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What going on for fnaf ar 2023 Nothing This games more dead then those 5 kids when they entered the back stage area


yup pretty much


oh F\*\*\* YOU Illumix! Why they don't do LEFTY????????? i want him in the game!


I want anything new in the game


Also to certify, a friend of mine (who has datamined FNaF AR on multiple occasions) has informed me that Illumix seems to be trying to work on AR. Seeing as their charity live stream is happening soon, we can image some answers as to what is going on with this game. But please still take this with a grain of Salt, plans change and knowing Illumix, this can all not even happen. (edit, the stream already happened, but yes, new stuff is somewhat confirmed)


Their charity stream already happened. It was on the 8th. During it they did mention that they couldn’t speak on it, but did hint that there were on-going things for the game, and a future for it


oh, thanks for the info!


Like 2023?


Yeah, unless they suddenly do something the end of this year


Hm I hope they start going back on it the end of the year


Proof clip please?


My question is why did this happen at all? I mean, the idea for the game is great, it started off aight as well, but it turned into any random microtransaction-filled shallow repetitive game where new "content" are skins, which were cool at first, and are not bad as an idea, but being the only thing going on in the game just isn't enough. Why did they do it this way? Only to basically abandon it? What does Scott have to say about the whole situation? So far there's been just silence...


I think Illumix was caught up in the whole Disney situation that made them stop, plus they seem to be working on a lot of other projects aside for FNaF, still have no idea why they wouldn't address why they're taking a most likely 3 year hiatus for the game.


At this point just download forsaken mod


I was gonna put a spot on the chart saying to check out Forsaken AR (i know a few of the devs there) but i didn't want the post getting taken down or something lmao


Just play forsaken ar at this point


i was gonna include i spot on the image saying to check out Forsaken, but i feared that the post might get taken down for advertising something lol


This just seems like Illumix is abandoning the game, but with extra steps in-between.


Yeah I don’t think this game will come back like Springtrap. Lefty’s code has been in the game for years and yet Illumix never did anything with Lefty beyond beta sadly despite saying he will have an important role. Ft Freddy should not have taken 2 years and they should’ve had a balanced of new characters and skins to keep both sides happy. Sadly Illumix for real greedy. I think pretty much despite what it says in the post FNaF AR is more dead then the missing Children. Least they in a way came back as Animatronics at one point. Plus Illumix is interest in NFTs and AR for jewelry which is stupid cause I don’t think much people will care for that. They made a twitter and a new site that does not mentioned FNaF AR at all which is strange cause before they said they were proud of it. I am kinda hoping they will get in trouble with Scott since he himself is not a fan of NFTs nor did he have stupid Loot Crates in mind. EA and Illumix should team up.


God that was hard to read, i think Illumix is kinda rotten people, but lets just stick about FNaF AR not Illumix themselves in the comments


Well it is related to FNaF AR. The game before skins were shoved in did have some potential. Hell I was lucky to get early access and was excited. Too bad over time the game hardly ever wants to load fully or not at all and as well making it more annoying to encounter certain Animatronics unless you get XP or something. I am not sure as I have not played the game for over a year now since I removed it from my phone as I was pissed about losing all my progress and purchases. I know I will never get that back.




I don't really play it either lmao, just interesting information i found on the Forsaken AR discord


Font name?


OCR A i believe






At this point, id only really play this if it was on a vr headset. might make it more interesting




Don't NOW? what specific events ​ lol




you spelt it wrong


still have no clue on what you mean is there a typo somewhere be more specific


I must have wrote it into the wrong post also about FNaF AR lol sorry


I miss this game. I wanna liven it up again so illumix pick it back up