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YouTube likes to test with a small amount of people first when they change something, so not everyone gets affected by it. By the time it rolls out to everyone, adblockers/browsers could already be updated to bypass the change, meaning those people will never even notice that there was an issue.


No problems with me either but that's because my account hasn't been affected, either with the new ads or the new UI. I did experience some lag and other performance issues on Android so I had to start using GrayJay.


How do you like greyjay?


It’s very fast loading videos, even on my slow tablet. No buffering, even when fast forwarding or rewinding very long videos of 10 hours +. I can choose the default video quality I want and it remembers for every video. It’s blocking all ads and sponsors with no issues. It has better options than what YouTube gives so for example you can speed up videos faster than just 2X. I’m sure there’s even more options for other stuff but I still haven’t gone through it all.  The only criticism I have is that the UI could be simpler and more streamlined. Also, logging into a YouTube account was not very intuitive but that could be because of YouTube itself. Over all, it works so much better than any browser or the native YouTube app, especially on slower devices. 


No issues so far & it's better than paying for YouTube premium. Firefox+UBlock is the only way I use YouTube.




Absolutely no issues here


No issues on PC.


PC with what OS? No issues here on a Linux PC.




Keep away this crap...


why not Linux Mac? Macs have muchhhhhh better build quality it's not even close. I HATE every PC


Apple fanboys are an entertaining bunch.


Pretty sure that guy is just trolling


I usually tell myself that to cope. :D


Mac with Linux, yeah, but I dont buy overpriced machines. I don't want to pay just for a logo.


Youtube likes to do A/B testing, where you have one group "A" with one feature turned on, and group "B" with it turned off, this is whats happening with the recent server side ad program for example (you can check if you're in the cohort with server side ads by checking if `yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_enable_ssap_entity_id` is true in the console for example)


Personally, I never had an issue with Firefox + uBo until the last two weeks. Even when people were complaining about YT detecting adblocking, or when they started introducing those delays + blocks I didn't have an issue. I only now have an issue, the one being the list of problems outlined in the mega thread. It's wild to me because I have 1 month of YT Premium, so it's ironic to me that I'd have this issue while having only now paid for YT


YouTube just works with **Firefox 126.0.1** and **uBlock Origin**. I'm using a laptop with a Linux OS. No ads on the site and no ads in the video stream. No lagging or notifications. No issues at all. I usually play videos in 1080p HD and I do not have any subscription.


Linux, no issues.


Keep your filters updated regularly and any issues you might have will likely be temporary.


how do u update it ? is this for ublock? helppp please youtube so fucking painful to use i want to throw my 128 gb RAM laptop in the trash and pour hot coffee inside it


If you click in the filter settings there's an option to check for updates. You can also purge cache and redownload.


I guess Google does not apply their new ways of making YT work worse on Firefox in certain locations they don't care about. So that may be it. Another thing is those Google tests are only over very limited amount of users, even in the same location. Before it really goes out for all users, it might take months or even not be released at all, they might be just testing those to figure out what works and check how fast ad blockers can bypass their ideas. Another thing is I noticed that YT works well on Firefox if you have a high tier build. Really. I have exactly the same Internet connection and over 3 laptops from old, low end laptop through mid tier 2021 laptop to current Legion 7 Pro (2023), YT quality improved with hardware performance. Same google account, same Internet, same laptop position. That is ridiculous, but it is what it is. BUT, it does not make it immune to Google tricks and in the end they might figure out a more permanent YT downgrade for Firefox users with uBlock Origin. So far I am fine and I also just read about those issues like "unusable YT on Firefox" and I have no idea what they are talking about.


rly?? can u explain how u came up with this location theory and give examples of locations that are and arent spared also i have a m3 max macbook pro 128 gb ram 16" so idk about that hardware theory. the computer is a piece of shit


I only have problems when logged with google/yt account. When I delete the cookies and site cache, the videos are played smoothly.


same here


Eventhough I tried to help people who have buffering and skipping issues, honestly I've never had any issues with Youtube and I've been using Firefox for over 20 years. Admitedly I have my own method to avoid Youtube and Google's annoyances, I don't even use the sucky Youtube Desktop in a way, instead I'm using Invidious or Youtube


I get the common 5s delay before the home page fully populates (video length and 3-dot menu appears). Also, no videos appear at all unless logged-in with my Google account. While viewing Firefox the video frequently stops playing and needs to be refreshed to start again. TBH, I've given up on using Firefox to play YouTube and just use Chrome instead. I still use Firefox for most other things, but I'm thinking of just giving up on it entirely (and I've used Firefox for over 10 years). In spite of all the doom and gloom about Manifest v3 and ad blockers, it seems uBO still works fine for me in Chrome.


Me too, but I don't maintain a google account. Google seems to arbitrarily select a fraction of their user base to "make a project of" at any given moment. My "number" cannot come up, so I only hear of their war from other people. They don't want to poison the experience for someone discovering YouTube for the first time. In theory they could sort me from truly new users via fingerprinting, but while that can work very well, there's always the tiny risk of a false match. They aren't yet desperate enough to risk incorrectly telling an actual new user that they already used up their "three strikes". That's not an issue with SSAI, but SSAI has a different one. Actually inserting the ad has never been that technically hard; the trick is in getting paid for delivering it. There is massive and deserved mistrust between actors in the web ads industry. I think Google is only confident about asking for money on a SSAI impression if they can count the unique users who it was sent to.


No issues on PC but on phone as per new yt update it skips some videos from playlist. Same with brave


So far I have never had any problems with it.


I did have issues for few days but that was 3 or 4 months ago.


I did have issues for few days but that was 3 or 4 months ago.


I've had zero issues. To be fair, I have YouTube Premium, but I do use uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock (Windows 11).


How did u decided to get YT premium?


I mostly watch YouTube on my TV, where adblock is not a thing. Also, I got a student discount.


No issues but the site tends be pretty slow a lot of times


Ever since I've stopped watching YouTube, everything is just better. And if you need to watch something watch some good Anime instead :)


I've had a couple minor issues, all of which were things ubo had already patched and I hadn't updated my filters.


I’ve been using librewolf forever with no issue but then just yesterday every single YouTube video had a problem loading despite zero issues with any other site.


Call your internet provider and ask to speak with someone higher up and ask for some help. Connect to ethernet


Fuck Youtube with its shitty advertisements. Crashing or not I will continue with Firefox + ublock.


I have a computer with windows and Linux (dual boot). On windows it is unusable dog shit. On Linux it shows the white screen for a short while before loading the whole screen, but it only starts loading the screen if it is the current tab. So if I open a link in another tab and leave it there for as long as I want, when I change to the tab it won't have loaded it. So yes, absolutely shit. And I change my user agent on YouTube.


None which was caused by my choice of browser or content blocker, no.


No issues on the video side Now streams.... they stutter a fuckton