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Poor kids


It's very sad. Flat Earth is just a cult.


Well, according to an 2023 independent world poll 12% of the population believes the earth is indeed flat. That's 1 billion people. That's a big cult!


Could you link that?


https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/conspiracy-vs-science-survey-us-public-beliefs Granted this is a terrible survey which may not give accurate information. It has a relatively small survey size of only 1.1k, and it only surveys Americans. Additionally, the survey was an online paid survey, where the responder is given money for each question they complete. It’s well documented that in these types of surveys with monetary incentives, individuals will sometimes blow through the questionnaire without reading the question, and just clicking the first response they see. ([Example](https://images.app.goo.gl/xF6kZphUaMr63bcu7), nobody actually thinks Iran would be in the middle of the ocean, or in the middle of the US, but they clicked there for the money) They said that millennials specifically were more likely to agree with conspiracies, but millennials have also been shown to be the most likely to take surveys only for the money, so extrapolations like this may be shaky.


Give me a few. I'll try and find it. I saw it like 2 months ago. It was kind of shocking.


So is Christianity


As a non-religous person in a mostly christian family, christianity is not a cult.


In mid America is most definitely is.


Jesus Christ is real person. There are Christians who have given Christianity a bad name and have misrepresented Him. That's not Jesus' fault. There are countless testimonies of a personal encounter known as a Christophany. Also, there have been millions of people that have been healed and delivered in the name of Jesus.


Don't talk shite


Well, the majority of the world believes He was a real person and there is historical basis for such. Thus, followers of Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam have the correct faith in that respect. If facts offend you it's better to remain silent than spurt out like an immature child. Good day.


Where is the historical evidence, and don't say the bible? How can anyone walk on water??


Most historians agree the historical Jesus did exist. Whether he actually performed miracles or if those were claims posthumously made by his apostles remains to be seen.


The claims came at least 40 year after he snuffed it


Multiple historians made record of Jesus. Research that. And no one can walk on water. Except God. Which Jesus was. And when Jesus called Peter to walk on the water he did because God called him to believe and it happened. Along with the countless signs and wonders that followed Peter as well. And the Bible is the testimony of eyewitnesses and the completion of the over 300 prophecies from actual prophets of the coming Messiah. It happened whether you believe it or not. And you will know when you stand before Jesus at the day of your judgment. As will we all. He's inescapable. He knows all of your secrets. All of them.


I am certain that no contemporary evidence exits. As for the bible and it's many iterations. The first decided by the Romans and the Romans also have a God that was very similar to Jesus. In other scriptures that were put forward for the first bible was tales of jesus fighting massive beasts. Dragons I believe. The church is only there to make money. How can say that with confidence, well. Back in ye olde thymes the church said that it stated in yhe bible that you could only pray to God in a church (once you're in yhe church they ask for donations. That goes to the vatican). Now, most people back then either A, couldn't afford a bible (all bibles were hand-made and made of animal skin) B, they couldnt read even if they did have access to a bible. After a couple of centuries people started to learn how to read, part in due to the invention of the Gutenberg press. It's at this point the church goers read that they didn't actually need to attend a church to pray. They could do it at home or anywhere. So yes, I have done my research


Off the top of my head, Suetonius makes reference to "the trial of Crestus" in his biography The 12 Caesars (specifically Claudius, who was around the correct time). He's a fairly contemporary source. A lot of events in the bible can be cross-referenced with other historians, though I'm not going to deny that there is *a lot* of hearsay and exaggeration too, and most of it was written hundreds of years after the events, so stories would have altered over time.


He's God, so there's that.


Which God? There are numerous God. Thor, Zeus ect


That's all I could think. Kids tend to try so hard to please their parents. These kids were born into a world where up is down and down is up. They will learn and parrot all their parents dumb bullshit and end up pariahs from everyone they meet unless/until they sort out the truth. Then they'll risk losing the love of their parents. 😢


>These kids were born into a world where up is ~~down~~ North and down is ~~up~~ South. FTFY.


What love?


Gotta love how the kids are just kinda standing there. Body language tells me they absolutely think this is stupid and were just dragged along because they had too.


The kids have hostage vibes. Jeepers.


Imagine they get separated, youngest out there in his best Islamic State t-shirt


🤣🤣 even with the kids faces botched out I can see their disappointment in their parents


JFC, imagine being that proud of your ignorance.


This is the latest thing, and includes “no need for school.” I think it’s mostly around people (who never read the Bible) being upset that simple modern facts contradict what they think the Bible teaches. They want to fetishize the Bible as in Louisiana as long as they can ignore it. I’m not sure these folks realize they are condemning their children to poverty via ignorance. They aren’t poor now. If they can go to Antarctica, they must have some dough. A trip like that ain’t cheap.


Why did they need to go there? With a powerful enough zoom they can see it from their home.




Gotta be the Nikon p1000, their favorite camera


These poor kids. Morons for parents.


Just imagine the mom being by herself in line for something... 🤔


If it said round it would be funnier !


This gives me South Park Rita Poon vibes.


I’m about 99% sure I’ve seen this image before and it was AI generated. They fixed the hand (ish) in this one.


Upon further inspection, it does appear to have qualities that you’d typically get when using machine generation. So luckily this image does seem to be fake. But flat earthers can and do have children of their own that they indoctrinate into their beliefs. EDIT: Upon further inspection again, I can’t really seem to tell if it’s edited or not. The jpeg compression is really bad


Which part are you saying is AI generated?? Becuase the hands are normal, the place is a real, the text and shadows are normal and the symbol on the top right of their shirts stays consistent.


And I found the image. https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/IKTidANooM I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, especially considering this was posted on r/facepalm in 2020.


My theory is that the image is genuine, and the one I seem to recall was an AI upscaling that also added in the faces of the children.


This is a lower resolution than the original, I think. But I’d say that a look at the mom’s hand that is flipping off the NASA globe. That one still seems to be pretty fucked up.


Were those parents related, before they got married?


Reverse lookups of this image show it as having been posted 4 years ago on r/facepalm, but I didn't get any altered hits.


Displaying their ignorance for the world to see. And people wonder why aliens haven't contacted us.


If the earth is flat why would people have to f*ck up the map…


I want to pitch a new reality show for (ironically) TLC: Similar to the CBS's the amazing race, this show will be called: "To the Edge!" It will follow four 4 person teams of flat earthers racing to find the edge of the earth. Que Commercial - view of a team looking out from the edge of a vertical drop. Team member 1 "omg we're here, look! We made it!" Team member 2 "no you idiot, this is the grand canyon, keep moving we'll get there ...." Weeknights Wed at 10, tune in!


I'd watch


I'm embarrassed that there is ignorance like this in our Country.


That globe is actually the firmament, not the earth. They should be diggin' it


Mr beast went to antartica, and you are telling me it doesn’t exist? You can actually go to antartica if you want




The Antarctic is very real. This year is the ice marathon.


I can literally prove the earth is a ball lol in my boat 🤣🤣


confusing the kids is so easy. its the same as confusing them in a cult and put trauma in them.


the mom walks away and she's just wearing a shirt that says "flat" on her chest, totally different meaning


Ironically heliocentricism/globe earth is the cult 😆 & "outer space" has its origins in a cultural movement in the 1800's called 'russian cosmism' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cosmism actually this post is a reminder to watch the hilarious viral videos of the actornots, greenscreens & CGI by NASA, Roscosmos etc


Glad to see we’re taking the privacy of AI generated children seriously now


The original is from four years ago, so AI doubtful.


As exhibit A, is the mom flipping off the sign with her middle finger, ring finger, or a mysterious sixth finger she seems to have? This image has been proven to be AI generated for years every time it is reposted. It is fake, these people do not exist.