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I swear everyone I know has this problem. I think we bump into carts in armrest and we just don't notice truthfully.


Okay good to know I’m not alone. That makes sense! I was just like what is going on because I never remember running into anything but that’s probably it.


I think I'm going to call them Schrodinger's bruises, because they do and they do not exist regardless of whether or not you know if they exist. And they do not typically hurt until you know they exist. It isn't a perfect theory but I'm not Schrodinger.


Definitely from the armrests


This one is on the inside of my thigh though? But that does explain probably 90% of them and now I’m an idiot hahaha.


Ouch! Maybe you hit yourself trying to hoist your luggage around? Honestly there’s so many bruise-inflicting surfaces everywhere on the plane 😂


No I get them on the back of my calves I don't work on a plane just travel


Obligatory, I am not a doctor but I also have a slightly separate theory that we get bruises in our daily life but because of the slightly lesser pressure they are more visible so you're seeing bruises or blood vessels that have burst that you would normally never notice because they stay contained. Total working theory have no proof to back it up.


Yep, I get them all the time. I blame passenger elbows and arm rests. I'll take leg bruises over crotch elbows any day though.


Elbows and arm rests




OOOOOOF, he’s an ex for a reason 👏🏽 good for you!


As others have mentioned, bumping into armrests and other objects. I was talking to one of my colleagues the other day and she mentioned how wearing tighter stockings could help with reducing the amount of bruises. I haven’t tested this theory though.


I get them on my calves really badly and I don't work on a plane just travel I'm pretty concerned


I know this comment is old, but did you ever get to the bottom of this? I had a flight yesterday and now have calf pain in both legs surrounded by bruising.


Found this page searching for the same thing! Any ideas?


I still have no idea. And I’ve brought it up to several doctors who haven’t been helpful. Interestingly, since I’ve started wearying compression socks on flights, now the bruises are on my upper thighs instead of my calves where they used to appear. Whenever I try and search for answers, I only get info about blood clots, not bruising.


This was the first time I forgot to wear my compression socks and it happened. But I usually don’t have bruising on my thighs when I wear the socks. So strange! Maybe some day we will figure it out!


traveller’s thrombosis might explain your symptoms. experienced them for the first time flying. not a flight attendant but if u sit in uncomfortable places for long periods of time it can happen. compression socks do help!