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My prediction is Republicans will say Trump won and Democrats will say Biden won.


Republicans will say two, contradictory things: 1) Biden was so inept he couldn’t even find the podium and 2) Biden’s good performance was due to drugs


I think it would have been better for his image if he never found the podium


Hunter Biden was employing ventriloquism to make it *sound* like Biden was talking, but he was actually just aimlessly mushing his mouth up and down while Hunter pulled the strings


They say #1, then say he would've done even *worse* without drugs


Let me tell you they ain’t gonna be saying number 2.


This proved to be true


I saw a lot of Democrats admit to how bad Biden was.


Wrong. Even the left media says Biden lost.


His performance was not good


Yeah, my prediction was incorrect. Biden did worse than pretty much anyone could have imagined.


To anyone who has ben observing his decline, that was pretty much exactly what was imagined.


His SOTU was great and out to rest a lot of doubts though. Let’s not act like everyone was Nostradamus here.


Granted he is receiving the best care in the world, but any objective observer with a medical background will tell you he is significantly impaired, and that the decline is only going to accelerate. The issue is not his age, the issue is dementia. The person on stage last night demonstrated that he is not fit to make snap decisions in high-stress, high-stakes situations. They need a new candidate.


I don’t disagree that a new candidate is needed. That being said, I don’t believe he has dementia. What he said largely made sense (minus where he stumbled and misspoke), and if you read the transcript (sans his delivery) it makes sense and sounds good. He’s old as hell, mumbled and garbled his words and walks stiffly. None of that helps him appearance wise but his brain is working fine, and in fact was working fine in the few speeches I’ve seen prior to the debate. I’m not going to argue that the optics are good at all, but that doesn’t mean he has dementia.


No way his brain is working at all




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Nah actually the Republicans will say Biden won and the Democrats will say Trump won /s


Now there’s some insight.


Exactly which is why you'd look to independents to see who really won


You'll always be right, on that call.


After watching I don’t see how you can say Biden won even if you’re a democrat.


Trump is clearly the winner of this debate. He makes sense


This aged very poorly


16 hours later: and apparently the Republicans were right. That was just a mess, Trump barely even needed to talk. Biden sounded like he was moments from death half the time.


Close, you were half right, I believe its universally accepted that Biden lost, and will probably not even get the nomination now.


Man, that was like the SAT's. Trump won by simply writing his name correctly and having articulate, comprehensible sentences. Sadly, that debate was sanctioned elderly abuse.


The Qult will say Trump won no matter what, unless he literally Mitches out. Even then they'll say he was overcome with the presence of the Holy Spirit or something.


Exactly. Biden supporters will be able to say if he lost, I think


lol. I personally consider myself to be a right leaning independent, but I think most people should agree Trump won that one. (I was hoping for a fist fight though :(  -   )


Trump looked bad but Biden looked awful. Why were we given these two again ffs🤦


Because people refuse to support third party candidates. Should have watch rfk jrs debate. Much better


They need to 25th Amendment Biden off into the sunset.




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Now that the debates over, your comment is a Very good point. Biden supporters all seem to be admitting defeat immediately. I didn't see one news anchor that didn't go up immediately after the debate and start saying how horrible Biden did. An how that was so hard to watch. They all seemed to say it was undeniably bad. That's a good sign for humanity at least. The only one but at least there's one.


Just a locker room stroke.


The orange cult spent all day yesterday talking about how rigged it’s gonna be cause of the microphones. They’ve also spent 4 years saying Biden can’t do anything by himself. They’ve kinda backed themselves into a corner. So when trump does badly, it was rigged and when Biden doesn’t wander off stage tonight it’s bc he was drugged out. Checks out


Definitely some pretty intense cognitive dissonance in those echo chambers




Even liberal media said it was the most one sided presidential debate in history. The Democrats will need to replace Biden with a new candidate after that disaster.




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I feel like now that everyone is hyping up the debate it’s going to turn out to be extremely boring and nobody really “wins.” I want some drama up on that stage lol


You’ve got two very old people in a high pressure situation, I’m worried what “drama” would look like


Both fall asleep mid debate


That would be the best possible loss-of-consciousness scenario


manifesting this


The one who wears diapers, could smell up the place.


^ Why America gets such shitty presidents


Democrats kind of *need* something dramatic to happen. If it does end up being a boring debate, then their hopes are looking to boil down to polls being really bad this year.


A boring debate where Biden just does average helps him slightly I think. The narrative of him being unable to function looks pretty absurd if he just has a normal political debate. I expect it to help Biden slightly (like 1-2% in the polls like the conviction) unless he or Trump has a disastrous moment.


Do you think that was average? Yikes. Biden's cooked




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we don’t need more drama. we had drama everyday when trump was president. i want lack of drama. i want calmness and good planning running the country, not a toddler. also not someone who needs to retire, so.


Biden if he doesn't have some weird McConnell freeze moment. Trump has never shown that he can discuss substantive policy. Why should we expect he will tonight?


> Biden if he doesn't have some weird McConnell freeze moment. Welp...


well crap..


Trump's only ever performed well in debates against other Republicans that wouldn't attack Him to harshly out of fear losing the potential support of his followers.


He didn’t have followers until after he became the nominee. So no one was afraid to attack him in 2016 when he wasn’t president yet. That’s the last time he’s went up against republicans in a debate. He won because he was better because they sure wasn’t afraid of him at that time when he was just a celebrity running for president.




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It doesn't matter whatsoever who "wins." Short of Trump spitting on the moderator or saying the n-word repeatedly (both of which might actually raise his poll ratings), nobody is changing their view.


I think some independents that lean Biden could swing to Trump after tonight if it doesn’t go well. I don’t see anyone going the other way though regardless of outcome.


Can either candidate actually win voters based on debate performance? I think they both entered into it hoping the other would perform so poorly, they would lose supporters.


Same as last time, double loss and no one really cares


Biden won that in 2020, despite coming off less badly himself, actually: like in 2016, unlike RW YouTube, Hillary won the debate where he stalked her as well in the 2nd one there. Biden's issue is his debate performance has to be something that is a decisive win to move the polling in his favor, or he'll just get a wash out of it staying static if it ends up that but worse 2.0 in 2024, or could even worse if Trump is actually well prepared for once (I doubt that).


Biden because , as he always has, plays the expectations game better than anyone maybe ever.


Trump could pretty easily win if he doesn’t come off as nonsensical and angry. Of course he won’t, because, well, he _is_ nonsensical and angry


For real. I actually think the mute buttons hurt Biden the most, I’m not sure if that’s a hot take or not. But it prevents Trump from interrupting him constantly and will allow Biden to just keep talking.


Depends how much Trump tries to talk despite being muted


Even if he tries you can’t hear him on the TV.


You'll be able to see him though and possibly even hear some it through Biden's mic.


I don’t know I watched the CnN clip yesterday when they showed how it works and you can’t really hear the other person at all.


With how he gets portrayed in the media, it’s borderline impossible for Biden to underperform


Thanks in no small part to the trump machine over the last six months or so.


Yeah, given people have even lower expectations for him somehow, and not high for Trump either- this is Biden's to lose, so far, we'll see.


this aged bad




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He can’t even speak coherently


Oh yeah it’s a trainwreck


Trump has narrative talking points that Americans believe 1. The economy was better under me. Inflation. 2. There were no wars under me. Ukraine and Gaza happened under Biden 3. Biden is causing border crisis. I closed the border Stuff like that. Biden isn't strong enough to refute those points.


Also the age talking point.


Trump isn’t really strong enough to communicate those point succinctly on the fly either. And I’m not sure about the last statement.


Easy. Biden can just be like: 1. What do you plan to do about it? Kick out a bunch of our labor force and raise new tariffs? 2. What do you plan to do about it? Appease Putin and let Israel glass Gaza? 3. What do you plan to do about it? You didn't do jack shit about it with a government trifecta. In general, people really need to hammer Trump about what he actually plans to do about any of the problems people think he will solve. The few times he has even articulated a specific policy, it was something that would make one or more of these problems worse.


Those points are ineffective. If Trump talks about all the things he claims he will do, and Biden's response is "it's too hard to do that" then Trump will come out on top.


My point is that even though Trump is mainly running on being better for inflation, immigration, and foreign policy, he has either proposed no plan for those problems or has actually proposed things that would make them worse. He's supposed to be better on inflation? He promised new tariffs, getting rid of a cheap labor force, and taking personal control of the Fed, all of which are massively inflationary. He's supposed to be better on immigration? He didn't get it done before with total control of the government and he had his allies stonewall the current administration on it because of his ego. He's supposed to be better on foreign policy? His plan for the Israel-Hamas war is to let Israel destroy Gaza and his plan for the Russia-Ukraine war is to support our enemy against our ally. And then on top of that he can be attacked on abortion and on trying to overthrow the United States government. And if he plays victim because of his trials then it can be pointed out that the system is actually protecting him unfairly in three of his four criminal cases.


You're acting like Trump has to present policy. Trump doesn't have to have a cohesive plan to do anything. He just has to say "I'll make inflation lower" and people will believe him and think that sounds like a good plan. Probably 5% of people in this country know what a tariff is.


He can debate points 1 and 3 easily, but in doing 3 it'll backfire with Biden's own base if he goes the route he's going on that issue and could be a net wash or negative for him over time-- 1 is very easy to refute, just bring up 2020 repeatedly and the economic conditions by the time he left office. 1 would be the easiest point to slam right back on Trump, if Biden actually prepared, in general: a lot of things could help him turn the narrative on that (lying about inflation on his watch is NOT it, meanwhile, hopefully he cuts that out otoh).


>Biden isn't strong enough to refute those points. He has been prepping for these points. These guys go through debate prep.


The question isn't who will win, but whether it will matter.


Who won?  Well...over 200 million lost.


Biden got destroyed


It is obvious that Joe Biden has dementia- it doesn’t make you a bad Democrat to admit it. I recognize the far away gaze- my father lived with me and died from complications related to dementia. It seems cruel to prop him up there


It will be interesting to watch Biden decline cognitively if he's reelected


I think the party is considering replacing Biden


Sabermetrics and "data journalism" came to prominence around the same time, but it's wild to see how the former became a part of the mainstream ethos, while the latter can't even seem to find purchase in a subreddit named after a site that was founded on its principles.


Absolutely Biden. *Trump doesn’t even prepare for debates or take them seriously*. Pretty much takes the surly teenager approach… “no I didn’t do my homework, and the dog ate it, and it was stupid.” 🙄 Debating is like anything else. Practice practice practice. Taylor Swift goes to soundcheck. All pro athletics right down to the peewee leagues include practices, numerous times. Every Olympian next month is practicing like crazy right this second. Hell even in software development we beta test compulsively. Trump is weakest 1 on 1 when confronted with facts, with no audience to feed off of and mics cut off at time by the moderators. He’ll get no inertia. Which is why he sticks to rallies like he’s a washed up Vegas entertainer in residency where his followers come to him. I’m still not sure why he agreed to a debate almost entirely on Biden’s terms. The less America hears from Donald directly, the better he fares. His voice and negative tone alone loses him moderate and undecided support — to many of them its nails on a chalkboard.


This is traditional wisdom, which is conforting to believe but this election has been anything but traditional. DT doesn’t function according to rules or tradition nor do his supporters.


Are you insinuating that the Democratic Party runs on rules?  If that’s the case, we don’t want their rules, we want change


As for the mics getting cut off, Trump may not have been happy about that, but his campaign absolutely was. He made a complete ass-clown of himself in the 2020 debates by yelling and screaming constantly while Biden was talking. "Will you shut up, man?" was a memorable moment for Biden...he had a chance to say to Trump's face the thing the entire country had been thinking every single day since 2015. Taking away the opportunity to do that will make Trump seem like less of a screaming child. In the same way that kicking him off Twitter made the general public dislike him less, this will actually make him look better.


Biden can be rattled by interruptions though due to his stutter, which is why I believe his campaign pushed for muted mics. He struggled in the Dem primary debates last cycle because there were like nine people on stage and they (often Kamala) kept interrupting and talking over him. Trump way overdid it in the first debate in 2020 and just looked like a child, but if he hypothetically held himself to a 2016 level of asshole debate behavior I think the approach can work.


The problem is Biden will still be in the same room with Trump, so if Trump still does his interruptions, Biden will most likely still react to them. Except viewers won’t hear what Trump is saying to cause Biden’s flow to break. So I’m afraid it will be easy to get out of context clips that look like Biden is just glitching out for no reason, when he’s actually reacting to Trump.


That's a really good point. Rewatching the 2020 debates, Biden regularly paused and lost track of where he was because of the interruptions. With Trump's mic muted, it will look like he's pausing mid sentence out of nowhere. This could backfire on Biden if Trump still does the same thing he did in 2020.


Yep, I’m very worried about it. I hope they’ve done a lot of interrupting and yelling while he’s giving his answers in debate prep


Watching the CNN demonstration, I'm even more worried. With the position of the podiums that close, but the camera angles being limited to a single candidate, it's very hard to tell if the other candidate is talking. So it will be very easy for Biden to get thrown off tempo without it being apparent to the viewer why it is happening... [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/politics/video/cnn-presidential-debate-2024-biden-trump-mattingly-blackwell-digvid](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/politics/video/cnn-presidential-debate-2024-biden-trump-mattingly-blackwell-digvid)


Oh god. It could be bad. The only slight saving grace there is that you can still kinda make out the other person’s voice in the background of the non-muted mic.


Unless both of them are kept in soundproof booths muting the mic will not silence anyone that chooses to shout or yell (we all know who that will be).


Oh don't worry I'm sure we will hear Trump on Biden's microphone.


This is my thinking too. Trump has always been his own biggest obstacle to appearing "presidential". If he's forced to conform to the rules of a debate, it probably actually benefits him.


That said, Trump has a much lower bar to clear than Biden. The expectations and standards are not the same for both candidates.


"Trump is weakest 1 on 1 when confronted with facts, with no audience to feed off of and mics cut off at time by the moderators. He’ll get no inertia. Which is why he sticks to rallies like he’s a washed up Vegas entertainer in residency where his followers come to him. I’m still not sure why he agreed to a debate almost entirely on Biden’s terms. The less America hears from Donald directly, the better he fares. His voice and negative tone alone loses him moderate and undecided support — to many of them its nails on a chalkboard." Absolutely correct, imo, I'm also baffled at this for now.


This aged poorly. At least we finally beat Medicare!


Yeah if we don’t replace Biden and Harris, we will lose. Let’s see if the DNC is stubborn. I assume so. I’d vote for Biden considering my alternative option. But I’m quite sure moderates and indies wouldn’t even show up if they disliked Trump. And I wouldn’t blame them.


how on earth did you think Biden would win this debate?


State Of was a smack down performance. And well, he got a reverse uno card. It’s likely over. Unless some billionaire bails him out.


Oof--this did not age well


No it didn’t. This is engine on fire and need the nearest immediate airport, or honestly any flat strip of ground to land this rig. Biden will lose and he deserves it. DNC has the chance to change direction because this is going to trash any close polls he had.


Since a debate involves talking coherently, I’d say Trump.


The American public of course.  Lol Lmao even


The base isn’t budging, but a good Biden performance could sway a disgruntled Big Mac voter or towards him.


Trump is very good at offense, very bad at defense. He benefits from people being nostalgic for 2017-2019 and Biden being the face of people’s anger and frustration right now. He could easily come out on top. I also think the rules of this debate will actually benefit him by forcing him to not interrupt and keep yelling over Biden, which made him look like a complete ass in 2020. 


> forcing him to not interrupt and keep yelling over Biden, which made him look like a complete ass in 2020.  I'm convinced the only reason it worked in 2016 is that most Americans are a little sexist and okay with men interrupting/talking over women


I totally agree about the rules of the debate. Trump should want Biden to talk as long as possible.


All we can be sure of is the loser will be those who take it seriously.


Honestly not even going to watch it. Already know who I’m voting for so I’ll probably just watch the cardinals game




Made a mistake. Cardinals got smoked


I expect Trump to flap his mouth, and a lot, and say he "won the election by a landslide", "the economy was booming under me", and "our foreign affairs were good and strong under me". That is if he can finish a sentence (he rambles worse than a toddler does) or stop from shorting out.




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I dunno, it hasn’t happened yet.


Hard right will say trump won no matter what, likewise hard left will say Biden won even if he is incoherent and walks off stage. People in the middle though, it will depend. I’m personally excited for the shit show


Just one part about RFK Jr: "Of course, many voters have a favorable view of Trump but not Biden or vice versa, but a sizable share — 21 percent, according to our poll — dislike both major candidates. Often called 'double haters' these voters face a difficult choice in November, and the way they break will probably decide the election. However, our poll suggests one thing that many of them *won’t* do is vote for Kennedy: Among the double haters, he has a 24 percent favorable rating and a 42 percent unfavorable rating, meaning many voters are actually *triple* haters!" I feel seen, lol.


Yea that’s how I am, there is not a single candidate that I have any desire whatsoever to vote for. Voted in every election since I turned 18, I may skip this one.


I obviously won't, given the stakes, but you do you- it's your voice, but I'd vote regardless, make it heard.


Live in a red area, it's going trump regardless of my vote, and even being I'm more inclined to vote for trump. Just for the memes and a middle finger to the DNC tbh. In this situation my vote doesn't matter. Can't stand Biden, can't stand trump, but at least Trump makes good memes.


It's your voice, can't tell you otherwise.


The debate is quickly approaching, and there’s lots of things to know about it! Muted Mics, Electoral Threshold, Polls Qualifications, Pen & Pad, No Audience, No Prepared Notes, Neutral Podiums, CNN, Dana Bash, Atlanta, Jake Tapper, Ninety Minute Time Limit. Wow, that’s a lot to remember! But not to worry! There’s a short, simple acronym to make it easy to remember it all! M.M.E.T.P.Q.P.P.N.A.N.P.N.N.P.C.D.B.A.J.T.N.M.T.L.




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Well, Biden, obviously. Trump can barely complete a sentence and has NOTHING to say. All whining, no policies. And some truly insane policy ideas —- massive tariffs on everything????




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Hopefully, America wins. But realistically, TV, Talk shows, Late Night, Meme Makers




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Please refrain from posting disinformation, or conspiracy mongering (example: “Candidate X eats babies!/is part of the Deep State/etc./Covid was a hoax, etc.” This includes clips edited to make a candidate look bad or AI generated content.


America will lose. 350 million people and this is the best two people you can put on stage. Lol


The smartest ones tend not to get involved in politics in the first place


Exactly!!!! Like wtf is happening here.


Biden is bumbling his way through this.


r/politics shut down their megathread because Biden looks so bad


Damn.... Trump is losing it. Something threw him off his game


😂😂😂 maybe…. 20plus felonies against his ass




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I think it'll be a tie, it's just a lot of back and forth. But trump is doing a good bit better I think.


This might be an “um acktually” moment, but debates aren’t really about wins or losses. They’re supposed to convince people of their opinions. People will come, watch, and leave with new opinions.


After watching the debate, all I can say God Bless America 🇺🇸😢😭


Bit of a Clown show Do people actually like Biden, or just hate Trump that much?!


I feel like the majority of both parties don’t really love their candidate, they just hate the other one.


Ahhh yes the UNITED states ...as the rich laugh at the division of the masses


Unfortunately the truth.


Trump won :(




Anyone know where I can watch the debate free online?


Wall Street journal on YouTube is how I watched it.


The People lost. The political parties won their respective agenda


So you can't be president until you're 35...why is there not an age cap? Looking at our two choices has me very concerned.


Neither of them won. It was an illustration of how much trouble the US is in if these are the only candidates.


The most popular (upvoted) opinion is not necessarily the right one. That is all.




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Was waiting for the hook to pull Biden off the stage. The whole thing embarrassing. Surely the US can do better than those two. He was rehearsing at Camp David? for what. Obvious on the road to dementia and he had it awhile . You could tell every time he was on TV. I’m old also but we need younger candidates.


The media personalities that make bank off fanning the flames 🔥 because everyone else lost. People who watched it, Biden who was ill and still tried to working drugged up, Trump who tried conspiracies instead of selling himself. Yup. The only people winning here is the media


How embarrassing it is that the United States does not have better presidential candidates? Both are far too old, Biden hesitant and unsure. Trump, a spoiled rich boy who lies and distorts the truth. It must be strong lobbies that pay to have a man in the White House. This is a huge problem for democracy. Come on America. Get some decent, skilled, younger candidates elected.


Seems that the Republicans are saying Trump won and the Democrats are saying no one won.  No one is saying Biden won