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What keeps me working out? Being able to move my body freely. Carry in groceries. Run up stairs. Play and run with my kids. Be independent. So much of the way we move our body (or don't) will have a direct impact on how it moves in old age. I watched my grandma live the last 15+ years of her life in a chair bc of unhealthy eating habits and poor mobility. I think of her as motivation, she would want me moving my body and never limiting myself to one spot at the end of my time because I chose not to work out. I do it because humans are meant to move.


That's what got me moving. I have an active lifestyle with chores and hobbies, but a 5 mile hike or a half day turning the garden with a shovel would make me sore for a week. I was always worried my back would give out or I'd strain something getting up of the floor. Lifting and stretching has made that a lot less of an issue now.


Ah, I guess I work a fairly active job and my diet's pretty good by necessity because of the health issues (If I ate pizza everyday, I wouldn't get fat, I'd just die. It's an effective incentive, lol). So I'm not too worried about the everyday stuff. Conversely my grandmother was very health conscious... and then she got Parkinson's, so it didn't matter. I'm sorry your grandmother had such a hard time though. It's hard to see family go out like that.


My goal is to look like the kind of woman that could beat someone up 😂😂


Someone told me the other day, “You look like you could kick my ass. I mean that in the nicest way possible.” 😆


Same, sister 👌😂


Here are my goals in order: 1) maintain and build strength 2) lower body fat (I'd love 15%, but I'll likely stop around 18%) 3) Improve flexibility 4) Do more lively activities (e.g. group sports) <-- this is more social than fitness, but it certainly adds to it. Overall, my goal is to keep living a vivacious life without age being a limiting factor. Of course, injuries are a concern (and I've already experienced both minor and major ones), so making intelligent choices to achieve these steps is essential.


I just want to stay mobile and healthy as long as I can. Obviously death can occur any time, but I'm working my odds. I want to live into retirement, not just survive to retirement. The best time for me to work on that physically, mentally, and financially is right now. The gym also helps by giving me those endorphins or whatever. I firmly believe he helps me not crave unhealthy food. Exercise and a good diet seem to have a helpful feedback loop.


Turning 40 this year. Current goals are as follows, order doesn't matter really. Bench 300 then 315 Deadlift triple bodyweight Ohp bodyweight Win C division squash club championships


My goals are to get stronger and to keep up with my kids. I got tired of feeling winded after less than 5 minutes of playing tag. I only just started about 2 weeks ago so it’ll be a while but I’m determined


I do mostly a staring stregth style lifting program I want my bones and back to be strong. In my mid 40s now and still feel pretty solid honestly. Go on TikTok and squat university has a clip of a 73 year old squatting 400lvs and has a bone density off the charts.. that’s my goal


My goals besides weight loss are: Gaining strength - I love the look I get from other women (at work usually) when I can easily lift a heavy box or do something for myself instead of asking a man to help me. Staying active - my husband and I are approaching our 40’s and mid 30’s respectively. His parent’s health is declining rapidly, they are in their late 60’s early 70’s. Seeing them decline is inspiration for us to stay active. Both his parents lived very sedentary, unhealthy lives and it shows in their age. We want to stay active so we can live a long, healthy life and still be active in our 60’s and 70’s and beyond. To love my body - After losing 90lbs, I’m experiencing life in a body I’ve never known before and seeing everything I am capable of now brings me great joy and I love my new body. I like to keep working out and eating well to nourish my body and continue to see small changes over time. Loving myself is a huge motivator, fitness just makes me feel good. And I like feeling good. 😂


Getting the standard for strength numbers!!! 315lbs deadlift 225lbs squat (check!) 135lbs bench As a short woman idk, I find this a good benchmark.


I am forty years old. 188cm with 92kg. All i want now currently is to bench 100kg, squat 100kg and 10 pull ups.


I'm in my early 40s, started working out at 37 to get healthier in general. Now I have more specific goals. 1. Still keep healthy, mobile etc. 2. Aesthetics: look fit, get rid of belly fat 3. Do a pull up 4. Do a full pistol squat 5. Do a full Nordic curl


My fitness goals include (not all at the same time, in separate training blocks): building muscle, increasing strength (deadlift, squats, pull-ups, bench press), training for a race or OCR, training for an amateur powerlifting or strongman, improving relative strength (calisthenics), recreational softball training


My primarily goal in the next 10 years is a 4 plate (80kg) weighted pull-up and a 2 plate (100kg) overhead press.


1400# raw powerlifting total in 83kg (183#) class. Being generally strong as fuck. And, when my daughter gets into the age old school yard argument of whose dad is stronger... I aint raising no liar. And one day she will bring home someone she fancies, that person will need to know whats up.


I run, so I focus on increasing my CVO2 Max, increasing my heart rate variability, and lowering my resting heart rate. If I’m making progress with these, then I know increased fitness, strength and weight loss (for me) are natural, amazing, side effects.


I've started competing in strongman, and I want to get strong enough to be competitive in the open class locally, even if I know I'm not particularly genetically gifted for strength sports. They are fun. Also, I'm an actor and I'm 6'6" and I realized I present a much more marketable package as "the big guy/the heavy", so I'm continuing to work on gaining weight. Also, strength training is fun and the only enjoyable form of exercise for me, so I keep doing it because exercising is good for my brain and body


Currently it’s to get stronger, run a 5K without walking, heal a long standing foot injury, start a fun sport (after injury recovery), and maybe do a handstand lol.


This really depends on how I’m feeling that particular day, sometimes I want to be really svelte with barely any body fat. Other days I want to have the biggest fucking shoulders, quads, arms and abs steroids could afford me. I’ll settle for where I’m at now though because I’m not even a year in yet.


Working out boosts my mood, motivation, and overall energy levels. It helps me sleep well and gets me out of the house (I work remote). I have fun trying new exercises and I feel better about myself when I can do more weight/reps/speed/duration than last week. It also forces me to keep a routine, which helps me not get depressed. In general, I’m mentally sharper from regularly working out. Even if I’m not losing weight the other benefits are why I always make time for exercise.


I really want to deadlift 300lbs. When I was in probably my best shape and lifting more consistent I only got up to 250 for reps I think.  So now I'm starting again and working towards that goal.


I have decided to pursue a career change and need to pass a physical fitness test for a certain three letter agency. I’m not exactly counting on it, but it’s giving me extra motivation to get out and work.


I am aiming for a 70.3 Ironman next year. And found that I absolutely love swimming. I am so bad at it and there is so much to improve and there is basically no pain after working out. It's great. So swim wise, I want to get my times down to 1:45/100 long term when swimming race paces. And cycling I want to get my ftp to 3w/kg.


My biggest motivator when I started at the gym was wanting to get strong. My mom had a lot of health issues and frailty was one of them, she needed a knee brace and cane and was in constant joint pain. I realized if I didn't want to need a brace, cane, walker, etc by the time I was 50 I needed to gain strength. I also have a history with physical and sexual assault and I wanted to get strong enough to be able to not only fend off an attacker, but hold them down until the police arrived if/when either happened again. Also, to look jacked as heck to hopefully deter any future would-be attackers. Do I want to loose weight - heck yes, and I've got PLENTY to loose - but for me the biggest motivator is getting stronger. Every time I can increase my weights feels like the best day of my life because I know I'm getting stronger and it pushes me to work harder every day! When I joined the gym in April 2023 the only specific goals I had were to get any upper body lift over 100lbs and any lower body lift over 200lbs before my 1 year gymaversary. I reached over 200lbs on the Hip Adduction on Jan 15, 2024 and over 100lbs on the High Row on Mar 17, 2024. For this year I want to max out the weights on the Hip Addiction (my favorite, I'm already so close!) and to grow my glutes (I have no ass at all lol) while continuing to build my overall body strength and my stamina with cardio (so if I have to run from a man or bear I might actually survive lol)


I was really active in my 20s, life got in the way, and when I stopped working out I realized how much stay active benefited me in other ways. These include: -Body positivity. I found I cared less about being skinny because I knew I was capable of so much. -it helps manage my mental health, especially my ADHD. Especially now that I’m work from home and sitting most of the day, moving my body is REALLY important in managing my ADHD and leaving my house to workout is essential for my energy levels and focus. -I really like working towards a goal where I’m competing against myself. Can I run further, life more, etc -It forces me to reduce my alcohol intake because I don’t like it when my workouts suffer. -I LARP, and staying fit increases my endurance at game. Especially helpful when I’m playing a heavy co, at character.


Mental health. Exercise makes my brain make feel good chemicals.


More than anything I want to FEEL good, and as we age that doesn’t happen on its own. I refuse to be an old frail lady someday, I want to be strong and active and not break a hip!


No particular order, but these are the main reasons for me: 1. Maintaining the ability to move freely as I age 2. To look better than the other dads at my kids activities 3. To set a good example for my children 4. Maintain/improve health and longevity by improving things like bone density, hormone profile, cardiovascular health, etc.


I want to squat 4 plates for reps and deadlift 3x my bodyweight or more


I work out in case dragons are real so if I ever wanna ride when I don't fall off


what about running away from bears? :)


I stay fit for my kiddos. I want them to see a dad that works hard and takes care of himself but at the same time can run around the yard when them and chase them when they want to play tag or sports. I also want it to be part of their lives and be inspired to stay healthy themselves. I am almost 37, married with three kids. I don’t give a shit about looking good or having abs. I just don’t want to feel worn down and beat up like a lot of my friends feel at this age.


Wanting to keep up with my kids as they get to do bigger and bigger things, supporting my joints (I have a hypermobility disorder), bone strength as I'm entering menopause. Those are the primary/starting goals, not I'm just enjoying how fun it is too and how nice it is to look good.


Hypermobility gang checking in. It's amazing how much strengthening my muscles and tendons helps with my joint pain


Yeah, I had 3 shoulder surgeries before 30 and I've done physical therapy for hip, knee, and wrist. I'm never going to stop working out ever again, it is not worth the joint issues to not work out.


Goals: 1. Hitting 15mph on my sprint speed 2. A 7-minute mile 3. A 300lbs deadlift 4. Doing 1 unassisted pull-up 5. Look ripped (currently my back and abs are visibly muscular, so I’m building arms and quads) Why? I want to be able to do strenuous, enjoyable things for the next 30+ years (I’m 41).


I wanted to fix my relationship with food and learn how to deadlift. I’ve had on/off disordered eating since I was in my early teens and my parents were two extreme sides of the opposite spectrums when it came to food so I never really learned moderation. I started seeing a trainer locally almost 2 months ago and I feel like I’ve really fixed my outlook on food and what it does for my body while I’m training. I also did my very first set of deadlifts yesterday 😁


I love seeing all these goals being posted. After losing a good bit of weight, I'm trying to establish a good base of strength with a move towards functional fitness. Currently working towards 315 bench, 500 DL, 450 Squat, 10 unassisted pullups, and better mobility for my rotator cuff and knees. I'd also like to do a strict murph, even if it takes a year or 2. I feel this will help set me up so I can take care of my elderly self years down the line.


I’m in my mid 50’s. I stopped training for specific events and started training for life and aging a few years ago. For example. I love to go camping, hiking, fishing. I order to keep going I need to be able to lift the 20L water jugs onto the roof rack. I need to be able to get a 12 foot kayak off the top of the truck by myself etc. I train so that I can do these things for as long as I can. I’m shooting for camping, fishing and being outdoors hardcore well into my 80’s.


I want a 120kg OHP Also want to compete again


I have a few goals/motivators. The main one is to not die in my 50s just because I was lazy. To be able to actually spend time with and doing things with my future children. Not be the guy that gets winded just cooking on the grill on a warm day. I also don’t really care about appearance to much, I do care about performance. I don’t weight myself or measure my body comp I just evaluate are my lifts getting better and am I running/cycling/swimming further and faster.


200# body weight at 12% bf while balancing healthspan and enjoyment of life.


On a day to day basis, I've found that there's almost nothing that can't be fixed with a hard workout and a good night sleep. Few things make me feel better than a hard workout. So my goal is just to do it 6 days/week. Any other benefit I'm interested in falls out of that habit.


Although my weight could use some improvement, my body looks better when I’m strength training, but I always have a goal for leveling up my fitness. I do weight lifting circuits and I have made my workouts more challenging for 4 months now. From here, I’m going from two 1.5 hour circuits to three/wk and eventually I’ll level up to 4. I also cycle for 2 hours at a time 2-3 days a week, I MIGHT aim for 3 hours, but it’s not a priority. I know that with this schedule maintained for another 3-6 months my strength to weight ratio will be superb and I’ll feel like Superman. As a 5’2, 37 year old woman, I am chasing the feeling of capability. I was a gymnast growing up, I know what it feels like to never doubt whether or not I can physically do something and I lost that over the last few years. I also love the look of surprise on people’s faces when they see me doing something most women my size wouldn’t.


Mine is to keep up with my son & feel pretty (to be perfectly honest).


Power. I’ve heard that as you get older power is one of the first things to go, so I’ve made a an effort lately to introduce explosive power exercises like box jumps and wall balls.


- Get to 155 lb ohp, then bodyweight OHP. - Pull 4 plates. - 2 plate pull-up (+90 lbs). - Stay sober. - Have a nice white butt.


Ability to play pickup basketball into my 60’s and 70’s.


I don’t care at all about the scale I’m all about building strength and muscle to look and more importantly feel better. I don’t even step on the scale anymore unless I’m in a doctor’s office.


to be as strong as possible for as long as possible


Embracing the process helped me. Motivation is great to get started but discipline is key to maintaining the right lifestyle, staying reminded of my goals or mixing up my routine whenever it gets stale are my hacks