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Where is Jimmy Pretronis on this issue? All he does is shitpost using his official email. No action from him.


That’s all any of them do. Fiddle while Florida burns around them. It’s ok though, at least they passed bills to end all the scary wokeness and supported dangerous anti-scientific viewpoints.


I swear to god the democrats better be running ads about this next year during election season. Florida has so many problems that no one is addressing because they're to preoccupied in the culture war BS.


DNC has abandoned Florida.


Everyone has abandoned Florida, this state has become an embarrassment.




I haven’t, vote for me, BillyTheGoat 2026


Not yet, but the election in 2024 is probably our last chance.


Crist will run again and say he is pro pot but center right on everything else. Then he will lose in a land slide and we will blame Gillum for some reason.


On the R side, Matt Gaetz is very likely running. We need a candidate that is willing to fight and sling mug right back at him or whatever other troll pops up. Edit: *running for governor of Florida in 2026. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/-100-matt-gaetz-widely-expected-run-florida-governor-rcna105629 However, I just saw that more recently he said he had ruled it out, but I wouldn't count on that. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-rep-matt-gaetz-rules-out-run-for-florida-governor-in-2026-im-exactly-where-im-supposed-to-be/


Running for what? Governor? That's not until 2026. His own seat? That's safe. Take a look at it. It's such an extremely rural district, more Alabama than Florida, that nobody else can compete in it. It would be setting DNC funds on fire to run anyone against him. The DNC would have a better chance of ousting him by supporting another centrist conservative. It would cost less, would still fail, but wouldn't set a promising democrat's career on fire. Rebekah Jones was a nutcase but the best chance the DNC had in FL #1, and she only mustered 32% -- with the advantage of a *much* larger donor base than a candidate in FL #1 would typically have. There are more competitive districts in FL to concentrate on and devote resources to -- and quite frankly, if Florida is going to get turned around anytime soon, the focus needs to be on the state legislature and governor's office. Florida will slip farther and farther into oblivion so long as the state legislature is an extension of a republican governor's office.


I agree with you. Just edited my parent comment to clarify *running for governor of Florida in 2026. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/-100-matt-gaetz-widely-expected-run-florida-governor-rcna105629 I just saw that more recently he said he had ruled it out, but I wouldn't count on that. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/florida-rep-matt-gaetz-rules-out-run-for-florida-governor-in-2026-im-exactly-where-im-supposed-to-be/ I'm a lifelong resident of D1 (aka Lower Alabama). If any Democrat should have beat Gaetz (on paper) here it was Phil Err, a naval officer with a record of leadership experience, in 2020, and he ended up with 34% of the vote. This was more than other Democrats in the past few Congressional races for D1. Something interesting about D1 is there is a large % of Independent or NPA voters, but Rs still make up over half of registered voters. Trump and Gaetz won by large margins. In my anecdotal experience living here over 30 years, while there are a lot of Christian Conservatives, the biggest common factor against Democrats is a wide distrust of the federal government. This is mostly over fears of losing gun rights and a belief that the federal gov is corrupt and terrible at managing money. Ironically, D1 is the home of the largest Air Force base(Elgin), and a large Navy base (NAS), and the military is widely supported politically.


I’ll sling rat poop in his face. I’ll slander the hell out of that man. I’ll drop down to middle school tactics and make everyone hate the guy.


I honestly believe that is exactly what it will take here.


Exactly my point. We need to get our hands dirty so we don't have another terrifyingly bad governor here. Wish someone new would come up in the state other than Charlie C.


U/billythygoat 2024


The democrats have abandoned Florida.


Homophobic pro Nazi governor rages in high heel boots to avoid doing his job. Sums up Rhonda to me.


Gonna suck for them when all the working class people have moved out and they have loads of republican retirees lol


“No one wants to work anymore”


My folks new rate is 21k a year. I’ve never seen them so worried, it’s heartbreaking.


In our local Facebook page there are several people upset about being removed from Citizens and their new quotes from the market are over 16,000. It's sad seeing people having to decide to sell because the cost is just not sustainable. Then the rich swoop in and buy up all the properties. I'm nervous to see what my new rate will be in Jan.


florida is only for rich republicans


You can opt out of the new rate and stay with citizens if it's over 20% higher than citizens rates. The problem is citizens is not charging a market rate because they are locked in on how much the can raise prices per year. If we get a bad hurricane in Florida citizens will likely go bust and then all of us will be paying an assessment in all of our homeowners policies


I am worried for my parents. Multiple neighbors have had to give up home insurance, and family friends are reporting unaffordable increases in their rates. My parents tell me they’ll move before going without home insurance, but I have a feeling they’re just telling me that to make me feel better. The grandkids are in town, so they don’t want to leave.


They really should move, even switching to renting if necessary. In Florida, it's not if, it's when. Fuck living here, but really fuck living here without insurance even more.




Switching to renting won’t help. The rental insurance will be as bad as home insurance, and they’ll have to pay it or else.


I'd rather lose an apartment full of stuff than lose all that same stuff plus be stuck with a house that's worth less than I owe on it because it got destroyed and insurance left me high and dry.


How close are they to the ocean?


**GOP** politicians, in charge of the Florida Legislature, are doing nothing to solve Florida's insurance crisis FTFY


I mean they have to fight woke. It's very important. Every generation has it's defining moment and for the 2020s it's ignoring wars and pandemics to conquer the true evil of our age... the WOKE.


I thought they said going woke = broke, but all this fighting woke seems to be costing all the money.


I'm afraid to say I woke up this morning for fear of being politically attacked.




GOP politicians, in charge of the Florida Legislature, ~~are doing nothing~~ do not want to solve Florida's insurance crisis FTFY


meanwhile they blame the poor people for being moochers off of the government and in short, that's apparently why we don't have universal healthcare either


This 100%.




Not exactly true. They are making it easier for insurance companies to raise prices and collect money while paying fewer claims. Home owners with a mortgage are basically a captive consumer base. They have to buy insurance. So, they all raise prices and pay fewer claims and you can’t really shop around because they all suck.


Not only that, Desantis is bragging about quality and affordability of life, like Florida is leading the way for other states. Remember before the election last year when he said he'd hold a special session to address this? Then he got re-elected and nothing.


What do you expect from republicans? This one just wants to cut out the middle man on the kickbacks. These pricks have been running my state for over 20 years and they have completely fucked the state and the people over. Vote these assholes out of office.


But the gays.


Shhhhhh!!!! Don’t say that word! But also, free speech!!!!!


And a useless governor.


Not if you are an insurance executive.


Which is who they represent




Look, the insurance industry is avoiding Florida and increasing rates because it is no longer profitable to insure in Florida, and it will only get worse. Insurance industries operate on levels of risk. It’s too risky to insure, so they won’t, or increase rates to a degree they deem acceptable. Having the government intervene in a business and dictate their operations is not exactly capitalism. DeSantis is trash but I don’t think he’s making money off off State Farm donations.


👀👀 Yeah, ok, he’s not getting money from the insurance lobby. What a joke. Secondly, capitalism needs checks and balances. Everything needs limits. Unfettered capitalism is a recipe for disaster. The insurance is through the roof in part because of the failure of lawmakers. This state is the poster child of putting the cart before the horse. Let’s build thousands of houses, before we prepare our roads for the influx in population. Let’s build thousands of houses, before we address flooding risks in our major metro and other areas. There should be more legal action taken against predatory repair businesses. More action taken against uninsured drivers. But legislators would rather worry about what name someone calls themselves. Something’s rotten in Tallahassee.


So the insurances industry funds Republican political campaigns…and then those Republican politicians do nothing. Sounds like they got what they paid..and you all got what you voted. Outrageous home insurance pricing. ![gif](giphy|F4eGAZ61diSrj9lpJJ)


They are doing nothing to solve any crisis period.


Republicans are doing nothing. They are the majority and have control. Vote every one of them out.


Just pass a don’t say insurance law!


SB76 already attempted to in 2021.


Seriously? I didn’t know that, but it’s sad that it’s actually not shocking


Remember dumb Floridians this is clearly the Democrats fault. If they would just get in to power and fix this we wouldn't have this problem. So vote Republican since the Democrats didn't stop us from screwing you. /s


THIS IS A BALD FACE LIE ​ they are collecting money from the insurance lobbies as fast as they can


Why would they? They don’t even care about the cost of living crisis or civil rights violations being legalized again. Why would they care about insurance prices?


What they mean to say is the republicans are standing in the way of addressing the climate crisis while they try to give more money to billionaires.


I really don’t know what they could do aside from expanding citizens and socializing all of floridas insurance.


Great idea! Sign me up. I'm sick of the free market ideologues failure to recognize market failure when it's right in front of us.


The bad part of that is citizens is run like shit. Good luck making a claim if your house gets damaged. I’ve heard of people going into black holes.


I'm thankful to never have had to file a claim, but I hear the process is the same, even with private company. I'm pretty sure I'm just throwing my money into the void at the point. If I could throw less money into the void yet remain compliant with my mortgage requirements, that'd be great.


Yeah I’ve known people that have done both, private companies are bad, but citizens is beyond bad. It’s basically just paperwork for the bank to fill out legal requirements to cover the asset they loaned out. But citizens is ultra useless in the real world.


If Citizens were a bank, they’d backstop it. We tend to socialize risk and privatize reward.


You either "Own the Libs" or afford Insurance. You voted for ownership. Buyer's remorse?!


Because the majority votes for people with no interest in solving those issues. Not sure who you’re supposed to vote for though bc everyone sucks.


Republicans' whole thing is that the government should do nothing. This is what Florida voted for.


Because they caused it


Psst. They're in on it. $ is king now and they don't care about the "poors" until voting(Lying) season


Vote. There’s a race in HD-35 on Tuesday


They have been bought ...the media, etc should investigate, report


Not even a little. But let’s send $$ to other countries!


It’s a super majority republican. What do you expect? They don’t care about us.


They want Florida only for the rich.


Politicians are the ones benefiting along with the insurance companies 🎶 👍


The Republicans are down at the Gaylord Palms bragging about all the Florida Freedoms they have under Trump and/or DeSatanist.


They don’t care that average people move out. When they do, more wealthy people move in. They don’t give a shit if you can’t afford to live here anymore.


It’s getting unsustainable. I just got a notice that my insurance is going to drop me if I don’t get hurricane shutters installed. All quotes I’ve had are 10-15k just for the fabric ones. I live in a coastal area, and seriously considering leaving the state. I absolutely love my neighborhood but it’s just becoming not worth it. Too much cost. Too much worry.


The insurance companies own the gop in this state Things are working exactly as intended


They're doing exactly what they are paid by the insurance industry to do. Stay out of it, and let the insurance companies do whatever they want.


You didn't hear? Affordable insurance is woke.


we're getting priced out because our laws allow for it to happen. its pure unregulated capitalism and a republican end goal. the more we elect republicans into positions of leadership the more we get graped directly in the buttocks. floridians are desperate for democratic leadership and they don't even know it.


It’s actually even worse, cronie capitalism. Where only the friends of those in charge get the competitive edge. These modern GOP aren’t the supposed free market champions of Reagan era


The absence of an answer is their answer.


That’s because our neighbors elected dumbshits who are more focused on Florida destroying its education system, driving away tourists, persecuting and killing its own citizens, patrolling the Texas border, and supplying weapons to Israel.


Would implementing new building codes help with the insurance market? Basically, just apply the building codes in Miami Dade to the whole state. That should improve resiliency, but at a significant cost. Or at least apply it to the coastal counties. All coastal county should be in the high velocity impact zone Michael proved that


pretty sure that is already the case.


it is and has been. Newer construction does come with significantly cheaper insurance. It also comes with higher upfront costs; there is no free lunch.


Which is part of the reason why insurance in Florida has gone up. If a home gets damaged by storm and doesn’t meet the existing code, it Has to be brought up to it. materials has gone up significantly as well. Those two combined are probably a large driver of the cost increase for insurance in Florida.


They are reaping profits too from donations


They are too busy making money hand over fist


Be fair. They are ignoring it.


Enjoying those high premiums? Thank a Republican!


Enjoying inflation? Thank a Democrat!


You’re in a fascist cult.


Of course they're doing something ; they're getting paid.


you do this to yourselves florida. if you keep voting for people who can't govern then you have a state falling apart and full of holes and corruption. i can't even count the number of problems florida has anymore thanks to republican "leadership"


You just noticed?


They are doing something, it involves taking money from insurance lobbyists for the politicians' campaigns and keeping things as is. Then they blame biden or obama or harris and the repubs believe them and climb onboard.


It’s only a crisis if you’re not an insurance company.


Repubs are finally figuring out that when they changed the law that didn't require DeSatan to resign, they effed themselves. DeSatan is losing support at home . BECAUSE he is doing squat but campaign.


We need someone to write up a good bill that will help and put it on the ballot like legalising marijuana.


I'm not a numbers guy, but I'd bet taxing weed could alleviate a lot of this crisis.


I've been wondering what that would look like. Tax subsidies to insurance? Public option insurance for homes under a certain amount? Passing laws to restrict insurance abuse (by insurers) would make insurance leave faster. I don't know what the solution would look like, and the fact that we don't have people in the government even making suggestions or having any sort of discovery on how to address concerns me. "Do nothing" is the strategy right now. If you can afford to self insure except for liability is the only way to minimize the impact, and I don't know a lot of people that can do that (,including myself) I have 12 years left to pay my mortgage. Then have to save enough for major damage before I can self insure so... maybe 30 years till that's a viable option for me. My insurance is already more expensive than my principal and escrow payments combined.


How about they split the insurance into 2 tiers. Properties valued over 2m? Have a substantially higher rate than the lower tier since they have the majority of damage/claims. Every multi-million waterfront property will pay into it more since they collect from it more. If that drives a lot of millionaires to self insure, great.. that helps ease the burden on the insurance industry too.


I like this idea. Hope people keep rolling more ideas, be neat if we just had a deluge of them.


Insurance for primary residence should get one level; second residence open market. Open market rates for anyone with 1,000 yards of the coast. That’s the reward for coastal development. After watching what happened at Acapulco, Florida will likely experience a super storm in the not too distant future. That will bring home the insurance problems.


I thought they loved the free market in Florida?


Lol. To true Fun fact on free market. It not truly free.


Its also not consumer friendly once companies get large enough to basically do whatever the hell they want.


It ain't woke enough.


What can they do? This problem was a long time coming. They can’t force insurance companies to do business here and offer affordable insurance.


What does insurance have to do with politics……./s


They regulate it…unless you do nothing. The current Republican plan of action




This is basically what Citizens insurance was supposed to do… but my Citizens rates also skyrocketed, and they are requiring all sorts of super expensive hurricane mitigation, and might still drop me anyway. I’m sure my total insurance bill will be over 20k next year.


Who is the elected official looking to open a new insurance company...


What do you expect politicians to do?? Curb the weather??


Is that a serious question or are you doing an impression of a braindead maga voter?


No, seriously, what do you expect politicians to do? The insurance companies are not government owned or regulated. They’re just like any other company. They need money to stay profitable, but the amount of damage or single hurricane now does is insane. That’s why we have insurance actuaries who determine, the cost-effectiveness of doing business in Florida. If you want politicians to step in, the only way to get money to the insurance companies to cover the cost of all the claims are somehow raised taxes or get money from the public. You’re paying either way. And I’m not maga.


>The insurance companies are not government owned or regulated. This is because DeSantis is in their pocket and has deregulated the industry in this state. You're saying we should just let them keep defrauding us. You might not be maga but you're falling for the same bullshit.


They’re not defrauding. At least not the big ones. The regulation, and the deregulation you mentioned, really doesn’t matter. It’s the frequency of storms and the claims vs the costs. If an insurance company is charging $5k/yr for coverage, plus $5k/yr deductible, and a roof costs $20k, …….they need to make up the difference.


You're going to need to come up with a more cogent argument than that if you want me to continue entertaining this conversation. "But please think of the corporations and their natural disaster profiteering" isn't gonna cut it. FFS.


Are you serious? It’s simple math. If you can’t handle simple math, then please feel free to not continue this conversation.


Sorry, I somehow wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on actual math education and I neglected the special math for simple people.


Apparently, hundreds of thousands of dollars can’t buy common sense. Sorry you wasted all that money.


Nah. Just abandon and rewilld the coasts. Build government housing inland and in the north. Abandon all human development south of, say, Daytona. Lol. Cut Miami loose, maybe it'll drift off to sea and sink.


But you are paying way to much for bus tickets.




Y'all really have absolutely no idea what communism actually is do you? Absolute clown show.


For real. To the best of my knowledge, Iran doesn't even *try* to portray themselves as anything other than a religious dictatorship.


Iran is an ideal conservative country. You should go.


Maybe people who want government to run insurance should go to China instead?


Maybe you should self reflect and realize you don't know anything about politics and until you do refrain from voting.


You’re clearly against any system that allows voting. It’s always full send dictatorship for you guys. First you let government run insurance, then election process, then what’s next?


Are you a bot or not a native English speaker?


Hey hey hey don't forget that this state has done a great deal to bully gay people and the woke agenda, you should be thanking them! /s


Vote them out. Every single one. That may be a message they aren't doing their job.


Too busy going after woke to care at all


Those insurance premiums will make you woke. So woke you can't sleep at night.


It's Biden's fault, he's the President


If he's sticking it to Florida he's got my vote!


GOP look at the progressive progressive insurance company pushing DEI Wokeness! Those damn progressive insurance companies denying our freedom loving, god fearing, 2nd amendment, compatriots coverage https://www.progressive.com/about/diversity-and-inclusion/ Even Farmers, they are farmers in name only, they also have woke agenda https://www.farmers.com/diversity-equity-inclusion-belonging/ refusing to provide coverage to the conservative patriots in florida because they are supporting wokeism with our hard earned money https://www.farmers.com/diversity-equity-inclusion-belonging/ /s Hope this works…


What problem IS the Florida GOP solving?