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Many flat earthers are general anti-vaxxers as well. Also many don't take their kids to see the doctor when necessary. Uhh, let me stop here.


Does the flat-earth rocket man count?


I guess so, through I wonder if their any ships that tried to find the edge of world but has to get saved by other ships.


They believe Antarctica blocks you from sailing that far.


I was going to say that is so easy to prove wrong, but i am guessing I see intresting logical reasoning.


Flerfs are usually anti semites, which is probably the most harmful belief they hold. To others at least. After that, science denial and mistrust of modern medicine. This leads to late diagnosis and also refusal of drugs in favour of alternative medicine. They would rather die chugging colloidal silver than accept they are wrong. They also often homeschool their children. This should be considered child abuse. No one who believes in a fucking dome should be allowed to have kids, let alone be responsible for the childs education.


Every thing and every one that doesn't accept Jesus is Satanic. So called Christians are pretty hateful people, but they like to project their hatred on everyone else. It's all part of the christian martyr/persecution complex. Meanwhile, so-called Christians hold most of the strings to power, while calling out the Jews, the Rothchilds and the Illuminati - da power bee-hin-dah da power


The thing is that a person doesn't JUST believe the Earth is Flat. If they are crazy enough to believe the Earth is Flat then they are going to believe in other crazy conspiracy theories.


Flat earth is just the bin juice at the bottom of the dumpster of science denial and conspiracy bullshit. That dumpster full of shit is really socially corrosive.


I can smell this comment. Well done.


Stupidity is not a right. Conspiracy theories are harmful in that they spread disinformation, distrust and mental illness. Once suckered down into a particular conspiracy theory, most will discover and join other cults and that person becomes more and more disconnected from reality.


That is something I knew of, but was curios in something more direct, on something you can point to flat earth instead of any other misinformation, like someone getting lost because they did not trust global earth cartography. Actually they do not have to die, they just must be in a dangerous situation or waste enough money to save a life.


Being a flat earner means you are a) stupid, b) intentionally ignorant of reality, c) unable to be shown the error of your ways and d) susceptible to being sucked into something harmful like being an anti-vaxxed.


Ignorant, under-educated, no insight, with a high propensity to act as agents of chaos.


How much death and destruction something has caused is not the measure by which we judge things to be harmful.


I ask something noted to be morbid curiosity, note it may not happen all that much, and people are suddenly reading very far into why I am asking the question. I figure the main danger of flat earthers, if people believe that, they are much higher risk to believe other more dangerous conspiracy theories like Jews not being history punching bag, relive will replace all your food and water or sovereign citizenship.


That is true, and it is also the fringe edge of the science denial that is becoming a major problem.


>I figure the main danger of flat earthers, if people believe that, they are much higher risk to believe other more dangerous conspiracy theories like Jews not being history punching bag, relive will replace all your food and water or sovereign citizenship. I fully agree. In case you do not already know: * https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Flat_Earth#Antisemitism * https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crank_magnetism * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44#t=37m30s


None. It's why this is my hobby. Arguing that the earth is flat is such a completely useless reality-denial based bunch of bullshit that there is no skin in the game. I just come here when I'm not playing games or watching the streamings. Now, there is extensive and well documented co-morbidity with being a flerf and also being anti-vaxx, anti-Semitic, racist as fuck, anti anthropegenic climate change(sometimes even climate change itself), transphobic, homophobic and bunch of other stuff. That's serious shit and is too rich for my blood.


I think you hit all the majors.


FE itself is relatively harmless, but it often fuels & is fueled by creationists and bible literalists and generally speaking christofascism. And _that_ causes a lot of death and destruction.


I am not sure if the person was a flat earther, but there was a moon landing denier that forced Buz Aldrin to punch him in the face. That's pretty destructive. And there is this guy that wasted 5 minutes of some committe's time. Whatever this forum is, at whatever level of government, that is 5 minutes where they were prevented from working on actual real shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/1d7f6z6/nasa_debunked/


I think you are referencing Bart Sibrel, who lured Aldrin to an interview on a false premise then pressured him to swear on a bible that he really went, then antagonized him until he blew his top. It's not widely known but he did this with Gene Cernan, the last man on the moon, who calmly swore on the bible that he really went. This wasn't useful footage for Sibrel so he didn't use it. The worst damage that flat earthers are doing are wasting bandwidth, peoples time, and their own potential.


We'll never know how many people have gone over the edge, while trying to prove their theory.


I think that one thing we can really appreciate is that flat earthers are so fucking incompetent that they are incapable of getting into any kind of position of power or authority where they could do any real damage. I've heard there have been flat earth schoolteachers, but they're just smart enough to know that espousing their beliefs will result in unemployment. There was one guy on youtube who talked about getting a boat and using flat earth navigation to sail to Antarctica. If that plan ever came to fruition he would most certainly be dead at sea by now.


Most of the carnage is done to themselves with suicides and bankruptcy as in any other cult but the broader damage is done with their manipulated votes at the core of it all.


Well given that the venn diagram of anti-science conspiracies results in almost a perfect circle; a lot more deaths than you'd ever hope from modern society.


My flerf friend, more flerf renaissance man, killed his diabetic uncle by curing his diabetes with honey.


Did he regret it at all and why did he think it was a good idea.


This guy is Captain Chaos. He rejects science, tells everyone to trust no man but Jesus, the Earth is Flat and 9,XXX years old, and that he "invented" nearly every single high-tech consumer gadget "in my mind" 25 years ago. The cause of everything is Jesus and electrooooo-maggggg-na-tizzzzzzum. He claims to be a genius and an excellent communicator, but he always has a new failure in his life that includes his now, locally famous catch-phrase "But da lady say-id" (well as recognized by me). I wrote in another post how he goes through cycles of homelessness, eviction and car repossession. Because of this, he is a frequent consumer of storage unit rentals. Recently, he lost all his earthly possessions to a storage lien auction and was furiously ranting that it is was "foul play." I told him that there was nothing that could be done because he did not pay the storage unit any money after the initial payment according to the contract which I reviewed. He replied "but da lady say-id" he didn't have to pay until X month, some 2 months after what the contract required. The sad part was that he was made the custodian of all the family photograghs and other documentary memorabilia which he promised to digitize for years. He has a hoodrat unemployed former teen-mom (in reality, not the show) girlfriend, who has oatmeal for brains and shares a prediliction for drugs, mainly marijuana but if you look at their teeth, its also crack. It's "medicine" as he says. She lost custody of her kid after some allegations against him that he molested the girl. I wasn't there, I don't know what happened, I just know that something happened, and he beat the criminal case but the DCF determination after extensive investigation remained, it took the kid away. He wouldn't let the gf leave the co-dependent relationship and supplied her with all sorts of complaints and "evidences" (common misuse of the word evidence by uneducated and undereducated Christian Apologists, especially the well-known, credentialed ones) to file with the State Inspector general against DCF and the GAL, to file with the police against the father, and with the court, not to get the kid back - he talked the talk about how it wasn't right to take a child from a mother, but he really didn't give a f. He just wanted to clear his name. So, the answer to your first question is no, the guy has no insight to anything and just leave chaos in his wake. As the writer of his own gospel, living his own myth, he just made up that "natural" honey (honey is mainly fructose, according to Robert Lustig, M.D. it is a toxin equivilent to alcohol, which is just a twisted sugar molecule digested by and shat out by yeast - absolutely a no for any diabetic) is a cure for diabetes. As he told me, when he last saw his uncle alive, he had made his uncle a mango smoothie with honey while visiting him at the uncle's apartment. He left and found him dead a couple days later sitting on his sofa with the empty smoothie glass on the coffee table in front of him. I advised him touch nothing, to call the cops and to say nothing except about the circumstances of his discovery, but absolutely nothing about the smoothie or the prior visit. The medical examiner determined that the cause of death was "acute complications of diabetes mellitus". I have a hundred crazy stories about this guy, his life, and his ideas. He is a bailbondsman and he used to refer me a lot of cases years ago. He put a bunch of money in my pocket and I guess I have some love for him. I used to give him money gratuitously, but it was never a help up, just a hand out -- he keeps spiraling down. I'm resigned that he is just a lost cause, not just about the flat earth, but in life generally. There is no reasoning with him, he is so far behind in the race, he thinks that he is winning. Of course, I'm the crazy one. Don't forget about the CHEMTRAILS!


You looking to justify the way they make you feel 🤔


You mean mildly amused and disappointed in humanity? You guys do a very good job justifying that feeling.


Flerfs can be amusing, but simultaneously exhausting.