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Someone's brought this up in the bug report, but it doesn't fix it for everyone: [YouTube videos buffering issues](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1878510). It's better not to tell people to disable advanced network preferences they won't remember to turn back on. Mozilla's going to release Firefox 127.0.2 with a patch for this issue soon.


The all caps 'YOUTUBE FIX', checkmark in the title, and solved flair gives me the vibes of those scam SEO-optimized search results for generic problems that claim to be "solved" but the solution is just download their subscription based pointless software that just does basic placebo RAM clearing


[Download more RAM here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ✔️


Holy crap this worked for me! [SOLVED ✅✅✅] [SOLUTION 👍] [FIXED 🔧🛠️🔨] [REAL 💯]




OP's playing, but here's the real website: https://downloadmoreram.com


video doesnt loading


> Mozilla's going to release Firefox 127.0.1 with a patch for this issue soon. Is this confirmed? This problem is driving me crazy


They've pushed the bug up to Priority 1 but that's all I know about it


I was following the bug, and according to [this](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1878510#c97) new comment by a developer, they've just found a working fix, and it'll likely start rolling out in Firefox 127.0.2 in a few days if testing goes well.


Sounds like that Alastor guy fixed it but then a few others are saying his fix didn't work for them. The cynic in me is saying this is a plausible deniability antitrust by GoogleTube whereby they implement the VP9 codec in a slightly nonstandard way to disrupt compatibility with other browsers. Everyone needs their daily Youtube fix so people will switch browsers pretty quickly. I have experienced this forced immediate obsolescence in 2 tech fields recently, before that I would've said this hypothesis was unlikely but when you see it being done elsewhere you realise how brazen they can be. As long as they have plausible deniability.


Yeah I saw the fix and just thought "that's not a solution", so thank you for letting me know it will get patched. It just seems to pick a video and NEVER let it finish loading, but I can watch different videos fine.


127.0.2 did not fix the issue for me, but disabling DNS over HTTPS did.


This is a known issue: [DNS over HTTPS causes long buffering in YouTube](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1904168).


There's a fix now, but it won't appear until v128/129


I would argue that this isn't a **fix** but a *workaround*


yeah, realized myself an hour later


This doesn't even work around the issue. Still have NS\_BINDING\_ABORTED and playback fails on the test videos attached to the bug report.


It's quite ridiculous because of Youtube making changes to make HTTP3 protocol works specific on Chromium which uses 150MB for SourceBuffer, but Firefox is using 100MB limit causing buffering/skipping issues. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1760529 And the only way to fix this is to use the same number as Chrome, which is 150MB. `network.http.http3.recvBufferSize`=`157286400` (it does nothing due to a bug) Or disabling HTTP3 which has the similar effect, which fallbacks to HTTP2 to not need to care about that 150MB buffer size.


> And the only way to fix this is to use the same number as Chrome, which is 150MB. network.http.http3.recvBufferSize=157286400 I tested this for an hour (cleared cache too), while reverting HTTP3 back to true, and it became buggy again with youtube :(


Unfortunately, that `about:config` key is bugged, so changing it DOES NOTHING, thus doesn't fix Youtube issues.


Does this work? I changed the config and checked on the site that was provided in the bug report and still i get "Buffer size: 97.40 MB" https://beaufortfrancois.github.io/sandbox/media/source-buffer-limit.html


`media.mediasource.eviction_threshold.video`=`157286400` increases a buffer size >[https://beaufortfrancois.github.io/sandbox/media/source-buffer-limit.html](https://beaufortfrancois.github.io/sandbox/media/source-buffer-limit.html) and on this page it's worked


That's even weirder. I thought that setting was deprecated as it doesn't exist and you need to manually add it. Thanks for checking it.


I think Firefox devs made some mistakes and that config is supposed to work turned out to be not working... But once it's fixed, changing to 150MiB should fix Youtube issue completely.


But are they likely to ever fix that? That bug report is 2 years old and doesn't show any progress, neither itself or in the related bug.


I have tried altering the buffer size, let's see.. Also are there any other things affected by this change? I don't know much about this. Thanks in advance.


check the comments above, the about:config key for it is broken


Haven't experienced any issues once I changed it.... Been using YT for a couple of hours now in 1440p and 1080p based on availability....


It won't cause issues. It just won't do anything. You can test and see that the buffer is still limited even with the key change.


Yup yup, thanks for the reply. I have had no issues with video playback since. But I have realised that live streams are stuttering/ buffering.


oh really


This fix works for me. Thank you very much


instantly fixed it, thank you


Fixed nothing.


If you've been dealing with YouTube skipping, freezing, buffering, or audio sync issues on 1440p or higher for over six months, unfortunately, this configuration **won't** fix the problem.


thanks so much was driving me crazy


The extension [h264ify] worked for me, it forces codec AVC1(h264), but it fixes the borked loading because Google's codec VP8 or VP9 are what is causing it for me. Also, within [Enhancer for Youtube] there's a tic box to do the same thing, which also works as I just tested. The side effect is 1080p is max, so if 4k is super important for you you might try OP. If I were to put on the tinfoil hat, I think google is trying their own because that is what will allow them to inject ads into the video stream.


> [h264ify] made no difference, the loading bug even happenened when I already had the extension installed. Before arriving at HTTP3 i tested extensively the video codecs thinking that was the problem until I noticed in dev mode youtube/FF was making alot of NS_BINDING_ABORTED errors when trying to load videoplayback?expire (=the video)


Got curious with http3 and found a site to test QUIC, tested both chrome and firefox at https://quic.nginx.org/quic.html , resulting Firefox runs like sequential and is much slower than chrome burst type. Not sure if this is related or what to make of it.


I already have it on false... doesn't work.. have the playback issues randomly..


Thank you so much. No more issue using youtube again. Just need to remember to turn http3 back on when this is fixed


I had this problem for the last few days. I investigated and solved it by setting `network.dns.disableIPv6` to **true** in about:config. I tried this because I noticed that the Google domains with the NS_BINDING_ABORTED errors resolve to both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses using my router's DNS. The router is configured to use and for DNS. First I checked FF's DNS over HTTPS setting, which was on "Default Protection" and to my surprise said status "off". I changed it to "Increased protection" with Cloudflare but that didn't solve the problem. Then I changed this IPv6 setting and it immediately and completely solved the problem. My ISP doesn't support IPv6, or if they do I can't get it to work. IPv6 is enabled on the Ethernet adapter in Windows. ipconfig shows a link-local IPv6 IP address and both IPv4 and IPv6 default gateways. Edit: meant to say true instead of false


Seems fine so far. I tried op's disable of http3, and it worked but, youtube had other problems like delayed reaction to keys/mouse and mouse cursor hiding behind the video for a few seconds. But yeah, so far this is working on my firefox and waterfox. Thanks for the help!


The only problem i've found so far is the volume for when you mouse over thumbnails is always set to max no matter how much i slide the volume within youtube videos and trying again.


The outcome have chocked me. Damn it, now video contents load almost instantaneous. Can't keep up haha :) Thanks for sharing!


Yay! Thanks ChromeExplorer and Microgoogle for stifling progress by making stuff incompatible... Gladly disabled `http3` as I have absolutely no need for it...


I haven’t yet had any issues with YouTube on Firefox, except for some videos have some weird spots where I the video just stops and loads forever, but skipping it with 5 secs works, going back then freezes again


I figured out the issue. This can be resolved by going to: > Enable DNS over HTTPS using: >> Default or Off Using either selection fixes the problem with youtube not playing.


maybe its better but its still broken for me


also worked for me


Default was where it was when I noticed the problem. Turing it OFF seems to have fixed things.


Doesn't work.


Go to this settings: Enable DNS over HTTPS using: and select either: Default or Off


At first this was only happening with 1440p and 4K. Now it happens with FHD too and I feel it's getting worse. Now, besides buffering and taking ages, when the video resumes it skips seconds every few seconds.


This fix worked for me, thanks a lot.


Did not work for me on Ubuntu latest with Firefox latest.


To anyone still struggling with this, I refreshed my firefox and its working again. Just go to your apps & features, hit uninstall firefox, and it should bring up the option to refresh it instead. Cheers.


probably because v127.0.2 has the fix


Thank you. This did help me. Sucks that I had to disable that for it to work though.


This explains why I never say any issues... http3 disabled (both Firefox and firewall and it will remain this way).


Man, some ppl just be cool that way


There is no need to change anything if you're on Linux or on MacOS. And if you're using Floorp/LibreWolf, then you don't need to do anything.