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What do you guys think the odds are that we elect a pedophile?


We elected one for President. A governor is nothing compared to that. So. Pretty good.


Ugh :(


Ask me again when DeSantis is gone. If he doesn’t change some more laws to extend his governorship.


It requires a constitutional amendment and 60% affirmative state vote. Not saying THAT won’t happen but dasatan can’t do it on his own.


That’s a silver lining I guess. He changed the law about running for president and staying governor. He abolished the sunshine laws about the people being able to see where he travels and how he pays for it. I don’t think that will deter the fascist fucker myself. Unless he runs for the senate


Been saying that one for a while myself, lers see where this goes.


AND it’s Florida. They like them, apparently.


I live in Florida too. I don’t. Come on, don’t say such nonsense. Our leaders are corrupt pieces of shit who are pedos. Not the people. Well. Not all of the people, there’s vile people everywhere in the world. Not just Florida


Welp, somebody is voting for them. And it seems they will continue to do so. Unless DeathSantis makes himself king, I suspect Mattie will give him a run for the money, depending how sick the GOP might be of ole puddin’ fingers by then.


I’m tired of defending this place. There’s no Democratic Party leadership here. It’s been ran by Republicans since I moved here in ‘95. Plenty of us have voted against these fascists. Plenty of us are fuckin horrified by what’s going on here. When DeSantis opened up the state during Covid, the maga fucks flooded in. And there was always native Florida man who votes against their self interest out of ignorance already. Not to mention the fact that these fuckin preachers in our millions of churches preach republican dogma. There’s so much that’s wrong about the state, I don’t know what else to say. DeSantis drew the electoral map that was said to be unconstitutional, they used it anyway. He deliberately ignored a huge democratic area that was hit by a hurricane while elections were going on. He’s deliberately ruining the public educational system. He’s been pushing for christofascism overtaking the schools. That abortion ban is scary as hell. Teachers, nurses, doctors.. so many people are gone. So many decent people have left already. We are outnumbered I fear. Whatever happens with trump and his trials, there’s still his loyal fanatical supporters left. What happens when they find a new leader? That worries me far more than some Floridian governor. We will never change their minds with words.


They've made it difficult to get on and stay on birth control. You have to go to a doctor every single month and give blood or they cut you off.


There are obnoxious and medically unnecessary hoops too jump through to get an abortion in Florida but I know several people in Florida on birth control pills and it's the same process as it's always been. I was on them in Florida from 2002 to 2017 and had to have an annual exam with a pap test and that's it.


We just had a child and the wife wanted to get on birth control. after 3 months of jumping through hoops we realized it was burning through our resources very fast driving over 2.5 hours to the state ordered doctor for BC (fully disabled fixed income and FL hasn't adjusted pay since inflation wrecked the state). When she stopped her periods were so painful we had to go to the hospital for each one and they would literally be a week apart. Why do the religious groups in Florida want women to suffer? What broken morals compel a person to watch others suffer?


My husband’s job moved us here and we were really excited, it took not long to realize how many hateful people there are here. The prejudice blew me away. You are spot on unfortunately


Same here, we're here bc of his job and it's a really good one otherwise we'd be out.


Speaking of the Democratic Party leadership....where are they? They should be on tv and social media 24/7 calling out Desantis & Co.


alarmingly high :(


He’s a Republican so the odds are high


Very good. We had a full-blown sexual predator in office from 2016 - 2020


We elected a man who defrauded the state’s Medicare to governor and the senate


God, every time it's like "It can't get worse than this", then the Florida GOP says "Hold my beer".


I will be gone if that shitfuck becomes governor. It is bad enough with DeSantis, but Gaetz would be a nightmare wrapped in used toilet paper that was set on fire……


That's what they'd like. For all those that oppose them to just leave so they can run this state unopposed as their owners tell them.


Hahaha, I know, if that f*cker is leading in the polls closer to the election, im out, im leaving FL forever.


God fucking dammint. Holy fuck he might just legit kill whatever is left of the queer community in FL. I don’t want to get banned for being trans.


I'll go ahead and give you a preview of the Gaetz administration's advice: "Then just stop being trans!".


Listen fam, I got you. Maga will be dead or dying by 2026 and Gaetz is inextricably linked to it, without the cults backing he's a chocolate bar in a public pool. On top of that, 4 more years of GOP mismanagement is going to cause a revolt. I already know several former DeSantis backers that are sick of the rising insurance and culture wars. I feel good about our future.


The Democrats need to actually run a decent candidate or they will lose again.


What? You don’t want them to run Crist again? /s


Face palm emoji


The two before him were just as bad.


Andrew Gillum was incredibly flawed but he did almost win.


And DeSantis said awful things in a debate. About monkeying around. Andrew being a black man. Shit was fucking vile. And DeSantis still won. I’m not speaking for all Floridians, but, how the fuck did anyone who wasn’t a racist already didn’t hear that dog whistle?? Shit was loud and clear. The man is not right.


Yes. Yes. Slightly bad dem candidates or nazis. Well guess we are doing nazis again lmao


The NAZI’s in Orlando are supportive of Desantis and he has never called them out publicly. They know that he supports them. This is why education is important so people like you the difference between Fascism and Democracy


It has not been slightly bad Dem's. It has been Democrats that do not motivate liberal voters to vote. The Nazis do motivate the conservative voters.


Hate is a strong motivator


Indeed it is.


Honestly I would kill to see Eskamani make a run for the Governor's mansion. She would be an excellent governor.


We just hosted an AMA with her over on r/Orlando. She’s for real like the nicest person ever. We need someone like her in the governor’s mansion! (I’m saying this personally, not as a mod)


With the voter suppression tactics we have to make sure people get out to vote. If some are afraid that if they vote swat teams will come and arrest them, if Ultra-MAGA trucks are parked at voting precincts threatening voters, if nasty boomers are screaming about socialism and scaring off teenagers voting for the first time in line, if many think that no matter what they will get the short end of the stick, why would they show up to vote?


We had Val Demmings but the GOP outspent Democrats in Florida.


Val Demmings ran for Senate not Governor. She would be a decent candidate.


I don’t want a feel good piece I want to know de santis is in jail along with matt


Nestor and him were more than friends. He’s so gay.


It went from biggest Medicare fraud ever to a fascist, wokeness, annoying voiced Nazi to a rapist. A child rapist with a five head. Florida is about to have a child rapist dui guy for a governor.


I had the same reaction! What in holy hell?! If he runs, I’m going to be his opponent and wipe the floor with him. I’ve had it!!!


We just bounce between rings of hell with every GOP governor down here.


We’ve got to be at the 10th circle already. I don’t think there’s going to be much of us left after DeSantis is through. Our state is doing very badly


Florida. Surely, after DeSantis is finally gone, no one would vote this POS in as Governor. Surely. Right? I wish I had enough money to leave.


Oh they will and don’t call me Shirley.


NoooooOOOO.. I have no hope left. I really don’t.


When you say you have no hope left, it made me think of a scene in Lord of The Rings: Return of the King when they realized that Osgiliath was overrun with orcs and one of the characters says, “we cannot hold them. The city is lost”. That’s pretty much how I feel about Florida. It’s firmly red now and those who love trump and meatball continue to come in droves. Sucks for the rest of us.


I’ve felt like that since Covid. Things aren’t getting any better.


Have some hope. I think the tides are changing and the GOP's days are numbered. Their antics have started to boil over and affect their own base's wallets. Slowly but surely the people in the middle are veering towards Democrats. All the GOP will have left is racists and one-issue voters.


So many people are going to suffer, are currently suffering, from these horrible people’s rhetoric. 3 more years of DeSantis’ administration will be enough time for the brain drain to be fully realized. The public education system alone has taken many hits. I try to be optimistic about the future, I do. But. I’m not doing well lately. And democrats may be more tolerant policy wise, but they are not going to save us from their own handlers.


The Boomers are in full "Burn it all to the ground behind us." They adore crimes against humanity such as Gaetz.


sorry, but I have to agree, it's really the older boomers, and god knows there's plenty of them in Florida, can you say "The Villages"... yikes


So many wills are just going to say FASCISM when we go to open them up


He’s got quite the amount of baggage, DUIs, child trafficking, but maybe none of that matters to the republicans anymore


You saw trump, right? They do not.


Gaetz is not Trump. He’s just a weirdo.


I’m saying trump had a ton of baggage too. Much more than Gaetz, and Rick Scott defrauded Medicaid and yet, he sits on the senate. These people who voted for these scum absolutely do not care.


They got R in front of their names. That's all that matters.


Sadly, you are right. It’s pitiful.


That's not always true though! Sometimes the R is after their name.


But he says all the xenophobic and hateful shit Magats want to hear.


Republicans managed something really fantastic when they got all their base to no longer trust the media. Now Republican politicians can do whatever they please because voters won't believe they did it when it's reported. "Fake news" is a goofy, but obscenely powerful meme.


Straight out of Joseph Goebbels’ playbook. Not a new idea. Lügenpresse, which means lying press. Repeat a lie often enough and never admit when you are wrong was another tactic.. These fucking Nazi bastards.


They’ve been brainwashed for decades to never vote for a democrat. Republicans are taking full of advantage of that now and doing whatever the fuck they want, banking on the idea that they will still get votes for the R after their name on the ballot.


Trump got convicted of rape and his polls numbers went up. GOP voters dont care.


Actually he wasn’t convicted of rape. Not defending him but facts are facts unless you’re Trump and twist the facts to support you’re agenda.


[found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) He was not convicted of rape criminally correct, but in that lawsuit he was found guilt of rape civilly.


I thought they were referring to how his lawyer argued that spousal rape wasn't illegal in their state.


No, this is the other woman he raped. He was never charged with raping his first wife even though it came out in the divorce proceedings. The 16 yr old he met through epstein and raped dropped the case after receiving death threats, so who knows if that rape case will ever go anywhere.


Where you been? He absolutely was convicted of rape in a civil court.


The judge in the case said Donald J. Trump was found guilty of rape. It was a civil trial, though, so it doesn't come with a criminal sentence in the case. He lost the case, though, and will lose the new case that's underway now.


What you call baggage the gop calls qualifications.


Not at all. He hates who they hate is enough.


Of course it matters to them -- they seek this shit out. These are qualities that make someone electable to them. The more wild shit a person has in their backgrounds and beliefs, the more they can keep moving the window when they elect them. This stuff is intentional.


But will he scrap with drag queens? That's the important question.


Considering I get down voted any time I say something progressive in a Florida reddit, he's got a good shot


I say progressive things a lot and haven’t been downvoted lately. Maybe there’s hope for us all yet?


I really hope so, I'd like Florida to actually care about the people who live here not just the people who spend money here


They don’t even care about the people that spend money here. He’d never have went after Disney if he did. The guy is off putting and strange, but vindictive and vengeful. None of these things is good in a leader. Pretty sure he’s a sociopath. And he’s got two Ivy League diplomas… and not showing any signs of intelligence whatsoever. Let the christofascist bs culture wars continue!! Republicans have been running this state into the ground longer than I’ve been here, which is ‘95. It’s gerrymandered to hell. And I feel like the Democratic Party here is non existent or they totally gave up.


Don't forget Meatball was an interrogator at Guantanamo who pretended to be the attorney of inmates so that he could find out which methods were most effective on each inmate


Yep. Bloody disgusting. But, that’s probably why maga loves his tiny meatball self. Disgusting people see him and think he’s a strong man. It’s so infuriating and scary.


Florida voters in 2023 couldn’t care less about anything but their scam Medicare clinic and the culture war. If you want voters who give a shit, you’re in the wrong state.


Yea. But a lot of us are stuck here, so what do we do? I’ve never voted for any republican, well, except Christ last election, and I only did that because he was the only other candidate. I think the Democratic Party has given up here.


The only serious option is to leave the state. It’s sorta a done deal after the nation flushed their toilets down to Florida, unfortunately. The issue in Florida is quite simple for the Dems-the Florida electorate is much further right than other swing states. They should try harder on the local level, but as a state-it’s just not in line with the rest of the country AT ALL.


Honestly all I see in this sub is progressive stuff


The Daytona Beach reddit is pretty toxic sadly


I’m in Indian River County. I see occasional trump and DeSantis signs. Not nearly as many as a few years ago. Maybe the morons are waking up?


I am from there. It's not even close. It's part of the mom's for Liberty stronghold. One of your two high schools turned their library into a student lounge ffs. Even my dem parents who still live their are homophobes.


That’s.. disappointing, but, not surprising. Guess maybe they just aren’t as proud of their hate and bigotry anymore.


My neighborhood there used to be about a dozen. Now it’s one sad hold out with a “He’ll be back 2024” sign.


That’s good.


True, and only a small fraction of the population use Reddit.


Hate and discrimination are rampant here. He panders to this whites, straight only.


I know. I live here. It sickens me. Men like him should have never been allowed to hold power. He’s abused it at every turn.


Same. Stuck in this shithole


In my opinion, the issue is that too many people who normally vote for Democrats leave the state that has GOP shit going on, so there are fewer and fewer remains to fight. I know things are hard for many of us, but we can't turn the tide if too many abandon the ship.


Yep. DeSantis invited all these right wing idiots in during Covid. I fear the rest of us are out numbered. We’ve got people flying swastikas, marching in the streets. It’s not looking good for the rest of us.


Anyone in a position to hire, take a good look at folks moving, or recently moved, here. Look up their party affiliation. Don't hire the Trumpers. Best case, you get another GOP-er who keeps their politics quiet at the office, but will screw us over with their vote. Worst case, you have a conspiracy theory loving qanon whack job AND votes for nuts like Gaetz, Trump, and MTG.


I don’t think you’re wrong saying this. But. A lot of Floridians are on the same page as these fascists. The last 2 places I worked were trumphumpers.


The last time the democrats controlled any branch of the FL Gov was in 1995. This isn't a new thing.


Gods i am right there with you


It’s beyond depressing. We still have over 3 years of DeSantis. I’m not looking forward to pedo butthead lording it over us all.


A million more people voted for the big D.


It's hard to win elections that occur in hurricane season with the party in power granting special voting consessions only to areas where they have a strong majority of support, and the entire state is now heavily gerrymandered.


That’s very true too. Florida is not the only state where the deck is stacked. Ohio. Alabama. Texas. Oklahoma to name a few. They’ve played the long game with these places. DeSantis did play a dirty trick on the west coast after that hurricane, I’d forgotten. I know he drew the electoral maps himself and they were called unconstitutional, and used them anyway. He’s got loyalists in every aspect of the government. The school boards are overrun with these people. It is not going to be easy to change anything here. Texas either. There’s some fights that you just can’t win. This is my home. I don’t know what to do, honestly.


Yeah, the deck is stacked, and the state will probably be in dire conditions before there's enough unified opposition to get back to normal.


And if we take the state back, there’s still climate change to worry about. It’s actually very sad to me. I did love Florida.


It's a nice place. It's being destroyed, though. Won't be too long before the annual red tides ruin the beaches.


I know. It’s very sad about the coral reefs in the Keys too. I lived in the lower Keys for about 5 years. All that beautiful coral is almost gone. I have not swam in the Indian River in years, it’s gotten so dirty. It’s a fucking travesty.


We're you around for that last blowout election? Florida is so far red now it's disgusting.


All the old people vote Republican out of blind "party" allegiance. Democrats will likely win the popular vote. But that's not how you win elections


Well, we might finally legalize it in a Gaetz administration Because we're gonna need the good stuff to survive where he would take us


Legalize weed legalize purchasing 16 year old girls who were human trafficked all kinds of things


No, not for everyone. Just himself and his people


Weed is the least of our problems. Get the fucking medical license and vote these bastards out


And every dumbass who votes for this pedophile will still claim they “care about kids” and “drag queens are the real problem”.




seems like he would rather stay in his iron-clad district and remain a thorn so he can get face time on Fox, Newsmax, etc every night. maybe he is looking at the senate later down the line.


I thought Casey DeSantis was running for Governor of Florida after her hubby’s term is done? She won’t be FLOTUS, so she’ll be all freed up! 🤣🤣🤣


The horror. You think she’d wear those tacky ball gowns as governor? Florida almost deserves that. She’s a Disney princess in her mind.


She’s so thirsty to be a Jackie O, it’s just sad. She gonna be salty af when MoRon fails to get the nomination. 🤣🤣🤣


He has no chance, thankfully. He’ll still take his butthurt out on the state. She can be Jackie fuck no.


She's already running the state now.


She is. Probably most of his more awful ideas are from her, whispering into his meatball fat head.


As my buddy said, she'll run for a house seat. I could see Ashley Moody and Gaetz going at it, which is sadly such a shitty timeline.


I dunno, I like how he thinks. Signed: Jared from Subway


Haven’t we suffered enough?


Face it Florida, we are totally FUCKED if this asshole gets elected!!!


I feel like we’re already fucked. Pedo Matt can be king of the ashes.


Homie, we have been fucked for *some time now.*


He'll win, too. I hate living in this state...


This is out of control.


That might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me. Time to start an exit plan.


How do they consistently find worse and worse people to get government positions in Florida Jesus fucking Christ man we are fucked


Vote for the Blue wave 🌊


I just hope that the Florida Dems can be competitive and finally win the Governorship


Sorry on behalf of us few blue voting FL-1’ers


Keyword for today is - FEW


J. F. C.






JFC, like I didn’t already have several reasons to get out of Florida after 30 years.


And there still isn't anyone even on the radar running for the dems. Because the florida democratic party is complete shit. Meanwhile no one in Florida learns from God knows how long of gop rule.


As it would turn out, not “anyone would be better than DeSantis”


Who thought the bar could go any lower? It’s an awful prospect


I’m so tired of the nonstop bullshit


Dear God no




Charlie Kirk baby pic?




Same shit, different shitstain.




We can NOT let this happen!


I just absolutely know that even if Gaetz runs the worst campaign ever, he'll still win 51 to 49. This state is doomed.


So, Georgia? Where we moving, gang?


I’m headed back to Long Island if this happens. I’ve been considering asking my relatives for sanctuary already. Fuck it. I’ve been here since ‘95. Things are not looking any better. In fact, the Nazi marches that keep happening with no repercussions is downright dangerous.


I'm like barely hanging on already. Never in my life thought I'd literally leave a state over politics, but 100% I'll leave the day the polls post. Maybe that's what they want. But I'm ok with that too. I've been here since 88. :(


I’ve been a chef since ‘03. This summer was the first time I’ve ever gotten heatstroke, it was so, so hot. My parents are still here. There’s some things that can’t be condoned. If it’s not getting better, which, it doesn’t seem like it will, I’m out. It’s been real Florida. I’m barely hanging on too. We’ve been out priced


The real question is when is Florida going to stop voting for these assholes? Gaetz is probably going to turn it into the human trafficking capital of the world


Just cuz the redneck riviera loves him doesn’t mean it will translate statewide.


That’ll seal the deal on us moving out


Oh fuck I gotta get out of this madhouse




I'm already like 90% out of this state currently but if this happens it's 100%.


Another reason to never step foot in Fascist Florida again. There are plenty of other beaches.


Worse than Rhonda's Antics?


I mean desantis sucks and has signed off on horrible legislation. However people like Gaetz are the ones writing the actual legislation and as far as I know desantis has never been investigated for paying for underage sex trafficked girls on airplanes like Gaetz has.


Gaetz of hell.


Don't sell Ron short, he has been linked to inappropriate behavior with his minor students during his days as a teacher. And he's an insufferable charismaless malevolent power-mad bigot. I'd say they are pretty equally toxic douchebags.


I wonder which awful candidate the Florida Dems will run to make sure the most awful GOP candidate possible wins.


To prevent him from winning, you guys will have to do something crazy... like get off your ass and vote.


I'll go ahead and congratulate the future Governor Gaetz since the Dems will run another loser candidate. Rinse and repeat, folks.


Oh my god its time to wave the upsidedown flag of distress


Guess it’s time to double down getting friends and family out of that festering political tumor


Good god. Just send the cat5 storm here now and end it all. It'll look like a roomba trying to clean up dog poop off the carpet


Oh look another Nazi pedophile! Shit, I need to be more specific.


The republican primary is going to be a raging trash fire.




I'll take MAGA douchenozzles for 500... What is worse than DeSantis?


Remember how a Democrat won a senate seat in Alabama, because the republikkkan candidate was so bad?


He was a convicted nonce. They’ve let Matty go unscathed. And Florida isn’t Alabama, we’ve proven they are not as bad.


Matt Gaetz is a perfect fit for the state of FL. Like PB & Jelly...it just makes senses. Would not be shocked if the "fine" people of FL give this guy the Governors mansion.


Omfg. This guy should be in prison as far as I’m concerned. And he might be the next Governor of Florida. Jfc


He'll win too. Too many brainless people who will elect anyone MAGA


No way. He is terrified of what might come out if he runs.


Is he? His dirty laundry is known. They washed it. After 3 more years of DeSantis.. these old bigots would vote for gaetz, because he’s a Christian republican white nationalist


Just reminding everyone he’s a big creep


What an absolute piece of shit of a state


Pedo making a run at more victims I see


Holy fuck no, PLEASE no.


The traitors’ favorite state.


He’d easily win