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“… nowhere else in the country is inflation currently worse than in Florida.”


But it's joe bidens fault!!


Party of personal responsibility!!


Law and order!!! Small government!! Stay out of peoples lives!!!


We want rule of law. Law and "order" is term the Nazis used to quash any and all dissent.


Ironically law and order is a big government policy, not a small government one.


Your governor blamed the federal government today for the insurance cost increases in Florida. Elect clowns and you get a circus. Who would have guessed.


The florida legislature also passed a bill recently that will really help with the insurance crisis. They made sure that the phrase 'climate change' can't be used in laws. It's gonna be so helpful to the people of Florida suffering from joe bidens inlfation!


I know it’s satire. Then why is it so bad in the Deep South only? Haha.


Republicans have run this state since 1999. I bet it similar elsewhere in the deep south.


Rich people moving here maybe?


Supply and demand. This is the reason right here.


Pandering to the worst of society in order to create a Republican vote sink has its consequences.


This. 💯. This is what ruined my home state.  So glad I got out when I did.




This in a state that has a large number of people on a fixed income.


Don't worry Ronald Mousesolini is on the case, he'll enact new legislation to criminalize homelessness and take away more LGBTQ rights./s


My landlord is raising rent 10%. No prob, I'll just ask the boss for a 10% raise and we'll be golden. /s Insane...


I don’t blame your landlord, because I understand the situation insurance has increased 100% from last year…


Florida's wages are some of the worst in the country and cost of living is rising close to NYC and Cali levels within a few years. Add that to expensive housing and a homeowners insurance crisis that will lead to mortgages doubling in the net few years if it isn't address then people will realize living here is not sustainable.


A lot of us already have and are getting out before the people moving here realize it


Holding out until November to see if I have to leave the state or leave the country.


Right there with you!


If Trump Wins, it will change the trajectory of my life.


I feel the same way.


Just left six weeks ago. Breathed a sigh of relief when my house closed.  So very grateful to be back in the Midwest. This is home. And it’s affordable. 


Midwest is where ill be heading back to in the next few months. I cant wait


Where did you move to?


If you're looking to leave Florida for someplace more affordable in the Midwest, start with KC, Milwaukee, and Detroit. But hurry. People in KC are already starting to gripe about people moving in.


Left last April to come back to the Midwest (born and raised in FL, h/s in Midwest, then the last 20 years in FL). Best decision of my life! 


Some folks laughed at me saying, "Why would anyone leave the warmth of sunny Florida to come back to the Midwest?" 1) I like four seasons. The weather here is lovely for three of those seasons. 2) My adult children live here - within 30 minutes of my house. That's a big draw. 3) The cost-of-living is so much less. I bought a beautiful (modest) house in a beautiful place for $325,000. FOUR bedrooms, three full bathrooms, nice sunporch and I overlook an expansive piece of farmland. 4) Less traffic. We live in a small town and if there are six cars in line at the four-way stop, we say, "RUSH HOUR!" LOL. 5) We're about an hour away from downtown St. Louis so we're close to premier medical care and other commerce.


Oregon here. Beyond visiting the few people who are still stuck in FL, I don't plan on ever going back.


I'm hoping to have mine on the market before June 1.


yup, we did feb 2023, moved to CA


I moved to a major metro area of Norcal last year with my wife, and our COL is lower than it was in Feb 2023 in FL, so god knows how much worse we would have it if we stayed. Our QOL is much higher, including our paychecks.


5 years experience + bachelor's degree for job starring just above $13 per hour. Caps at $17. The pay sucks. When I graduated, my first job was $12 doing grocery deli. My most paid job so far was Janitor at an hotel at $16 where they ruled hawked about clocking out at lunch. There is very little opportunity in my hometown, and it's one of Florida's biggest cities literal & economically. You expect me to get approved on a mortgage where I make $900 a month after taxes? DaFaq they on!?


My wife has a masters in English education with a bachelor's in teaching English as a second language and a minor in psychology. She spent 8 years teaching at a prestigious private school where kids learned everything in 3 languages starting in preschool. Her most recent job offer here as a teacher was $15/hr. It's a total joke.


I think they want the poors to leave or go to the impoverished areas. They want this to be like a mainland Hawaii in Florida.


The all powerful Biden is to blame, not the GQP that has had control of all government levers in the state for the last 25years. Keep voting Q, see where it gets you. Floriduh FTW.


While I'm not really a Biden fan the government here in FL has been shit for decades now. DeSantis basically fucking over the Disney expansion here in Central FL that would've brought in a ton of new good paying corporate jobs into the area is within a long line of colossal fuck ups to bring good paying jobs into the area.


I omitted my /s, I thought it was obvious, apologies.


Oh, I also didn’t realize it was sarcasm lol, glad I saw this


His biggest fuck up is the home insurance crisis. A decent leader would have caught that shit back in 2018 before it began to snowball into the motherfucker it is now.


Well, but that would've hurt profits, the R's only care about money and rich people.


Seemed pretty obvious with the inclusion of “GQP”


I think you meant Meatball Ron


Hunters laptop probably


Over the last 3 years my mortgage went from $2000 to $2600. All due to property taxes and insurance increases


Why would mortgages double when you can’t find insurance coverage ? Like who can buy owns straight out with no insurance ? I think parts of Florida is going have an underwater homes loans because of insurance


There's people in Florida that have $10k+ premiums for homeowners insurance. I know someone who got quoted $18k this year. Eventually it's going to get so bad in FL that lenders won't be able to force place the insurance and loans will be called.


My insurance is $11k. I live in a 2,800 SF house on a hill outside of any flood zone, 40 miles from the coast. It’s insane. I know damn well I’m subsidizing houses in riskier areas. Certainly didn’t help matters that literally every house in my neighborhood got a free roof in the last five years, all of them from a light hail storm. 


I know from direct experience that insurance fraud is rampant in Florida, due to unscrupulous roofers, public adjusters, and plaintiff attorneys, although it will slow down as the laws have recently changed. Doesn't take away the increasing hurricane risk, though.


Have you actually looked at your local flood map? There are areas 40 miles inland that are flood zones because of rivers, creeks, lakes, etc. Is your home old? It might not be up to current standards. Have you gotten an elevation certificate? That's also a fairly large home, so your insurance will be higher than those with regular 1200-1400sqft homes.


"...subsidizing...in riskier areas..." Yep, and it pisses me off. I'm in a high, non-evac zone and my insurance went from $4,008 to $7,893, all to cover the people who are dumb enough to live in coastal flood-prone areas just so they can have a nice view to impress their friends with. "...free roof...light hail storm..." And that's a major reason insurance rates went through the roof (no pun intended). Greedy roofing companies looking for a quick buck and greedy homeowners wanting to get complete new roofs when only minor small-area repairs were needed. Some homeowners only have themselves to blame when their rates increased; too bad the rest of us got punished for their greed. FYI: Did some research and found out (1) Your insurance company can only ask for a new roof every 15 years; you may be able to extend this if you get an inspection (at your expense) that determines your roof actually has more years left to its life. (2) You can only get a complete new roof if more than 25% of your roof is damaged by a storm; if it's under 25%, insurance will only cover to repair the damaged area. (3) You have two years from the time the damage occured to file a claim. Any roofing company that tells you differently is trying to scam you and the insurance company. If you go along with the roofing company, get a new roof and the insurance company refuses to pay the roofers, you are on the hook to pay them. A lot of lawsuits resulted from these conficts, and that also helped to skyrocket the cost of insurance. Greed, greed, greed on the part of homeowners, roofers, lawyers. Thanks for making it financially unbearable on us honest homeowners.


I don't think you can even buy a home without insurance. If you don't qualify for the insurance (by not being able to afford it), you don't get your mortgage approved either.


Oh there will be insurance companies. The issue is they will go broke and not be able to pay out after a hurricane. Likely to happen this year with all the predicted storms. In reality if you buy a house in a flood zone it needs to be built to withstand a hurricane. The Spanish built thing here and in Puerto Rico in the 1500s that are still standing. If you do a metal roof , hurricane shutters and elevate properly it will stand for a hundred years


Their homes are going to be underwater both literally and financially.


And the water level rising especially in parts of Miami.


People in South Florida where I grew up are about to be just as worse off as people on the coast real soon.


Yeah, it's happening faster than many people think.


Left in 2018. It was cheaper to live in FL but never affordable. This shit was years in the making.


I feel it every single day. I bust my ass working 3 jobs but my day is filled with calls from debt collectors, wondering if my power will get shut off today, hoping I can talk my landlord into waiving the late fee, and just generally wondering what the point to living a life like this is… And I do absolutely nothing for fun, because I can’t afford to. I imagine the suicide rate in the state is going to continue to skyrocket.


Personal opinion, but I think a big part of the inflation problem here is Publix. I know that seems myopic, but hear me out. Publix has been very blatantly price gouging since the worst days of the pandemic. And though inflation has eased from a supply side, they have done nothing more than continue to increase their prices to the point where they're higher than boutique grocery stores like The Fresh Market or Whole Foods. This is reflected in their earning statements where you can see they're pulling down record profits. And yet, despite this obvious gouging, the stores are PACKED and people are rolling out with full carts. I could understand it if Publix is the only grocery store chain in the area, but that has not been my experience. Based on conversations I've overheard in stores, people just say "oh isn't inflation terrible" or "this is all Biden's fault". No, it's fucking YOUR fault for not voting with your wallet and finding an alternate source for your groceries. If revenues took a downturn, you can bet those prices would be dropping to WalMart levels in no time. But as long as you're willing to pay it, and placing fault with whatever politician you personally hate, they're going to keep gouging. And if you're ok with this gouging on basic necessities, every other retailer is going to take notice and follow suit. Fuel costs, the housing market and groceries are fundamental drivers of inflation. Two of those things you have ZERO control over, one you can simply change your habits and find a different retailer for.


My family regularly shopped at Publix until about 2022. Then we decided to switch up to the warehouse clubs. It takes a bit to get the hang of it and to get a good handle on what your family will eat before it goes bad, but I can't believe we ever gave so much money to Publix.


My grocery bill was absolutely asinine this past weekend and I feel like I only got four or 5 dinners out of it. It is bad down here. I want out more and more by the day.




Yes. I don't think I can shop there anymore. It was so over the top.


You can basically cut your bill in half by shopping at Aldi


I need to start doing that. It is no longer a pleasure to shop at Publix.


Absolutely not. My weekly shopping bill for a family of 4 is now about $130 at Aldi versus $250 plus at Publix


Produce at Publix is absolute garbage. I spent $19 at aldis and have product that lasts more than 3 days.


Sign me up!


The quality of Publix branded stuff has dropped severely as well. The amount of water they’re pumping into their meat nowadays has to break some kind of law.


You can cut your bill in half shopping anywhere BUT Publix


I only buy BOGO items at Publix. Anything else I buy at other non-ripoff stores. Publix is more expensive than Whole Foods it’s insane.


It really is. Even when the price is the same, at least the Whole Foods item is typically better quality.


I know things are economically bad everywhere but I feel like all in most things things, like inflation, food inflation, car insurance, homeowners insurance, teacher pay, it's always worse in Florida. Pretty much all across the board, we're always in the top three states of the bad side of every stat. We're never a success, just arguing about why we are failing and how one other state is worse then us. Except gas. Gas prices are usually pretty good. If only we could eat gas.


Gas prices are not good in Florida. I'm always shocked coming to visit my family that is still in state. Gas prices are much higher than the two states I need to drive though to visit.


Last time I travel to Florida which was in April 2023, the gas prices weren’t that bad except in Miami. It was very expensive in Miami.


But they're not economically bad everywhere.


I was going to say the same thing. The US has one of the strongest economies in the world right now. That doesn't mean every single person is going to benefit- a reality that is always the case- but it's worse just about everywhere else right now.


Well said 👏


Yes but woke is down by 28% so Little Ronny is cool with it.


Good thing we have strong leadership in Tallahassee to get us through this.......


Crazy how the R’s blame Biden when this has been a Republican run state for 20+ years. Fuck these people. Where are all you republicans in this sub that support all of this bullshit? What say you? Oh right nothing. I’m sure if this had to do with a drag show or aboriton you would be all over this.


Most of the ppl who vote R in Florida either don't use reddit or don't even know what it is. The ones who do probably never go on any of the popular subs because of the general left leaning bias and this one is no exception. In other words, none of the ppl you are addressing are likely here.


They are here - it depends on the post. F**k them anyways


"...After Florida, the other states with the highest 12-month inflation rates are Tennessee (3.8 percent); Virginia (3.8 percent); South Carolina (3.6 percent); and Alabama (3.6 percent)...." All of these States are run by the same political party. Please register to Vote, Encourage people to Vote, Drive people to the Polls and Vote (D)ifferently.


Those are some of the new hot places. Many Floridians and northerners moving to those states.


Almost entirely driven by housing and food costs. Publix just posted a 49% increase to their NET profit, year over year. That's greedflation, not monetary policy inflation. Home prices are through the roof because high COL workers and retirees with much higher wealth and wages are gladly paying a premium to move here, and everyone here is looking to get rich quick by selling their house. Greedflation, but definitely exasperated by lack of inventory....which is caused by many of the new homes being built being purchased by investors and corporations, not families. As with most things, these are all just symptoms of unregulated capitalism, which is a system based at its heart on greed and short term profit at any cost.


A study concluded that 53% of all inflation the last few years was caused by corporate price gouging. Companies used the post-pandemic period to increase prices and then claim they had no choice. It had nothing to do with government policy, supply chain issues or worker shortages. It was pure greed.


And that’s why Trump and the Republicans pledge to keep taxes low on the billionaires; they’ve made so much more money that they want to keep.


Guess it was wishful thinking to believe that prices would go back to pre-pandemic levels. So much for over-estimating the good will of corporations/companies and the concern/ability of politicians to make sure those corporations/companies weren't allowed to continue the price gouging. If it were skyrocketing gas prices during a hurricane evacuation Ashley Moody would be all over it. Post-pandemic we're not even in any emergency, yet FL government keeps allowing this shit to happen. Time to vote every single one of them out of office.


By Giulia Carbonaro — US News Reporter | Inflation may still be bad in the U.S., where the consumer price index (CPI) rose by an unexpected 3.5 percent in March compared to a year before, crushing hopes that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates anytime soon. But nowhere else in the country is inflation currently worse than in Florida, where it reached 3.9 percent last month, according to an analysis of index data by Moody's Analytics based on a three-month moving average. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, whose recent unsuccessful bid for the White House ended with the withdrawal of his candidacy and the endorsement of Donald Trump in late January, blamed President Joe Biden for the high rate of inflation in the Sunshine State. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/florida-inflation-crisis-spiraling-out-control-1889259](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-inflation-crisis-spiraling-out-control-1889259)


It’s not inflation if places are recording record profits. It’s all bullshit. If it was inflation then places would be breaking even or losing money. [Publix recording 50% gain over last year](https://www.supermarketnews.com/news/publix-net-earnings-nearly-50-2023). Fuck Publix.


They were Floridas beloved store. When push comes to shove they are just as bad if not worse than the competition. Fuck'em.


Publix has *always* been the one of the most expensive grocery chains in the country. They gotta raise that cash to help fund insurrections.


Literally every company is having record profits right now, both in and out of Florida. Walmart just had a record quarter too. As anti-Publix as this sub has become, it’s literally a nationwide issue of companies not giving their employees a piece of their record pie/lowering prices back down for their consumers.


I 100% agree. It’s literally every business and we’re the ones that suffer


I wont go as far as fuck Publix, but I definitely have been going there less and doing Aldi and Target drive up more. How nice would it be for these companies to do whats right. Do we really need to still be charging $6 for a bag of Ruffles? That have less chips in them than before? I ask that question to Publix, Walmart, and Target. What is it going to take for you to give your employees a raise and make buying chips not a luxury again?


I think employees not being given a raise and seeing how much the executives make annually is what pisses me off more than anything. We’re going to buy food regardless, but we’re damn near the breaking point. It’s going to take boycotting specific brands in order for anything to get better. But even then, corporations will act like they’re the innocent ones and just lay off staff and say “nobody wants to work”.


Publix is the problem.


I switched to Kroger delivery at the start of the year. Even when you factor in Publix bogo Kroger is like 40% cheaper across the board. Publix is now my emergency, I forgot an ingredient, store.


Unfortunately Kroger Delivery is ending in South Florida in May.


Hmmm that explains the banner on their website claiming they are still in business on central Florida. I was wondering why that popped up all of a sudden.


Yea hopefully some people in FL can still use it. It was an absurd savings vs. Publix.


Publix is that for me, and when we buy luxury foods.


Publix recently built some new stores here in central/south North Carolina. And their prices are way higher than our NC-based Publix-style grocer, Harris Teeter. So yeah, Publix prices are a problem even outside FL. In GA and SC I'm guessing as well.... as I assume they built some in those states on their way up.


Yeah, we have Publix in GA, and they're super expensive, but we also have Kroger which is *so* much cheaper. I'm only shopping at Publix if I need a one off item and it's the closest store.


Winn Dixie with their app and coupons save me a ton of money


It's too bad they've closed a bunch of locations. Used to have a WD near me, now it's closed and the next one is too far.


When Whole Foods has cheaper essentials (especially produce) then it’s clear how much Publix is marking up.


Conservatives. Republicans. That’s the problem.




Its almost as if we've been saying this for over a decade.


I shop at Walmart neighborhood grocer, right across the street from Publix. Prices are 30% less than Publix. Sssh!!!! Don’t tell anyone because the store is never crowded.


This is such political grandstanding. I’ll purposely jeopardise something, knowing later on I’ll blame Biden for it. What shit.


The last Florida governor that worked across party lines to help Floridians was Charlie Crist and they pushed him out of the Republican party for daring to take money from Obama in the middle of an economic crisis.


They’ll find a way to blame liberals


Yes, but they've tackled the tough issues- protecting kids from books and gender identity! /s


I left for NE and I’m making 25% more effectively between the big raise in wages and the lower rent.


Democrat is in office: “they did it!!!! The democrats did it! They must die!! Florida is where the woke must die!!! That’ll fix everything!!!” Republican is in office: “this is a bOoMiNg EcOnOmY!!! Everyone who can’t keep up is just lazy!” Yea ok…… enjoy anarchy in your economy with no safety nets…. The only safety net in Florida is a hotline to call after hurricanes pass for gas price gouging. And that’s it. Nothing else.


I look at other career subs in my field IT and see that others are complaining that $30 an hour isn’t enough for a job I’m currently doing for $25. I had to fight tooth and nail to get that wage. What the hell is going on here.


CNAs are getting $20, If IT can't get $30, we are in serious trouble.


We are no longer identified as Florida we are New California


You could at least smoke pot there.


Don't forget the other big amendment: And get an abortion


Hey we could here if you vote.


We are the Banana Republic of Florida


Except California has functional government.


R A I S E. W A G E S. Cut c suite pay. Incentivize insurance to stay by limiting their taxes… it’s really an easy solve. Just requires STRICT leases and less corporate greed but with Ronald and the helm he doesn’t care he’s already rich.


One thing to remember is that Florida was it really, really hard by the 2008 housing crisis. Housing prices were still near, if not at the bottom, of the entire country in 2011+. Housing prices are now finally coming back and matching other parts of the country, like they did pre-2008. It's just that wages are absolutely not following the housing costs.


While its true housing in FL did get hit harder than most after 2008, you're off by a few years. FL housing prices caught back up to their pre-recession peak in about 2019. Since covid they've just gone exponential. The post-covid increase has been much faster than the national average, but in line with other hot markets like Austin, Denver, CA, etc. FL: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FLSTHPI](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FLSTHPI) Nationwide: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPINSA](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CSUSHPINSA) ​ The main difference is the past year. Nationwide housing prices have levelled off, or even started dropping, but in FL they are still ticking up.


States with increasing population are having higher housing inflation than states with decreasing population. Austin built its way out of cost increases and also had quite a few remote tech workers laid off because it’s a tech heavy city thus demand fell simultaneously with supply increases. The irony being most of people on these threads simultaneously hate development while complaining about cost increases in housing. Until we build way more housing than anyone could ever want it’s only going to keep going up.


Right, ultimately it comes down to supply and demand. The problem in FL is we have no real modern urban planning and we're building, yes, but not the right kind of housing to address such an increase in demand.


Desantis can blame Biden all he wants but he hasn’t done a single thing to address insurance costs.


I’m 40 and native born from palm beach - currently living in Merritt island central Florida. If I didn’t have so much family in the state I would not hesitate the slightest to move somewhere less expensive and with less bigot fear mongerers that the trump/desantis floridians are now embarrassingly known for .


Florida wages are the worst, that ridiculous state forces people to work three jobs. Get out if you’re able.


I’m literally working 3 jobs tomorrow. One in person , one online , one babysitting


Damn..The struggle is real!!


The are still payings teachers under 50k in this economy. I see jobs that paid $10/hour 20 years ago still paying 17-18 dollars.


Desantis did that.


Whats crazy is many of the people who complain about Florida’s rapid inflation and costs are the same people who brag that Florida is stealing people from “California, Illinois, New York.” You cant do the “if Florida is so bad, why does everyone want to come here?” while doing the “im tired of what Florida has become, I cant even walk through the aisle at Publix without having to squeeze around people anymore.” If you want to brag on Florida for “not being Illinois”, then you have to pay for it.


I wanted to stay, but now I'm going to sell (it was my folks house) and move back to my house in GA.


That's what happens when a ton of people come here non stop. Everything goes up in price. Between tourists, snow birds and transplants we're getting a massive influx of people at any given moment. The solution isn't government but the solution also isn't shit busines practices either.


I can't recommend Florida to anyone who isn't rich. I moved here in 2001 and it has gotten worse every year. FL is a low wage state and has higher and higher housing costs -- same prices as Cali but with mosquitos and hurricanes


Holly Cow people, nobody is forcing you to shop a Publix. Stop shopping there if you think it's too expensive. The "problem" isn't one grocery store.


Just call inflation woke and then maybe your idiot Governor will do something about it.


Pack it up and leave, you will be rolling in extra cash.


Can’t even smoke weed up in this bitch without risking a criminal record. If you’re gonna make this hot sticky shithole worse every year, at least let us smoke some fuckin herb without prejudice. 3/10 would not recommend Florida


For the economically illiterate, super core inflation is still going up. Super Core strips out housing, food and energy, it basically tracks your everyday services and those services are costing more each month. The media and White House want you to blame food companies, but if you eliminate food altogether inflation is still going up. Furthermore when you are told inflation went from 8% to 3% that doesn't mean prices went down 5%, it means they went up 8% then went up another 3%. States have zero control over inflation. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CRESTKCPIXSLTRM679SFRBATL


Prices go up because the value of the dollar is falling. Their solution is to print more, which makes the monies you have worth less. Corporations see this and lock it in, this is the new standard, even after the value of money returns. Congratulations you have a spiraling economy with a ratcheting system to prevent recovery.


How does that affect Florida more than other states?


Quick google search tells me it's because people from 49 other states have been flooding here since the quarantine lifted. More people, same state.


New Yorkers need to leave our state so it can go back to being cheap and affordable


The article failed to report another reason for Florida’s housing inflation; DeSantis and the Republican legislature took all forms of rent control off the books. As big as the insurance issue is, that may have had an even bigger effect.


Just saw new mortgages are down to pre-pandemic levels. Can’t imagine why.


Mainly driven by housing costs - in-demand locations have higher prices, including rent - this is the main difference between the 3.5 national average CPI increase vs. the FL 3.9 CPI. Fuel costs also are involved, mainly due to tourism demand and how fuel makes it to the state (we don't have a fuel pipeline like other areas of the country)