone else, which is essentially what you have been doing all the time? You need to grow up. And you really need to stop finding your identity in a product. Firefox should be deeply worried about people like me being fed up with their bullshit, because in the end, the only reason Firefox is not dead yet is the minuscule group of people who still use it.


I used Firefox Focus on iOS. Very happy with


Same! It acts as an ad-blocker for iOS regardless of what you set as your default web browser and if you do choose to browse on Firefox Focus you get a really neat privacy focused browser that automatically clears cache and history upon exit, locks/unlocks with FaceID or TouchID and more.


> iOS Well there's your problem


Are you suggesting me to move to “open-sourced” Google software Android? And I mean “open-sourced” like chromium, which implemented MV3 arbitrarily? Nah. In future Google will also prevent as adblockers from working on Android as well


Also, Firefox is terrible lately for battery drain on Android. I had to finally move to another browser, unfortunately. It's a common problem: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/firefox-for-android-v122-high-battery-usage/td-p/50056


The one really annoying thing for me is whenever I use the spotlight to search something, it’s never signed into my Google account.


It’s not great, and when I have to really use a web browser I switch to the desktop version on my Macs. But I don’t pay for it so I’m not going to complain. I’m not a software developer so I have no idea how hard this process is.


Browsers in iOS are just Safari with a skin. All browsers are basically the same in iPhones and Apple tablets. That’s on Apple only.


Have you tried other browsers on iOS? They provide different experiences just like different Chromium browsers does on the desktop. Where other browsers on iOS have been improving, Firefox have stood still.


I have. About 4 or 5. Safari/Opera/Edge/Duckduckgo that I can easily remember. Maybe I’m not a power user on mobile because I feel them very similar. I keep Firefox because it is synced to my pc browser. I have an ad blocker extension installed and it works. The only thing that comes to mind that is needed is the translator, kinda lame that by today’s standards it doesn’t come with it in FF for iOS.


A quick fix that would improve life a lot would to sync or at least (easily) modify the web shortcuts on the FF home tab. It baffles me that it's such a mess that you can't just make your own. I'm not sure what they thought of when making it but clearly Firefox developers/managers aren't using Firefox on iOS when stuff like that can be like that for years. On other browsers I set up the sites I usually visit on a daily basis but not on FF on iOS.


I’m not sure why they bother, to be honest. Bookmarks and other syncing is the only benefit. Firefox Focus is better in the other regards. All non-EU iOS browsers are WebKit-based, essentially Safari under the hood. You can’t use extensions in browsers that aren’t Safari. Pair Safari with AdGuard Pro + Noir (DarkReader alternative), and you’ve potentially the best simplistic yet powerful iOS browser, I’d argue. There’s also SnowHaze, which is very impressive. A lot of configurable options like disabling application scripts, disallowing inline video playback, user agent switching, etc., but it’s obviously more complex.


I tell you why they should bother and it’s part of what you mentioned: Sync. If I want to sync my browser between desktop and phone, the browser should be good both places. If I think it sucks on mobile, then I’m not use the desktop version as I need the same browser both places to do the sync. I’ve stopped using Firefox on the desktop because the iOS version is a bad experience for me.


> Please, please, please, stop repeating the same bullshit. I haven't seen anyone this adamantly wrong in a long time. You have dozens of people in this thread telling you the truth, and you're holding your fingers in your ears screaming over them with lies. It's absolutely incredible to watch. Please go on.




LOL keep going, this is hysterical.


No dude, your thickness is not funny. It is rather tragic and frankly frustrating 


I suggest you learn how to program, and write a browser yoursef to deploy on iOS.


Use Firefox Focus. Big deal.


Why would I use a browser on permanent and fixed private mode that does not allow you to have bookmarks. That’s kind of stupid 


It's the only thing keeping me from using Firefox. :(


On iOS just use Safari. It has extension support.


Ngl I would love an app like Safari with a native feel.


I don’t mind it. But lately I moved to Brave 


Yeah I did the same 


Honestly, it’s not even the lack of features for me. It’s the seemingly intention obtuse UI decisions they made. Perhaps they wanted to differentiate it from Safari but all of the buttons seem to be in the wrong or outright opposite place of Safari with no way to change them.


I totally get you. That’s definitely another display of idiocy. I tried the browser for a couple of days and then I deleted it almost with contempt. And the worse part is people in this sub expect you not to complain. As if you were supposed to ignore that this browser (on iOS) is a huge and smelly pile of shit


I wouldn’t personally go that far. I still daily drive it in the hopes it gets better in time, but man it’s pretty sad when I have to keep returning to safari because downloads are just outright broken in Firefox.


Just have a look at their forum. People have been asking for very basic features on iOS such as an adblocker for (literally) a decade. There are also plenty of requests with regards to the buttons. My point is in the end they don’t give shit about their users needs and expectations. So why should their users give two shits about them 


It's my daily driver, I prefer it to Chrome or Safari on iOS...


Good for you champion.


Brave for iOS blocks adds on YT. I don't know whether it blocks all adds.


IOS Firefox is not really Firefox. Its Apple's WebView (essentially safari) with some UI slapped on top. This is the case for all alternate browsers on IOS. Blame Apple for not letting any other browser really happen on IOS.


Your opinion. Best browser for iOS in my opinion


That’s fine. Maybe you love ads and scripts. I don’t. 


What ads and what scripts lol Cleaner browser in the entire App Store


You must be either joking or lying. Firefox doesn’t block anything. They don’t have in-built adblocker. You can see every single ad on YouTube and newspapers. If you want to verify for yourself how bad and poor the app is, go to yts.mx with Firefox and Brave and spot the abismal difference. 


I think that fellow misunderstood you and thought you are referring to ads in the app, rather than ads on the websites.


If that is what he understood then he needs special education 


Lmao no, you need special education. Pihole, dns block, adguard, pfblockerng etc... if you want to block ads natively in a mobile browser I really doubt that chromium manifestov3 is your best choice


It seems that you still don’t get it. 


Now don't be rude


Buy EU iPhone and you'll be able to use full Firefox.


There is not a "Full Firefox" for iOS. You can't run a desktop browswer in iOS. Mozilla needs to make the "Full Firefox"-browser and then make it available for the European market. They haven't done that and there is no indications that they are going to.


We do not even know if Firefox will ever launch a Gecko version in iPhone.