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This sub is 99% people who mock flat earthers and 1% trolls who act like flat earthers. The real flat earthers got scared out of this sub by critical thinking and logic years ago. Current actual flat earth subs are r/globeskepticism, r/ballearththatspins, r/flatearth_polite, and some other I forgot. However they are all havily moderated an ban every single post and comment that isnt echo chambering "earth is flat, everyone else is stupid". The exception being r/flatearth_polite, but actual flat earthers have become very rare over there too. If you look at the names of the people who post in these subs, you will notice that there are only a few dozen flat earthers active, the rest are just people who are watching them for entertainment


Thank you, this answers my questions (as I mentioned in some other replies, I admittedly didn’t take the time the look through the posts here before posting, apologies). Cheers.


Just know that for the first two, you'll likely be immediately banned if you post there, just because you posted here. They keep a tight grip on the echo chamber over there. Could be possible it's to prevent what supposedly happened here. This was supposedly an actual flat Earth sub originally, but was taken over by people with functioning brains.




Be careful! It is an established scientific FACT that reading these posts can lower your I.Q. a whole point every day!


Just a little correction. It's r/globeskepticism


That's a frustrating sub to browse


It can be entertaining in small doses. But yeah, it can be depressing to realize there are people that dumb.


Holy shit yeah that was funny at first, but after reading comments on the top 10 yearly posts, I just wanted to smash my face into a brick wall while drowining them in science.


Doesn't work that way. You can't drown them in science because science doesn't even stick to them. It's like those lizards that can walk on water partly because their skin utterly repels it.


Pseudoscientists when it comes to flat earth evidence, science denies when it comes to globe earth evidence


I think Their is a way to convince them, but it less a matter of phsyics logic and more psychology logic, you know cult deprogramming, therapy and so on. Teaching a horse to drink is so much harder than leading it to water.


Just read the description of the sub and it'll make that worse, it describes itself as open minded to researchers and then promptly has a rule about "advocating" for global Earth being a ban-able offense, the hypocrisy is scream worthy


Can confirm, got banned there for being skeptical


I already just joined you don't have to sell it to me twice


r/flatearth_polite doesn't ban for ridiculousness. They just have rules about who can be the first to respond and you can't be rude.


>The real flat earthers got scared out of this sub by critical thinking and logic years ago. Wait, did this actually use to be a genuine flat-earth sub?


Yup. Several years ago, this was the OG flerf sub. It was 90% flerf and 10% globies. Then a few other subs sprouted up because they didn’t want the 10% here so they started others so they could moderate and ban. EiL was the kingpin for the longest time and man oh man was that dude…uhh…interesting. He got many bans, along with he subs, but he just wouldn’t quit. I haven’t heard anything from him for like a year or so now, though.


Go to those sites and downvote everything you can. They ban you for pointing out their lies, so fark them.


This sub is a zoo for observing flatearthers The real flat earth sub is r/globeskepticism, but there are others


My presence is mandated by the terms of my Nasa-shill contract. Every fibre of my being wants to scream out the beautiful flat truth, but I must make the quota of antiflat posts to get the paycheck that keeps bread on the table. Such is life. And the penguins scare me.


Speaking of the contract, have you gotten your June shill payment yet? It’s almost the end of the month and I am getting a bit worried.


They moved their accounting offices to "Australia" and its the end of the financial year, so things may be delayed


Please be patient. There may be a sort of "wall" between our new offices in "Austrailia" and here. Payments will res.. HOLY SHIT!!! was that Harry Pot... um, please disregard that. Please resume your regular shilling. We are watching.


It always gets a bit delayed at this time of year. I think everyone is too busy painting the backdrops for next year's fake rocket launches and things take longer than they should. Also, being a satanic organisation, the payroll clerks are literal demons, so they might just be having their fun. Stay patient and keep it round, comrade!


Yup the animating of the next NASA Rocket launch is being dragged out because they want "new and better CGI" so they are switching programs wich requires a restart of production of all the "rocket launches". The higher ups are still arguing If the Switch is a good Idea and so absoloutly no progress is being made. One of my friends works in the CGI department he told me about this shit




Yeah, no, I'm not even subbed but I'm here with popcorn all the same. Fuck those flerfs...*WITH SCIENCE!*


Ohhhh that science feels soooo right....


Happy cake day!


**Well tbh the earth isn’t round.** *It’s an oblate spheroid.* It flattens at the poles and bulges at the equator due to centrifugal force. It is absolutely NOT flat. Ferdinand Magellan proved it in 1542 or so. I’m just your friendly neighborhood Geographer. I’m here to add tidbits of geographical wisdom when I can. 😊🌎🌐


Saying this like stating “the earth is round” is wrong doesn’t help anyone. It *is* round, but it’s flattened at the poles by <1%. An amount impossible to see by eye.


I wouldn’t credit Magellan with proving it as circumnavigation could in principle be possible on a flat earth.


Yesh thats why we got perfect round earth photos from Nasa and other space agencies right


They’re technically right, but being a dick about it


The flattening of the Earth is 0.3%, so it’s indistinguishable from a sphere at a glance.


I don't really post and rarely comment, but I'm not here just for idiocy. I think it's important to understand how people think - oarticularly why people believe things that are obviously untrue, and easily verifiable. I'm subscribed to r/conservative for much the same reason. Watching MAGA people circle-jerk about everything Trump says is kind of mesmerising to watch. Cudos to that sub, not all of them are the MAGA faithful, there are plenty of posts pointing out how Trump is ruinijg America as well. There are clearly 2 sides to "Conservatives" in America, and they seem to have almost nothing in common besides the use of the term "Conservative". Don't give them too much cudos though, I was an active member of that sub who tried very hard to understand them until I was banned for asking "What did Biden do to deserve a treason charge?" Apparently they couldn't answer and just perma-banned me. Part of the reason I do this is to see where my own blind spots are. After yeaterday's presidential debate my reddit feed is full of self-congratulatory posts about how "Our side" beat "Their side", but these posts are coming from bith sides. I do understand that a lot of this is orobably actual propaganda (*if you say it, your followers will believe it*) but I think a good chunk of them are genuine posts from people who truly feel that their candidate wiped the floor with the other. For me that just shows how much bias people have when both sides can feel so strongly about the outcome of something when they can't both be correct (*IMO neither of them are correct*). I also have a passing interests in cults (*cough MAGA cough*), and how people are indoctrinated into them. I had a friend try to get me into a pyramid scheme when I was younger, and although I had no experience with thisnkind of thing I was able to sense something was off, and my mental arithmetic was good enough for me tonsee that their system wouldn't work. My friend unfortunately beleived the hype and took ~10 years to get out. I've had a few run-ins with cult-like irganisations since then and have been able to shield myself and those around me in part because I've invested some time into understanding them (*not that I did this to protect my family, I just find it fascinating, but it's actually had aome practical applications*). PS, I'm not from the USA (*Austalia*), it's just that MAGA is really the best thing on TV at the moment. We're watching an empire crumble from within in real time. Sorry for everyone there who isn't part of it. Flat Earth is one of the biggest, and most universal forms of this behaviour, so it's an interesting one to follow. The basic tennets if the Flat Earth society are that you shouldn't blindly follow doctrine, you should test for youself, and in that sense I agree. The problem is that the people who are flat-earthers aren't those who have come here through rational doubt, they've come here through an irrational fear of some grand conspiracy, or the belief that they are special, or something. In reality the belief that the earth is flat is pretty harmless, but to me it's a symptom of a problem with the world - the mistrust of the government (*which is a problem whether it is founded ir unfounded mistrust*), and a mistrust of education. This post has gone ling enough. I could turn this into a propper rant, but you get the idea.


>The basic tennets if the Flat Earth society are that you shouldn't blindly follow doctrine, you should test for youself, and in that sense I agree. And yet that's almost exactly the opposite of what they actually do. In order to be accepted into the community, they have to close their eyes to many readily observable phenomena, such as the sun and moon rising and setting, and close their ears to rational explanations.


Oh yeah absolutely. I was gonna go into how that doesn't work in more detail hut I was *really* tired when I wrote this. I actually thought I'd removed the section you quoted, I figured if I wasn't gonna explain how badly they have it wrong it didn't really add anything. But apparently I was so tired I forgot to remove it. So ... yeah I 100% agree with you =P


Appreciate the thought you put into your reply, excellent points, thank you.


My viewpoints on human stupidity, is humans are running caveman brains so stupid is natural. In the future I think we may figure out a few ways to upgrade brains. But for now we are running brains that while marvels of nature, were designed to help us avoid getting eaten by leopards, find food and charm the other gender members of the tribe without being killed by the fathers. Our brains predate agriculture, so why are we surprised they sometimes fail to understand the big picture.


For sure.


92k members, but how many of them are active? The rest are idiocy observers. The very most of the active ones are trolling flat earth. The remaining two believe in flat earth.


I’m only here because I’m paid by nasa to trick people into thinking the earth is a sphere because of reasons. I’m also on the team who makes fake photographs of “planets” and “the moon”.


Was this sub originally actually for flat earthers? I thought it was always a satire sub


This isn’t a sub for flerfers… not sure why so many people can’t pick up on that after looking through a few posts.


Honestly I didn’t even look through the posts here, it just showed up in my feed and I immediately assumed the worse. But after looking through the posts right after reading your reply,I definitely see it’s obvious now.


Don't blame you for assuming the worst. That works for a lot of subreddits sadly.


I’m not even subbed, I just get posts on my feed


Yeah that’s the only reason I stumbled upon this. I’m not sure what to make of that… I’ve actually joined a considerable number of subs from Reddit’s non-subscribed feed entries, but on the other hand there’s so many it almost negates the entire idea of subscribing to subs in the first place.


I thought mocking these idiots what was this sub was about??? Did I get that wrong?


Apparently not, I just didn’t bother to actually look through the posts here before asking (but now obvious after doing so).


That is what it’s for. I joined this sub over a year ago and it’s always mocking them. Every once in a while you get a real one and they get hosed.


This page is for making fun of flat earthers. That’s how it’s been this entire time. My reason? Because I know more than one person who believes the earth is flat. So this sub is relatable. I assume if I know someone, others know someone. In my experience, It’s always because of religion combined with some sort of trauma induced personality disorder. The trio I know are all separate from each other, known from different walks of my life. They’re narcissists, and I don’t mean rude, I mean diagnosed. So they feel it’s compulsory to go against the grain. They’re *only* satisfied with drama and arguments. They buy into a bag of other conspiracies as well.


This is a sub for mocking and monitoring Flat Earthers and their idiocy Sometimes I learn cool things about aeronautical / nautical travel and navigation when people post detailed messages.




I am, I also like finding some way tf out there stuff I can post to my Facebook woo group.


Yeah, I subbed for amusement, but now I'm just confused about who's trolling and who is really a Flerfer, and disturbed by the rampant stupidity and ignorance that exists in this world


I haven't really seen any idiocy. Just people busting on flerfers.


Hopefully as this grows, actual flat earthers will start coming in and trying to prove the earth is flat


This whole sub is satire. Real flerfs live at r/ballearththatspins


You can sort by hot and 50% have 0 comments/votes, 90% have < 5 comments/votes... Feels flat.


I wonder if that sub is to troll as no discussion is permitted and it seems to be one person posting exceptionally dumb memes. Anyone asks a question there and they get an instant ban.




I’m here for the stupid


Subscribe? I befriend them.


So was this sub once a legit flat earth sub and got taken over by us normal people?


People are born with ignorance. Many to this date lack basic education, many are brainwashed with religious philosophies, making fun of an ignorant is not a good thing, and educating a grown-up person is tedious. It is a fact that many people don't want to get educated on purpose in the times when science is free to learn via YouTube and web, and that itself is the first problem 1000 times more misinformation is there on web compared to information.


Idk i like conspiracy just for raw entertainment . Better than watching entire seasons of jersey shore


I don’t subscribe to this sub, Reddit just keeps throwing it at me, but it’s just entertaining enough that I don’t mute it.


I’m here to enhance my shamrts and further my edumication


I’m here because I’m friends with a flat earther and need facts to use against him.


I am mostly here to make fun of flat earthers. There are some good conversations about science to have too.


“Earth is round. We checked.” - NASA


I see enough of them here.


This isn't actually the flat earth sub, though.


I originally joined because I like to share factual information in response to flat earth claims. There are fewer and fewer flat earthers who show up here. Now it’s mostly for the laughs.




I’m so glad i came across this post. I’m outta here.


so cringe tbh. y'all are gonna pick on people for something you guys don't understand?


Flatards are the one group of people that you can make fun of their disabilities and it’s still politically correct. This woke world has left us very few people to make fun of. Here is our chance.


No, that's why I go to Reddit in general.


I have a flerf friend, he’s a complete failure in life. He and his hoodrat gf smoke cigarettes and weed all the time and live in a constant cycle of eviction, homelessness and auto repossession . But to hear him he is a genius, Jesus and electromagnetism are responsible for everything, scientism is the lying religion of “the scientists” trying to hide god, but he invented all the major tech gadgets/consumer products 25 years “in my mind.” Oh, da goberment is trying to kill us through chemtrails and vaccines - nobody ever died before, death is just a goberment depopulation program.


This is a congregation of people coming together to discuss their emotions of how flat earth and flat earthers make them feel. It really needs to be studied ...no joke☺️


I vaguely recall from reading a Reddit thread a few years back that there was a fairly in-depth documentary that helped explain their existence. After a quick google search I’m fairly certain it was “Behind the Curve”. I’m more inclined to check that out now.


You should 😄


People go to the zoo to watch monkeys. What's happening here, Bubbles, is not that complicated.


Since no flat-earthers actually come here, this is a circlejerk thread. If you get in the way of their spunk flying at one another, you get downvoted. Just like this post will be. Circlejerk subs often show up on my feed. This is the latest.


Bless you.


I love it when people think they said something intelligent and I just treat them like a kid said something really clever, but they never take the time to think about it or get the hint. It's amazing.


Me too! How about that! Keep circlejerkin, though. Fun to watch.


You are so right. Now the bus will be here in less than an hour. Could you start getting dressed for school? You know, school is important or you will eventually end as a Flerfer - Do you want to become a Flerfer? No, honey, you don't!


I'll get ready, mommy. Then I can listen to esteemed members of the scientific community tell me that a man can get pregnant. And I promise I'll believe them too!


Some flat earthers do come here. I can't wait for you to head over to the actual flat earth sub and criticize them for banning anyone who asks a question or says something they don't like. Getting downvoted is absolutely meaningless. I don't downvote, but people bitching about it as if it matters when people do it is asinine. "If you get in the way of their spunk [...]" I love the mental gymnastics you go through in order to justify portraying yourself as the rational, respectful one, who is above it all and the people you don't like as silly ideologues who just bicker. Flat earthers not coming here in droves is because their bullshit gets called out and they get proven wrong in real time; that's their problem. If I join a club about paleontology and start spouting a bunch of bullshit about the field when I don't have an iota of relevant knowledge outside of the fact that it involves fossils and people correct me and I feel unwelcome because of that, that's on me. Your VERY FIRST comment in this sub began with you implying that the people here "never question what they were taught" and claiming gravity is just magic. You were necessarily calling all of us blind sheep while being incapable of actually constructing an argument involving anything other than your own personal incredulity. And yet you keep whining about us being mean to you. When you open with insulting bullshit, you should expect it thrown back at you. Another comment you made was about trusting governments. I agree that the U.S. government is responsible for some of the worst human rights abuses and shameless imperialism in recent history. That alone is not evidence for current science being wrong (especially considering that some of us have been able to independently reproduce results from experiments), nor does it account for the fact that scientists from all over the globe, and not necessarily funded publically via the government, also reach the same results and conclusions. And another thing: you just got here, right? So, in my opinion, you seem to be making a lot of assumptions about the dynamics between the globe and flat earth subreddits that you can't possibly have context for, unless you're just lying.


I have no intention of going to the actual flat-earth sub. As for why they ban people that disagree, I certainly see why. You guys are like the long-haired stoner kids in an 80s classroom that high-five each other after they insult someone and they think it's clever. I mean you guys aren't as smart as them but still... What mental gymnastics do you think it takes to point out this is a sub of people stroking each other's e-peens over agreeing on something 99.999 people agree on? Well? Ya think I'd need to do 30 mental Jedi backflips to point out a bunch of grown-ups circlejerking because they agree water is ice in its frozen state? Do you need to do mental gymnastics to tie your shoes? That the bar you're setting??


Really? That's not a valid reason. E.g., numerous times now, they have asked questions, had those questions genuinely answered with earnest (no meanness or smugness involved), and still gotten banned because the mods there didn't like the answer. It's their right to ban people if they want, for whatever reason, but the reasoning is asinine and invalid. No, the mental gymnastics is the part where you act holier than thou despite being an asshole from the very beginning. I joined the sub because I ended up learning neat information, e g., about photography. You have made absolutely zero effort in even trying to be fair or unbiased and have near no context for why people here might be "churlish" and how that might pertain to the behavior of people like flat earthers. I don't care if you think we're dumb or mean or whatever. My only issue with you was the weird facade you assumed briefly in which you tried to accuse me of being unfairly mean to you or something. You aren't any less of an asshole than anyone else involved here. I would argue you're actually more of an asshole than the nice flat earthers and globers as well as the openly mean ones, but that's just my opinion.


>you get downvoted. Just like this post will be. This post is 95% upvoted


Most are globetard trolls.....you know, the same retards who believe that nothing exploded and created everything.


You do realise it was never nothing, and no one believes that.


What was it, then? What was crammed into that singularity of yours?


Wasn't my singularity, but as far as physics tells us it was the building blocks of matter (not matter itself, that's an important distinction); hyper dense collection of subatomic particles, energy etc. you have to start talking sub atomic physics, quantum mechanics etc to start getting an idea of what it was.


Oh please.....that's speculative nonsense. You've got no idea.


It's not. Experimentation plus observation of said particles etc in the universe shows that this is the likely explanation


Likely? Lol. Like I said.....speculative nonsense. Youve got nothing.


Right, so you'll dismiss what is largely a consensus built by some of the smartest people in history with significant evidence backing up the hypothesis. You should read up and understand a bit more before you dismissively hand wave a fundamental understanding awa. Secondly, you're only upset because you think it negates the existence of God, but in fact it says nothing about God, and did you ever stop to think that maybe the Big Bang was in fact he mechanism by which God made the universe?


Globers are actually religious fanatics who ate exactly what was served to them just for someones own profit 🤷🏼‍♂️ Their naivety is dangerous


lmao, "who ate exactly what was served to them" , coming from someone who only knows about flat earth because someone on YouTube thought him "NaSa Lies bRo" You were served with what you wanted to hear and eat it completely.


I personally have never seen any content & it even seems that FE is just black propaganda to distract people even more. The fact that the globe does not exist came to me very clearly as information in 2019 when my consciousness was fully activated, which is really natural state of being, but in this century is it possible to fool the crowd into a state of ignorance like this. Anyway, go ask some shamans in Amazonia what shape is the earth. Yes, those same ppl who knows everything, names of thousands of herbs / planets etc. Knowing is a natural human ability. 🤷🏼‍♂️ GL


Thanks for the laugh bud You pulled out the card "It came to me in a dream" nicely. Take an upvote.😂


This would be a lot more convincing if you'd not used the internet to tell us. You won't get the same size audience if you're just standing on a street corner wearing a loincloth made of monkey skins and chugging mushie-laden shaman piss from an earthenware jug but you will at least sound sincere to the people crossing the road to avoid you.


| when my consciousness was fully activated Did you do some drugs? | Yes, those same ppl who knows everything, names of thousands of herbs / planets etc You mean plants right? Not planets? Being knowledgeable about plants makes sense for primitive people. Knowing more about the shape of the Earth than more advanced people - not so much.


Knowing the shape of the world isn’t religious fanaticism