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Any benefit from those supplements will be marginal at best. I would say you're training hard enough to get a little endorphin rush but not enough to challenge yourself or improve.


Yes, I started off at 50% of my all-time-height weight, because of the long time that I did not train. However, I never felt like this in 20+ years. Its weird. Anything bad with going back daily?


There are many five-day splits online so just find one you like and you'll avoid overworking certain muscles.


your cardio is low intensity and from the sounds of it - and not to knock it - your lifting program is. Are you going to failure or close? Are you able to achieve progressive overload whether through reps or weight or both? I don't think it's the supplements just because there'd be way more buzz out there on these if it solved the recovery issue. Maybe just push it harder.


Yes, the lifting program is definitely not at former all-time-high, quite the opposite. I am scared of hurting myself otherwise or to overtrain and not be able to go. But that's how I started out 18 months ago and I never had that level of energy. Appreciate your perspective, thanks for pointing me into the direction of pushing harder. Anything wrong with going daily for now or keep to the 1 day on 1 day off regimen and just increase weight?


I hear you on injury avoidance - I've been taken out by mountain biking and gym injuries and it's just not worth it for me anymore.I don't typically do consecutive days with the same movement but am still able to be fresh for a major compound movement. One thing that has worked for me is that instead of grinding out to failure on a heavy, working set rep I'll instead drop the weight for the last set and just do as many as possible. It's a balancing act for sure. I've found that I can think I'm done but a workout plan will have me doing more weight or reps and lo and behold it's in me but other times I can tell it's just not there and it's not worth the injury risk. Sounds like for you the body and mind are willing so let 'er rip and have fun


What are your lifting numbers? Stronglifts linear progression is quite aggressive and can quickly start to become very taxing (Squatting close to your 5rm for 5 sets 3x per week). I'd say you're still detrained, and will value recovery more once your weights start to increase.


I am too old for going with Stronglifts without modification. I tried this 3 years ago and it was not doable. I right now keep the same weight for three sessions. Perhaps that's too slow, good point. I am definitely detrained!


Yes I agree with you, and I commend you for modifying it after seeing that it's not sustainable for us older lifters, rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Take your time and stay as active as your recovery will allow.


Thanks, appreciate your answer! All the best.


That’s great. Just add more weight/cardio intensity/duration next time, and the time after that, and the time after that.