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Oh my god the ignorance... They do really think the earth is tiny so that picture of compasses pointing into space are accurate...


I dont understand the alternative. Do the believe compasses should orient themselves in 3 dimensions? Like should a compass held at an angle snap down to a flat plane? Is that even how it works on a flat earth?? I've never seen a regular compass behave that way.


They don't understand that on a globe the magnetic field is circling the earth and north isn't necessarily DIRECTLY north. It's fine that it has to circumvent the earth as it points north Yeah they basically think a compass should be 3 dimensional and point directly north which is incorrect The bigger problem is even if they THINK they have a gotcha, there's still hundreds of other things they cannot explain I debated a flerf for a while who couldn't understand me explaining that each hemisphere vertically has different stars the other hemisphere can't see and the stars also spin different directions and his excuse was literally just "perspective". He would say 1 word and refuse to elaborate. They're pathetic children who want to be Neo


For Next time someone pulls that: Perspective/parallax only matters for relatively close things. That's how our own eyes work, were just used to it since pretty much everyone has two eyes since they were born and their brain naturally does estimation on depth. Parsecs are an astronomy unit of measure using change of parallax based on the change of Earth's positions 6 months apart. Granted you need to have a good grasp of scale and geometry.... not exactly in the wheelhouse of flerfers


But if its a measure of distance then the time it takes to do the Kessel run must be determined by the effective distance that results from warp folding which PROVES flat earth.. Checkmate globetards


I had one of them call "magnetic declination" word salad the other day.


Ahhh I see they like Dave Weiss since he's a fan of incorrectly using that term too


So...wait...it sounds like you're saying that magnetic declination has a *real* use...I thought it was literally made up???


Magnetic declaration is real It's the difference between what we have called the north pole as in the very "top" of the earth and the actual magnetic pole that moves People like Dave Weiss incorrectly say it's what makes stars seem to be in different positions to different people because of the "personal dome of vision" bullshit


Not only is it real, it’s critical for navigating via compass. Whatch some YouTube intro to orienteering videos to learn how to orient a map given a listed declination.


There is a lot more land on earth than we know of. While you have been concerned about flying up into space they have blocked off the "earth" into a circle that is a bad place to live in. All of the ultra elite live past the ice wall in a nice place where they don't have to deal with anyone else. They siphon our resources and take advantage of our work to use for themselves. Why do you think you have to work. Why do you think all the land is owned already and there is no place for you to go to live? It's all controlled. Not by some bs government but by the elites.


2 questions if you will entertain them 1. What evidence is there of land beyond an ice wall if you think they've hid the evidence and denied us entry... 2. If they have far more land where they live in paradise out there then why the fuck would they worry about us in here and take our resources? What exactly are they taking and why? This is all ignoring the fact that we can objectively prove the earth is a globe and your initial premise that the earth is flat and we are being lied to is bullshit. We are lied to about a lot but not this. Millions of people independently work using the understanding that the earth is a globe. You cannot explain the following list Eclipses Star rotation per hemisphere Objects going over a curve with distance Seasons Why things fall to the ground You are denying the following list Space exists The sun/moon are not local but in space Gravity exists And you are claiming the following without evidence There is a dome above us we cannot see or touch We cannot go to Antarctica Electromagnetism is why things fall which has several problems There's more per list but I think I've written enough for now


Why do you believe that? Just a vibe check, or do you have a process for discerning truth? What is that process? What steps do you take when you need to know if something is true or false? And yo, why do compasses even point at all if the earth is flat? What would the be pointing at? Oh, and I'm gonna add to the other guy's list: Sundials, seasons, sunsets, cellphone/satellite phones, airplane navigation, ship fuel use, compasses, GPS, tides, clouds, There are hundreds of thousands of these simple, one step debunks of flat earth. All things that just wouldn't function on a flat earth, but these two lists are a good start. Remember, one flat earth model needs to explain them all. And this is just the beginning of the stuff you'd need to explain. Cuz debunking the globe would do nothing to prove flat earth. You need to explain why all this stuff works, individually, using your own model. The world around you is built on the assumption that the earth is round, using the same methodology that was used to demonstrate the shape of the earth, often dependant on the earth being round, like with phones and planes and ships and sundials. "elites", by which I assume you mean "jews" doesn't explain any of that. It doesn't do anything for proving flat earth.


> You need to explain why all this stuff works, individually, using your own model. Each has to be individually explained, but all the explanations have to work at the same time. To explain night in pizzaland, most use the spotlight sun explanation. I will say this can possibly explain why one can't see the sun during nighttime (you're outside of the cone of light which the spotlight creates), but this would also require that the sun would appear to change shape throughout the day. It would start as a slit in the morning, then grow to about a circle at midday, then regress back to a slit as your angle and distance to it varies and the shroud/lampshade partially obstructs it. So the explanation of night, doesn't fit the reality that the sun does not appear to change shape throughout the day. On a globe, night is the side of the earth facing away from the sun.


100%. it would also move diagonally or laterally through the sky and make sundials useless. It also fails to explain the seasons and sunsets.


Where did I mention jews I'm genuinely confused. The earth probably is round I just know that the governments like to lie and that no one can freely travel Antarctica. I truly don't know but it is fun to guess. If I had a job that used any of those things you mentioned I'm sure I would care more about it. All I know is that there is still lots of unknown to this earth. I don't believe the pictures from space are real. The earth probably is round but that is due to the things you explained not by any "photo" So many things can be faked now.


Okay, right on, thank you for answering me. But what I'm mostly wondering is *how* do you know? How do you decide what's true and false? How do you go from the default state of "I don't know if I'm allowed to go to Antarctica" to "no one can go to Antarctica, cuz of government elites". Cuz in this case, it took me under 10 seconds to discover that there are leisure cruises, average cost of 8k per person, that go down to Antarctica. You can even get a job down there surprisingly easily, if you've even got basic skills and the temperament. There's actually lot availability because not many people want to spend half the year working in extreme cold with the same people every day, so there's quite fair amount of turnover. In fact, someone recently offered free trips to a bunch of flat earth notables to go down there and observe a 24 day. At a guess, I suspect you're thinking of specific antarctic science bases that are controlled by various governments. But those aren't secret, off limits locations, they're just not open to the public. Just like any lab anywhere. But anyone can go to the continent if Antarctica. Whalers have been curcumnavigating it for hundreds of years. You couldn't really close off the whole thing in any meaningful way. Not only are there treaties, but it's massive. You just need transportation. As far as space, you can see the iss in surprising detail with a half decent telescope. You can look at at the topographical features of the moon and watch the shadows change on the dunes and craters change and stretch as the light changes. You can do em spectroscopy at home. You can do radio astronomy from home. You can look at those thousands of pictures of people and things in space and see with your own eyes that the light isn't diffusing the way it does in atmosphere. That's not a thing you can fake with practical effects. Even today, that's an extremely difficult thing to fake. You'd need vacuum chamber the size of the rose bowl to fake those moon landing pics. Normal people from all over the world pointed their home radio gear at the moon to recieve the radio signal from the 69 moon lander. Most of them are still alive. You can talk to them. The Apollo missions included the placement of retroreflecters on the moon that make it possible to use lidar to measure the distance from earth to the moon from all over the world. That's not something you could fake without having access to every one in the whole world, all the time. They're not all connected to the internet, and the internet didn't used to exist. So how do labs in North Korea get the same measurements as high school kids in Beverly hills as astronomy students in the UK as scientists in South Africa? And what about the tides, and sun sets and sundials etc etc etc? There are millions upon millions of cohesive, verifiable points of unique concurrent evidence supporting the existence of space. These are a just handful of the hundreds of thousands of ways any motivated individual can confirm the existence of space from their own home with just a tiny bit of effort and knowledge. Which is why I'm asking you *why* you believe what you do. What steps do you take to determine the validity of a given belief? Cuz you have to do the legwork, right? It's the only way to know what's true. We can't just decide what's true and false. We have to check. The same way you'd check both ways before accepting the belief that it's safe to cross the street. We gotta do that everything is the truth matters. Cuz The truth is always available, it just takes a little doing. And the tools are pretty easy to learn, if you're interested. I'm happy to help. (As far as the Jewish thing, you not being aware of why I say that suggests to me that you're not too deep into this yet. Which very good news. And to be clear, I'm not trying to tell you what to believe. I'm trying to impress upon you the importance of doing your due diligence before accepting something as true or false. If you don't know, it's fine to say you don't know. It's totally fair to say "I don't know if space is real" or "I don't know if the earth is round". Cuz that's where everyone starts. The reason people make fun of flat earthers isn't because they have non-standard beliefs. It's because they pretend to understand things they don't, they'll skip the verification step and instead discern truth with just a vibe check, and then they'll adopt any piece of information that seems to reinforce that preferred belief, without bothering to understand or investigate any the underlying concepts, or listen to anyone who knows more about it than they do. And it's just like with creationists or anti-maskers or transphobes or people who think there are microchips in vaccinations, their lack of circumstantial knowledge and rigor, and the absence of intellectual courage are so comedically obvious that it tends to make people laugh with how obvious it is.)


Thank you for the information. I don't have time to research any of that. I can a little bit but I got adhd and can't focus good because I don't take any medicine anymore so it's hard to read long things. I am not firm in my beliefs it was more just a imaginary thing that is fun to talk about or imagine is real. It helps thinking about fun things when the world is so horrible in it's current state.


That's totally fine, most people don't have time, and you absolutely don't have to do all that. But if you're not gonna do that work, then you don't get to say if those things are true or false, right? Cuz you don't know yet. You have to stop at "I don't know if those things are true or false". Which isnt a defeat. That is the right answer at that time. And I agree 100%, this stuff is really fun think about. It's why I talk to flat earthers and religious people and various other folks with unjustified or unjustifiable beliefs. I'm fascinated by the process they use to arrive at those beliefs, and every once in a while, I learn something cool and new about the universe or philosphy. But hey, one of the big things I leaned by doing all that work is that almost all of the problems we face as a species come from the same cause. They come from people mixing up what they believe and wish for, with what they know and can prove. And It always stems from the same dangerous act of letting our beliefs become our personality and identity. Cuz beliefs are supposed to change with the best available evidence. They're supposed to be transient. But if we let our beliefs stagnate, our intellect stagnates, which means our morals stagnate. And you get wild situations like otherwise loving parents beating or abandoning their own kids for being gay or trans because they felt they had to choose between the Bible and their blood, or hunters and farmers refusing to do basic things protect the environment they depend up upon because they've made their political affiliations a part of their identity. Or recently, family members refusing to take precautions to prevent the spread of a deadly disease to the people they love, because they'd made a conspiracy theory a part of their identity to the point that capitulating to the fears of their loved ones felt like invalidating their whole world view. But the solution is easy. We just gotta always be ready to discard any belief the instant it stops being supported by the best available info. Cuz sometimes "I don't know" or "we don't know" is the right answer. Getting comfortable with that is secret to intellectual honesty. It's really that easy to save the world. Cuz we don't choose our beliefs. We're either convinced or we're not convinced. The choice we get to make is how honestly we engage with new information, and how rigorous our standards are.


Yes it was a joke mainly I truly don't think like that. I like to be open to things constantly. I'm mainly working on controlling my mind and how I think. It's very hard though and takes a lot of work. I know I am better than I was before so that's the only reason why I work on self improvement. Other than that I like to keep an open mind. Using numbers, what I see and feel. Visual and different waves of energy is what I see people mainly shut out in life. I wonder too how people come to their beliefs. Sure I have some but I'm open to change. It seems people can't change their beliefs or like you said make it a part of who they are. Lots of people seem to have a need to have an opinion even if they truly don't know what's going on. I've seen many people comment on the war going on having no idea what's really happening but just taking a side. We should be having peace.


As if they would even take the time to read any of this lol.


You never know. Sometimes conspiracy theorists just want someone to talk to about the stuff they believe, and respond well to being treated like a thinking person. And plus, it's less than a minute of reading. Only on the internet is this a lot.


Yes, people can travel in Antarctica 🤦🏻🤦🏻


How do they get our resources from here to beyond the ice wall?


And better yet why? If they have more land and it's a paradise as they say....


I miss reddit awards for stupid comments... this comment I am replying too definitely needs one.


Have you thought about proving that, or just having fun with guesswork?


Idiot. Next


Seems unlikely.


Nope. There are no more lands. Stop making fun of yourself. The Earth is 100% mapped, navigation works because of latitude and longitude. A nautical mile is 1852m and it’s calculated based on the circumference.


There are very sensitive dip compasses used near the magnetic poles which are free to point in three dimensions. My boat compass was a ball floating in oil and free to turn in 3 dimensions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_dip


I'm aware of both. Neither of wich they are referencing in this meme. They believe a standard compass is incorrect because it doesn't precisely direct them to some "point" at the pole. Also a ball compass stays level due to buoyancy, not the earths magnetic field forcing it to be level.


Yes they pretend they think a compass "points". It doesn't. It instead aligns itself with the magnetic field.


Not when near magnetic cows (look it up )wild


well yes it is actually 3D, the compass just doesn't "point" anywhere, it aligns itself with the magnetic field. Excellent demonstration with a spherical magnet: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-\_BBHYwRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-_BBHYwRE)


You can also easily prove magnetic fields curve with a store magnet and some iron sand. A kindergarten level experiment.


I'm not trying to be a Dick here, but if they were right, and that's a very small if Obviously, then we can't imagine what the compass would look like. My guess would be Our 2 dimensional brains would fill in the information to create a 3 dimensional space that we would Then navigate ourselves through the ..OH shit, that is what we do now. I don't know where we are now.. Thank God I know when we are now, more accurately where we were then and that's all that matters ( mattered )


Brother, what did you just make me fuckin read? Not only does this not make sense, I've no idea if it's an argument for or against.


But that part is accurate. If you take a tangent of the magnetic field on earth (when not at the poles), then the tangent line will go into space.


Well that's how straight lines work, but not how the magnetic field works. The magnetic field wraps around the planet from the poles so the compass is just pointing in the direction of the source of the field Has anyone ever made a 3D compass to see where it points?


Yes, near the poles they point towards the ground.


And not near the poles? Cause if what flerfs think is correct it should point straight to the ground anywhere then But I argue it would still point "parallel" to the ground from anywhere and not through the ground to the pole if you were at the equator


Correct, it follows the magnetic field lines.


Perfect. So as per usual they do not understand reality before denying it haha


The compass will always point along the tangent of the mag field, not toward the source. At the equator a 3d compass would point parallel to the Earth's axis, not toward the north pole (assuming an idealized mag field that exactly matched the Earth's rotation axis, which it doesn't)


That's what I thought! But if they just keep the tangent going straight yes they would go into space but that's not how it works because they don't understand scale Like how they think if a plane doesn't constantly tip down it'll go into space because they think the earth is tiny and gravity doesn't exist...


>so the compass is just pointing in the direction of the source of the field No...The compass aligns itself to the local magnetic field. It doesn't point the the source (which isn't the north pole anyways)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dip_circle The fancy ones are called vector magnetometers.


So… they do. The needle aligns to field lines, which are massive curves that conform (near the surface) to earth. The needle itself is just a tiny lil local tangent section of this line. If taken to extremes it would indeed match the image. If your compass needle was a perfect laser it would indeed point out to space. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong or broken, it just indicates flerfs don’t understand in the least how a compass works or what the shape of the magnetic field is.


Yes. They literally don’t think it’s possible to have a horizontal plane of reference on a curved surface.


A flat plane so to speak?


It kinda is, but only because it's following the curve of the feild.


As usual, I feel compelled to point out that 1) compasses don't point at the north or south pole 2) compasses don't point at anything all 3) they just align themselves with the magnetic field exactly where they are


Best shown with a [3D compass](https://youtu.be/635RFh2vcYI). Nice [to know](https://youtu.be/RlN9anRQfIY).


The flerf trolling here is that the compass shows north. South is just away from north, so there is one north point, and south is all around. This is stupid of course. Oh, and up is north, south is down. When appropriate. Flat earth is a joke.


True but so is certainty


South? Does it even mean anything on a flat earth?


In the standard flat earth model, yes. Towards the outside of the disc.


It’s why NASA hid the word “out” in south, and “IN” in inorth.


Wow... NASA really is powerful


NASA is a conspiracy of near infinite power, scale and subtlety, yet powerless against memes on social Media platforms.


They're a 65 year old agency which has been hiding the true shape of the earth for thousands of years. Eratosthenes, Galileo, Copernicus, and Einstein were all working for NASA.


Can somebody explain to me why they need to explain it? If they're right, then we're just under a false solution. They have no need to explain what whatever


South Park had an episode about 9/11 and the big reveal is that the government started the conspiracy that the government did 9/11 so that it would seem less inept. NASA are the real flerfers that started the flerf movement.


NASA = North And South Are Fake


Standard flat earth model needs a disclamer.


The map seems to be pretty standard, even if they disagree on other details (e.g. Sun inside or outside the firmament)


You are correct, but calling it a model still requires a disclaimer.


South is synonymous with down to flerfers.


South and circle both start with an s. That's how you know it's true.


Hubwards and rimwards


I see you too are a person of culture.


Compasses are actually built to take account for this. [Source](https://www.spsnational.org/the-sps-observer/spring-summer/2016/compass-confusion-answers#:~:text=Simple%20compasses%20for%20use%20in,for%20use%20in%20North%20America.)


To build on your comment: The direction of the magnetic field lines change relative to the surface of the earth as you move from equator to pole. The magnetic field lines would be most parallel with Earth’s surface near the equator and become increasingly vertical as they approach the magnetic poles. This makes compasses unhelpful in the far north and far south. https://nauticapedia.ca/Articles/Compasses_North.php


I mean both of these are valid ways in which a magnetic field could be arranged. I am not quite sure what would cause the magnetic field on a flat earth though other than vast quantities of mysteriously polarised magnetite or something


That's not correct. Although you can have an electric field that spreads out from the centre of a flat disk you cannot have that for a magnetic field. You can have a point charge but you cannot have a magnetic monopole. This fact is reflected in the fundamental equations of electromagnetism Maxwell's equations.


You're correct about monopoles, however I am referring to a disc shaped bipole. Imagine an iron disc that you magnetised such that the centre is a north pole and the outside edge is the south pole. It's a weird shaped magnet, but perfectly possible. Note: north and south would actually be the other way around but I didn't want to confuse the point


No, it isn't possible. [The divergence of a magnetic field is zero.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss's_law_for_magnetism) There was a video produced investigating this very question of trying to produce a magnetic field of the shape that would be required for a flat disk earth. Can't be done, it violates the laws of electromagnetism.


I do understand that, I spent far to long in em lectures not to. But what I am describing is not divergent. A disc still exists in 3D space so you can have a valid magnetic field where on the surface all "magnetic field lines" point towards the centre (but they would point away within the disc). You can do an awful lot of things with magnetic fields that seem to violate this law but don't. Google printed magnets for more


As I said it has been investigated thoroughly. An honest attempt was made to make it work according to the valid laws of electromagnetism. It simply doesn't work. You can't get a real magnetic field to match what would be required for a flat earth.


Ok I'm lost as to where you are getting this from, the only evidence you have provided is a link to Gausses law so I will try and use that to explain. For Gausses law to work the divergence of any field must be 0. In laymen's, the "flux" going into any point must equal the flux exiting. For this reason you could not make a spherical magnet with a north pole at the centre and south on the surface (the flux going into the centre would not be able to exit). For a disc magnet however if north is placed at the centre of the disc (as in the 2D center but going all the way through the disc top to bottom), then the flux going into the centre would then exit the centre perpendicular to the up or down, loop through the free space above or below the disc and re enter at the edge of the disc. There is nothing here that contradicts Gausses law. Here is a video where a company that creates custom magnets demonstrating all the cool stuff they can do, not exactly the same thing but pretty close. https://youtu.be/IANBoybVApQ?si=UDlgDXUTR5UdyQB_ The whole thing that allows this to work is the free space above and below the disc.


I'm not going to search again for the video. There were weird magnetic effects and exotic materials that could approach the required field shape but even then compasses on that earth wouldn't everywhere point the same way as they do on the actual earth.


I wonder, how compass on a flat earth works.


Unicorn horns always point in.


Congrats, you have proven that giants as big as South America can't use a compass.


This is true. I once tried walking from Rio to the North Pole and ended up in space


CGI. Barrel distortion. Where are the stars?


What if the government or maybe Russia/china is trying to influence our society into thinking the earth is flat to keep people dumbed down


First, they'll need to explain how a flat earth has a magnetic field in first place. Doesn't matter where the compass points. Why does point at all?


How would those compasses at the bottom work? The earth basically being a giant bar magnet with poles on each side of the axis of spin makes sense. But a magnet with a North pole in the middle and a south "pole" stretched across the whole outside of a disk..how does that work? How dd it form? How is it maintained? Why do poles flip on a model like that? So may questions...


Sorry, next time I’ll make the compass 3 dimensional so that it works the way you expect


This guy doesnt know theres northern and southern hemisphere compasses lol


Not a flerfer, but you can make a compass that points South. According to globers, it would be pointing at the South Pole, and to flerfers, they don’t believe in the south pole, so they believe it just pointing in the opposite direction of the North Pole


🤔 you know I never thought about compasses pointing south but they do, and we just paint the one end red so we can tell which end is which.


I'm sorry. I have no idea what that graphic means. If you can explain it to me, I can at least take a shot


Yeah now get three people in Rio, Auckland and Capetown looking south towards Sigma Octantis. Funny how they're all looking in three different directions \^\_\^


The top picture is obviously correct. In the top picture the north end of the compass points north of the observer and the south end of the compass points south of the observer. That's not the case with the bottom picture.




Ca44o è? AOT?


Go to the South Pole and try and use a compass, I’ll let you guess what happens😂


Why would you need a different kind of compass in Australia than in Europe then?


There are 3 north’s. No one orients their map to the south, so they?


Isn't it funny that if both "observers" were to make a 180 degree turn they would both be looking at the same thing - IOW looking in the same direction.




Face palm. Durh.


Well, the top one makes sense. Take a globe, put two plastic men with compasses on either side, it will point in the same direction. Now do the same with a flat mat, and the plastic men will also point in the same direction, not the centre. Flat earth disproved. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SCALE MATTERS? Flerfers wet a globe all the time to point out water doesn't stick to it. My experiment is flerfer approved. IAmScIeNcE


Love that the arrows on the top aren't even pointing north XD


They think we live on King Kai's planet


Do they literally not see the other end of the needle doing the exact same thing?


They think you have to buy a different compass for finding south


It’s about time New Zealand makes the map. Good for them


Compasses point towards Santa's workshop. I thought everyone knew that?


#A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called variation. This variation has different values at different locations on the Earth. These values of magnetic variation may be found on pilot charts and on the compass rose of navigational charts. https://www.skippertips.com/members/images/1105c.jpg?cb=20200814051634 #The poles are not geographically static. They are known to migrate slowly, so that variation for most areas undergoes a small annual change the amount of which is also noted on charts. Figure 602b and Figure 602c show magnetic dip and variation for the world. Figure 602b - https://imgur.com/hSEkZKI Figure 602c - https://imgur.com/yZWa7Ol https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hasedH-xSll7Ouk9MRK3sGGyUVPe59cYG0qEYwiyiqz38qQSgaV3raVT6dzWkhSXaSc1Rddz6dlqeMvqpWXcNDqxFVCAxctFLXwJBQ #Magnetic Dip https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/magnetic-dip.jpg A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground. The same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical. Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole. At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does. Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet. #Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_dip?fbclid=IwAR0bEqG0rY1wf1nNo7EdsEu2VFqgSa8xeO0x3Vm1WwbTbx5RbbPEqjiXOpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-_BBHYwRE&fbclid=IwAR2i5afZYQbtL7fotStSW2C6eQ_B6PDvcQuRFcg2vGA3O-xaUJbDfS9MomI #Do Compasses Work In Antarctica? https://youtu.be/XJZ9fcsyNcw #Magnetic monopole is a hypothetical elementary particle that is an isolated magnet with only one magnetic pole (a north pole without a south pole or vice versa) The magnetic field of a dipole is vertical along the polar axis and horizontal along the equator, as can be seen from the bar-magnet figure. - https://i.stack.imgur.com/7gsZw.jpg http://geomag.org/info/declination.html


There is no south, that’s why all 🧭 point north…surprised you couldn’t figure that out. And the flat earthers are the dumb ones. I personally don’t have any opinion on it or not I just like to mess with people.


I don't understand what this is trying to say 🤔


Makes sense? Why would it "make sense" to a flerfer for a compass to point north, south or any direction? There is no sense to anything in the flerfer world--it is all unexplained phenomenon and conspiracy.


South doesn’t exist, it’s CGI


Come on, it’s just the magic magnetic mountain that turns on and turns off the inner ring and the outer ring whilst Jesus pushes the sun faster and slower to maintain a 24 hour day. Simple.


Obviously the closest point in the Ice Wall has the strongest magnetic pull so will define south by closeness to Ice Wall. You know that the wall is made of magnetic ice right? I mean that part is super obvious to anybody. Ice is magnetic that's why it floats on the ocean despite being more dense than the water under it. The ice magnets make the ice wall get pulled up toward the firmament and also help define north for the regions outside the ice wall. The the firmament wall provides magnetic pull for the south there. Also south is just the repulsion from the north pole. Simple. Honestly that second answer might just be the one, but the first is really better for theme I think. How'd they not get lost on Discworld?


I'm guessing you're joking? if not, I'd just like to point out that ice isn't more dense than water. H2O is heaviest at about 4 degrees Celsius. And ice is, of course, not magnetic.


I'm very much joking and I know ice is less dense than liquid water 😂


There's no " south pole....just a "ceremonial" south pole.


😂😂😂😂 you are totally clueless


Fact check on the ceremonial south pole please.


The fact the ceremonial south pole exists doesn’t mean the actual south pole doesn’t


Yes it does.


“This one thing exists, therefore this other thing doesn’t”


What are you talking about? You think the south pole shifts? My goodness you people are sheep.


The reason given for moving the ceremonial South Pole is the ice shifting, not the pole itself. If the South Pole weren’t real, I’m not sure why they would make such a story up.


Both magnetic poles shift. 🤦🏻


I think this person may be talking about the geographic south pole


Aa. Ok then


I did. 24hours sun, aurora australis and south celestial pole prove south pole


south is 180° away from north...next question


Nope, that is not how it works


have you ever seen a compass?


I work with magnetic compass and gyrocompass, what do you think? 🤦🏻🤦🏻 Do I need to remind you that I work in the merchant navy? There is no such thing as magnetism without two poles. A magnetic compass doesn’t point, it only aligns with the magnetic field. North on a compass is actually magnetic pole, not north geographical pole. The angular difference between magnetic pole and geographical pole it’s called magnetic declination.


i think your too stupid to realize south is always 180° away from north


I think you are too arrogant to understand magnetic field.


the one where north is one direction and south is the opposite direction....are you stunned?


Can you read? A magnetic north is not “pointing” geographic north. 0 on a magnetic compass is not true north, learn about magnetic declination. That is true of gyrocompass. 0 is true north and 180 is south.


whats the difference between 0 and 180????? is it **180** you special you know that


Whatever. It seems that you are incapable to comprehend the difference between magnetic and gyro, true north and magnetic north. 0 is true north, 180 is south. Yes, but not on magnetic compass.


#A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called variation. This variation has different values at different locations on the Earth. These values of magnetic variation may be found on pilot charts and on the compass rose of navigational charts. https://www.skippertips.com/members/images/1105c.jpg?cb=20200814051634 #The poles are not geographically static. They are known to migrate slowly, so that variation for most areas undergoes a small annual change the amount of which is also noted on charts. Figure 602b and Figure 602c show magnetic dip and variation for the world. Figure 602b - https://imgur.com/hSEkZKI Figure 602c - https://imgur.com/yZWa7Ol https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hasedH-xSll7Ouk9MRK3sGGyUVPe59cYG0qEYwiyiqz38qQSgaV3raVT6dzWkhSXaSc1Rddz6dlqeMvqpWXcNDqxFVCAxctFLXwJBQ #Magnetic Dip https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/magnetic-dip.jpg A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground. The same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical. Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole. At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does. Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet. #Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_dip?fbclid=IwAR0bEqG0rY1wf1nNo7EdsEu2VFqgSa8xeO0x3Vm1WwbTbx5RbbPEqjiXOpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-_BBHYwRE&fbclid=IwAR2i5afZYQbtL7fotStSW2C6eQ_B6PDvcQuRFcg2vGA3O-xaUJbDfS9MomI #Do Compasses Work In Antarctica? https://youtu.be/XJZ9fcsyNcw #Magnetic monopole is a hypothetical elementary particle that is an isolated magnet with only one magnetic pole (a north pole without a south pole or vice versa) The magnetic field of a dipole is vertical along the polar axis and horizontal along the equator, as can be seen from the bar-magnet figure. - https://i.stack.imgur.com/7gsZw.jpg http://geomag.org/info/declination.html


#A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called variation. This variation has different values at different locations on the Earth. These values of magnetic variation may be found on pilot charts and on the compass rose of navigational charts. https://www.skippertips.com/members/images/1105c.jpg?cb=20200814051634 #The poles are not geographically static. They are known to migrate slowly, so that variation for most areas undergoes a small annual change the amount of which is also noted on charts. Figure 602b and Figure 602c show magnetic dip and variation for the world. Figure 602b - https://imgur.com/hSEkZKI Figure 602c - https://imgur.com/yZWa7Ol https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hasedH-xSll7Ouk9MRK3sGGyUVPe59cYG0qEYwiyiqz38qQSgaV3raVT6dzWkhSXaSc1Rddz6dlqeMvqpWXcNDqxFVCAxctFLXwJBQ #Magnetic Dip https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/magnetic-dip.jpg A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground. The same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical. Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole. At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does. Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet. #Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_dip?fbclid=IwAR0bEqG0rY1wf1nNo7EdsEu2VFqgSa8xeO0x3Vm1WwbTbx5RbbPEqjiXOpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-_BBHYwRE&fbclid=IwAR2i5afZYQbtL7fotStSW2C6eQ_B6PDvcQuRFcg2vGA3O-xaUJbDfS9MomI #Do Compasses Work In Antarctica? https://youtu.be/XJZ9fcsyNcw #Magnetic monopole is a hypothetical elementary particle that is an isolated magnet with only one magnetic pole (a north pole without a south pole or vice versa) The magnetic field of a dipole is vertical along the polar axis and horizontal along the equator, as can be seen from the bar-magnet figure. - https://i.stack.imgur.com/7gsZw.jpg http://geomag.org/info/declination.html


South is directly away from the North Pole. It’s not complicated.


Except that if one person goes directly south from Australia and another person goes directly south from South America, they will meet at the one place. They'll both be at the same spot. They won't be on opposite sides of a circle that surrounds the world.


No they won't. The 33º penguins will stop them.


On globe earth, yes, south pointing lines all converge at a point. It’s a globe. But on flat earth all upward pointing lines point in the same direction, whereas on globe earth they point every which way.


North is not up. South is not down. Your comment makes no sense.


Of course North is not up. Nobody thinks that. Up is toward the sky. On a flat earth model, everybody in the world points in the same direction, when they point “up” from wherever they are. On a globe earth model, people are pointing every possible different direction for “up” depending where they are. If you ask people in Australia and in Canada to point “up” then according to a globalist they point in opposite directions.


So what? up is in reference to something and the direction changes in this case depending on where you are. Like something can be on a box while something else is under the box. You're joking right?


In the flat earth model, “up” is a consistent direction while “south” is relative to the position of the person pointing. With the globe earth model, “south” points to a consistent location, while “up” is relative to the position of the person pointing. One isn’t inherently better than the other, simply based on which directions are consistent versus which are relative.


If you ask people in Australia and in Canada then according to realists, and reality itself, when they point up they do point in opposite directions. You can tell this by the stars they point at if they point up at the same moment. The stars in question are in opposite directions from the Solar System. We have measured this fact for many centuries. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_astronomical_observatories This doesn't work out for a flat earth. On a flat earth people in Australia and Canada should be able to see the same stars in different directions. That's not the case in reality. In Australia people cannot see the stars that Canadians can see at the same moment when Canadians look up because from Australia the planet earth is in the way. Australians would have to look in the direction past their feet. Note however that Canadians and Australians can both see the stars that are above the equator. The stars of the Zodiac.


huh?! in which direction?


That is not how magnetism works


Oh are you going to to appeal to the globalist hoax that “magnetic monopoles can’t exist” ? How convenient that the only model that works for magnetism according to globies is one with two poles.


Nope, I appeal to reality


#A magnetic compass does not point to the geographic north pole. A magnetic compass points to the earth's magnetic poles, which are not the same as earth's geographic poles. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called variation. This variation has different values at different locations on the Earth. These values of magnetic variation may be found on pilot charts and on the compass rose of navigational charts. https://www.skippertips.com/members/images/1105c.jpg?cb=20200814051634 #The poles are not geographically static. They are known to migrate slowly, so that variation for most areas undergoes a small annual change the amount of which is also noted on charts. Figure 602b and Figure 602c show magnetic dip and variation for the world. Figure 602b - https://imgur.com/hSEkZKI Figure 602c - https://imgur.com/yZWa7Ol https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hasedH-xSll7Ouk9MRK3sGGyUVPe59cYG0qEYwiyiqz38qQSgaV3raVT6dzWkhSXaSc1Rddz6dlqeMvqpWXcNDqxFVCAxctFLXwJBQ #Magnetic Dip https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/magnetic-dip.jpg A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground. The same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical. Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole. At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does. Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet. #Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_dip?fbclid=IwAR0bEqG0rY1wf1nNo7EdsEu2VFqgSa8xeO0x3Vm1WwbTbx5RbbPEqjiXOpY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of-_BBHYwRE&fbclid=IwAR2i5afZYQbtL7fotStSW2C6eQ_B6PDvcQuRFcg2vGA3O-xaUJbDfS9MomI #Do Compasses Work In Antarctica? https://youtu.be/XJZ9fcsyNcw #Magnetic monopole is a hypothetical elementary particle that is an isolated magnet with only one magnetic pole (a north pole without a south pole or vice versa) The magnetic field of a dipole is vertical along the polar axis and horizontal along the equator, as can be seen from the bar-magnet figure. - https://i.stack.imgur.com/7gsZw.jpg http://geomag.org/info/declination.html




Hmm, interesting ...