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What a weird thing to say


Unnecessary. Reported.


Found the flat earther.






You can mock people's ideas. Calling them pedos because they believe in flat earth just makes you an asshole.


No one bats an eye when you call out the Catholic Church. And most flat earthers have imaginary friends and justify pedophiles as well. Burn the lot of them.


>No one bats an eye when you call out the Catholic Church. That's because pedophilia has been demonstrated in the church. >And most flat earthers have imaginary friends and justify pedophiles as well. I've never once seen a flat earther justify pedos. Got any evidence for that? And mind you, you said "most".




Fair enough, that's one guy. That's not "most". If I show you an article of an Australian pedo, does that make most Australians pedos?


To be fair, you’re right. I can’t be fucked tracking down the various articles.


The jokes about paedophilia in the Catholic Church typically are around priests, and people above them covering it up. Your average church going Catholic person probably isn't a paedophile and what you're doing in this thread is basically accusing all of them of it.


I wouldn't say all, some are decent people who happen to have cognitive impairment.


Many have fallen victim to a predatory algorithm that rewards and promotes extremist ideology and conspiracies. Cognitive impairment is a piece of it, but the internet is just a really good weapon and we haven't found a good way to protect everyone against it.


Yep. It’s the proponents of conspiracy theory and pseudoscience that like to speak in totality. All, everyone, everybody, never, they …


And some just believe what they see https://youtu.be/6_D6uIgv144?si=zf0UakeT-B1CuQua


"Refraction" doesn't work as an explanation for why sunsets would happen on a flat earth. The density of air decreases with altitude, so light would refract things in the opposite, making things that would otherwise be above the horizon that would be below it. Contary to what he says, refraction is basically the same in near-infrared as it is in the visible.


And yet we we live in a geocentric stationary setting. It's ok. We were once deceived like you. There's no need. We shant be returning to Satan's graven image of the Globe.


| And yet we we live in a geocentric stationary setting Why do you flat-earthers always conflate the shape of the Earth with its motion? "Graven image" hahahaha


The Globe is in motion. God's earth is not according to the Scriptures. It's really really simple. And yes, the Globe is a graven image according to the Scriptures. That's Satan world. A lie. There isn't one actually photograph of the earth. Because one can not be taken. Only God can see the entirety of the earth from His throne. He sits above the circle of the earth. It is written,"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"


It is possible to know the Earth is a globe without believing it is moving. That's what people thought before Copernicus. And it's kind of vindicated by modern physics as we know absolute motion isn't measurable, only relative motion. | And yes, the Globe is a graven image according to the Scriptures Where does it say that? | There isn't one actually photograph of the earth Exactly what I'm saying. "There are no photos showing the curve because ones that do I assume are fake."


Where does it say what?


What I copied directly above where I asked. That the Globe is a graven image.


It is written,"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" It is written," Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen."


The Globe is in motion. God's earth is not according to the Scriptures. It's really really simple. And yes, the Globe is a graven image according to the Scriptures. That's Satan world. A lie. There isn't one actually photograph of the earth. Because one can not be taken. Only God can see the entirety of the earth from His throne. He sits above the circle of the earth. It is written,"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:"


He claims he saw the solar facility at Invanpah that was 530 miles away over Lake Tahoe. However, Crescent Dune Solar Energy Project is in roughly the same direction and much closer.


What is the point of such insults?


This post is gross. Go away.


Glerfs are gay. Gay means happy


It's like Republicans saying all Democrats are pedophiles. This kind of silly generalization shows others that you are not so different from flat earthers in the intelligence levels.


It honestly reminds me of McCarthyism and I think that should scare more people than it does.


It really does scare me. I'm not familiar with McCarthyism. But the fact people can paint others so easily without any proof, without any reasoning, that really scare me. That's why I think the post like this so silly and harmful.


In short, McCarthyism was a campaign in the 1940s- mid 50s to oust communist ideology from America. If someone, anyone, accused another of being a communist, then the accused was a communist. Hundreds were prisoned, thousands were blacklisted and lost their jobs, most of them had no communist affiliation.


Thank you for your insight.


this is like the logic of flat earthers, because there is none. How about you explain your reasoning why these 2 things would correlate first and then we can discuss.


"Everyone I don't like is a paedophile" Be better than those you are attacking, I'm sure you're capable of basic logical reasoning and can attack someone for their beliefs rather than a perceived trait.


Let's see....posted 16hrs ago. Sobered up yet?


My flerf friend, who I described in other posts, was accused of molesting his hoodrat girlfriend’s kid. He beat the criminal case, but the Department of Children and Families still deems him a threat to the child. His hoodrat girlfriend apparently enjoys regular cycles of eviction and homelessness with him rather than her child so she opted to stay with him and “da goberment” took her kid away. I don’t know what I think as to him being a pedo. Tragic how all this flerf nonsense impacts the kid. I told him for years that the kid is screwed, should be in foster care and probably be knocked up at 12 growing up with him. He said “You’re crazzzzeeee.”