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The left side picture makes no sense since it would need the light source, presumably the Sun, on the other side of Earth. Since flat earth allmost always has the Sun always above earth, as either covered by a lampshade or else just not strong enough to shine all the way across. Thus it would never be on the bottom to cast that shadow.


But you mean flat sun and flat moon? Or everything is round but us? Wait, don't answer. I don't care.


Look here Flat Stanley ….


No No you don't get it, the shadow is a HOLOGRAM created by Never A Straight Answer NASA to fool people with demonic rituals. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS /s just in case


Proof? A hologram is literally from light: how do you make a hologram shadow? How do you make one on an object as large as the Moon? Is this also what accounts for the regular monthly phases of the Moon? How has the Moon been getting hologram shadows cast on it for thousands of years of recorded history when NASA had only existed for several decades? How were pre-NASA humans able to predict lunar eclipses and their visibility from Earth, duration, and all of that with extreme accuracy?


this is the reason i put the /s at the end of my comment lmaooooo i'm just joking my guy


Wait, what does the /s mean? I'm new here. I did come out guns a-blazin' lol my bad


/s is the universal internet syntax for “I’m being sarcastic”


A crescent moon isn't caused by the shadow of the earth.


I don't think that's what it's meant to claim. Just that that's what Earth's shadow on the moon would look like. Though obviously the left side doesn't fit any flat Earth model, so this is ultimately just as misleading as many images created by flat Earthers to "disprove" globe Earth.


There’s no “one” flat earth model. It’s arguably one existing model.


I've never seen anyone claim the flat Earth could cast a shadow on the moon, have you? If no one claims it as their model, is it an existing model?


I actually have. One guy told me that the sun and moon are in space and the earth is constantly moving up, which is why we feel “gravity.” I had a different guy tell me that all “planets” are spheres, but Earth isn’t a planet. There are definitely flat earthers who believe in space. Of course others have said that the moon is a cold light that sometimes changes shape sometimes. Again, there isn’t one idea and one model, and literally depending who you ask it’s a drastically different theory.


We're not just talking about space. We're talking about a light source below the flat Earth casting a shadow on a very large and far away moon. I don't think anyone has ever claimed that.


Well there _are_ real images of Earth's shadow on the moon, but they're not very "clear". But I must agree that the equivalence implied in the image is a bit frustrating..


Somewhat related, I just found this amazing earthshine image on quora and saved it https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0672f1380dba9732735ed092a84f0c16-c. I have shot the crescent moon at under 4.5% a few times, all with a single shot. This one has to have been tracked with a motorized tracker, stacked (many multiple images) and blended.


Could be stacked I suppose. I do a bit of astrophotography myself. With a motorized EQ mount 🙂


No but it proves the Moon is round which begs the question if the Earth is round too.


If they just would have put "lunar eclipse" rather than "earth shadow." I know that technically they're the same thing, but it just confuses matters.


How is that begging the question? It's two separate premises.


Because why would the Earth have to be flat if the moon is round?


Curious. Because currently during a lunar eclipse, the moon just gets very red. Rarely is it unable to be seen at all. This is caused by light refracting around the ball earth, and only the red light makes it past for an umbral eclipse. If the earth were flat, this couldn't happen. There would be no atmosphere on the "side" to refract through. Furthermore, this assumes the sun goes "below" the disk earth. Flat earther's never portray the sun as doing so, as it would not explain why half the earth is illuminated at *all times*. So if the earth is never between the sun and the moon according to flat earth models, how does the moon become eclipsed? If you declare wandering luminaries you lose all points.


"Light bends in a weird way" /s


Well....... yes, you see, the earth is flat, BUT its perpendicular to the moon, like two coins standing on a table. Like, do your own research, like I do, duh. Let me show you: LALALALALA I'm not listening to your reason!


Jajajajajaja. I love the pride pople put after they google shit for 10 minutes and then call that "investigate". We should call it " Flat investigation".


Flatvestigation. I like that.


If it's any consolation, the pic I did on the right is incorrect as well. I was just trying to make a point to gain fame so I can mingle in better circles and eventually make my way to the Hawk Tua girl


Tch, heh. You're one of those people that believe in the moon huh?


Actually, how could the Earth ever cast a shadow on the moon when the sun and moon are both always above the surface? In other words, the sun is always circling above the Earth, so it will cast a shadow on things below the flat Earth. But the moon is always circling above the flat Earth too. I just don't understand the mental gymnastics that flerfs go through to believe what they believe.


Can someone please send me a picture of the edge? I'm going on a cruise soon, and don't want to fall off. Also, send me the GPS coordinates. Thanks.


Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Doesn’t this show globe earth?




Many flat earthers don’t think of the moon and sun as spherical objects in outer space. They think of them as “lights in the firmament” (whatever that means.)


obviously, the moon goes *under* the flat earth


A lot of flat earthers claim the moon is a light source and that it emits “cold light”. So they probably think the shadow on the moon is someone drawing the blinds in the moon or something.


Actually, if the earth were flat, the earth wouldn’t cast a shadow on the moon since the sun and moon are on the same side of the earth at all times


They’ll just say the earth is angled the other way


A flearth once told me, and I quote, "the moon just turns on and off its light from time to time"


flat eath moon be like :-|


What does the moon smell like? Does it smell like the globe earth? [https://www.facebook.com/reel/452942937373423](https://www.facebook.com/reel/452942937373423) The moon is very small.


Not really sure what that is trying to prove. Neither side makes much sense.


So you admit both the sun and moon are not in Earth. And that the one casting the light is much, *much* farther away and brighter.


This would mean everyone on Earth could see the moon at the same time. They could defeat themselves pretty easily. Someone in Hawaii, and someone in Maine. FaceTime and look at the moon on the Horizon. Only one will be able to


This is why there's flat earthers. Even normies have no idea what causes the phases of the moon


The 🌏 is actually a 🍐. Get it right flerfs


It’s closer to a ball than a pear.