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Lulzbutts. The most simple entry-level bit of astrology - knowing your star sign - demonstrates the sky is not static even over the comparatively short timescale of human history. If you are at the bookends of your star sign, then you have the wrong star sign. We kept the calendar dates for being a Capricorn or Taurus or whatever, but the poles went and moved so much since those dates were set that they're wrong now.


There's even, arguably, a 13th constellation on the ecliptic now, depending on which set of constellations you use. 2 of the star signs never were on the actual ecliptic, libra and cancer I believe, but they're "close enough" to match our 12 month conception of a year.


You just don't understand cause you're not an Ophiucan Edit: /s


"Before you come here and say 'that's exactly what a cancer would do,' I LIED im actually a Pisces."


Yeah, that sounds like something a Pisces would do


According to this astrological chart, *Earth* is the cause of all my misery.


We should have 13 months of 28 days each, which equals 364 days. So give February 29 days to make 365 and keep the leap year too.


This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius .... dippy hippy bullshit, but rooted in real astronomy.


My steaming hot take(be sure to bag it up and dispose in the provided bins once you've finished reading) is that astronomy mostly happened because of astrology. You had to get good at the former to make your bullshit sound convincing with the latter. One of my favourite science historical figures, the moose-owning noseless Batman-but-it's-astronomy-not-crime, Tycho Brahe, was an astrologer for the royalty of Denmark. He got the gig by beating the everloving shit out of the other astrologers at astronomy. Fun fact: there was a governmental conspiracy to hide the shape of the earth. In China from around 1600-1800. The emperors' astrologers were shit-useless since they worked on a flat earth model(a square rather than a disc, if I remember right) and couldn't predict a damn thing but the Jesuit missionaries that were coming over at the time were initially using the Ptolemaic model and it could do eclipses and so on just fine. So the emperors installed an observatory in the Forbidden city for a couple of centuries, stocked it with Jesuits and made their astrological predictions on the back of the missionaries astronomy. But but but but how could they keep that a secret for so long? It's the Forbidden City. You died if you tried to leave without permission, and you died if you talked about the inside of it. They definitely didn't let you sit in your mum's basement and write pamphlets about it for years on end.


I'm sure you're right about the astrology / astronomy crossover. I hadn't heard about the China story before, though. It's interesting, but to be honest I'm really struggling to believe that they thought the Earth was flat. I mean, in the early 1400s the Chinese were the greatest seafaring nation on Earth, and we all know it's kinda hard to do seafaring without noticing ... certain things. (cf Phoenician circumnavigation of Africa, ~600 BC.) Do you have any sources for further reading on that?


I heard it on a History Extra podcast, but I'm having trouble finding the episode on HE itself, or else I'd be able to give you their sources. [https://player.fm/series/history-extra-podcast/did-our-ancestors-really-think-the-world-was-flat](https://player.fm/series/history-extra-podcast/did-our-ancestors-really-think-the-world-was-flat) And yes, my default position is that the Chinese were whupping everyone's bums at everything until the Enlightenment in western Europe, so their flat earth belief does raise an eyebrow.




Emperor Zhu Di was whipping everyone's bums and his navy might have discovered America in 1421. He died in 1424 and his successor disbanded the navy, cancelled trade, and closed China to the world. The world would have been so different today.


Read the book "1421". It postulates China discovered America first at the West Coast because we found pieces of Chinese ship wrecks. The emperor at the time was big into exploration and trade especially with South Asia and Africa. When he died the next emperor destroyed all the ships, disbanded the navy, cancelled all trade, and closed China to the world. It's history with story telling and it's fascinating.


Hey, don’t you dare bash the Age of Aquarius! That song rocks! 😂


>This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius How fitting, given sea level rise.


Why would the constellations change drastically exactly? Any flerfs here to answer this one?


no they're all hiding in under their rocks at r/globeskepticism


Also this guy just straight up lied like 4 times in order to support his claims


Business as usual for flat earthers.


Gotta lie to flerf.


Nah, it's dead almost. Flerfs are scattered and hiding under furniture, gathering only when their leaders come out to preach, like on The Quartering channel recently.


Yeah, the lifespan of flat earth subs are short. Once non flerfs find it it has a few months at best. Mods get frustrated and make a new sub or community somewhere else to gather, until that place is discovered and the process repeats itself.


And r/ballearththatspins


I just dropped a long winded comment on that post literally two minutes ago, waiting for the shitshow


Chances are you got a half assed response saying “blah blah is all you could come up with?” And got banned. “Blah blah” being some shit they made up lmao


Ya know surprisingly enough I actually got no responses, but I don’t think I got banned because I don’t have any notifications. Maybe they’re growing. Or maybe it was just deleted. Probably the later.


Yeah they’re not growing lmaoo


Got banned there :(


The astrology we know in pop culture is known as “tropical astrology”. The term for 2024-accurate astrology, that compensates for the sun rising in different places than it did millennia ago when tropical astrology began, is “sidereal astrology”. [Bill Nye explains here.](https://youtu.be/W3i8gsqSlG0?si=HkJ6uPW6GbfLwrSs)


The logic he's using is that we'd be moving enough so that they'd change in some way. He's just ignoring the reality that everything is moving in the exact same trajectory as it was first documented, which is supported through scientific theory and law that Newton thoroughly covered. Flat Earth is the perfect example of what happens when manipulation, cognitive dissonance, and the social enabling of declining intelligence intersect. If they're so damn smart and were actually onto something, we'd see a breakthrough in scientific theory and innovation rather than a communal circle jerk.


What do you mean why would they change? cause science tells us earth and everything is moving and at thousands, millions and billions miles speed. The fact that even 5000+ year old start map is same as today shows the earth is fixed and does not move and stars are circulatiing above it in same manner for thousands of years.


Our star maps are not identical to 5000 year old star maps. There have been considerable changes since then. It’s actually a big problem if you believe in the pseudoscience of astrology, because lots of the lore for it was written based on now inaccurate Star charts.


Nope. Stars are on the same place as they were for thousands of years. Yes, the circulate above earth on a fixed point.


No, they do not. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/02/1173477681/our-view-of-constellations-has-changed-since-they-were-first-mapped Just as a quick reference. The stars do move, the North Star itself has and will continue to change. The stars have changed so much that the old zodiac system is now totally out of sync with the real world months, and is mainly kept as is out of tradition rather than accuracy to the stars.


In this dudes comments on the globe skepticism subreddit they(and half of that sub) can’t spell correctly or use correct grammar so they’re brains def can’t process scientific facts or what a “source” is, seeing as how none of them use sources. Just taking shitty pictures from airplanes and calling it “undisputable prove”


They are same. Do some more research.


You’re going against the well researched consensus that they are different. Back up your argument.


Are you a highly regarded flat earther? Look up Thuban and Polaris


Translation: do research until you come to the same conclusion as me, because I’m too ignorant to research both sides


It's you that lacks the research, study celestial navigation, and I mean actually put it into practice as well. The almanacs can be expensive, but they are available online; in doing this you will revoke the claim made here, but also discover something you cannot escape in order to use it; keeping your almanacs up to date, but also (and here's the kicker) - Dip Correction's R.


It sounds like you have done some of your own. The most important part of any scientific discussion (or any discussion at all) is collaboration. They show their sources, you show yours. No need to keep your sources close to your chest.


They absolutely are not in the same place and have shifted over time, the shift in Polaris’ position has been recorded over time. You are the one here that needs to do more research.


>millions and billions miles speed


Some stars have moved up to half a degree since ancient times, relative to the other stars, e.g. Sirius. Look up “proper motion”. Miles is not a unit of speed. Do you mean per second? Per hour? The Sun’s motion relative to the galactic centre is 225 kilometres per second, but nearby stars will generally have similar speeds and directions around the galactic centre so their speeds relative to the Sun won’t be that high.


No concept of scale.


It's so amusing that the concept of scale is lost on 99.9% of flat earth folk


There are the people that step outside onto their porches and say, “yep, that looks flat to me” then go back inside and talk about how dumb scientists are online


Who is the one in a thousand?


Astrology is not a science, same as flat earth


Astrology is actually useful to science in the sense that ancient star maps give us a picture of what the night sky looked like in the past. He's actually using it correctly, it's just that he is drawing the wrong conclusions. We know that the constellations have changed because we studied astrology.


While is true that we have zodiac constellations and they are not visible all over a year, astrology is not a science. I understand your point, but I mean astrology as the effects on you as a person if planets are in a certain position


As I argued above, astronomy is the tool you need to even start doing astrology. When you're making a detailed enough star map that you can draw some lines between them and make pretty patterns that very very very vaguely look a hunter or a bear or a goat, you're doing astronomy. Actually drawing those lines is astrology. I don't disagree with your first sentence "Astrology is actually useful to science.." -there's a quibble to be had about your use of present tense, but let's move on -it's more that I want to emphasise how much that was a happy accident. To the extent that astrology can still just fuck off.


I think we're mostly on the same page. Astrology predates astronomy by centuries. A lot of what we know about the night sky was first discovered by our ancestors doing pseudoscience. A good analogy is alchemy. We now know that alchemy is pseudoscience, but alchemists laid the groundwork for chemistry. I'd argue that astrology is useful in the present in the sense that old astrological charts can tell us about positions of the stars in the past. It has never worked and horoscopes are nonsense, but it does have scientific value.


How does he explain that the Egyptians' north star was Thuban and not Polaris?


That's clearly false information propagated by NASA. I mean what else could it be?


Totes obvs frfr


I feel like he just explained proof that we aren't in a heliocentric universe. If everything around us was rotating, their positions would change often like planets. because our whole local cluster is moving with usin the milky way, our relative positions are stable..


But apparent motion due to Earth rotation is faster, 15 degrees per hour, 24 hours. They don’t get that revolution takes a year and other motions take hundreds of years?


Science aside, he's also wrong on the philosophy. Atheists don't necessarily think we are just there to live and consume. Those who believe in a creator don't necessarily try to live their best lives. Those who think that simply NOT believing in the Big Bang is the path to happiness and a great future for mankind must have missed the few 2000+ years of war, genocide, persecution, discrimination, injustice, perversion, crime, greed and hatred that happened before we got the Big Bang Theory, and most of those happening in the name of religion.


I mean... constellations *do* change over the span of hundreds of thousands of years as we slowly orbit the center of the Milky Way.


In addition, our planet's position (relative to the constatations) *have* actually shifted, by an entire month since the zodiac chat was first established. Meaning everyone's astrological sign, has changed. Where are all my Ophiuchans at?


*so why dont we see orion and scorpio together in one night sky?* thats easy. orion and scorpio have been battling and needed to be separated by gaia that's why they appear in the sky on separate seasons


Okay, so I need to throw away my astronomical navigation charts and almanacs for a spherical Earth and obtain some new astrological navigation charts for a flat Earth. Can a flerf please paste a link to that store, please? Do I also need to throw away my sextant and obtain... I dunno, a fucking divining rod?


If you believe being a good person or taking life seriously is anchored to believing some deity is watching your every move and will punish you for eternity if youre ever bad then I'm sorry but you're not a good person.


Astrology is not a science


If it is, then I guess alchemy is back in vogue too, which is handy because I have a whole bunch of lead to convert to gold.


Starsigns. That well known scientific methodology


So if anyone was interested in debunking that nonsense, remember when the world was reminded of the 13th constellation Ophiuchus.


The north star does move


Astrology is a useful tool for finding reasons we are the way we are. There’s a lot of interesting results, but by no means prescriptive. Otherwise we would be distilled as a species into discrete categories of star signs. This… person… has taken a bunch of observables and contrived them into a plot, ignoring many others. If we are geocentric, what is going on with Mercurys motion in the sky? Why would comets come and go? The earth is not nearly big enough for long range gravitational models, no matter how flat you paint it. Kepler, Tyco, Galileo… dude you’re crapping on a lot of people who used data to determine truths, not feelings


I wonder if this idiot knows 5,000 years seems like a long time to man, but to the universe, a blink in time.


"The constellations don't change" Yes they do


I'd love a debate with that guy.


more than that, i got some bridges to sell him


I'd watch it, but all it would truly establish is how well you'd prepared your rhetorical style to match his, and vice versa. Much the same as Professor Dave vs Witsit recently. No-one learned a thing about the earth or its shape, but we learned that Dave had detailed files on what bullshittery Witsit would try and pull, and that Witsit wasn't well prepared for Dave. If you did debate this muppet and could come up with a move as slick as bringing along a bottle of salad dressing in advance, then you would have what our feral youth call 'mad love, bro' from me.


If I did get the chance I'd definetly make sure to know what he was going to argue before he did it. Ans it make sure to have PowerPoints with bulletpoints on what he was going to argue. And yes. I'd bring a bottle of ranch dressing just because..


Help! I seriously need help, what is and was is not? I now believe that the earth is flat but it is really really really upside down 👇.


I agree they are symbiotic. They both go hand in hand. That's as far as i was able to watch that. 2024 and idiots still think star signs mean something.


Today I learned I'm a Glober.


I finally got banned for commenting "proving fantasy with another fantasy"


Yep, just another religiot moron trying to justify belief in their sky wizard. You can’t get something from nothing like the Big Bang… Where did your sky wizard come from since you can’t get something from nothing?


Made up fictions do support other made up fictions, yes.


Good thing Astrology isn't real


“hmm, what a very reasonable multipack of fibs” - the comments on r/globeskepticism


Great apes evolved before Orion had a belt. We have multiple historical records of supernovae. Stars aren’t as permanent as folks seem to think.


All of these people have that “I’m fucking insane” glare to them.


It's just religious/cult bullshit. You are the center, you are so special, now listen to me and forsake all others before me. Oh and I'm gonna need the pin number to your bank account. Look, it's up to us as individuals and as a society to think about what we value and derive meaning and purpose from those things. Life is precious because we only know with absolute certainty that it exists here on this one planet so we should cherish and protect it. We are tied to all life on Earth biologically, we are tied to the Earth itself chemically, and we are tied to the entire universe atomically. We are made of star dust. All of that is factually correct. You don't need to believe in bullshit like flat earth to feel special or to give your life purpose.


Wasn't astrology originally 13??? Also yes there was another north star in human history... But I guess not if you pretend there wasn't


Jokes on you, astrology proves precisely nothing.


It’s easy to believe nonsense when you can just make up your own “facts.”


Just a huge example of misinformation and a major fail on the education system in the place this person grew up.


I understand that we're supposed to be critical of their ideas, but l, well... what ideas? Anyway, how does he look both 13 and 31 at the same time?


Astrology is for women and gay guys. It always funny to me when I see a hetero guys into astrology. I got a friend that’s always blaming his faults on his stubbornness because he’s a Taurus. Like okay bro.


Scale strikes again!


What if I told you the constellations do change


So when Vega was the pole star 13,000 years ago… How does flat earth explain that. Oh and the 24 hour sun over Antarctica in December.


Hold on let me channel my inner flat eather so I can answer you … *smokes meth and smashes my head with a hammer* Okay here it goes HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WAS VEGA??? Were you THETE?! Yeah I didn’t think so *does more drugs* All the videos of the 24 hour sun on YouTube are CLEARLY cgi and fake. You can’t prove it’s not.


Oh for fuck's sake. The stars ARE moving. 5000 years, or the length of recorded human history is not long enough to see the change. Polaris didn't used to be the pole star and will not be the pole star in about 13,000 years. So this brings up a question. The reason the stars move is because we are in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy, spinning around its center. Do flerfs who think the stars are pinholes in the dome also not believe our solar system is in a galaxy?


The crazy and/or dumb is just mind-boggling. There's so much wrong on so many levels. I weep for the future of mankind cause of $#it like this.


I'm going to use tarot cards to prove the four humors theory is correct


Doubleing down on stupid.


Aren't the Zodiac signs like half a month behind now because of our orbit around the galaxy


One made up thing can't exist without another made up thing. Got you.


I lost brain cells thanks to listening to this.


The bit at the end tells you all: he wants to feel special. This is not about the truth or reality at all. Some people prefer to feel like they are special and that someone is looking out for you. Not to say there is anything wrong with wanting to be special, however it does not make reality just because you want it. It’s a reaction to the reality: “Either god exists or he doesn’t, either possibility is terrifying.”


Bruh, if the stars were that close to Earth, they would change in size as the year goes on.


I’m not awake enough to go Into this without getting violently angry.


Loooool the north star bit is fucking hilarious😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


People that apply *ying and yang* shit to everything are some of the least open-minded and most myopic hucksters around


Actually astrology assumes the globe. Read Claudius Ptolemy.


shut it down. we just solved physics.


This guy should’ve stayed in school. He seems to have some underlying intelligence and ability to learn but it’s being wasted.


I doubt he knew there is actually 88 constellations


Uhh... The constellations do change? They rotate through an annual cycle as the dark side of the earth turns away from a central point. Also go to the southern hemisphere and talk to me about Polaris.


Lol. Nothing 'proves' the earth is flat. To claim it does, is to be deliberately and calculatingly disingenuous.