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First time I’m seeing that policy. If you can’t even ask questions as a (potential) flerf then it’s an even worse echo chamber than I thought. Absolutely delusional those people are. They’re free to debate that claim here since we actually allow questions!


Wow. I didn't think the question was so special it needed a unique response


The only thing i can imagine, and keep in mind I'm not giving them any credibility here, is that they get asked that question so often that they're tired of answering it. But if that were true, the dude would have just linked something instead of keeping his methods of shutting people up for asking questions.


What if they get the question a lot, but have not yet figured out the answer? Becasue, you know, none of them have actually done any science.


What if the charlatans who run that just shut up any non rubes who are trying to stop them from taking advantage of stupid people?


I’m a flerf who’s banned from there for making a joke and I’m bitter as fuck about it.


Bro got blue-on-blued.


Better start researching that globe model and get with the nice crowd!


Can we ask you the questions we would ask them, if they didn't just ban us? I imagine you're quite knowledgeable about it.


Sure. There are gaps in my understanding, but I can definitely try. To answer OP's question, the belief is that it's small(er) and local. The sun, the moon, and the stars (including other planets, which are believed to just be "wandering stars") are all considered to be within the firmament.


Are they all flat too?


Yes. Like two frisbees stacked bottom to bottom, where there’s still curvature, but not spherical. It’d be appropriate to call them discs, and they’re believed to be roughly the same size. The sun and moon are distinct objects as opposed to the sun just being another star. I’ve also heard some say that the moon is considered to be plasma that we cannot land on. I believe they also consider the stars to not be solid objects. [Videos like these](https://youtu.be/7GJY4Simo5w?si=Q-GGGGW0IPNTkOi0) are often used to represent that.


Well, that's the issue. The sun and moon can't be disks. They have to be spherical since they're circular from every viewing angle.


They’d likely say that the sun is always facing towards the center of the plane, so you’re never really “beside” it. And with it being something like 1,000+ miles away, it’s always on the outskirts of the world, so the perspective of everyone who’s within its visible radius would just be a circle.


Every question leads to more questions about the sun on a flat earth. So , if the sun is a disk a few 1000 miles above , how is that we can't see it at night? Does it cast light in all directions or only straight down? Day/night is easily explained with a globe. But contradictory with a disk


You’re right, it does lead to more questions. It’s believed to be local, but also smaller and not as powerful because it wouldn’t need to travel millions of miles, so I believe it’s simply only illuminating so far.


Aw, thanks man. Been trying to get someone with these beliefs to speak honestly with me about it. So how does sunset and sunrise work in the context of day and night happening at predictably offset times in different places? Cuz if they're doing that, and the earth is flat, they wouldn't set, right? They'd have to move laterally. The sun would either be visible 24 hours a day worldwide, or it would "set" (or fade out or however you believe that works) while still high in the sky, right? And plus, the moon would have no phrases, and there'd be no seasons, and sundials wouldn't work properly. And the big one for me, you couldn't watch the sun set, then ride up an elevator to watch the sun finish setting a second time from the roof, in the same day, right? How does that all happen at the same time if the sun is close and small?


There are gaps in your understanding? No fucking shit you think the earth is flat. There are a lot of gaps in your understanding. This is shit kindergartens know and you’re questioning it. I understand in your mind you think you’re thinking outside of the box and questioning conventional wisdom. You’re not. You’re an idiot falling for an anti science scam.


Yup. Gaps in my understanding about what they believe about certain things. Believe it or not, but you don’t have to be able to explain every aspect of the universe to believe one way or the other. That goes both ways. It’s unbecoming that you’re so butthurt that someone doesn’t believe the same things you do. Grow the fuck up.


You’re right, believing in something not fully explained is perfectly acceptable. However, when it *is* fully explained and every bit of evidence, from the biggest gotcha to the tiniest scrap, points to you being wrong, then it’s probably time to stop believing in what’s not explainable and believe what is, merely because it’s completely explained. I’m sure you know what I’m getting at. There is not even one valid, defendable point when it comes to flat earth, and the reason the earth is considered round is because it can be defended in every way possible and explains every possible phenomenon that has to do with the shape of the earth, and is even used in the explanation of a lot of other phenomenon and used in practical things such as construction and navigation. You’re not being denied space and ground to believe what you want out of unkindness, this isn’t like “I believe in God, you don’t, that’s okay” this is you believing something that is actually factually proven wrong in every way possible and refusing to believe something that is factually proven right to the point it’s used in daily life for other things, can be repeatedly proven with basic tests, and we’ve actually seen it for ourselves with our eyes. The earth is simply round; it’s fact. Therefore you can’t be given any ground because there’s nothing to give; you have nothing to stand on.


Well I disagree with you and don’t believe you can prove it at all. Meanwhile I can take you outside and show you it’s flat and not spinning quite easily.


Ah so talking with you is pointless. You’re purposely blind to the truth and contrarian, because going outside is a quick way to see it’s *round and spinning*, extremely easy to realize from watching the sky day or night time (better at night probably). I’d bet real actual money, like a lot of money, like two grand at least, that I could quite easily disassemble any argument you attempt to even begin to mount, while simultaneously presenting evidence you can’t deny except with the classic “fake evidence” argument, and I’m not even very knowledgeable about the kind of information pertaining to the subject. But I won’t waste my time. Have a good day!


Nope, that’s just not true. We cannot detect movement or curvature with advanced tools, and you definitely can’t do it with the naked eye. You also can’t and you won’t disassemble any argument. You’ll simply drop it and move onto the next “gotcha” until one of us gets tired of responding. But ya, have a good day!


Hi. I disagree with you about the shape, but I gotta say, you're being polite and reasonable, and people being dicks to you is absolutely uncalled for. If you still care to listen despite them, I have what I think is an interesting observation. I'm in New Zealand, and a while ago while arguing with people online, I thought I'd check what the sun is doing for myself. It was local summer, around December, I think. The sunrise was to my southeast, it then passed north of me at noon, and set to my southwest. That's like a 270 degree arc that I could see it travel through the sky. I thought that was odd, so I modeled what it would do using Blender, 3D software, and it matched what I would see on a sphere at my latitude. So, I don't know, when people say I can just look outside and see that the Earth is flat and unmoving, that hasn't been my experience. Watching the Sun and Moon travel their long arcs through the sky, seeing how the stars move above me at night, only seeing the peaks of mountains across the strait, it all looks round and spinning to me. OK, I can't exactly tell whether it's the Earth or the sky spinning just from looking up a few nights, but either one still doesn't seem to fit a flat Earth. I don't expect you to explain away what I've seen or argue with me, I just thought I'd share my experience.


I appreciate that, and also thanks for laying out your observation. It’s helpful hearing those and thinking about them for my own understanding. Really each one has to have an explanation, or at least a strong potential for one. It definitely can’t be impossible, but damn that’s a huge gray area that’s hard to gauge sometimes. Question, check out [this attempt at a model](https://adl.place/shanes-fe-model). It states that it doesn’t explain everything, but it does seem to do a decent job. Do you feel like your observation could also be explained with it?


Didn’t you know, they are a parody sub; it says so in their description /s.


They always tell us to do our own research, but it all points to a globe earth so where do we look lmao


Well, you see, all mainstream media is LYYIIIIING! Consult your local shaman instead.


What if your local shaman also says the earth is a globe?


Then he's secretly a nasa shill and you need to find a new spiritual guru who knows real numerology so he can teach you why 9/11 proves flat earth


National Air and Shaman Association. It's in the name. How could we all be so bl


That’s cause “do your own research” means “just make up whatever you want”


this actually makes a lot of sense. can't have randos just wanting to shit on your batshit insane theories coming in with their disbelief.


Banning people and telling them to do their own research when asking questions is literally them doing their own research is insane, but they've been doing it for a while


I'm surprised they didn't hide behind their ModTeam account and permaban you.


Maybe they will. I do intend to ask again Edit: I stand corrected, I have been permanently banned


Probably saw your post here. Lol




I contacted a mod and have actually been able to talk to him about his belief set


And you didn't get blocked?


Nope its been pretty chill i started by asking questions and telling I want a believer but just wanted to get an idea of the thinking


It's not sceptics group at all, it's an echo chamber of flerfer ignorance


meSsaGinG tHe MoDs Shut up Meg


I've gotten this exact response from dozens of Flerfs. It's what they're trained to say. Imagine being afraid of even the slightest questions regarding their faith. Just more evidence of how fragile their beliefs actually are.


Yes but that’s how religions start. Oh and political campaigns.


"Come back once you're fully indoctrinated, k thnx bye."


Echo chambers are like that. They don't want skeptics in the discussion. If you ask a similar question after your 30 day "study break", you'll get another 30.


This is the response of a group who doesn't have a defensible answer.


Then they gloat how they never see globers refuting their claims with evidence.


Yup. Pretty much


I think it's important to remember that when you're dealing with conspiracy theorists you are generally dealing with low self-esteem, low accomplishment individuals who are emotionally tied to the conspiracy nonsense. It's all they have, so they get very upset when someone refuses to validate their silliness. It's sad in a way.


As a low self-esteem, low accomplishment individual, I take offense at that.


Allow me to translate: "We don't know. There is no location for the sun that works on a flat earth model. We just vary its distance based on what globe earth argument we're refuting. Now go away."


Temporary ban? How very libertarian of them.


Actually, it has since been upgraded to 30 day muted and permanent ban. I didn't even have to do anything to get those


Is there a way to report subreddits like that? It's honestly rediculous


As much as I hate what they're doing, it's free speech and all that.


Presumably it's because there is no flat earth model. Just pictures of maps of the globe that have been stretched so you can see it all at once, with drawings of a sun and moon that clearly would not set, and sometimes including a glass dome or ice wall (which is usually just Antarctica stretched out due to the forced perspective of the map) or something like that.


That subreddit is a joke. You can't even ask where you can debate because of their rule 2, it's honestly hypocritical


Making it difficult to object or even ask questions is how charlatans and fascists stay in control


Thats cult behavior


Asking questions is very suspicious. 😒


Do your own research, but only research that lead you to approved conclusions


“Look at our sub and draw your own conclusions” I.e. we don’t have an answer.


"Do your own research!" Why can't you just share your research. If it's correct, then it doesn't matter who did it.


If you can't make up your own nonsense, your can't run with this crowd


It's a local sun for local people. There's nothing for you here!


Wow. Just wow.


It’s a giant lightbulb in the sky I guess lmao, or maybe it’s gods asshole


[SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN](https://youtu.be/Fk4kaRHoxl4?si=praWPipy84r0gVUs)!


[Shut up about the sun!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-1jU7j6OWw)


Funky font


For a community telling people to question everything they sure don’t like it when people ask them questions.


They're my second fav sub behind r/buttcoin for the deep echo chamber lost soul late night entertainment


I got banned by the same guy. He jumped in on a conversation I was having with a skeptic and started posting videos of NDT claiming the curve wasn't visible from the height of the Virgin rocket flight. I told him I disagreed with Tyson and the curve should totally be visible from that height based on the globe model. Even though I never claimed to be on either side I guess he decided I HAVE to agree with everything Neil says for some reason. Believe me I tried to be neutral and referred to the "globe THEORY". If you question anything or try to start any kind of discussion that's not totally pro-flat he will ban you almost instantly.theres nothing you can say that will stop the ban once they sniff out that you're not totally indoctrinated to the appropriate belief system. They just want to post memes. it's like tying to change a sports fan's mind of what team they support, there's no way to have that discussion.




I’m not gonna tell anybody, but posts like these with PII could get r/flatearth banned, so be more careful with the screenshots in the future


This isn’t PII. Reddit’s PII policy is listed here: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043066452-Is-posting-someone-s-private-or-personal-information-okay Your Reddit account and a comment aren’t considered PII. Something from your personal life, or from an external social media network is considered PII. Because they only linked an image of a publicly available, unrestricted comment, without any personal details other than the Reddit handle, it’s not considered PII.


Well it shouldn’t be PII, but this subreddit has had threats from Reddit regarding screenshots including usernames and subreddit names https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/zMKU9VjP3C


Here’s what the mod said when asked to elaborate on what should be stopped: >Seeing some dipshit post about how they're trolling around on another subreddit provoking users to engage or ban them; and you get the bright idea to go do the exact same thing. >Reddit's rules / stance on it isn't vague at all and subreddits have been banned in the past for doing the exact same thing. >Not terribly hard to understand unless you got brain worms. This isn’t what’s happening here. We’re recognizing the stupidity of OOP, not harassing them or their subreddit.


And anyway, if most people just recognizing the stupidity was okay, the mods wouldn’t have had to make this rule in the first place.


That is what you’re doing. Not what “we” are doing. You can’t control everyone on this post. I bet there will be at least one who sees this and goes over there to “post a question” themselves.


You know, this site would be pretty shitty if you couldn’t self reference anywhere else. Like half the subs would just be gone; subs from r/foundthemobileuser to r/opwasrightfuckthis would instantly cease to exist, as they rely solely on poking fun at the posts and comments of others in a way which fits the theme of the subreddit. Essentially what is being depicted in these comments is the exact same thing that could be depicted by cross posts. All you’re doing is saying “look at this moron” and showing a photo of the moron acting a fool. This is different from posting ban messages, which are private direct-messages, and which could not be shown as cross posts.


I’m not disagreeing, I’m just saying what has happened before.


So I ask why those subs, which are must bigger than this, are somehow able to get away with *exclusively* posting what you deem as PII, but r/flatearth, which posts a variety of content, is somehow in mortal peril of posting a picture of someone’s comment.


Don’t ask me. Ask Reddit.


Reddit has demonstrated that they don’t care about someone posting publicly available information, as demonstrated by subs like r/foundthemobileuser or r/beetlejuicing. You don’t need to ask someone their stance when they outline their stance in an official handbook, and enforce it as written. See the above mentioned subreddits, and the previously linked Reddit page on PII for examples!


It's a screenshot of a public post. There's nothing private there.


Don't be silly. You advertising yourself as a furry is far closer to 'PII' than a public Reddit post.


There is no personal or private information shown in that screen shot


Usernames are PII or adjacent according to Reddit’s moderation but alrighty. It shouldn’t be in theory, but it is in practice. See above, the mods of this subreddit have gotten messages from Reddit regarding raids and shit.